how to enable kubelet logging verbosity - kubernetes

I want to set higher logging verbosity in my k8s setup. While i managed to enable verbosity for API server and Kubectl by --v=4 argument; I am having difficulties finding way to pass in this flag to Kubelet.
I am using kubeadm init method to launch small scale cluster, where master is also tainted so it can serve as minion. can you help in in enabling kubelet logging verbosity ?

1) ssh to the master node
2) append /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env file with --v=4, i.e.
KUBELET_KUBEADM_ARGS=--cgroup-driver=cgroupfs --network-plugin=cni --v=4
3) restart kubelet service
sudo systemctl restart kubelet


How to stop kubelet service running in an RKE kubernetes worker node

I need to simulate Node "NotReady" status for a node and tried to stop kubelet to achieve that. But am getting the below error. Looks like this is not the right command for my k8s environment. I need this to verify the working of taints and tolerations.
systemctl stop kubelet.service
Failed to stop kubelet.service: Unit kubelet.service not loaded.
RKE is a K8s distribution that runs entirely within Docker containers as per documentation. That means that none of the K8s services are native Linux services. Try docker ps, and you'll find a container named kubelet running (among others).
So to stop kubelet service on RKE clusters, you'll need to stop the container:
docker stop kubelet
To use systemctl stop kubelet, first this needs to be added to systemd by running command systemctl enable kubelet post that stop command can be used to stop the kubelet.
By running ps -ef kubelet process can be identified and stop it.

In Kubernetes cluster, is kubelet just another pod like kube-proxy, core-dns? I can not find kubelet pods in kube-system namespace?

When I look/list the pods in kube-system namespace, I can see coredns pods, kube-apiserver pods, kube-proxy pods etc but NOT the kubelet pods.
So just wondering why I am not able to see kubelet. I even tried kubectl.exe get pods -owide --all-namespaces but still NO trace of kubelet.
I just want to look at the runtime args passed to the kubelet for some other reason, but I am not able to find it in the first place. Any suggestion on how to find kubelet in the cluster.
Edit - As #jabbson clarified - kubelet is an agent, a binary/service on your k8s node
Could someone help me find this service/binary/process on windows 10. Basically my installation is docker desktop with inbuilt minikube cluster - more details on my installed version are present on this post. Note: i could not find kubelet in windows services or in the list of running process.
Kubelet is not a pod, instead kubelet is an agent, a binary/service on your k8s node. This binary talks to the apiserver and ensures that the required containers are running on its node and that they are healthy.
Starting with Kubernetes version 1.11, kubelet & kube-proxy can be run as native Windows Services.
Kubelet Service
This is a small service in each node responsible for relaying information to and from control plane service. It interacts with etcd store to read configuration details and write values. This communicates with the master component to receive commands and work. The kubelet process then assumes responsibility for maintaining the state of work and the node server. It manages network rules, port forwarding, etc.
The kubelet and kube-proxy are already configured to run as native Windows Services, offering resiliency by re-starting the services automatically in the event of failure (for example a process crash). You have two options for configuring these node components as services.
You can run the kubelet and kube-proxy as native Windows Services using sc.exe.
# Create the services for kubelet and kube-proxy in two separate commands
sc.exe create <component_name> binPath= "<path_to_binary> --service <other_args>"
# Please note that if the arguments contain spaces, they must be escaped.
sc.exe create kubelet binPath= "C:\kubelet.exe --service --hostname-override 'minion' <other_args>"
# Start the services
Start-Service kubelet
Start-Service kube-proxy
# Stop the service
Stop-Service kubelet (-Force)
Stop-Service kube-proxy (-Force)
# Query the service status
Get-Service kubelet
Get-Service kube-proxy
2.- Using nssm.exe
You can also always use alternative service managers like nssm.exe to run these processes (flanneld, kubelet & kube-proxy) in the background for you. You can use this sample script, leveraging nssm.exe to register kubelet, kube-proxy, and flanneld.exe to run as Windows services in the background.
register-svc.ps1 -NetworkMode <Network mode> -ManagementIP <Windows Node IP> -ClusterCIDR <Cluster subnet> -KubeDnsServiceIP <Kube-dns Service IP> -LogDir <Directory to place logs>
# NetworkMode = The network mode l2bridge (flannel host-gw, also the default value) or overlay (flannel vxlan) chosen as a network solution
# ManagementIP = The IP address assigned to the Windows node. You can use ipconfig to find this
# ClusterCIDR = The cluster subnet range. (Default value
# KubeDnsServiceIP = The Kubernetes DNS service IP (Default value
# LogDir = The directory where kubelet and kube-proxy logs are redirected into their respective output files (Default value C:\k)
If the above referenced script is not suitable, you can manually configure nssm.exe using the following examples.
# Register flanneld.exe
nssm install flanneld C:\flannel\flanneld.exe
nssm set flanneld AppParameters --kubeconfig-file=c:\k\config --iface=<ManagementIP> --ip-masq=1 --kube-subnet-mgr=1
nssm set flanneld AppEnvironmentExtra NODE_NAME=<hostname>
nssm set flanneld AppDirectory C:\flannel
nssm start flanneld
# Register kubelet.exe
# Microsoft releases the pause infrastructure container at
nssm install kubelet C:\k\kubelet.exe
nssm set kubelet AppParameters --hostname-override=<hostname> --v=6 --resolv-conf="" --allow-privileged=true --enable-debugging-handlers --cluster-dns=<DNS-service-IP> --cluster-domain=cluster.local --kubeconfig=c:\k\config --hairpin-mode=promiscuous-bridge --image-pull-progress-deadline=20m --cgroups-per-qos=false --log-dir=<log directory> --logtostderr=false --enforce-node-allocatable="" --network-plugin=cni --cni-bin-dir=c:\k\cni --cni-conf-dir=c:\k\cni\config
nssm set kubelet AppDirectory C:\k
nssm start kubelet
# Register kube-proxy.exe (l2bridge / host-gw)
nssm install kube-proxy C:\k\kube-proxy.exe
nssm set kube-proxy AppDirectory c:\k
nssm set kube-proxy AppParameters --v=4 --proxy-mode=kernelspace --hostname-override=<hostname>--kubeconfig=c:\k\config --enable-dsr=false --log-dir=<log directory> --logtostderr=false
nssm.exe set kube-proxy AppEnvironmentExtra KUBE_NETWORK=cbr0
nssm set kube-proxy DependOnService kubelet
nssm start kube-proxy
# Register kube-proxy.exe (overlay / vxlan)
nssm install kube-proxy C:\k\kube-proxy.exe
nssm set kube-proxy AppDirectory c:\k
nssm set kube-proxy AppParameters --v=4 --proxy-mode=kernelspace --feature-gates="WinOverlay=true" --hostname-override=<hostname> --kubeconfig=c:\k\config --network-name=vxlan0 --source-vip=<source-vip> --enable-dsr=false --log-dir=<log directory> --logtostderr=false
nssm set kube-proxy DependOnService kubelet
nssm start kube-proxy
For initial troubleshooting, you can use the following flags in nssm.exe to redirect stdout and stderr to a output file:
nssm set <Service Name> AppStdout C:\k\mysvc.log
nssm set <Service Name> AppStderr C:\k\mysvc.log
Kubernetes is only set of rules, behaviors and APIs. The specific implementation can implement parts in different way.

Kubernetes Alpha Debug command

I'm trying the debug CLI feature on 1.18 release of Kubernetes but I have an issue while I have executed debug command.
I have created a pod show as below.
kubectl run ephemeral-demo --restart=Never
After than when running this command: kubectl alpha debug -it ephemeral-demo --image=busybox --target=ephemeral-demo
Kubernetes is hanging like that :
Defaulting debug container name to debugger-aaaa.
How Can I resolve that issue?
It seems that you need to enable the feature gate on all control plane components as well as on the kubelets. If the feature is enabled partially (for instance, only kube-apiserver and kube-scheduler), the resources will be created in the cluster, but no containers will be created, thus there will be nothing to attach to.
In addition to the answer posted by Konstl
To enable EphemeralContainers featureGate correctly, add on the master nodes to:
the following line to container command:
- command:
- kube-apiserver # or kube-controller-manager/kube-scheduler
- --feature-gates=EphemeralContainers=true # < -- add this line
Pods will restart immediately.
For enabling the featureGate for kubelet add on all nodes to:
the following lines at the bottom:
EphemeralContainers: true
Save the file and run the following command:
$ systemctl restart kubelet
This was enough in my case to be able to use kubectl alpha debug as it's explained in the documentation
Additional usefull pages:
Ephemeral Containers
Share Process Namespace between Containers in a Pod
I'm seeing similar behaviour. Although i'm running 1.17 k8s with 1.18 kubectl. But I was under the impression that the feature was added in 1.16 in k8s and in 1.18 in kubectl.

How to change name of a kubernetes node

I have a running node in a kubernetes cluster. Is there a way I can change its name?
I have tried to
delete the node using kubectl delete
change the name in the node's manifest
add the node back.
But the node won't start.
Anyone know how it should be done?
Usualy it's kubelet that is responsible for registering the node under particular name, so you should make changes to your nodes kubelet configuration and then it should pop up as new node.
Changing the node's name is not possible at the moment, it requires you to remove and rejoin the node.
You need to make sure the hostname is changed to the new name, remove the node, reset it and rejoin it.
(you will notice that with the command : kubectl edit node , you will get an error if you try and save the name:
A copy of your changes has been stored to "/tmp/kubectl-edit-qlh54.yaml"
error: At least one of apiVersion, kind and name was changed
Ideally you have removed the running pods on it.
You can try to run kubectl drain <node_name_to_rename> . Proceed at your own risk if that doesn't complete . --ignore-daemon-sets can be used to ignore possible issues for pods that cannot be evicted.
In short, for a node that has been renamed and is out of the cluster on CentOS 7:
kubectl delete node <original-nodename>
Then on the node that you want to rejoin, as root:
kubeadm reset
check the output and see if it applies to your setup (for potential further cleanup).
Now generate the join command on the master node:
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf #(or wherever you have it)
kubeadm token create --print-join-command
Run the output on the worker node you have just reset:
kubeadm join <masternode_ip_address>:6443 --token somegeneratedtoken --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:somesha256hashthatyougotfromtheabovecommand
If you run kubectl get nodes it should show up now with the new name
output in my case:
W0220 10:43:23.286109 11473 join.go:346] [preflight] WARNING: JoinControlPane.controlPlane settings will be ignored when control-plane flag is not set.
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
[preflight] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[preflight] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -oyaml'
[kubelet-start] Downloading configuration for the kubelet from the "kubelet-config-1.17" ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet configuration to file "/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml"
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet environment file with flags to file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"
[kubelet-start] Starting the kubelet
[kubelet-start] Waiting for the kubelet to perform the TLS Bootstrap...
This node has joined the cluster:
* Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.
* The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details.
Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the control-plane to see this node join the cluster.
Enjoy your renamed node!
Based on source:

kubernetes allow privileged local testing cluster

I'm busy testing out kubernetes on my local pc using
which launches a dockerized single node k8s cluster. I need to run a privileged container inside k8s (it runs docker in order to build images from dockerfiles). What I've done so far is add a security context privileged=true to the pod config which returns forbidden when trying to create the pod. I know that you have to enable privileged on the node with --allow-privileged=true and I've done this by adding the parameter arg to step two (running the master and worker node) but it still returns forbidden when creating the pod.
Anyone know how to enable privileged in this dockerized k8s for testing?
Here is how I run the k8s master:
docker run --privileged --net=host -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock /hyperkube kubelet --api-servers=http://localhost:8080 --v=2 --address= --allow-privileged=true --enable-server --hostname-override= --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests
Update: Privileged mode is now enabled by default (both in the apiserver and in the kubelet) starting with the 1.1 release of Kubernetes.
To enable privileged containers, you need to pass the --allow-privileged flag to the Kubernetes apiserver in addition to the Kubelet when it starts up. The manifest file that you use to launch the Kubernetes apiserver in the single node docker example is bundled into the image (from master.json), but you can make a local copy of that file, add the --allow-privileged=true flag to the apiserver command line, and then change the --config flag you pass to the Kubelet in Step Two to a directory containing your modified file.