How to consistently sum lists of values contained in a table? - kdb

I have the following two tables:
t1:([]sym:`AAPL`GOOG; histo_dates1:(2000.01.01+til 10;2000.01.01+til 10);histo_values1:(til 10;5+til 10));
t2:([]sym:`AAPL`GOOG; histo_dates2:(2000.01.05+til 5;2000.01.06+til 4);histo_values2:(til 5; 2+til 4));
What I want is to sum the histo_values of each symbol across the histo_dates, such that the resulting table would look like this:
t:([]sym:`AAPL`GOOG; histo_dates:(2000.01.01+til 10;2000.01.01+til 10);histo_values:(0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 9;5 6 7 8 9 12 14 16 18 14))
So the resulting dates histo_dates should be the union of histo_dates1 and histo_dates2, and histo_values should be the sum of histo_values1 and histo_values2 across dates.
I insist on the union of the dates, as I want the resulting histo_dates to be the union of both histo_dates1 and histo_dates2.

There are a few ways. One would be to ungroup to remove nesting, join the tables, aggregate on sym/date and then regroup on sym:
q)0!select histo_dates:histo_dates1, histo_values:histo_values1 by sym from select sum histo_values1 by sym, histo_dates1 from ungroup[t1],cols[t1]xcol ungroup[t2]
sym histo_dates histo_values
AAPL 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 9
GOOG 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 5 6 7 8 9 12 14 16 18 14
A possibly faster way would be to make each row a dictionary and then key the tables on sym and add them:
q)select sym:s, histo_dates:key each v, histo_values:value each v from (1!select s, d!'v from `s`d`v xcol t1)+(1!select s, d!'v from `s`d`v xcol t2)
sym histo_dates histo_values
AAPL 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 9
GOOG 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 5 6 7 8 9 12 14 16 18 14
Another option would be to use a plus join pj:
q)0!`sym xgroup 0!pj[ungroup `sym`histo_dates`histo_values xcol t1;2!ungroup `sym`histo_dates`histo_values xcol t2]
sym histo_dates histo_values
AAPL 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 9
GOOG 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 5 6 7 8 9 12 14 16 18 14
See here for more on plus joins:
To explicitly make sure the result has the union of the dates, you could use a union join:
q)0!`sym xgroup select sym,histo_dates,histo_values:hv1+hv2 from 0^uj[2!ungroup `sym`histo_dates`hv1 xcol t1;2!ungroup `sym`histo_dates`hv2 xcol t2]
sym histo_dates histo_values
AAPL 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 0 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 9
GOOG 2000.01.01 2000.01.02 2000.01.03 2000.01.04 2000.01.05 2000.01.06 2000.01.07 2000.01.08 2000.01.09 2000.01.10 5 6 7 8 9 12 14 16 18 14

another way:
// rename the columns to be common names, ungroup the tables, and place the key on `sym and `histo_dates
q){2!ungroup `sym`histo_dates`histo_values xcol x} each (t1;t2)
// add them together (or use pj in place of +), group on `sym
`sym xgroup (+) . {2!ungroup `sym`histo_dates`histo_values xcol x} each (t1;t2)
// and to test this matches t, remove the key from the resulting table
q)t~0!`sym xgroup (+) . {2!ungroup `sym`histo_dates`histo_values xcol x} each (t1;t2)

Another possible way using functional amend
//Column join the histo_dates* columns and get the distinct dates - drop idx
//Using a functional apply use the idx to determine which values to plus
//Join the two tables using sym as the key - Find the idx of common dates
(enlist `idx) _select sym,histo_dates:distinct each (histo_dates1,'histo_dates2),
histovalues:{#[x;z;+;y]}'[histo_values1;histo_values2;idx],idx from
update idx:(where each histo_dates1 in' histo_dates2) from ((1!t1) uj 1!t2)
One possible problem with this is that to get the idx, it depends on the date columns being sorted which is usually the case.


Create a range of dates in a pyspark DataFrame

I have the following abstracted DataFrame (my original DF has 60 billion lines +)
Id Date Val1 Val2
1 2021-02-01 10 2
1 2021-02-05 8 4
2 2021-02-03 2 0
1 2021-02-07 12 5
2 2021-02-05 1 3
My expected ouput is:
Id Date Val1 Val2
1 2021-02-01 10 2
1 2021-02-02 10 2
1 2021-02-03 10 2
1 2021-02-04 10 2
1 2021-02-05 8 4
1 2021-02-06 8 4
1 2021-02-07 12 5
2 2021-02-03 2 0
2 2021-02-04 2 0
2 2021-02-05 1 3
Basically, what I need is: if Val1 or Val2 changes in a period of time, all the values between this two dates must have have the value from previous date. (To be more clearly, look at ID 2).
I know that I can do this in many ways (window function, udf,...) but my doubt is, since my original DF has more than 60 billion lines, what is the best approach to do this processing?
I think the best approach (performance-wise) is performing an inner join (probably with broadcasting). If you worry about the number of records, I suggest you run them by batch (could be the number of records, or by date, or even a random number). The general idea is just to avoid running all at once.

KDB+ How to join data for particular dates

I have the following table containing some time-series data about some countries:
t1 : ([]dates:"d"$4+til 6) cross ([]country:`PT`AR`MR`LT; category1:1+til 4)
dates country category1
2000.01.05 PT 1
2000.01.05 AR 2
2000.01.05 MR 3
2000.01.05 LT 4
2000.01.06 PT 1
2000.01.06 AR 2
2000.01.06 MR 3
2000.01.06 LT 4
2000.01.07 PT 1
2000.01.07 AR 2
2000.01.07 MR 3
2000.01.07 LT 4
I have another table containing some complementary data for t1, but that are only valid from a certain point in time, as follows:
t2 : (([]validFrom:"d"$(0;6)) cross ([]country:`PT`AR`MR`LT)),'([]category2:1000*(1+til 8))
validFrom country category2
2000.01.01 PT 1000
2000.01.01 AR 2000
2000.01.01 MR 3000
2000.01.01 LT 4000
2000.01.07 PT 5000
2000.01.07 AR 6000
2000.01.07 MR 7000
2000.01.07 LT 8000
My question is: how do I join t1 and t2 to get the category2 column only for dates in t1 that are "compliant" with the validFrom dates in t2, such that the resulting table would look like this:
dates country category1 category2
2000.01.05 PT 1 1000
2000.01.05 AR 2 2000
2000.01.05 MR 3 3000
2000.01.05 LT 4 4000
2000.01.06 PT 1 1000
2000.01.06 AR 2 2000
2000.01.06 MR 3 3000
2000.01.06 LT 4 4000
2000.01.07 PT 1 5000
2000.01.07 AR 2 6000
2000.01.07 MR 3 7000
2000.01.07 LT 4 8000
You may use asof join to get the most recent category2 from t2 by date
aj[`country`dates;t1;`dates xasc `dates xcol t2]
Just don't forget to rename validFrom column to dates in table 2 and sort it by dates

aggregating with a condition in groupby spark dataframe

I have a dataframe
id lat long lag_lat lag_long detector lag_interval gpsdt lead_gpsdt
1 12 13 12 13 1 [1.5,3.5] 4 4.5
1 12 13 12 13 1 null 4.5 5
1 12 13 12 13 1 null 5 5.5
1 12 13 12 13 1 null 5.5 6
1 13 14 12 13 2 null 6 6.5
1 13 14 13 14 2 null 6.5 null
2 13 14 13 14 2 [0.5,1.5] 2.5 3.5
2 13 14 13 14 2 null 3.5 4
2 13 14 13 14 2 null 4 null
so I wanted to apply a condition while using groupby in agg function that if we do groupby col("id") and col("detector") then I want to check the condition that if lag_interval in that group has any non-null value then in aggregation I want two columns one is
min("lag_interval.col1") and other is max("lead_gpsdt")
If the above condition is not met then I want
min("gpsdt"), max("lead_gpsdt")
using this approach I want to get the data with a condition
last("lat-long").alias("end_coordinate"),struct(min("gpsdt"), max("lead_gpsdt")).as("interval"))
id interval start_coordinate end_coordinate
1 [1.5,6] [12,13] [13,14]
1 [6,6.5] [13,14] [13,14]
2 [0.5,4] [13,14] [13,14]
for more explanation
if we see a part of what groupby("id","detector") does is taking a part out,
we have to see that if in that group of data if one of the value in the col("lag_interval") is not null then we need to use aggregation like this min(lag_interval.col1),max(lead_gpsdt)
this condition will apply to below set of data
id lat long lag_lat lag_long detector lag_interval gpsdt lead_gpsdt
1 12 13 12 13 1 [1.5,3.5] 4 4.5
1 12 13 12 13 1 null 4.5 5
1 12 13 12 13 1 null 5 5.5
1 12 13 12 13 1 null 5.5 6
and if the all value of col("lag_interval") is null in that group of data then we need aggregation output as
this condition will apply to below set of data
id lat long lag_lat lag_long detector lag_interval gpsdt lead_gpsdt
1 13 14 12 13 2 null 6 6.5
1 13 14 13 14 2 null 6.5 null
The conditional dilemma that you have should be solved by using simple when inbuilt function as suggested below
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
when(isnull(min("lag_interval.col1")), min("gpsdt")).otherwise(min("lag_interval.col1")).as("min"),
which should give you output as
|id |detector|interval |
|2 |2 |[0.5, 4.0]|
|1 |2 |[6.0, 6.5]|
|1 |1 |[1.5, 6.0]|
and I guess you must already have idea how to do first("lat-long").alias("start_coordinate"), last("lat-long").alias("end_coordinate") as you have done.
I hope the answer is helpful

Replace DataFrame rows with most recent data based on key

I have a dataframe that looks like this:
user_id val date
1 10 2015-02-01
1 11 2015-01-01
2 12 2015-03-01
2 13 2015-02-01
3 14 2015-03-01
3 15 2015-04-01
I need to run a function that calculates (let's say) the sum of vals chronologically by the dates. If a user has a more recent date, use that date, but if not, keep the older date.
For example. If I run the function with the date 2015-03-15, then the table will be:
user_id val date
1 10 2015-02-01
2 12 2015-03-01
3 14 2015-03-01
Giving me a sum of 36.
If I run the function with the date 2015-04-15, then the table will be:
user_id val date
1 10 2015-02-01
2 12 2015-03-01
3 15 2015-04-01
(User 3's row was replaced with a more recent date).
I know this is fairly esoteric, but thought I could bounce this off all of you as I have been trying to think of a simple way of doing this..
try this:
In [36]: df.loc[ <= '2015-03-15']
user_id val date
0 1 10 2015-02-01
1 1 11 2015-01-01
2 2 12 2015-03-01
3 2 13 2015-02-01
4 3 14 2015-03-01
In [39]: df.loc[ <= '2015-03-15'].sort_values('date').groupby('user_id').agg({'date':'last', 'val':'last'}).reset_index()
user_id date val
0 1 2015-02-01 10
1 2 2015-03-01 12
2 3 2015-03-01 14
In [40]: df.loc[ <= '2015-03-15'].sort_values('date').groupby('user_id').last().reset_index()
user_id val date
0 1 10 2015-02-01
1 2 12 2015-03-01
2 3 14 2015-03-01
In [41]: df.loc[ <= '2015-04-15'].sort_values('date').groupby('user_id').last().reset_index()
user_id val date
0 1 10 2015-02-01
1 2 12 2015-03-01
2 3 15 2015-04-01

How do a simultaneous ascending and descending sort in KDB/Q

In SQL, one can do
SELECT from tbl ORDER BY col1, col2 DESC
In KDB, one can do
`col1 xasc select from tbl
`col2 xdesc select from tbl
But how does one sort by col1 ascending then by col2 descending in KDB/Q?
2 sorts.
Create example data:
q)show tbl:([]a:10?10;b:10?10;c:10?10)
a b c
8 4 8
1 9 1
7 2 9
2 7 5
4 0 4
5 1 6
4 9 6
2 2 1
7 1 8
8 8 5
Do sorting:
q)`a xasc `b xdesc tbl
a b c
1 9 1
2 7 5
2 2 1
4 9 6
4 0 4
5 1 6
7 2 9
7 1 8
8 8 5
8 4 8