Katalon Linux- Unable to get report - katalon-studio

I have set up Katalon Test Suite on Linux machine.
My use case: I want to email Katalon Report but my report is not getting generated in Katalon.
I have installed different versions and tried with 5.0.1, 5.9.0 and 6.0.1 Version
Report Directory has execution files
Html report file is expected

You need to do something to get Report.
Since version 6.1.5, the Report feature has been migrated to Basic Report plugin. install Basic Report plugin to use this feature.
Currenly, Katalon studio only supports exporting Test Suite Collection reports to HTML format.Basic Report

Reports are automatically generated for Test Suite executions. Make sure you are running your tests inside of a suite.
If you have a single Test Case, put it inside of a Test Suite and then execute the TS.


Associating automated tests with test cases in azure devops using eclipse

Please tell me if it's possible to associate Azure DevOps test cases with JUnit automated tests from eclipse. If yes, is there any step by step document I can follow? Please help
As I know it's not supported scenario.
You can find the supported tests from this document:
Coded UI test, Selenium tests, and unit tests written using Version 1 of the MSTest framework can be associated with a test case.
Tests that use MSTest v2, NUnit, and xUnit frameworks can be associated with a test case workitem when using Visual Studio 15.9 Preview 2 or later. However, these tests cannot be run using Microsoft Test Manager and XAML builds.
Tests that use the .NET core framework can be associated with a test case workitem when using Visual Studio 15.9 Preview 2 or later. To run the .NET core tests the appropriate target framework must be specified in a runsettings file. However, these tests cannot be run using Microsoft Test Manager and XAML builds.
Tests that use other test frameworks such as Chutzpah (for JavaScript tests such as Mocha or QUnit), or Jest cannot be associated with a test case.
Associating generic tests may work, but running these tests is not supported.
So we recommend using Visual Studio to associate the automated tests. And for now the Junit framework is not supported in such scenario.

VSTest-Task not running .NET Core 2.1 xUnit-Tests from Test-plan

I'm trying to create a release pipeline in VSTS that runs my xUnit-tests as specified in a Test Plan.
Long story short: I can't get it to work.
What I'm using:
Azure DevOps (formerly VSTS)
Visual Studio Test task (v2.*)
Test project targeting .NET Core 2.1
xunit 2.4 with xunit.runner.visualstudio 2.4
In Azure DevOps I defined a Test Plan that contains a Test Suite which contains a Test that has an Associated Automation which points to my xUnit test.
I had to use the REST API to link the test code to the Test as described here.
I can select that Test in the visual designer for the VSTest task.
When I run the release pipeline the VSTest task fails with the following error message:
DiscoveryMessage : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find tests for D:\a\r1\a\Foo.Tests.dll. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" and framework version settings are appropriate. Rerun with /diag option to diagnose further.
The path to the Foo.Tests.dll is correct, all required files are copied as well.
I explicitly specified the framework version in a .runsettings file (as the option Other console options doesn't work when using the Test plan option).
Specified the path to custom test adapters
used Visual Studio 2017 and Installed by Tools Installer options
Added a .NET Core Tool installer to install the correct .NET Core SDK
...and any other combination of settings I could think of.
The error message is still the same.
Any ideas what I might be missing? Your help would be greatly appreciated at this point!
After several more hours we stumbled across a web page that stated that you don't have to copy the binaries of your test project as input for the VSTest task but PUBLISH it instead. That never came to mind as vstest.console.exe runs smoothly when you point it at the binaries on a local machine.
UPDATE: We had to add a Publish Artifact task at the end of our Build Pipeline and make the Release Pipeline pick up the published artifact.

Using the Code Coverage devtool by selenium+maven automation?

Is it possible to use the Code Coverage devtool (from upcoming Chrome release) by selenium+maven automation?
E.g. like JaCoCo for java projects?
I.e. I imagine approximately such scenario for our web-product:
There is a test suite with several test cases.
The Chrome Code Coverage collection is enabled somehow from outside
Then test suite is executed (by maven):
The each test case uses Selenium to run Chrome browser, executes testing scenario and close the webdriver (browser is closed).
Then, after the suite is finished the code coverage data (CSS/JS related) could be collected and could be viewed as a report later.

Generate PDF/html report and send report as mail in SonarQube 6.0

Currently I am using Sonarqube 6.0. I need to generate PDF/HTML report and send report as mail to Users.I have successfully set up the email configuration in the SonarQube and test send mail has worked correctly.
I tried using Report plugin and Governor plugin, but it is not compatible with SonarQube 6.0.
Is there any other way to generate PDF/HTML reports in SonarQube 6.0?

How to integrate NUnit tests into a TFS 2010 build

What is the best way to integrate nunit tests into TFS 2010? Is it via generic tests or is there a better approach to running them?
Ideally I'd like to have the granularity of one generic test per test assembly and have a way to surface the results in the TFS build report.
As of now (Oct 2011), the easiest way is probably via the NUnit activity that can be found in the Community TFS Build Extensions.
You can run nunit tests from command line and therefore you can automate these tests via your (Workflow) build template.
Since there aren't a lot of custom build activities available for TFS 2010 yet, you could write your own to make sure that it integrates better with the TFS Build Report.
Here you can find some information about writing a custom build activity.
Another approach would be to create unit tests via Visual Studio. These tests will be automatically run when performing a build.
Ian Battersby wrote a great tutorial how to set up NUnit tests for Visual Studio 2010.
Basically, you need to:
download his build workflow template and set to your build definition
install NUnit and NUnitTFS in your tfs machine
add paths to installed directories in build process parameters
set Configurations to Build setting in build process parameters
change your NUnitTfs.exe.config with your collection name