I have been trying to make a simple dependency injection container in Scala all using reflection. The issue I am having is how to correctly pass arguments to MethodMirror. I currently get an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch at
Method) at
Container class:
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
import ru._
import extensions.MapExtension._
class RegisterConfig[TSource: TypeTag](container: Container){
def as[TTrait >: TSource : TypeTag] = {
container.typeTable += typeOf[TTrait] -> typeOf[TSource]
class InstanceConfig[TSource: TypeTag](container: Container, instance: TSource){
def as[TTrait >: TSource : TypeTag] = {
container.typeTable += typeOf[TTrait] -> typeOf[TSource]
container.instances += typeOf[TTrait] -> instance
class ContainerConfig(container: Container) {
def register[TSource: TypeTag] = new RegisterConfig(container)
def instance[TSource: TypeTag](instance: TSource) = new InstanceConfig(container, instance)
class Container {
var typeTable = Map[Type, Type]()
var instances = Map[Type, Any]()
def config() = new ContainerConfig(this)
def resolve[TSource: TypeTag] = resolveDynamic(typeOf[TSource]).asInstanceOf[TSource]
private def resolveDynamic(requestedType: Type) = {
val resultType = typeTable.getOrElseWithCompare(requestedType, requestedType, (x, y) => x =:= y)
val instance = instances.getOrElseWithCompare(resultType, createInstance(resultType), (x, y) => x =:= y)
instances += resultType -> instance
private def createInstance(tpe: Type): Any = {
val mirror: ru.Mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val clsSym: ru.ClassSymbol = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
val clsMirror: ru.ClassMirror = mirror.reflectClass(clsSym)
val constructorSym: ru.MethodSymbol = tpe.decl(ru.termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val constructorParameterTypes = constructorSym.paramLists.head.map(x => x.typeSignature)
// Recursive step
val params = constructorParameterTypes.map(x => resolveDynamic(x)).toArray
// Passing `params` does not work! I get an exception here ...
val constructorMirror: ru.MethodMirror = clsMirror.reflectConstructor(constructorSym)
val instance = constructorMirror(params)
Unit test:
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
trait TestTrait
class TestClass extends TestTrait
class TestRecClass(x : TestTrait)
class ContainerTest extends FlatSpec {
"Given Trait" should "return instance (with recursion)" in {
val container = new Container()
val instance = container.resolve[TestRecClass]
assert(instance match {
case _: TestRecClass => true
case null => false
I should have used "splat" operator to correctly pass array of arguments to a method that takes variable-arguments
val instance = constructorMirror(params : _*)
trait Show[T] {
def show(t: T): String
Give such Show typeclass, I want to generate show for case class like
def caseClassShow[A](using Type[A], Quotes): Expr[Show[A]] = {
import quotes.reflect._
def shows(caseClassExpr: Expr[A]): Expr[String] = {
val caseClassTerm = caseClassExpr.asTerm
val parts = TypeRepr.of[A].typeSymbol.caseFields.collect {
case cf if cf.isValDef =>
val valDefTree = cf.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef]
val valType = valDefTree.tpt
val showCtor = TypeTree.of[Show[_]]
val valShowType = Applied(showCtor, List(valType))
val showInstance = Expr.summon[valShowType] // compile error, how to summon the instance here
val valuePart = Apply(Select.unique(showInstance, "show"), List(Select(caseClassTerm, cf)))
val strParts = Expr.ofList(parts)
new Show[A] {
def show(a: A) = {
But the showInstance part won't compile, so how to summon an implicit Show[X] here ?
can be used to summon implicit instance if there is no type arg avaiable for Expr.summon
val valDefTree = cf.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef]
val valType = valDefTree.tpt
val showCtor = TypeRepr.typeConstructorOf(classOf[Show[_]])
val valShowType = showCtor.appliedTo(valType.tpe)
Implicits.search(valShowType) match {
case si: ImplicitSearchSuccess =>
val siExpr: Expr[Show[Any]] = si.tree.asExpr.asInstanceOf[Expr[Show[Any]]]
val valueExpr = Select(caseClassTerm, cf).asExpr
Assume I have one class defined as below
class[T : ClassTag](val x : Int, val y : T) {
I have a utility method to use reflection and constructor parameters and create instance
def createInstance[T : ClassTage](cls : Class[_]) {
val m = universe.runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val clsSymbol = m.classSymbol(cls)
val cm = m.reflectClass(clsSymbol)
val ctorC = clsSymbol.toType.declaration(universe.nme.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
val ctorm = cm.reflectConstructor(ctorC)
val fullParams = ctorm.symbol.paramss
constructorFullParams.foreach(map => {
map.foreach(param => {
val name = param.name.decodedName.toString
val ptype = param.typeSignature
if (ptype.toString == "scala.reflect.ClassTag[T]") {
as you can see above, I just use the type string value to determine whether the type is a ClassTag and then call dosth() method. it doesn't look good though. is there any better way to do the checking ?
You can make it via typeOf, consider the next code snapshot:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
class C[I]
class A[T: TypeTag] {
val tpe = typeOf[T]
val map = new A[Integer]
val typeC = new A[C[String]]
Inspired by travisbrown, I'm trying to use a macro to create some "smart constructors".
package mypkg
sealed trait Hello[A]
case class Ohayo[A,B](a: (A,B)) extends Hello[A]
val smartConstructors = FreeMacros.liftConstructors[Hello]
The macro should find all the subclasses of Hello, look at their constructors, and extract a few elements to populate this tree for the "smart constructor":
def $methodName[..$typeParams](...$paramLists): $baseType =
I hoped to get:
val smartConstructors = new {
def ohayo[A, B](a: (A, B)): Hello[A] = Ohayo[A, B](a)
but instead get:
error: type mismatch;
found : (A(in class Ohayo), B(in class Ohayo))
required: ((some other)A(in class Ohayo), (some other)B(in class Ohayo))
val liftedConstructors = FreeMacros.liftConstructors[Hello]
At a glance, the tree looks ok to me:
scala> q" new { ..$wellTyped }"
res1: u.Tree =
final class $anon extends scala.AnyRef {
def <init>() = {
def ohayo[A, B](a: (A, B)): net.arya.constructors.Hello[A] = Ohayo[A, B](a)
new $anon()
but I guess it invisibly isn't. If I naively try to freshen up the typeParams with info.typeParams.map(p => TypeName(p.name.toString)), I get "can't splice A as type parameter" when I do the quasiquoting.
Where am I going wrong? Thanks for taking a look.
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.api.Universe
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
class FreeMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
import c.universe._
import FreeMacros._
def liftedImpl[F[_]](implicit t: c.WeakTypeTag[F[_]]): Tree = {
val atc = t.tpe
val childSymbols: Set[ClassSymbol] = subCaseClassSymbols(c.universe)(atc.typeSymbol.asClass)
val wellTyped = childSymbols.map(ctorsForSymbol(c.universe)(atc)).unzip
q"new { ..${wellTyped} }"
object FreeMacros {
def liftConstructors[F[_]]: Any = macro FreeMacros.liftedImpl[F]
def smartName(name: String): String = (
name.toList match {
case h :: t => h.toLower :: t
case Nil => Nil
def subCaseClassSymbols(u: Universe)(root: u.ClassSymbol): Set[u.ClassSymbol] = {
val subclasses = root.knownDirectSubclasses
val cast = subclasses.map(_.asInstanceOf[u.ClassSymbol])
val partitioned = mapped.partition(_.isCaseClass)
partitioned match {
case (caseClasses, regularClasses) => caseClasses ++ regularClasses.flatMap(r => subCaseClassSymbols(u)(r))
def ctorsForSymbol(u: Universe)(atc: u.Type)(caseClass: u.ClassSymbol): (u.DefDef, u.DefDef) = {
import u._
import internal._
// these didn't help
// def clearTypeSymbol(s: Symbol): TypeSymbol = internal.newTypeSymbol(NoSymbol, s.name.toTypeName, s.pos, if(s.isImplicit)Flag.IMPLICIT else NoFlags)
// def clearTypeSymbol2(s: Symbol): TypeSymbol = internal.newTypeSymbol(NoSymbol, s.name.toTypeName, NoPosition, if(s.isImplicit)Flag.IMPLICIT else NoFlags)
// def clearTypeDef(d: TypeDef): TypeDef = internal.typeDef(clearTypeSymbol(d.symbol))
val companionSymbol: Symbol = caseClass.companion
val info: Type = caseClass.info
val primaryCtor: Symbol = caseClass.primaryConstructor
val method = primaryCtor.asMethod
val typeParams = info.typeParams.map(internal.typeDef(_))
// val typeParams = info.typeParams.map(s => typeDef(newTypeSymbol(NoSymbol, s.name.toTypeName, NoPosition, NoFlags)))
// val typeParams = info.typeParams.map(s => internal.typeDef(clearTypeSymbol2(s)))
val typeArgs = info.typeParams.map(_.name)
val paramLists = method.paramLists.map(_.map(internal.valDef(_)))
val argLists = method.paramLists.map(_.map(_.asTerm.name))
val baseType = info.baseType(atc.typeSymbol)
val List(returnType) = baseType.typeArgs
val methodName = TermName(smartName(caseClass.name.toString))
val wellTyped =
def $methodName[..$typeParams](...$paramLists): $baseType =
P.S. I have been experimenting with toolbox.untypecheck / typecheck per this article but haven't found a working combination.
you need using
clas.typeArgs.map(_.toString).map(name => {
TypeDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM),TypeName(name), List(),TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, EmptyTree))
info.typeParams.map(p => TypeName(p.name.toString))
it si my code
object GetSealedSubClass {
def ol3[T]: Any = macro GetSealedSubClassImpl.ol3[T]
class GetSealedSubClassImpl(val c: Context) {
import c.universe._
def showInfo(s: String) =
c.info(c.enclosingPosition, s.split("\n").mkString("\n |---macro info---\n |", "\n |", ""), true)
def ol3[T: c.WeakTypeTag]: c.universe.Tree = {
//get all sub class
val subClass = c.weakTypeOf[T]
.map(e => e.asClass.toType)
//check type params must ia s sealed class
if (subClass.size < 1)
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"${c.weakTypeOf[T]} is not a sealed class")
// get sub class constructor params
val subConstructorParams = subClass.map { e =>
//get constructor
//if the class has many Constructor then you need filter the main Constructor
.head.map(s => s.asMethod)
//get function param list
.map(_.map(e => q"""${e.name.toTermName}:${e.info} """))
val outfunc = subClass zip subConstructorParams map {
case (clas, parm) =>
q"def smartConstructors[..${
clas.typeArgs.map(_.toString).map(name => {
TypeDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM), TypeName(name), List(), TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, EmptyTree))
}](..${parm})=${clas.typeSymbol.name.toTermName} (..${parm})"
val outClass =
object Term{
using like this
sealed trait Hello[A]
case class Ohayo[A, B](a: (A, B)) extends Hello[A]
object GetSealed extends App {
val a = GetSealedSubClass.ol3[Hello[_]]
val b=a.asInstanceOf[ {def smartConstructors[A, B](a: (A, B)): Ohayo[A, B]}].smartConstructors(1, 2).a
I have the following code, written in Scala 2.10.0:
trait A[T <: B] {
self : { def foo() } =>
val action : ()=>Unit = this.foo _
//wanna make default for this
val construction : String=>T
def bar()(implicit x : String) : T = {
val destination = construction(x)
trait B { def baz() {} }
class Xlass { def foo() {} }
class Klass(a : String)(implicit val x : String) extends B {
val f = new Xlass with A[Klass] {
val construction = new Klass(_)
implicit val x = "Something"
val destination = new Klass("some a").f.bar()
I wonder, is it possible to make a default for construction, such as val construction = new T(_)?
I've tried several options for now, but none of them works with all the characteristics of this code, such as use of type bounds, implicits and structural typing. As far as I could get is this, but it fails with scala.ScalaReflectionException: free type T is not a class:
import reflect.runtime.universe._
val tT = weakTypeTag[T]
val privConstruction =
x : String =>
//fails here with scala.ScalaReflectionException: free type T is not a class
So, finally, I did it:
trait A[T <: B] {
self : { def foo() } =>
val action : ()=>Unit = this.foo _
def construction(x: String)(implicit tag : reflect.ClassTag[T]) : T = {
tag.runtimeClass.getConstructor(classOf[String], classOf[String]).newInstance(x, x).asInstanceOf[T]
def bar()(implicit x : String, tag : reflect.ClassTag[T]) : T = {
val destination = construction(x)
trait B { def baz() {} }
class Xlass { def foo() {} }
class Klass(a : String)(implicit val x : String) extends B {
val f = new Xlass with A[Klass]
implicit val x = "Something"
val destination = new Klass("some a").f.bar()
I want to be able to do something like this:
prepare form:
val formDescription = formBuilder(_.textField[User](_.firstName)
extract data from user filled form, using User:
//contains data of a form submitted by a user:
val formData: Map[String, String] = getFormData
val newUser = User(id = randomUuid, firstName = formData.extract[User](_.firstName))
One solution I see is to use a dynamic proxy that extends provided class and remembers what was invoked on him:
def getFieldName[T:Manifest](foo: T => Any) = {
val clazz = implicitly[Manifest[T]].erasure
val proxy = createDynamicProxy(clazz)
Is there a better way to do it? Is there any lib that implements it already?
This reflective approach takes a case class and invokes its companion apply, calling getField and fetching default args if the field is not in the data.
import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm, universe => uni}
import uni._
def fromXML(xml: Node): Option[PluginDescription] = {
def extract[A]()(implicit tt: TypeTag[A]): Option[A] = {
// extract one field
def getField(field: String): Option[String] = {
val text = (xml \\ field).text.trim
if (text == "") None else Some(text)
val apply = uni.newTermName("apply")
val module = uni.typeOf[A].typeSymbol.companionSymbol.asModule
val ts = module.moduleClass.typeSignature
val m = (ts member apply).asMethod
val im = cm reflect (cm reflectModule module).instance
val mm = im reflectMethod m
def getDefault(i: Int): Option[Any] = {
val n = uni.newTermName("apply$default$" + (i+1))
val m = ts member n
if (m == NoSymbol) None
else Some((im reflectMethod m.asMethod)())
def extractArgs(pss: List[List[Symbol]]): List[Option[Any]] =
pss.flatten.zipWithIndex map (p => getField(p._1.name.encoded) orElse getDefault(p._2))
val args = extractArgs(m.paramss)
if (args exists (!_.isDefined)) None
else Some(mm(args.flatten: _*).asInstanceOf[A])
// check the top-level tag
xml match {
case <plugin>{_*}</plugin> => extract[PluginDescription]()
case _ => None
The idea was to do something like:
case class User(id: Int = randomUuid, firstName: String, lastName: String)
val user = extract[User]()
That's my own solution:
package utils
import javassist.util.proxy.{MethodHandler, MethodFilter, ProxyFactory}
import org.specs2.mutable._
import javassist.util.proxy.Proxy
import java.lang.reflect.{Constructor, Method}
class DynamicProxyTest extends Specification with MemberNameGetter {
"Dynamic proxy" should {
"extract field name" in {
memberName[TestClass](_.a) must ===("a")
memberName[TestClass](_.i) must ===("i")
memberName[TestClass](_.b) must ===("b")
memberName[TestClass](_.variable) must ===("variable")
memberName[TestClass](_.value) must ===("value")
memberName[TestClass](_.method) must ===("method")
trait MemberNameGetter {
def memberName[T: Manifest](foo: T => Any) = {
val mf = manifest[T]
val clazz = mf.erasure
val proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory
proxyFactory.setFilter(new MethodFilter {
def isHandled(p1: Method) = true
val newClass = proxyFactory.createClass()
var lastInvokedMethod: String = null
val mh = new MethodHandler {
def invoke(p1: Any, p2: Method, p3: Method, p4: Array[AnyRef]) = {
lastInvokedMethod = p2.getName
p3.invoke(p1, p4: _*)
val constructor = defaultConstructor(newClass)
val parameters = defaultConstructorParameters(constructor)
// val proxy = constructor.newInstance("dsf", new Integer(0))
val proxy2 = constructor.newInstance(parameters: _*)
private def defaultConstructor(c: Class[_]) = c.getConstructors.head
private def defaultConstructorParameters(constructor: Constructor[_]) = {
val parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes
case Integer.TYPE => Integer.valueOf(0)
case _ => null
case class TestClass(a: String, i: Int, b: Boolean) {
var variable = "asdf"
val value = "asdfasdfasd"
def method = "method"
val mh = new MethodHandler {
def invoke(p1: Any, p2: Method, p3: Method, p4: Array[AnyRef]) = {
lastInvokedMethod = p2.getName
p3.invoke(p1, p4: _*)
val constructor = defaultConstructor(newClass)
val parameters = defaultConstructorParameters(constructor)
// val proxy = constructor.newInstance("dsf", new Integer(0))
val proxy2 = constructor.newInstance(parameters: _*)
private def defaultConstructor(c: Class[_]) = c.getConstructors.head
private def defaultConstructorParameters(constructor: Constructor[_]) = {
val parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes
case Integer.TYPE => Integer.valueOf(0)
case java.lang.Double.TYPE => java.lang.Double.valueOf(0)
case java.lang.Long.TYPE => java.lang.Long.valueOf(0)
case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => java.lang.Boolean.FALSE
case _ => null
case class TestClass(a: String, i: Int, b: Boolean) {
var variable = "asdf"
val value = "asdfasdfasd"
def method = "method"