How to use a declare statement to update a table - tsql

I have this Declare Statement
declare #ReferralLevelData table([Type of Contact] varchar(10));
insert into #ReferralLevelData values ('f2f'),('nf2f'),('Travel'),('f2f'),('nf2f'),('Travel'),('f2f'),('nf2f'),('Travel');
select (row_number() over (order by [Type of Contact]) % 3) +1 as [Referral ID]
,[Type of Contact]
from #ReferralLevelData
order by [Referral ID]
,[Type of Contact];
It does not insert into the table so i feel this is not working as expect, i.e it doesn't modify the table.
If it did work I was hoping to modify the statement to make it update.
At the moment the table just prints this result
1 f2f
1 nf2f
1 Travel
2 f2f
2 nf2f
2 Travel
3 f2f
3 nf2f
3 Travel
I want TO Update the table to enter recurring data in groups of three.
I have a table of data, it is duplicated twice in the same table to make three sets.
Its "ReferenceID" is the primary key, i want to in a way group the 3 same ReferenceID's and inject these three values "f2f" "NF2F" "Travel" into the row called "Type" in any order but ensure that each ReferenceID only has one of those values.

Do you mean the following?
declare #ReferralLevelData table(
[Referral ID] int,
[Type of Contact] varchar(10)
insert into #ReferralLevelData([Referral ID],[Type of Contact])
(row_number() over (order by [Type of Contact]) % 3) +1 as [Referral ID]
,[Type of Contact]
values ('f2f'),('nf2f'),('Travel'),('f2f'),('nf2f'),('Travel'),('f2f'),('nf2f'),('Travel')
) v([Type of Contact]);
If it suits you then you also can use the next query to generate data:
select r.[Referral ID],ct.[Type of Contact]
values ('f2f'),('nf2f'),('Travel')
) ct([Type of Contact])
cross join
values (1),(2),(3)
) r([Referral ID]);


Get day name based on custome ID of bigint[] datatype

I want to display Day name based on ID which is in bigint[] in the table as shown below:
create table tbl_days
day_ids bigint[]
insert into tbl_days values('{1,2}');
insert into tbl_days values('{1,2,3}');
insert into tbl_days values('{1,4}');
insert into tbl_days values('{4,7}');
insert into tbl_days values('{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}');
insert into tbl_days values('{2,4,7}');
Would like to display day name for:
1 for Monday
2 for Tuesday
7 for Sunday.
Query 1: Using replace(), which is taking 3 more seconds to get the main query result.
select replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(day_ids::varchar,'1','Monday'),'2','Tuesday'),'3','Wednesday'),'4','Thursday'),'5','Friday'),'6','Saturday'),'7','Sunday')
from tbl_days;
Query 2: Using string_agg(), here problem with an order.
Step 1: Add days into temp table
create temp table temp_days
id int,
days varchar
insert into temp_days values(1,'Monday'),(2,'Tuesday'),(3,'Wednesday'),(4,'Thursday'),(5,'Friday'),(6,'Saturday'),(7,'Sunday');
Step 2: Join with main table
select d.day_ids,string_agg(distinct t.days,',')
from tbl_days d
inner join temp_days t on = any(d.day_ids)
group by d.day_ids
step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle
string_agg( -- 4
CASE day -- 3
WHEN 1 THEN 'Monday'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Tuesday'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Wednesday'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Thursday'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Friday'
WHEN 6 THEN 'Saturday'
WHEN 7 THEN 'Sunday'
ORDER BY index_in_array -- 4
row_number() OVER () as id -- 1
FROM tbl_days
) s,
unnest(day_ids) WITH ORDINALITY as t(day, index_in_array) -- 2
For my approach you need an id column. This creates one. If you already have one, you can ignore this step
unnest() expands the array into one row per element. The WITH ORDINALITY clause adds an index to the records which saves the position of the element in the original array
Replace the numbers with the related string using a CASE clause
Reaggregate the weekdays by their original ids. The order can be ensured by using the in (2) created index, which can be using in the ORDER BY clause of the aggregate

T-SQL: How to selectively filter out duplicates from temp table

I have a result set in a temp table that is the result of some complicated joins and need to know the best way to filter rows that have the same duplicate AccountId/HealthPlanId (shown below).
select * from #HealthPlans
And the contents are as follows:
AccountId MemberId HealthPlanId RankNo
101273 47570 5215 1
101273 47570 2187 2
101273 55551 5179 3
160026 48102 5620 1
160026 48446 5620 2
In this scenario RankNo, which is not a value computed by my original query, is a db column that ranks member/healthPlan where there is more than one member/healthPlan combination on a given account.
In the case of account 101273, I have the same member (47570) with 3 separate health plans (5215, 2187, 5179). That's fine. I want to rank the health plans.
However, for accountId 160026, I have healthPlanId: 5620 listed twice but with different memberId's. I need to keep either of these member id's and discard the other (it doesn't matter which I keep since I'm only interested in Ranking the HealthPlanId).
Basically, an account should only have a row for each unique health plan. However, duplicate memberId's is OK and should be ranked as long as the HealthPlanId differs.
In other words, select rows from #HealthPlans such that the following is the result set:
AccountId MemberId HealthPlanId RankNo
101273 47570 5215 1
101273 47570 2187 2
101273 55551 5179 3
160026 48102 5620 1
There's no need to show the original joins because this is basically a simplification of my original issue.
Another method using a window function:
DECLARE #tab TABLE (AccountId int, MemberId int, HealthPlanId int, RankNo int)
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY t.AccountId, t.HealthPlanId ORDER BY t.RankNo) rn, t.*
FROM #tab t
) t2
WHERE t2.rn = 1
Your particular query might look like:
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY hp.AccountId, hp.HealthPlanId ORDER BY hp.RankNo) rn, hp.*
FROM #HealthPlans hp
) hp2
WHERE hp2.rn = 1

Update Variable based on Group

I need to perform an update to a field in a table with a variable, but I need the variable to change when the group changes. It is just an INTt, so for example if I The example below I want to update the record of texas with a 1 and flordia with the next number of 2:
UPDATE table
set StateNum = #Count
FROM table
where xxxxx
GROUP BY state
Group Update Variable
Texas 1
Texas 1
Florida 2
Florida 2
Florida 2
I think you should use a lookup table with the state and its number StateNum Then you should store this number instead of the name to your table.
You might use DENSE_RANK within an updateable CTE:
--mockup data
DECLARE #tbl TABLE([state] VARCHAR(100),StateNum INT);
INSERT INTO #tbl([state]) VALUES
--your update-statement
WITH updateableCTE AS
,DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY [state]) AS NewValue
FROM #tbl
UPDATE updateableCTE SET StateNum=NewValue;
--check the result
And then you should use this to get the data for your lookup table
SELECT StateNum,[state] FROM #tbl GROUP BY StateNum,[state];
Then drop the state-column from your original table and let the StateNum be a foreign key.

Sql Server - Running Totals Based on Conditions

I have been banging my head trying to come up with the correct logic (SQL Server 2012) needed to achieve something I would imagine would be fairly routine but I have been unable to find any examples of this anywhere. Basically, I have 3 columns in a table: product, flag, value. It is possible for a product to be listed multiple times within the table but only once with a unique flag (i.e. product1 can have flag1 or flag2 with different/identical but there will never be 2 records with product1 and flag1 and different/identical values).
The flag represents a pre-defined value (1,2,3,4) and the intention behind this field is to be able to assign a unique mathematical equation based on the value of the flag. The end result would yield a single product, the unique flag, and a new cumulative total based on the mathematical equation output. For instance, let's say product1 was listed 4 times with flag values of flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4 (see below):
Product1----Flag1----1.00 (flag1 value)
Product1----Flag2----4.00 (flag1+flag2 value)
Product1----Flag3----6.00 (flag1+flag3 value)
Product1----Flag4----10.00 (flag2+flag4 value)
Flag1 is defined as add flag1 only. Flag2 is defined as add flag1 and flag2. Flag 3 is defined as add flag1 and flag 3. Flag 4 is defined as add flag2 and flag4. the new output would be product1 listed four times with flag values of flag1, flag2, flag3, flag4 but new values as flag1, flag1_flag2, flag1+flag3, flag2+flag4.
I have tried to apply the logic via a case statement but I can't figure out how to traverse all the products for each condition and I have tried to go with a running totals solution but I am not sure how to incorporate the flag condition into it so it only performs a running total for when those conditions are true. Any assistance and/or article to help get me going down the right path would be greatly appreciated.
While I'm not sure I fully understand your question I think this might be what you want. For this to work it assumes flag1 is always present when flags 1 through 3 are and that flag2 is present when flag4 is.
;with cte as (
max(case when flag = 'Flag1' then Value end) as f1Value,
max(case when flag = 'Flag2' then Value end) as f2Value,
max(case when flag = 'Flag3' then Value end) as f3Value,
max(case when flag = 'Flag4' then Value end) as f4Value
from flags group by Product
flags.Value as "Org. value",
case flag
when 'Flag1' then f1Value
when 'Flag2' then f1Value + f2Value
when 'Flag3' then f1Value + f3Value
when 'Flag4' then f2Value + f4Value
else flags.Value -- take the present value when flag is not Flag1-4
end as "New value"
from flags
inner join cte on flags.Product = cte.Product
Take a look at this Sample SQL Fiddle to see it in action.
You can join a table to itself, and pick the conditions appropriately:
SELECT p1.product,p1.Flag,p1.Value + COALESCE(p2.Value,0)
Products p1
left join
Products p2
p1.Product = p2.Product and
p2.Flag = CASE p1.Flag
--1 doesn't need a previous value
I assumed and tried on Range values.
CREATE TABLE #tmp (Product VARCHAR(10), flag VARCHAR(10),value numeric(13,2))
SELECT 'Product1' , 'Flag1',1
SELECT 'Product1' , 'Flag2',3
SELECT 'Product1' , 'Flag3',5
SELECT 'Product1' , 'Flag4',7
;WITH cte
SELECT row_number () OVER(
ORDER BY flag) 'row',*
FROM #tmp
SELECT *,value 'RT'
FROM cte
WHERE row = 1
SELECT cte.value
FROM cte
WHERE row = 1
) + value 'RT'
FROM cte
SELECT cte.value
FROM cte
WHERE row =2
) + value 'RT'
FROM cte
WHERE row >3

GROUP BY clause sees all VARCHAR fields as different

I have witnessed a strange behaviour while trying to GROUP BY a VARCHAR field.
Let the following example, where I try to spot customers that have changed name at least once in the past.
CREATE TABLE #CustomersHistory
CustomerId INT,
Name VARCHAR(200)
INSERT INTO #CustomersHistory VALUES (12, 'AAA')
INSERT INTO #CustomersHistory VALUES (12, 'AAA')
INSERT INTO #CustomersHistory VALUES (12, 'BBB')
INSERT INTO #CustomersHistory VALUES (44, '444')
SELECT ch.CustomerId, count(ch.Name) AS cnt
FROM #CustomersHistory ch
GROUP BY ch.CustomerId HAVING count(ch.Name) != 1
Which oddly yields (as if 'AAA' from first INSERT was different from the second one)
CustomerId cnt // (I was expecting)
12 3 // 2
44 1 // 1
Is this behaviour specific to T-SQL?
Why does it behave in this rather counter-intuitive way?
How is it customary to overcome this limitation?
Note: This question is very similar to GROUP BY problem with varchar, where I didn't find the answer to Why
Side Note: Is it good practice to use HAVING count(ch.Name) != 1 instead of HAVING count(ch.Name) > 1 ?
The COUNT() operator will count all rows regardless of value. I think you might want to use a COUNT(DISTINCT ch.Name) which will only count unique names.
SELECT ch.CustomerId, count(DISTINCT ch.Name) AS cnt
FROM #CustomersHistory ch
GROUP BY ch.CustomerId HAVING count(DISTINCT ch.Name) > 1
For more information, take a look at the COUNT() article on book online