How To Make an Object Keep on It's Position When Play Button Clicked - unity3d

I'm new with unity, this is my first project. I want to make a racing game, as we know unity has that kind of game on it's standard assets package.
Now, my problem is I try to improve that standard packages by combining my own ground design and unity's standard assets car script.
First Position:
I've done with rebuild and combining those elements, then when I play the game then the car's position changes. I don't have any idea about what happens. This is the result :
Can somebody here help find out the solution? Thank you

As per the images you show it seems like the car sinks a little bit in the ground. This can happens because the car has got a rigidbody and when you press play it is affected by the gravity of the scene, so it falls until meeting another collider, in this case the one of the ground (If the ground doesn't fall as well is because it hasn't got a rigidbody or is static).
What you should do is to mark the collider of the ground as static (in case it wasn't static already) and then reshape it, so its size matches with the shape of the ground. The other option is that the car has got a collider just covering to the point of the wheels until it sinks.
Check the shape of both colliders (car and ground) and ensure they cover entirely each game object.


How can I remove small part of collider of game object in unity 2d

click here for gif show of what I want
I want to remove mesh of object when user click on object and also remove its collider to make another object fall from that removed mesh area...
I am using unity since last month so I don't have much experience and knowledge, please help me...
Creating the destructable ground particles
One way to achieve whats shown in the gif is by creating a prefab of e.g. a circle collider that is instantiated in the area of where the dirt is in your gif. It acts as a "ground particle" and keeps the objects above itself.
You instantiate a lot of them in the area so it acts as a big collider although it is actually a whole array of smaller colliders.
Implementing the interaction logic and deactivating the ground particles
Ater that you implement the functionality of dragging the mouse over the ground particles, removing them. That is also not difficult. Shoot raycasts into the screen at the postition of the mouse (remember to use Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint) and get the collision information (confer to With the collision information you can get the reference to the instance of your ground particle(raycasthit.other.gameobject) which is then disabled through script(gameobject.setActive(false)).

Unity - How to give some flexibility to colliders

Hi I'am new to Unity and I was trying to implement a game using tetris blocks.
The game's goal is to build the highest tower before it collapses. However there is a problem in my implementation which is seen in the picture below.
I achieve the building a tower task by activating the rigidbody gravityscale when it collides with something. With that way it can collapse after touching somewhere not before. But I want to have the flexibility of some collisions. In the situation seen in the picture below, that 'T' block will collide with the point in the red circle before landing safely and gravityscale of the rigidbody will be set. So it will drop but I don't want it to happen becasue the collision area is too small. I want to make it land safely with some flexibility.
I tried to make colliders' size 0.9 but that just disrupts the scale of the world.
Can I do something like this :
If collision happens, check collision area and if the area is lower than lets say 0.1, do not trigger rigidbody gravityscale.
what about using capsulle collider 2D with small radius?

Climb down ladder in 2D platformer game

For my game, the player character requires to climb up and down ladders those are placed in the gameplay area.
At present, I can able to climb up for my player character to climb down at present I don't have anyway. Because platform box collider applied with platform effector, so for the climb up, effector does not create any problem but now after reaching the top, it becomes solid platform so now I can't able to move downside.
For climbing up, I have followed this tutorial: How To Make 2D Ladders In Unity - Easy Tutorial
I am looking to implement some physics so I can reach downside to the ladder after reaching top.
You need 2 boolean variables isClimbingUp and isClimbingDown which depend on pressed key and a second ray, which will check -Vector2.up direction. Then just add one more 'else if' statement for down direction.
Yes, I have managed to solve this, and the game is published in the stores.
You can check using the below link:
Humpty Trumpty's Border Wall
This is my overall physics setup for the stair:
I have applied a trigger collider to my stair object and disable player gravity scale when the player within the stair.
Then after within the trigger enter and exist, I have done this:
Physics2D.IgnoreCollision(m_CapsuleCollider, myStair.platformCollider, false);
Disable collision between player and platform colliders when the player is within the stair.
I don't think, Platform Effect 2D becomes useful to me in this process but I didn't remove this to remain in the safer side.
So you have to keep a reference of the platform object which is attached to Stair.
I hope you will get a general idea to solve this problem.

RigidBodies without Extra Physics Behavior in Unity

Currently I'm making a racing game.
I move my cars with the Transform.translate class.
Now the thing I want for my cars is not to move through each other.
I attach colliders and a RigidBody to my player car and it's working.
But my problem is that each time my CPU cars and player car encounter with each other, my player car shows unrealistic behavior like moving out of the screen or throwing away.
I know this is part of the physics engine behavior but is there a way to make the RigidBody only do one job and make objects not to move through each other not to add other physics behavior?
Any ideas?
There are just few problems:
1.You don't move Rigidbody with transform.translate. When you do this, colliders will go through other colliders.
You move Rigidbody with Rigidbody.AddForce, Rigidbody.velocity and Rigidbody.MovePosition. By moving Rigidbody with these methods, collision should be functioning properly.
2.You are not even supposed to move the Rigidbody of the car.
Use WheelCollider. There are many online tutorials on how to set them up on the internet but Unity's documentation is fine too.
WheelCollider.motorTorque is used to move the car forward or backwards.
WheelCollider.steerAngle is used to steer the car.
WheelCollider.brakeTorque is used to brake the car.
If you need further help, you can find a fully working WheelCollider samples here.

How to move a tile (sprite) with drag and drop in Unity 2D?

I would like to move a tile with drag and drop in Unity 2D. The tile is a sprite. The scene is an 'Unblock me' or 'Blocked in' like gameplay.
Because the tiles in real life correspond to physical objects it seemed be to a good idea to model them with colliders and rigidbody. The border of the table surrunded with invisible colliders. I hoped these will constrain the moves of the tiles realistic, when the player moves them.
Then I implemented a simple (mouse based) drag and drop behavior which is worked perfectly except the moved tile penetrates to other tiles and the border, and sometimes jumps over them. Then I learned if I am overriding physics by explicitly setting transforms position (which I do exactly in my drag and drop implementation), this will happen. OK I accept, I should set only forces, ect. on rigidbody never directly the position.
Now the question:
I am stuck here. I still want to drag and drop like user experience, and some realistic visual result. When in the real life a player moves a tile, it seems it is "glued" to its finger. How can I achieve this (ot at least similar) with just applying forces? Any suggestions or point similar existing sample/blog code?
(I know as a backup plan I can omit all the physics and constrain the tile positions by code, and create some tweens to move the tiles. Is the real solution (what I am asking for) so complicated I should vote on this backup plan?)
According to comments I've added a video:
There is nothing wrong with the way you are manipulating your dragging. The beauty of developing is being able to do things in your own way. If it works for your game, then don't fret.
Now, i recommend:
Create a new physic material. Assets > Create > Physic Material
Set your new physic material inspector settings both to 0
Attach the physic material to all your wall object colliders. This should allow for your object being dragged to move smoothly against the walls without chopping.
Do a check to see if your mouse is over another collider. If so, then stop the movement in that direction.
Since your movements seem to always be on a single axis, on collision, tell your object to snap to the edge of the wall object. You know the Wall position and scales, also you have the position and scales of the object being dragged. with that you can write a function that will offset it to the correct position when the collision occurs.
Let me know if any of that works out :P
