Could not find driver (PDO exception with Laravel) - postgresql

I have researched this problem extensively and I have tried everything that has been suggested, but I think I may have missed something. I have a laravel project with the following configuration for .env:
I have also uncommented the following line in php.ini:
;extension=pdo_pgsql -> extension=pdo_pgsql
I get the following error when I try to use php artisan migrate:
Illuminate\Database\QueryException : could not find driver (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = public and table_name = migrations)
A side note: I already have pgsql up and running for another project of mine (which is unrelated to laravel) and it's working without a problem. I am on windows.
I have my PDO drivers installed, as seen here:

It seems that the php cli has another config file installed elsewhere (the path can be found in phpinfo()). I uncommented the following line, according to madflow and it worked:
;extension=pdo_pgsql -> extension=pdo_pgsql

You just need to install:
sudo apt-get install php7.2-pgsql
After the previous command you can migrate your models to database:
php artisan migrate


How to fix "ERROR: column c.relhasoids does not exist" in Postgres?

I’m trying to CREATE TABLE command in Postgresql.
After creating a table, if I punch in TABLE table name, it works.
But I punch in \d table name, I keep getting an error below.
ERROR: column c.relhasoids does not exist
LINE 1: ...riggers, c.relrowsecurity, c.relforcerowsecurity, c.relhasoi...
I attempted DROP DATABASE table name recreated a database and recreated a table again several times. But it didn't work.
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you.
I am able to reproduce your error if I am using Postgres v.12 and an older client (v.11 or earlier):
[root#def /]# psql -h
psql (11.5, server 12.0)
WARNING: psql major version 11, server major version 12.
Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create table mytable (id int, name text);
postgres=# table mytable;
id | name
(0 rows)
postgres=# \d mytable;
ERROR: column c.relhasoids does not exist
LINE 1: ...riggers, c.relrowsecurity, c.relforcerowsecurity, c.relhasoi...
This is because in v. 12, table OIDs are no longer treated as special columns, and hence the relhasoids column is no longer necessary. Please make sure you're using a v. 12 psql binary so you don't encounter this error.
You may not necessarily be using psql, so the more general answer here is to make sure you’re using a compatible client.
For anyone running Postgres as a Docker container:
Instead of running psql from the host, run it from inside the container e.g.
docker exec -it postgres_container_name psql your_connection_string
The Postgres image always ships with the corresponding—and thus always updated—version of psql so you don't have to worry about having the correct version installed on the host machine.
If you're using DataGrip, there's an easy fix:
Try using "Introspect using JDBC metadata". This fixed it for me when (I think) I had a version mismatch between postgresql server and DataGrip client.
Under your connection settings -> Options tab -> check Introspect using JDBC metadata
According to :
Switch to the JDBC-based introspector.
To retrieve information about database objects (DB metadata), DataGrip
uses the following introspectors:
A native introspector (might be unavailable for certain DBMS). The
native introspector uses DBMS-specific tables and views as a source of
metadata. It can retrieve DBMS-specific details and produce a more
precise picture of database objects.
A JDBC-based introspector (available for all the DBMS). The JDBC-based
introspector uses the metadata provided by the JDBC driver. It can
retrieve only standard information about database objects and their
Consider using the JDBC-based intorspector when the native
introspector fails or is not available.
The native introspector can fail, when your database server version is
older than the minimum version supported by DataGrip.
You can try to switch to the JDBC-based introspector to fix problems
with retrieving the database structure information from your database.
For example, when the schemas that exist in your database or database
objects below the schema level are not shown in the Database tool
The issue is the client (psql) is a different version from the postgres server. I have seen this issue with psql version 11 talking to postgres version 12. To solve this issue upgrade the psql version to 12.
If you are running a docker postgres, you can exec into the container then use the psql client installed there.
# get the container id with this
docker ps
# Then exec into the container, please note the host will now be
docker exec -it c12e8c6b8eb5 /bin/bash
I had this issue because my psql was 9.2 and the server version was 12.7.
So ... clearly the psql client needs to be updated. But how?
Before you go downloading/installing anything though you may already have the right version. In my case I did.
I executed which psql which showed my version was coming from /usr/bin/psql.
I then checked /usr/pgsql-12/bin and found there was a psql in there.
So all I needed to do was ensure psql was picked up from there.
There are a number of places that could be controlling this; in my case I just added this line to my .pgsql_profile (in the postgres user's home directory):
export PATH="/usr/pgsql-12/bin:$PATH"
Logging out and back in as postgres and executing which psql showed the change had been successful:
which psql
This answer is specific to pgcli
If you are using pgcli you may be encountering this issue. It's solved by updating the python package pgspecial.
If you installed pgcli using pip, you can simply do, depending on your python version:
pip install -U pgspecial
pip3 install -U pgspecial
If you are using Ubuntu and intalled pgcli using apt, you can either switch it to pip with:
sudo apt remove --purge pgcli
pip3 install pgcli
or update the distribution package python-pgspecial or python3-pgspecial from the Ubuntu packages web site. In that case you may need to update its dependencies as well.
I had this issue today, was unable to continue work due to this, strangely the application code is working fine.
Later, found this issue is only occurring if I use OmniDb client I use to connect to DB.
I have switched client to default pgAdmin 4 that comes with postgres installation & issue is not occurring anymore pgAdmin 4. Link:
Its possible that OmniDb client might be older, but no time to troubleshoot it, using pgAdmin 4 for now.
Hope that helps.
Just update DataGrip solved this issue, Datagrip updated to version DataGrip 2019.3.3, Build #DB-193.6494.42, built on February 12, 2020, Now working :)
Just for DataGrip users!
I had the same issue today too. In my case, the problem was solved when I deleted the version 12 and installed the version 11. Seems that v12 has some features that must be create along the others columns.
I had the same problem.
But I found the solution by downloading the latest build on 14/10/2019
Follow the link:
I hope it helps
To fix this, edit Postgres.php file and comment the lines from hasObjectID function as shown below.
function hasObjectID($table) {
$c_schema = $this->_schema;
$sql = "SELECT relhasoids FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname='{$table}'
AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname='{$c_schema}')";
$rs = $this->selectSet($sql);
if ($rs->recordCount() != 1) return null;
else {
$rs->fields['relhasoids'] = $this->phpBool($rs->fields['relhasoids']);
return $rs->fields['relhasoids'];
I had the same issue when using PgAdmin to query the database.
Once I installed the newest version of PgAdmin the error disappeared!
You might also try restarting pgadmin.
After upgrading from postgres96 to postgres12 I had the same issue. My pgadmin was running psql v12.0 so that wasn't the issue. I restarted pgadmin for a separate issue and the relhasoids issue went away.
If anyone could explain to me why this worked that would be appreciated.
Just use version 11.
how to install version 11
I also got same issue with my postgresql tables. I have fixed this issue by below query.
ALTER Table MyDataBase.table_name add column column_name data_type default 0 not null;

PostgreSql PgAdmin4 Debug

I tried to configure PgAdmin4 to use debug, following the manual, but something did not work, because an error as shown in this screenshot occurs:
I changed postgresql.conf to:
shared_preload_libraries = ‘$ libdir / other_libraries / plugin_debugger’
How should I install the requested pldbgapi extension on Linux / Ubuntu?
Thanks for any help.
To install an extension in a particular database, as it's requesting here, you need to either use the CREATE EXTENSION command in that database, or use PgAdmin 4's interface to install it.
Command method:
Through whichever tool you wish, where you enter regular SQL commands, connect to the relevant database in question and run:
Or, in PgAdmin 4, open up the nodes for the database you want to install this extension for, right-click on "Extensions", then select Create > Extension... Now select pldbgapi from the drop-down list next to "Name" and click "Save".
You will need to repeat this process if you need the extension in additional databases within your cluster.
Disclosure: I am an EnterpriseDB (EDB) employee

Call to undefined function mysql_connect after upgrade to Moodle 3.6 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
(9 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I have ran aptitude install php5-mysql (and restarted MySQL/Apache 2), but I am still getting this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/validate.php on line 21
phpinfo() says the /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/pdo_mysql.ini file has been parsed.
In case, you are using PHP7 already, the formerly deprecated functions mysql_* were removed entirely, so you should update your code using the PDO-functions or mysqli_* functions instead.
If that's not possible, as a workaround, I created a small PHP include file, that recreates the old mysql_* functions with mysqli_*()-functions:
I see that you tagged this with Ubuntu. Most likely the MySQL driver (and possibly MySQL) is not installed. Assuming you have SSH or terminal access and sudo permissions, log into the server and run this:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql
If the MySQL packages or the php5-mysql package are already installed, this will update them.
Since this answer still gets the occasional click I am going to update it to include PHP 7. PHP 7 requires a different package for MySQL so you will want to use a different argument for the apt-get command.
# Replace 7.4 with your version of PHP
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-common php7.4 php7.4-mysql
And importantly, mysql_connect() has been deprecated since PHP v5.5.0. Refer the official documentation here: PHP: mysql_connect()
Well, this is your chance! It looks like PDO is ready; use that instead.
Try checking to see if the PHP MySQL extension module is being loaded:
If it's not there, add the following to the php.ini file:
If someone came here with the problem of docker php official images, type below command inside the docker container.
$ docker-php-ext-install mysql mysqli pdo pdo_mysql
For more information, please refer to the link above How to install more PHP extensions section(But it's a bit difficult for me...).
Or this doc may help you.
I was also stuck with the same problem of undefined MySQL_connect().I tried to make changes in PHP.ini file but it was giving me the same error.
Then I came to this solution where I changed my code from depreciated php functions to new functions.
//To select the database
session_start(); //To start the session
$query=mysqli_query($con,your query);
//made query after establishing connection with database.
I hope this will help you .
This solution is correctly working for me .
If you upgrade form old php you need to apt-get install php7.0-mysql
Run the page and search for mysql. If not found, run the following in the shell and restart the Apache server:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql
Also make sure you have all the following lines uncommented somewhere in your apache2.conf (or in your conf.d/php.ini) file, from
In php.ini file
change this
My guess is your PHP installation wasn't compiled with MySQL support.
Check your configure command (php -i | grep mysql). You should see something like '--with-mysql=shared,/usr'.
You can check for complete instructions at Although, I would rather go with the solution proposed by #wanovak.
Still, I think you need MySQL support in order to use PDO.
The question is tagged with ubuntu, but the solution of un-commenting the extension=mysqli.dll is specific to windows. I am confused here?!, anyways, first thing run <? php phpinfo ?> and search for mysql* under Configuration heading. If you don't see such a thing implies you have not installed or enabled php-mysql. So first install php-mysql
sudo apt get install php-mysql
This command will install php-mysql depending on the php you have already installed, so no worries about the version!!.
Then comes the unix specific solution, in the php.ini file un-comment the line
verify that is present in /usr/lib/php/<timestamp_folder>,
Then finally restart the apache and mysql services, and you should now see the mysql section under Configrations heading in phpinfo page
I was getting this error because the project I was working on was developed on php 5.6 and after install, the project was unable to run on php7.1.
Just for anyone that uses Vagrant with ubuntu/nginx, in the nginx directory(/etc/nginx/), there is a directory named "sites-available" which contains a file named like the url configured for the vagrant maschine. In my case was Within this file there is a line that says something like
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.1-fpm.sock;
There you can change the php version to the desired for that particular site.
Googled this but wasnt really able to find a simple answer that said where to look and what to change.
Hope that this helps anyone.
If you are getting the error as
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
Kindly login to the cPanel >> Click on Select Php version >> select the extension MYSQL
For CentOS 7.8 & PHP 7.3
yum install rh-php73-php-mysqlnd
And then restart apache/php.
(Windows mysql config)
Step 1 : Go To Apache Control Panel > Apache > Config > PHP.ini
Step 2 : Search in Notepad (Ctrl+F) For: ;extension_dir = "" (could be commented with a ;). Replace this line with: extension_dir = "C:\php\ext" (please do not you need to remove the ; on the beginning of the sentence).
Step 3 : Search For: extension=php_mysql.dll and remove the ; in the beginning.
Step 4 : Save and Restart You Apache HTTP Server. (On Windows this usually done via a UI)
That's it :)
If you get errors about missing php_mysql.dll you'll probably need to download this file from either the site or the (Please be causius about where you get it from)
More info on PHP: Installation of extensions on Windows - Manual
There must be some syntax error. Copy/paste this code and see if it works:
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
if (!$link) {
die('Could not connect:' . mysql_error());
echo 'Connected successfully';
I had the same error message. It turns out I was using the msql_connect() function instead of mysql_connect().

Getting error while creating node in postgres-xc cluster database

I have tried to create postgres-xc cluster database.So i followed their documentation do that (
After following that documentation procedure I'm not able to create node. I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: syntax error at or near "NODE"
when running following command
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -c "CREATE NODE datanode1 WITH (TYPE = 'datanode', PORT = 15432)" postgres
Can anyone help me to do solve this.
I suspect a_horse_with_no_name is right. postgres-xc and postgresql are different codebases and you can't run CREATE NODE on PostgreSQL and have it work. You must be running Postgres-XC.
To find out, run SELECT version() from psql.
To install Postgres-XC the first step is to actually install the Postgres-XC software either from packages or from source (by compiling).

PostgreSQL issue: could not access file "$libdir/plpgsql": No such file or directory

I get this exception in PostgreSQL:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/plpgsql": No such file or directory
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeQuery(
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingStatement.executeQuery(
I searched a lot and most solution points to a wrong installation. But this is my test db which has been running without issues for a long time. Also inserts are working. Issue occurs only on select queries.
Apparently, you moved your PostgreSQL lib directory out of place. To confirm this, try the following in psql:
> SET client_encoding TO iso88591;
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/utf8_and_iso8859_1": No such file or directory
If you get an error message like this, then my theory is correct. You'll need to find out where those files ended up, or you can reinstall PostgreSQL to restore them.
To find out what $libdir is referring to, run the following command:
pg_config --pkglibdir
For me, this produces:
I have the same problem: the other postgres server instance (8.4) was interfering with the 9.1 one; when the 8.4 instance is removed it works.
the other instance can sometimes be removed from the system while still running (e.g. you do a gentoo update and a depclean without stopping and migrating your data). so the error seems particularly mysterious.
the solution is usually going to be doing a slot install/eselect of the old version (in gentoo terms, or simply downgrading on other distros), running its pg_dumpall, and then uninstalling/reinstalling the new version and importing the data.
this worked pretty painlessly for me