Can i compare two bytes values on basis of nearly equal to in swift - swift

i have two values in bytes in two different variables . i want to perform a certain action whenever values are nearly equal to each other.
I there any method in swift in which i can perform any action on variables values nearly equal to.
If recommend me some code , tutorial or article to achieve this.
I am new to swift so please avoid down voting.

let string1 = "Hello World"
let string2 = "Hello"
let byteArrayOfString1: [UInt8] ={UInt8($0)} //Converting HELLO WORLD into Byte Type Array
let byteArrayOfString2: [UInt8] ={UInt8($0)} //Converting HELLO into Byte Type Array
if byteArrayOfString1 == byteArrayOfString2 {
}else {
print("Not Match")
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well exactly i don't think so there is such method that compare approx values but if you discuss what exactly you want to do we can find a better alternative solution.

Here is the Solution:
func nearlyEqual(a: Float, b: Float, epsilon: Float) -> Bool {
let absA = abs(a)
let absB = abs(b)
let diff = abs(a - b)
if a == b {
return true
} else if (a == 0 || b == 0 || absA + absB < Float.leastNonzeroMagnitude) {
// a or b is zero or both are extremely close to it
// relative error is less meaningful here
return diff < (epsilon * Float.leastNonzeroMagnitude)
} else {
return diff / (absA + absB) < epsilon
Then you can use it like :
print(nearlyEqual(a: 1.2, b: 1.4, epsilon: 0.2))
This will return true.


How to get the binary inverse of a number in Swift?

If we have a given number, say 9 (binary representation is 1001). How can we most efficiently get it's inverse 6 (binary representation is 0110)? i.e replacing 0 with 1 and 1 with 0.
I have written a code of order O(1) complexity? But can there be a better way? Does Swift provide an elegant way of handling this?
Note negate function ~9 results in -10. This is not what I am seeking.
func inverse(of givenNumber: Int) -> Int // eg. 9
let binaryRepresentation = String(givenNumber, radix: 2) // "1001"
let binaryRepresentationLength = binaryRepresentation.count // 4
let maxValueInLength = (1 << binaryRepresentationLength) - 1 // 15, i.e., 1111
let answer = givenNumber ^ maxValueInLength // 6, i.e., 0110
return answer
Edit 1: givenNumber > 0
For positive numbers you can use the following:
func intInverse<T: FixedWidthInteger>(of givenNumber: T) -> T
assert(!T.isSigned || givenNumber & (T(1) << (givenNumber.bitWidth - 1)) == 0)
let binaryRepresentationLength = givenNumber.bitWidth - givenNumber.leadingZeroBitCount
let maxValueInLength = givenNumber.leadingZeroBitCount > 0 ? (~(~T(0) << binaryRepresentationLength)) : ~0
let answer = givenNumber ^ maxValueInLength
return answer
Which is identical to your algorithm but doesn't require stringifying the number. It doesn't work for negative numbers, but then neither does your algorithm because your algorithm sticks a - on the front of the number.
Probably the easiest way to extend this to cover negative numbers is to invert all the bits to get the binaryRepresentationLength
I changed the way the exclusive or mask is created because the old one crashed for unsigned values with the top bit set and for signed values with the second highest bit set.
The code becomes much simpler using the property binade of a floating-point value.
func inverse(of givenNumber: Int) -> Int // eg. 9
let maxValueInLength = Int((Double(givenNumber).binade * 2) - 1) // 15, i.e., 1111
let answer = givenNumber ^ maxValueInLength // 6, i.e., 0110
return answer

How to print all the digits in a large number of 10 power 25 in swift?

I have been working on a hacker rank problem where I have to print a number which is a factorial of 25. Here is the code I used.
func extraLongFactorials(n: Int) -> Void {
let factorialNumber = factorial(number: n)
var arrayForStorage: [Int] = []
var loop = factorialNumber
while (loop > 0) {
let digit = loop.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 10)
loop /= 10
arrayForStorage = arrayForStorage.reversed()
var returnString = ""
for element in arrayForStorage {
returnString = "\(returnString)\(element)"
func factorial(number: Int) -> Double {
if number == 0 || number == 1 {
return 1
} else if number == 2 {
return 2
} else {
return Double(number) * factorial(number: number - 1)
But when I try to print the factorial number it just prints 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015511210043330982408266888 when it should print
I think for a Double number truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 10) method is not giving me the exact number of the remainder. Because when I tried to print the truncatingRemainder of 15511210043330985984000000 it is giving me as 8. Here is the code.
let number: Double = 15511210043330985984000000
print(number.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 10))
So finally I didn't find any solution for the problem of how to split the large number and add it into an array. Looking forward for the solution.
Type Double stores a number as a mantissa and an exponent. The mantissa represents the significant figures of the number, and the exponent represents the magnitude of the number. A Double can only represent about 16 significant figures, and your number has 26 digits, so you can't accurately store 15511210043330985984000000 in a Double.
let number1: Double = 15511210043330985984000000
let number2: Double = 15511210043330985984012345
if number1 == number2 {
print("they are equal")
they are equal
You will need another approach to find large factorials like the one shown in this answer.

Why can't I get a negative number using bit manipulation in Swift?

This is a LeetCode question. I wrote 4 answers in different versions of that question. When I tried to use "Bit manipulation", I got the error. Since no one in LeetCode can answer my question, and I can't find any Swift doc about this. I thought I would try to ask here.
The question is to get the majority element (>n/2) in a given array. The following code works in other languages like Java, so I think it might be a general question in Swift.
func majorityElement(nums: [Int]) -> Int {
var bit = Array(count: 32, repeatedValue: 0)
for num in nums {
for i in 0..<32 {
if (num>>(31-i) & 1) == 1 {
bit[i] += 1
var ret = 0
for i in 0..<32 {
bit[i] = bit[i]>nums.count/2 ? 1 : 0
ret += bit[i] * (1<<(31-i))
return ret
When the input is [-2147483648], the output is 2147483648. But in Java, it can successfully output the right negative number.
Swift doc says :
Even on 32-bit platforms, Int can store any value between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647, and is large enough for many integer ranges.
Well, it is 2,147,483,647, the input is 1 larger than that number. When I ran pow(2.0, 31.0) in playground, it shows 2147483648. I got confused. What's wrong with my code or what did I miss about Swift Int?
A Java int is a 32-bit integer. The Swift Int is 32-bit or 64-bit
depending on the platform. In particular, it is 64-bit on all OS X
platforms where Swift is available.
Your code handles only the lower 32 bits of the given integers, so that
-2147483648 = 0xffffffff80000000
2147483648 = 0x0000000080000000
So solve the problem, you can either change the function to take 32-bit integers as arguments:
func majorityElement(nums: [Int32]) -> Int32 { ... }
or make it work with arbitrary sized integers by computing the
actual size and use that instead of the constant 32:
func majorityElement(nums: [Int]) -> Int {
let numBits = sizeof(Int) * 8
var bit = Array(count: numBits, repeatedValue: 0)
for num in nums {
for i in 0..<numBits {
if (num>>(numBits-1-i) & 1) == 1 {
bit[i] += 1
var ret = 0
for i in 0..<numBits {
bit[i] = bit[i]>nums.count/2 ? 1 : 0
ret += bit[i] * (1<<(numBits-1-i))
return ret
A more Swifty way would be to use map() and reduce()
func majorityElement(nums: [Int]) -> Int {
let numBits = sizeof(Int) * 8
let bitCounts = (0 ..< numBits).map { i in
nums.reduce(0) { $0 + ($1 >> i) & 1 }
let major = (0 ..< numBits).reduce(0) {
$0 | (bitCounts[$1] > nums.count/2 ? 1 << $1 : 0)
return major

How to calculate the 21! (21 factorial) in swift?

I am making fuction that calculate factorial in swift. like this
func factorial(factorialNumber: UInt64) -> UInt64 {
if factorialNumber == 0 {
return 1
} else {
return factorialNumber * factorial(factorialNumber - 1)
let x = factorial(20)
this fuction can calculate untill 20.
I think factorial(21) value bigger than UINT64_MAX.
then How to calculate the 21! (21 factorial) in swift?
func factorial(_ n: Int) -> Double {
return (1...n).map(Double.init).reduce(1.0, *)
(1...n): We create an array of all the numbers that are involved in the operation (i.e: [1, 2, 3, ...]).
map(Double.init): We change from Int to Double because we can represent bigger numbers with Doubles than with Ints ( So, we now have the array of all the numbers that are involved in the operation as Doubles (i.e: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, ...]).
reduce(1.0, *): We start multiplying 1.0 with the first element in the array (1.0*1.0 = 1.0), then the result of that with the next one (1.0*2.0 = 2.0), then the result of that with the next one (2.0*3.0 = 6.0), and so on.
Step 2 is to avoid the overflow issue.
Step 3 is to save us from explicitly defining a variable for keeping track of the partial results.
Unsigned 64 bit integer has a maximum value of 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. While 21! = 51,090,942,171,709,440,000. For this kind of case, you need a Big Integer type. I found a question about Big Integer in Swift. There's a library for Big Integer in that link.
BigInteger equivalent in Swift?
Did you think about using a double perhaps? Or NSDecimalNumber?
Also calling the same function recursively is really bad performance wise.
How about using a loop:
let value = number.intValue - 1
var product = NSDecimalNumber(value: number.intValue)
for i in (1...value).reversed() {
product = product.multiplying(by: NSDecimalNumber(value: i))
Here's a function that accepts any type that conforms to the Numeric protocol, which are all builtin number types.
func factorial<N: Numeric>(_ x: N) -> N {
x == 0 ? 1 : x * factorial(x - 1)
First we need to declare temp variable of type double so it can hold size of number.
Then we create a function that takes a parameter of type double.
Then we check, if the number equal 0 we can return or do nothing. We have an if condition so we can break the recursion of the function. Finally we return temp, which holds the factorial of given number.
var temp:Double = 1.0
func factorial(x:Double) -> Double{
//do nothing
factorial(x: x-1)
temp *= x
return temp
factorial(x: 21.0)
I make function calculate factorial like this:
func factorialNumber( namber : Int ) -> Int {
var x = 1
for i in 1...namber {
x *= i
return x
print ( factorialNumber (namber : 5 ))
If you are willing to give up precision you can use a Double to roughly calculate factorials up to 170:
func factorial(_ n: Int) -> Double {
if n == 0 {
return 1
var a: Double = 1
for i in 1...n {
a *= Double(i)
return a
If not, use a big integer library.
func factoruial(_ num:Int) -> Int{
if num == 0 || num == 1{
return 1
return(num*factoruial(num - 1))
Using recursion to solve this problem:
func factorial(_ n: UInt) -> UInt {
return n < 2 ? 1 : n*factorial(n - 1)
func factorial(a: Int) -> Int {
return a == 1 ? a : a * factorial(a: a - 1)
print(factorial(a : 5))
print(factorial(a: 9))

Split a double by dot to two numbers

So I am trying to split a number in swift, I have tried searching for this on the internet but have had no success. So first I will start with a number like:
var number = 34.55
And from this number, I want to create two separate number by splitting from the dot. So the output should be something like:
var firstHalf = 34
var secondHalf = 55
Or the output can also be in an array of thats easier. How can I achieve this?
The easiest way would be to first cast the double to a string:
var d = 34.55
var b = "\(d)" // or String(d)
then split the string with the global split function:
var c = split(b) { $0 == "." } // [34, 55]
You can also bake this functionality into a double:
extension Double {
func splitAtDecimal() -> [Int] {
return (split("\(self)") { $0 == "." }).map({
return String($0).toInt()!
This would allow you to do the following:
var number = 34.55
print(number.splitAtDecimal()) // [34, 55]
Well, what you have there is a float, not a string. You can't really "split" it, and remember that a float is not strictly limited to 2 digits after the separator.
One solution is :
var firstHalf = Int(number)
var secondHalf = Int((number - firstHalf) * 100)
It's nasty but it'll do the right thing for your example (it will, however, fail when dealing with numbers that have more than two decimals of precision)
Alternatively, you could convert it into a string and then split that.
var stringified = NSString(format: "%.2f", number)
var parts = stringifed.componentsSeparatedByString(".")
Note that I'm explicitly calling the formatter here, to avoid unwanted behavior of standard float to string conversions.
Add the following extension:
extension Double {
func splitIntoParts(decimalPlaces: Int, round: Bool) -> (leftPart: Int, rightPart: Int) {
var number = self
if round {
//round to specified number of decimal places:
let divisor = pow(10.0, Double(decimalPlaces))
number = Darwin.round(self * divisor) / divisor
//convert to string and split on decimal point:
let parts = String(number).components(separatedBy: ".")
//extract left and right parts:
let leftPart = Int(parts[0]) ?? 0
let rightPart = Int(parts[1]) ?? 0
return(leftPart, rightPart)
Usage - Unrounded:
let number:Double = 95.99999999
let parts = number.splitIntoParts(decimalPlaces: 3, round: false)
print("LeftPart: \(parts.leftPart) RightPart: \(parts.rightPart)")
LeftPart: 95 RightPart: 999
Usage Rounded:
let number:Double = 95.199999999
let parts = number.splitIntoParts(decimalPlaces: 1, round: true)
LeftPart: 95 RightPart: 2
Actually, it's not possible to split a double by dot into two INTEGER numbers. All earlier offered solutions will produce a bug in nearly 10% of cases.
Here's why:
The breaking case will be numbers with decimal parts starting with one or more zeroes, for example: 1.05, 11.00698, etc.
Any decimal part that starts with one or more zeroes will have those zeroes discarded when converted to integers. The result of those conversions:
1.05 will become (1, 5)
11.00698 will become (11, 698)
An ugly and hard to find bug is guaranteed...
The only way to meaningfully split a decimal number is to convert it to (Int, Double). Below is a simple extension to Double that does that:
extension Double {
func splitAtDecimal() -> (Int, Double) {
let whole = Int(self)
let decimal = self - Darwin.floor(self)
return (whole, decimal)