excel web add ins how to set the headerfooter? - excel-addins

I tried to use office.js to set headerfooter, but code error,
dev doc:
my code:
function text() {
Excel.run(function (context) {
const myr = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sheet1");
myr.HeaderFooter.centerFooter = "&Z";
return context.sync();
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!


How to loop through a RangeCollection in Word JS API?

I want to add a Find function in my Word Add-in. By clicking a button, the Word will scroll to the first place of the word need to be searched, and by clicking again, the Word will scroll to the next place. I figured out how to find the first one, but I can't loop through the RangeCollection of the search results of the word. I am looking for some functions similar to getNext()
Below is the code to find first "and". It works:
async function scroll() {
await Word.run(async (context) => {
context.document.body.search("and", { matchWholeWord: true, matchCase: false }).getFirst().select();
await context.sync()
However, if I want to find the second or more, I can't do this:
async function scroll() {
await Word.run(async (context) => {
context.document.body.search("and", { matchWholeWord: true, matchCase: false }).getFirst().getNext().select();
await context.sync()
} )}
I read the document and there is no getNext() for RangeCollection. Hope somebody knows how to work around it. Thank you!
There are a few workarounds.
Solution 1
Load RangeCollection.items and record the index. Example:
var index = 0;
async function selectNext(...) {
var ranges = context.document.body.search(...);
await context.sync();
if (index >= ranges.items.length) {
index = 0;
await context.sync();
This solution respects the index, but not the current selection position. So if you prefer to search downward instead of searching the next, here's solution 2.
Solution 2
Load RangeCollection.items and call Range.compareLocationWith. Example:
var ranges = context.document.body.search(...);
await context.sync();
var selection = context.document.getSelection();
var compareResults = ranges.items.map(range => range.compareLocationWith(selection));
await context.sync();
for(var index in compareResults) {
if (compareResults[index].value == 'After') {
await context.sync();
Of course you would need additional code and polish it to make it a real product, but these are the rough ideas. Please see if they work for you.

Protractor: How do I create a function that receives an HTML element as a parameter?

I'm new to Protractor.
I'm trying to select a button based on the button title. I want to make this into a function, and pass the button title in as a parameter.
This is the hard-coded version which works:
it('I click on a button based on the button title', async function() {
let button = element(by.css('button[title=example_button_title]'));
await button.click();
I created a global variable and a function to try and replace this, where 'buttonTitle' is the parameter I'm passing into the function:
let dynamicButton = buttonTitle => { return element(by.css("'button[title=" + buttonTitle + "]'")) };
this.selectDynamicButton = async function(buttonTitle) {
await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false);
await dynamicButton(buttonTitle).click();
When I try this I get the following error:
Failed: invalid selector: An invalid or illegal selector was specified
Apologies if there appear to be basic errors here, I am still learning. I appreciate any help that anyone can give me. Thanks.
You can add a custom locator using protractors addLocator functionality. (this is actually a very similar use case to the example listed in the link)
This would look like the following:
onPrepare: function () {
by.addLocator('buttonTitle', function (titleText, opt_parentElement) {
// This function will be serialized as a string and will execute in the
// browser. The first argument is the text for the button. The second
// argument is the parent element, if any.
const using = opt_parentElement || document;
const matchingButtons = using.querySelectorAll(`button[title="${titleText}"]`);
let result = undefined;
if (matchingButtons.length === 0) {
result = null;
} else if (matchingButtons.length === 1) {
result = matchingButtons[0];
} else {
result = matchingButtons;
return result;
This is called like
const firstMatchingButton = element(by.buttonTitle('example_button_title'));
const allMatchingButtons = element.all(by.buttonTitle('example_button_title'));
I had to edit this code before posting so let me know if this does not work. My work here is largely based off this previous answer
let dynamicButton = buttonTitle => { return element(by.css('button[title=${buttonTitle} ]')) };
Use template literals instead of string concatenation with +.
Protractor already has a built in locator which allows you to get a button using the text. I think you are looking at something like that. See the element(by.buttonText('text of button')) locator.
For more reference see here.

Can I create follow-up actions on Actions on Google?

I know that I can deep link into my Google Home application by adding to my actions.json.
I also know that I can parse raw string values from the app.StandardIntents.TEXT intent that's provided by default, which I am currently doing like so:
if(app.getRawInput() === 'make payment') {
app.ask('Enter payment information: ');
else if(app.getRawInput() === 'quit') {
But does Actions on Google provide direct support for creating follow-up intents, possibly after certain user voice inputs?
An example of a conversation flow is:
OK Google, talk to my app.
Welcome to my app, I can order your most recent purchase or your saved favorite. Which would you prefer?
Recent purchase.
Should I use your preferred address and method of payment?
OK, I've placed your order.
My previous answer won't work after testing.
Here is a tested version.
exports.conversationComponent = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const app = new ApiAiApp({request: req, response: res});
console.log('Request headers: ' + JSON.stringify(req.headers));
console.log('Request body: ' + JSON.stringify(req.body));
const registerCallback = (app, funcName)=>{
if (!app.callbackMap.get(funcName)){
console.error(`Function ${funcName} required to be in app.callbackMap before calling registerCallback`);
app.setContext("callback_followup", 1, {funcName});
const deRegisterCallback = (app)=>{
const context = app.getContext("callback_followup");
const funcName = app.getContextArgument("callback_followup", "funcName").value;
const func = app.callbackMap.get(funcName);
app.setContext("callback_followup", 0);
return func;
app.callbackMap = new Map();
app.callbackMap.set('endSurvey', (app)=>{
if (app.getUserConfirmation()) {
app.tell('Stopped, bye!');
else {
app.tell('Lets continue.');
app.callbackMap.set('confirmationStartSurvey', (app)=>{
const context = app.getContext("callback_follwup");
if (app.getUserConfirmation()) {
registerCallback(app, 'endSurvey');
app.askForConfirmation('Great! I\'m glad you want to do it!, do you want to stop?');
} else {
app.tell('That\'s okay. Let\'s not do it now.');
// Welcome
function welcome (app) {
registerCallback(app, 'confirmationStartSurvey');
const prompt = "You have one survey in your task list, do you want to proceed now?";
function confirmationCalbackFollowup (app) {
const context = app.getContext("callback_followup");
if (! context){
console.error("ERROR: confirmationCallbackFollowup should always has context named callback_followup. ");
const callback = deRegisterCallback(app);
return callback(app);
const actionMap = new Map();
actionMap.set(WELCOME, welcome);
actionMap.set('confirmation.callback.followup', confirmationCalbackFollowup );
The previous solution won't work because app is generated everytime the action function is called. I tried to save a callback function into app.data but it won't be existing next intent coming. So I changed another way. Register the callback function to app.callbackMap inside the function. so it will be there anyway.
To make it work, one important thing is Api.Ai need to have context defined in the intent. See the Api.Ai Intent here.
Make sure you have event, context, and action of course. otherwise, this intent won't be triggered.
Please let me know if you can use this solution. sorry for my previous wrong solution.
Can you give an example of a conversation flow that has what you are trying to do?
If you can use API.AI, they have Follow Up intents in the docs.
I do not think your code
if(app.getRawInput() === 'make payment') {
app.ask('Enter payment information: ');
else if(app.getRawInput() === 'quit') {
is a good idea. I would suggest you have two different intent to handle "Payment information" and "Quit".

Protractor-cucumber: chai.expect does not work

In Steps definition, i declare 'chai' and use to debug:
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
var expect = chai.expect;
module.exports = function() {
this.Given(/^I go on "([^"]*)"$/, function (arg1, callback) {
var answer = 43;
console.log("this text will be displayed");
When i run the script, text this text will be displayed does not appear ,in console but when i comment this line //expect(answer).to.equal(42);, the text appear as normal.
I know there is a wrong in expect of chai object but cannot find out the solution. Anyone can help me to resolve the issue. Thank so much
cucumber-js supports steps that return promises.
When using chai-as-promised, i need to return the expectation (which is a promise)
this.When(/^I test async code$/,function() {
return expect(true).to.be.true;

Protractor : wait for element to become invisible/hidden

I saw other protractor related post mentioning about how to wait for an element to become visible. However, recently, I ran into an opposite use case. I wanted to wait for an element until it becomes invisible. Since I could not find anything specific about it. I went ahead and came up with a solution.
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
ptor.wait(function() {
return element(by.css('#my-css-here')).isDisplayed().then(function(isVisible){
console.log('is visible :' + isVisible);
return !isVisible;
}, 12000).then(function(){
//do whatever you want
hopefully it helps. any suggestion is welcome.
Using the elementexplorer (https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/debugging.md) I looked at the protractor object and found an answer that is working wonderfully for me:
var el = element(by.id('visibleElementId'));
From #Machtyn
This should be the correct answer:
var EC=protractor.ExpectedConditions; browser.wait(EC.not(EC.presenceOf(el)), someTimeoutInMilli);
Protractor now has invisibilityOf function built in.
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Waits for the element with id 'abc' to be no longer visible on the dom.
browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf($('#abc')), 5000);
Read more for details
None of the solution working for me. Please take a look at below code:
var protractor = require('protractor');
describe('Testing', function () {
it('Should show the settings button', function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var settings = $('.settings');
var isSettingVisible = EC.visibilityOf(settings);
console.log("--------------------welcome 1-------------------");
protractor.browser.wait(isSettingVisible, 10000, "Searching for settings").then(() => {
console.log("waiting complete");
}, (error) => {