Pushing into array Selenium IDE 2019 - selenium-ide

I'm trying to populate an array automatically.
These stepes just returns an array containing "foo". The "bar"-string I'm trying to push into it doesnt seem to be included.
execute script | return ["foo"] | testVar
execute script | ${testVar}.push("bar") |
echo | ${testVar}
What am I doing wrong?

I use this approach to update an array in Selenium IDE
execute script | return ['foo'] | testVar
execute script | return [${testVar}, 'bar'] | testVar
echo | ${testVar}
Previous solution is not correct because of wrong value will be stored in the variable testVar. It will be array of array of arrays. So here is the correct one:
execute script | return ['foo'] | testVar
execute script | tmp = ${testVar}; tmp.push('bar'); return tmp; | testVar
echo | ${testVar}


Converting bytes to megabytes on the fly

In the PS command below I'm getting the name, creationTimeStamp, Disk_Size and storageBytes of yesterday's snapshots in my gcp project and outputting the data to a csv file (which is later converted to HTML and emailed):
$csv = gcloud --project $gcpProject compute snapshots list --format="csv(name,creationTimestamp,diskSizeGb,storageBytes)" --filter="creationTimestamp.date('%Y-%m-%d')=$yesterday" | Out-File C:\data.csv
The result looks something like this (the number of snapshots displayed varies):
| snapshot1-us-central1 | 2019-10-24T19:24:09.061-07:00 | 50 | 1250586048 |
| snapshot2-data-us-east1 | 2019-10-24T19:01:49.791-07:00 | 150 | 425018600 |
This is good except that the STORAGE_BYTES data is all in bytes thus making it hard to read. How can I record this data in MB instead in the csv file (or just replacing this data in the csv file that's in bytes with MB)
$data=Get-Content C:\data.csv
$NewData=#($data[0..2])#Adding Header in a new Variable
$Data[3..$($data.Count - 2)]|Foreach{
$startRange=$_.LastIndexOf("| ")+1
$length=$_.LastIndexOf(" |") - $_.LastIndexOf("| ")
#Converting Bytes into MB and replacing in the line
$NewData+=$_.Replace(($_.Substring($startRange,$length)).Trim(),"$([math]::Round(($_.Substring($startRange,$length)/1MB),2)) ")
#Adding last line
$NewData+=$data[$data.Count - 1]
#Modifying exsiting file
$NewData |Set-Content C:\data.csv -Force
I think, it should be simple using GCP PowerShell cmdlets.
Get-GceSnapshot -Project $gcpProject
I never used it, but you can use calculated properties to convert the size in oneline, an example below
Get-Process | Select-Object -First 3 -Property Name,#{E={$_.STORAGE_BYTES/1024};L='Size'}
PS: assuming the size property name is STORAGE_BYTES

How to split the denominator value from one column and store it in another column using perl?

My example code output:
time | name | status | s_used | s_max |
| 1482222363 | asf | Closed | 0/16 | 0 |
| 1482222363 | as0 | Available | 4/16 | 4 |
I have attached the part of my output which is generated using perl cgi script and mysql database.
My query is how to take denominator value from the column s_used and store only the denominator values in the s_max column using perl.
3.I had attached the following part of code which i tried.
if($i == 4){
my($num,$s_max)=split /\//,$table_data{2}{'ENTRY'};
print $s_max;
Code Explanation:
$i == 4 is the column where should I store the variable.
I got time column from the sql database $time, name I got from $table_data{0}{'ENTRY'}, status from $table_data{1}{'ENTRY'}, s_used from $table_Data{2}{'ENTRY'}.
Expected output:
time | name | status | s_used | s_max |
| 1482222363 | asf | Closed | 0/16 | 16 |
| 1482222363 | as0 | Available | 4/16 | 16 |
Seems your code "my($num,$s_max)=split /\//,$table_data{2}{'ENTRY'};" is right.
Somehow the value $s_max at the time it's writing to the DB is incorrect. Since you did not post the portion of code to show the part $s_max writing back to the DB, you need to check what value is in $s_max (e.g. printing the $s_max value) at the time right before writing it back to DB. From there, please try to trace back why an incorrect value is assigned to $s_max. Then, the problem would be solved.

Pure Data from print~ to print second element with print

With the following program, I get a big list out of print~.
I want to a get the second value from this list.
How to get this second value and print it with print and not print~?
[print~] will always print the entire signal-block (in your case 128 values).
to get a specific sample, you could instead use a table, feed the monitored signal into it, and retrieve the value(s) you are interested:
[tabsend~ $0-foo]
[table $0-foo 128]
[tabread $0-foo]
note: unlike with [print~], which will only generate output at the next signal block, this will output the data immediately (that is: it will take the signal data from the last signal block).
to get the next signal-block, you can replace the lower part of the suggested solution with something like the following:
[bang~] [2(
| |
| [r $0-next] |
| | |
[spigot] [t b f]
| | |
[t f b] [1( |
| | | |
| [0( [s $0-next] |
| | |
| [s $0-next] |
| |
[float ]
[tabread $0-foo]
(the patch uses [s/r $0-next] to avoid cross-over connection lines in the ascii graphics; in practice you probably want to use straight connections instead)
it's probably best to encapsulate the entire thing into an abstraction.

Selenium IDE - Array add values

Let's say I have two String variables: var1 and var2.
Is there any command on Selenium IDE (maybe storeEval with some javascript code), with which I can create an array and add the 2 variable values to it? Example:
var1 = "abc"
var2 = "def"
array = ("abc","def")
P.S: the array cannot have a fixed length. In this case I have just 2 variables, but in other scenarios I may have more than 10 variables, so I would need to create a loop and add all 10 variable values to the array.
It's pretty simple but isn't obvious
storeEval | ['one','two'] | array
storeEval | storedVars['array'][1] | second
echo | ${second}
Or simpler but with much less safety
storeEval | ['one','two'] | array
echo | javascript{storedVars['array'][1]}
Adding new item dynamically
getEval | storedVars['array'].push('three')
You can make loop using selenium IDE flow control for example. Like:
storeEval | 0 | i
while | storedVars['i']<storedVars['array'].length
echo | javascript{storedVars['array'][storedVars['i']]}
storeEval | ${i}+1 | i
I hope it will help

how to compare a variable with blank value in selenium?

I want to check whether the variable is storing blank value or not.
I tried out comparing it with '' or "" or NULL or null, but does not work.
You can try out below solution
storeValue | element | test
store | | j (blank value)
gotoIf | storedVars['test']==storedVars['j'] | true
getEval | alert("test Variable Value is not blank")
gotolabel | finish
label | true
getEval | alert("test Variable Value is blank")
label | finish
You can also use verifyEval command for this. Try following script,
verifyEval | this.page().findElement("id=gbqfq").value == '' | true