Which of CcAvenue PHP kit 4 files will go in controller and View, in Codeigniter - codeigniter-3

I am trying to integrate CcAvenue PHP kit 4 files in controller and View, Which file will go in controller and View, I know dataFrom will go In view


How to pass a variable to two different view from a controller in Laravel

I am working on developing a social networking site.
In my view folder there are two different folders:
Layout have app.blade file: This file contain an notification header like fb. example:
Notification example Image
2.user : User have home.blade file: it is contain home view.
Now when any user logs in it goes to home view first,Home view fecthing data from home controller Like this :
return view('home',compact('data','postblog');
But I also want to show a notification in notification section of app.blade file. So, My question is how can I send the data to that view too along with home view?
If you know any other way of doing this, please guide me.
app.blade.php can access your data directly. don't need extra options as mentioned above by Ray Cheng.
Or you can do that using view composer method For more : https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/views

how to create model, controller and view files in Croogo cms?

I am trying to create a contact form with validation in Croogo, I don't know where to create the ctp files and the controller for it. I did this in cakephp but I could not do the same in Croogo. Help me with this.
I have created it in the nodes folder. As this is the first time I am using this I struggled with it. I have created the view files and the controller files in the respective view and controller folder in the nodes folder.

Zbarsdk query regarding barcode scanning

i have imported ZBarSDk in my project and trying to access it it's showing any class regarding in my view controller ,but if i am trying to do it in my logging view controller ,its not showing any classes

why there is no "Use Core Data" check box with Tabbed Application template

I need a tabbed application with core data persistence. when i create a new project with Tabbed Application template, i can not find the "Use Core Data" check box. Is it okey to manually add a core data to a project created with Tabbed Application template?
It's not there because there is no standard way to implement core data view controllers in an tabbed application like there is in a table based app.
Yes it is okay to add Core Data to every project you create. You can use a core-data enabled template for reference.
Yes, you can add it yourself. Or you can the empty template and add the tab bar controller yourself.

Is it possible to call a URL without a visible view?

Is it possible to load a URL without a visible view?
Basically I'm trying to submit some information to my server by a php page. It works from my webViewController, which has a working view, but not from my appDelegate, which doesn't have a visible view.
I recommend you use ASIHTTPRequest to submit the information to your php page.