Unity 2019 - How to fix TextMeshPro 2.0 error cs0433 - unity3d

I have just started new project that contains Vuforia SDK. After making some changes I decided to install GitHub extension from Asset Store to make some backup. After that my textMeshPro plugin went crazy, throwing an annoying error which I can't deal with. The error says:
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.textmeshpro#2.0.0\Scripts\Editor\TMP_PackageUtilities.cs(310,17): error CS0433: The type 'Task' exists in both 'System.Threading, Version=1.0.3333.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=402899b480e6f383' and 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
Does anybody has an idea how to get rid of it?
My Unity version is 2019.1.0f2

Thank you for your answers, I have found solution on other forum.
The way to fix the error in unity 2019.1.0f2
Go to Window->Package Manager
TextMesh Pro (Version 2.0.0 will be installed)
Click on the arrow > on the left to see all the available versions.
4 .Update TextMesh Pro to 1.3.0 (same version as in Unity 2018.3.12f1)
Let the compiler finish and you should see the error clearing from the console
Link to original post: Original post

In Unity 2019.1.5 Looks like TextMeshPro needs at least .net ver 4, I changed .net from 3.5 to 4.6 by going: File > Build Settings > Player Settings > Player > Scripting Runtime Version (which also has a warning on 3.5), selecting 4.6, after reload, textMesh error gone ... moving onto all the other errors in my project!


Manifest merger failed with multiple errors in unity 2019.4.11f1

I was trying to make some ar and i was watching the videos on youtube how to do that and i followed along.But at last it showed me some errors.
I am putting some screenshot so that you can tell what's wrong i am doing...
Thanks in advance for helping me..
2 AR CORE -2.1.12
3 AR KIT - 2.1.10
Having the same problem as well. Android APK compiles fine before adding AR packages. Added AR Foundation 2.1.10, AR Subsystems 2.1.3 and ARCore XR Plugin 2.1.12 (All 2019.4 verified). Android API set to 24, Vulkan removed, but fails at this point.
Build Failure Message
Turns out that it's an issue with Gradle, you need to use Gradle 5.6.4 and follow the instructions here for Unity 2019.4 https://developers.google.com/ar/develop/unity/android-11-build
I ran into problems with this Unity version too. I found no fix for this Unity version, but I tried the 2020.1.10f1 version and there it all worked perfectly fine for me.

"Could not load symbol clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties" after upgrading Unity project

This is the error I get when upgrading a Unity project to a new version after mistakenly building it in an old version originally:
Could not load symbol clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties : The specified procedure could not be found.
How can I resolve this error?
That's a problem with OpenCL: https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/issues/could-not-load-symbol-clcreatecommandqueuewithproperties-error-when-opening-project
Reproduction steps:
Open new Unity project
Observe Console window
Expected result: No errors Actual result:
"clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties" error
Observed on Windows and can potentially happen on Linux too.
Requires an OpenCL 1.2 device to reproduce.
Reproducible with: 2020.1.0f1 Could not test with: 2018.4.26f1,
2019.4.8f1, 2020.1.2f1, 2020.2.0a20 (error only appears on user's end)
Resolution Notes:
Resolution Note (fix version 2021.1):
Fixed in 2021.1.0a1
Resolution Note (fix version 2020.2):
Fixed in 2020.2.0b12
Resolution Note (fix version 2020.1):
Fixed in 2020.1.14f1
uninstall your drivers, update OpenCL, reinstall from official website, reinstall your graphic cards, update drivers and it will solve the problem.

Unity 2020.1.0f1 (IL2CPP error for method 'System.Void) error

Just formatted my Mac and put a clean install of Catalina on and, then updated Unity to 2020.1.0f1 loaded my project that's been working fine on Catalina before reinstalling and updating Unity, but now when I try and build I get this error.
IL2CPP error for method 'System.Void Unity.GeneratedNetworkCode::_WriteArrayVector3_None(UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkWriter,UnityEngine.Vector3[])' in assembly '/Users/kevin/Desktop/AR_Army_New/Temp/StagingArea/Data/Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll' Additional information: Hash code collision on value 09716D6B6B7159FFA4DDC4AAF2722973A3FF4FC8
Anyone know what's gong on please ?

Google VR SDK unity package not working

I am encountering a strange problem and I am clueless about what to do. I start a new Unity (32 bit) project Then I import Google VR SDK and encounter 3 errors.
*Assets/GoogleVR/Scripts/Controller/Internal/Emulator/EmulatorClientSocket.cs(66,64): error CS1729: The type System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo' does not contain a constructor that takes2' arguments
Assets/GoogleVR/Scripts/Controller/Internal/Emulator/EmulatorClientSocket.cs(70,17): error CS0200: Property or indexer `System.Diagnostics.Process.StartInfo' cannot be assigned to (it is read only)
Assets/GoogleVR/Scripts/Controller/Internal/Emulator/EmulatorClientSocket.cs(79,17): error CS1061: Type System.Diagnostics.Process' does not contain a definition forClose' and no extension method Close' of typeSystem.Diagnostics.Process' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)*
I dont even touch anything just import unity package coming with Google VR SDK.
Does anyone has any idea about this? Any help is appreciated.
This is due to the fact that in some version of Unity, the default platform is WebGL.
You can solve this by switching to the Android platform in File | Build Settings.
You can switch the platform by File -> Build Setting -> select Android and click Switch Platform

Playscape Unity Publishing Kit Error

I am integrating Playscape 1.11 SDK to my game in unity. I keep getting an error stating: An error occurred while applying post-build logic: failed to apply patch to the .jar file
I have checked to see if Android 19 and google-play-services are downloaded/installed in the SDK.
Looks like some files were missed. Check that you have removed all previous files of Playscape SDK before importing new version into your Unity project: