How do I define a variable from another function? - matlab

I have a multi-fuction script that is supposed to ask the user for 4 different cars and weigh them based on ratings to give the user the best car to purchase.
What I want to do is have a prompt for every car the user inputs so the user can put in data for each variable the user decides to use. However, when titling the prompt I want to use the cars name in the prompt. It seems impossible to me and Im not sure what to do, im very new to coding.
Main Script
prompt1 = {'How Many Cars (4): '};
title1 = 'Cars';
answer1 = inputdlg(prompt1, title1, [1 40]);
Q1 = str2double(answer1{1});
[N] = Group_Function1(Q1);
Car1 = N(1); %Stores the names of the cars
Car2 = N(2);
Car3 = N(3);
Car4 = N(4);
prompt2 = {'How Many Variables (4): '};
title2 = 'Variables';
answer2 = inputdlg(prompt2, title2, [1 50]);
fprintf('This code can accept costs between 0-100000\n');
fprintf('This code can accept top speeds between 0-200\n');
fprintf('This code can also accept the terms none, some, & alot\n');
fprintf('This code can accept safety ratings between 0-5\n');
Q2 = str2double(answer2{1});
[V,W] = Group_Function2(Q2);
W1 = W(1); %Stores the weights of the varibles
W2 = W(2);
W3 = W(3);
W4 = W(4);
for h=1:Q1
[H] = Group_Function3(V);
function [N] = Group_Function1(Q1)
for Q = 1:Q1
prompt = {'Name of Car:'};
title = 'Car Name';
answer = inputdlg(prompt,title, [1 80])';
N(Q) = answer(1);
function [V,W] = Group_Function2(Q2)
for Q=1:Q2
prompt = {'Variable? (Negative Variables First):','weights in decimal
title = 'Variables and Weights';
answer = inputdlg(prompt,title, [1 80])';
if s~=1
fprintf('Weights do not add up to 1. Try Again!\n');
Group_Function3 (Where the problem occurs)
function [H] = Group_Function3(V)
prompt = {V};
title = ['Variable Ratings For' Group_Function1(answer{1})];
h = inputdlg(prompt, title, [1 80])';
The Problem
For 'Group_Function3' I want the prompt to include the users inputs from 'Group_Function1' so that when the prompt comes up to input the answers I know which vehicle I am entering for.

Each function runs in its own workspace, it means it does not know the state or content of variables outside of it. If you want a function to know something specific (like the name of a car), you have to give that to the function in the input parameters. A function can have several inputs parameters, you are not limited to only one.
Before going into the Group_Function3 , I'd like to propose a new way for Group_Function1.
Group_Function1 :
You run a loop to ask independantly for each car name. It is rather tedious to have to validate each dialog boxe. Here is a way to ask for the 4 car names in one go:
replace the beginning of your script with:
title1 = 'Cars';
prompt1 = {'How Many Cars (4): '};
answer1 = inputdlg(prompt1, title1 );
nCars = str2double( answer1{1} );
CarNames = getCarNames(nCars) ; % <= use this function
% [N] = Group_Function1(Q1); % instead of this one
and replace Group_Function1 with:
function CarNames = getCarNames(nCars)
title = 'Car Names';
prompt = cellstr( [repmat('Name of car #',nCars,1) , sprintf('%d',(1:nCars)).'] ) ;
CarNames = inputdlg( prompt, title, [1 80] ) ;
Now CarNames is a cell array containing the name of your 4 cars (as your variable N was doing earlier. I recommend sligthly more explicit variable names).
You can run the rest of your code as is (just replace N with CarNames, and Q1 with nCars).
Group_Function3 :
when you get to the Group_Function3, you have to send the current car name to the function (so it can use the name in the title or prompt). So replace your Group_Function3 as following (we add an input variable to the function definition):
function H = Group_Function3( V , thisCarName )
prompt = {V};
title = ['Variable Ratings For' thisCarName];
H = inputdlg(prompt, title, [1 80])';
and in your main script, call it that way:
for h = 1:nCars
thisCarName = carNames{h} ;
H = Group_Function3( V , thisCarName ) ;
% ...
% anything else you want to do in this loop


matlab oop "use data of hole class" for calculation

First, sorry for the bad title - I'm new to OO programming - basically I'd like to understand how Matlab works with oop classes.
Before I ask my question, here is a basic example of what I want to do:
I have two houses and some data about them and I got the idea, to work with oop classes. Here is my .m file.
classdef building
hohe = 0;
lange = 0;
breite = 0;
xabstandsolar = 0;
yabstandsolar = 0;
function obj = building(hohe, lange, breite, xabstandsolar, yabstandsolar)
obj.hohe = hohe;
obj.lange = lange;
obj.breite = breite;
obj.xabstandsolar = xabstandsolar;
obj.yabstandsolar = yabstandsolar;
function hohenwinkel(h)
h = h
d = sqrt(obj.xabstandsolar^2 + yabstandsolar^2);
gamma_v = atand((obj.hohe - h)/(d));
I filled it with some data - for example
>>H1 = building(10,8,6,14,8)
>>H2 = building(18,8,6,14,0)
And now I want to calculate "gamma_v" (as an 1x2 array) for each building. Any ideas, how I can archive this?
I want to create gamma_v (as an array) automatically for all objects in the class "building". There will be a lot more "houses" in the final script.
Your hohenwinkel method needs to accept two input arguments. The first argument for non-static methods is always the object itself (unlike C++, you'll have to explicitly list it as an input argument) and the second input will be your h variable. You'll also want to actually return the gamma_v value using an output argument for your method.
function gamma_v = hohenwinkel(obj, h)
d = sqrt(obj.xabstandsolar^2 + obj.yabstandsolar^2);
gamma_v = atand((obj.hohe - h)/(d));
Then you can invoke this method on each building to get the value
gamma_v1 = hohenwinkel(H1);
gamma_v2 = hohenwinkel(H2);
If you want to have an array of buildings, you can create that array
houses = [building(10,8,6,14,8), building(18,8,6,14,0)];
gamma_v = hohenwinkel(houses);
and then construct your hohenwinkel function to operate on each one and return the result
function gamma_v = hohenwinkel(obj, h)
if numel(obj) > 1
% Compute hohenwinkel for each one
gamma_v = arrayfun(#(x)hohenwinkel(x, h), obj);
d = sqrt(obj.xabstandsolar^2 + obj.yabstandsolar^2);
gamma_v = atand((obj.hohe - h)/(d));
there is some tricky solution (and its not recommended)(#Suever solution is better)
you should create a handle class
classdef gvclass<handle
function setgvarr(obj,value)
then use this class in your building class
classdef building<handle
hohe = 0;
lange = 0;
breite = 0;
xabstandsolar = 0;
yabstandsolar = 0;
function obj = building(hohe, lange, breite, xabstandsolar, yabstandsolar,handle_of_your_gv_class,h)
obj.hohe = hohe;
obj.lange = lange;
obj.breite = breite;
obj.xabstandsolar = xabstandsolar;
obj.yabstandsolar = yabstandsolar;
function hohenwinkel(obj,h)
d = sqrt(obj.xabstandsolar^2 + yabstandsolar^2);
gamma_v = atand((obj.hohe - h)/(d));
finally before creating any building you should create an object of gv class and pass it to the building constructor,
H1 = building(10,8,6,14,8,Egv,2)
H2 = building(18,8,6,14,0,Egv,3)
and to access gv array:
you should do more effort on this issue to debug possible errors.

Dynamic Output Arguments in for-loop

I am fairly new to Matlab and I created this script to help me gather 4 numbers out of an excel file. This one works so far:
clear all
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
VPNumber = input('Which Participant Number?', 's');
filename = (['PAL_',VPNumber,'_Gain_Loss.xlsx']);
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
GainBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'O324';
LossBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AD324';
GainBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AE324';
LossBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
AnalyseProband = [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, GainBlock2]
Now I would like to make a script that will analyze the first 20 excel files and tried this:
clear all
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
for VPNumber = 1:20 %for the 20 files
a = (['PAL_%d_Gain_Loss.xlsx']);
filename = sprintf(a, VPNumber) % specifies the name of the file
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
(['GainBlock1_',VPNummer]) = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
The problem seems to be that I can only have one output argument. I would like to change the output argument in each loop, so it doesn't overwrite "GainBlock1" in every cycle.
In the end I would like to have these variables:
GainBlock1_1 (for the first excel sheet)
GainBlock1_2 (for the second excel sheet)
GainBlock1_20 (for the 20th excel sheet)
Is there a clever way to do that? I was able to write the first script fairly easily, but was unable to produce any significant progress in the second script. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This can be accomplished by either storing the data in an array or a cell. I believe an array will be sufficient for what you're trying to do. I've included a re-organized code sample below, broken out into functions to help make it easier to read and understand.
Basically, the first function handles the loop and controls where the data gets placed in the array, and the second function is your original script which accepts the VPNumber as an input.
What this should return is a 20x4 array, where the first index controls the sheet the data was pulled from and the second index controls whether it's [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, LossBlock2]. i.e.- GainBlock 1 for sheet 5 would be AnalseProband(5,1), LossBlock2 for sheet 11 would be AnalyseProband(11,4).
function AnalyseProband = getAllProbands()
currentDir = pwd;
returnToOriginalDir = onCleanup(#()cd(currentDir));
cd('F:/Wortpaare Analyse/Excel')
numProbands = 20;
AnalyseProband = zeros(numProbands,4);
for n = 1:numProbands
AnalyseProband(n,:) = getBlockInfoFromXLS(n);
function AnalyseProband = getBlockInfoFromXLS(VPNumber)
a = 'PAL_%d_Gain_Loss.xlsx';
filename = sprintf(a, VPNumber); % specifies the name of the file
sheet = 1;
x1Range = 'N324';
GainBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'O324';
LossBlock1 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AD324';
GainBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
x1Range = 'AE324';
LossBlock2 = xlsread(filename,sheet,x1Range);
AnalyseProband = [GainBlock1, LossBlock1, GainBlock2, LossBlock2];

Matlab name assignment

I am trying to decrease some big chucks of matlab code i had from a while ago, and was hoping to get them a bit more "clean".
The VarName2,VarName3,VarName4 ...etc are provide by measured data and i will know what they are always going to be thus i gave me the name A,B ,C , the think i want changed though is the first part of the name, so every time i run the .m file I will use the input('') option
where as fname = 'SWAN' and A, B , C are the second part of the name and they are constant.
fname = input ('enter name')
fname_A = VarName2
fname_B = VarName3
fname_C = VarName4
and want to be getting
SWAN_A = VarName2
SWAN_B = VarName3
SWAN_C = VarName4
thank you
Following your advices I been trying the structure construction = input ('enter name of the data ".." ==')
S.A = A;
S.B = B;
S.C = C;
S.D = D;
S.E = E;
may i ask if i can also have an input thing command so i can change the name of the structure?
Precede the script with S='west' and then do
'S'.name = input ('enter name of the data ".." ==')
S.A = A;
Here is how I would probably store the information that you are handling: = input ('enter name')
S.A = VarName2
S.B = VarName3
S.C = VarName4
And if you want to do it a few times:
for t=3:-1:1
S(t).name = input ('enter name')
S(t).A = VarName2
S(t).B = VarName3
S(t).C = VarName4
In this way you could now find the struct named 'swan':
idx = strcmpi({},'SWAN')
you can use eval
eval( sprintf('%s_A = VarName2;', fname ) );
eval( sprintf('%s_B = VarName3;', fname ) );
eval( sprintf('%s_C = VarName4;', fname ) );
Note that the use of eval is not recommended.
One alternative option may be to use struct with dynamic field names:
A.( fname ) = VarName2;
B.( fname ) = VarName3;
C.( fname ) = VarName4;
Now you have three structs (A, B and C) with A.SWAN equal to VarName2, B.SWAN equal to VarName3 etc.

How to have infinite path segments using Sinatra

Lets say that I want to have unlimited path segements and have the get multiply them together such that:
get "/multiply/num1/num2/num3......" do
num1 = params[:num1].to_i
num2 = params[:num2].to_i
solution = num1 * num2 * ....
"the solution is = #{solution}"
I want the user to be able to type out as many path segments as they want and then get the solution for those numbers multiplied together.
I have found a way to do it:
get "/multiply/*" do
n = params[:splat][0].split('/')
for i in (0...n.length)
n[i] = n[i].to_f
n = n.inject{ |sum, n| sum * n }
"solution = #{n}"

nested for loop query

I am trying to do something rather simple, but can't seem to get it...
I have 3 cell-arrays with strings,
A = {'ConditionA'; 'ConditionB'; 'ConditionC'; 'ConditionD'};
B = {'Case1'; 'Case2'; 'Case3'; 'Case4'};
C = {'Rice'; 'Beans'; 'Carrots'; 'Cereal';'Tomato'; 'Cabbage';...
I want to produce a vector with the concatenated (strcat?) combinations, as it this were a "tree diagram", like:
So what the first elements I am trying to get are (in a column ideally):
etc etc etc...
I know that:
for i=1:length(A)
E(i) = strcat(A(i),B(1),C(1))
Works for one "level". I have tried:
for i=1:length(A)
for j=1:length(B)
for k=1:length(C)
P(i) = strcat(A(i),B(j),C(k));
But this doesn't work...
I would be really grateful if I could be helped with this.
Thanks in advance!
From what I understood, you want all possible combinations of the strings of the input arrays as specified. If so, simply replace your nested loops with the following:
P = cell(length(A)*length(B)*length(C),1);
for i=1:length(A)
for j=1:length(B)
for k=1:length(C)
P(t) = strcat(A(i),B(j),C(k));
t = t+1;
For the input arrays,
>> A = {'ConditionA'; 'ConditionB'; 'ConditionC'; 'ConditionD'};
>> B = {'Case1'; 'Case2'; 'Case3'; 'Case4'};
>> C = {'Rice'; 'Beans'; 'Carrots'; 'Cereal';'Tomato'; 'Cabbage';'Sugar'};
The value of P would be:
>> P
P =
Let me know if you need further assistance.
I am not really familiar with matlab.. but maybe try something like this?
for A = {'ConditionA'; 'ConditionB'; 'ConditionC'; 'ConditionD'};
for B = {'Case1'; 'Case2'; 'Case3'; 'Case4'};
for C = {'Rice'; 'Beans'; 'Carrots'; 'Cereal';'Tomato'; 'Cabbage'; 'Sugar'}
P(i) = strcat(A(i),B(j),C(k));
x = 1;
for i=1:length(A)
for j=1:length(B)
for k=1:length(C)
P(x) = strcat(A(i),B(j),C(k));
x = x + 1;
Please basically check your code before posting to PO as this is a very simple debugging