Category hierarchy in mongodb - mongodb

My document structure is as follows:
"_id": ObjectId("54d81827e4a4449d023b4e34"),
"name": "Refridgerator",
"parent": null,
"slug": "refridgerator"
"_id": ObjectId("54d818227e4a4449d023b4e34"),
"name": "Generator",
"parent": null,
"slug": "generator",
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bcse4a4449d023b4e58"),
"name": "Bolt",
"slug": "bolt",
"parent": ObjectId("54d818227e4a4449d023b4e34")
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e58"),
"name": "Ice Cream",
"slug": "ice-cream",
"parent": ObjectId("54d81827e4a4449d023b4e34")
"_id": ObjectId("54dc3705e4a4449d023b4e56"),
"name": "Chocolate",
"slug": "chocolate",
"parent": ObjectId("54d81827e4a4449d023b4e34")
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e68"),
"name": "Mango Cream",
"slug": "mango-cream",
"parent": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e58")
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bc74a4449d023b4e68"),
"name": "Mango Cream Cream",
"slug": "mango-cream-cream",
"parent": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e68")
I’m making a category hierarchy using mongodb and its like parent-child relationship. Category is of 4 level.
Now I wish to query for _id = ‘54d81827e4a4449d023b4e34’ and should get back all the child categories.
I’m unable to get the json structured with parent – child relations.
In previous asked question does not output the required result.
Expected Output:
"_id": ObjectId("54d81827e4a4449d023b4e34"),
"name": "Refridgerator",
"parent": null,
"slug": "refridgerator",
"subCategory": [
"_id": ObjectId("54dc3705e4a4449d023b4e56"),
"name": "Chocolate",
"parent": ObjectId("54d81827e4a4449d023b4e34"),
"slug": "chocolate"
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e58"),
"name": "Ice Cream",
"parent": ObjectId("54d81827e4a4449d023b4e34"),
"slug": "ice-cream",
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e68"),
"name": "Mango Cream",
"slug": "mango-cream",
"parent": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e58"),
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bc74a4449d023b4e68"),
"name": "Mango Cream Cream",
"slug": "mango-cream-cream",
"parent": ObjectId("54dc38bce4a4449d023b4e68")
"_id": ObjectId("54d818227e4a4449d023b4e34"),
"name": "Generator",
"parent": null,
"slug": "generator",
"subCategory": [
"_id": ObjectId("54dc38bcse4a4449d023b4e58"),
"name": "Bolt",
"slug": "bolt",
"parent": ObjectId("54d818227e4a4449d023b4e34")


mongodb:complex nested aggregation

I have this collection:
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308318"
"title": "basketball",
"price": 12,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
and i want to find specific document (by _id), then dive into specific chat in this document (by id), than use $lookup for replacing the "senderId" property in each message with a "sender" property that contains the full sender details (as a user), that exist in another collection (users). the result needs to look like this:
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308318"
"title": "basketball",
"price": 12,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"sender": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927"
"username": "hadar",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168518
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"sender": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927"
"username": "hadar",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168518
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
You can use this aggregation:
$match to filter only selected document (_id)
$unwind multiple time to transform arrays into objects
$lookup to query external collection (users)
$group in reverse order
I assumed that your collections are more or less like this (next time, post both collections and also an example on a working playground)
"products": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308318"
"title": "basketball",
"price": 12,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308319"
"title": "volleyball",
"price": 8,
"category": "Furniture",
"description": "",
"images": [
"categoryId": 1,
"userId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"chats": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": "1",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"id": "2",
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"createdAt": 1622289948232,
"senderId": "60ad16493062eb11141d4928",
"text": "Hello, Im the seller of this product."
"users": [
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4927"
"username": "hadar",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168518
"_id": {
"$oid": "60ad16493062eb11141d4928"
"username": "test",
"email": "",
"profileImgUrl": "",
"createdAt": 1621956168528
And here is the working aggregation:
"$match": {
"_id": {
"$oid": "60b22e1dbd46fa18a8308319"
"$unwind": "$chats"
"$unwind": "$chats.messages"
"$addFields": {
"chats.messages.senderIdObjId": {
"$convert": {
"input": "$chats.messages.senderId",
"to": "objectId",
"$lookup": {
"from": "users",
"localField": "chats.messages.senderIdObjId",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "chats.messages.sender"
"$unwind": "$chats.messages.sender"
"$group": {
"_id": "$",
"messages": {
"$push": "$chats.messages"
"allFields": {
"$first": "$$ROOT"
"$addFields": {
"allFields.chats.messages": "$messages"
"$replaceWith": "$allFields"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"chats": {
"$push": "$chats"
"allFields": {
"$first": "$$ROOT"
"$addFields": {
"allFields.chats": "$chats"
"$replaceWith": "$allFields"
Working Playground here

Find specific field in array by last date and updating it

I have the document below, and I want to update in exams, the last exam with status "started" (according to date), I need to add to "done" another number
"_id": ObjectID("5d2a371cec7eaf00119df614"),
"firstname": "Laura",
"lastname": "Warriner",
"image": "2019-07-14t05:25:23.352z_13.jpg",
"exams": [
"examId": "Ba6apmRmz",
"name": "general",
"language": "es",
"version": 2,
"testId": "2000",
"status": [
"status": "created",
"date": ISODate("2019-09-08T11:49:42.124Z")
"status": "started",
"date": ISODate("2019-09-08T11:55:09.873Z"),
"done": [1]
"status": "started",
"date": ISODate("2019-09-09T12:01:57.886Z"),
"done": [2,3]
"status": "completed",
"date": ISODate("2019-09-09T12:01:57.886Z")
Thanks in advance

How to check $exists in one to many relationship mongodb sails js?

Is there any way to find records that collection is empty?
For example please find below array. I want only that records with index "companydata" is empty. and also how can i get data that does not have empty "companydata" data.
Thanks in advance.
"company_id": {
"company_name": "C2",
"slug": "c2",
"is_organized": 1,
"status": "1",
"id": "5adf158f547f7f0314ca8b56",
"companydata": []
"user_id": "5ab889aee74a151b50d04ec1",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ae014e7432e85298081be0b"
"company_id": {
"company_name": "My Compnay",
"slug": "my-compnay",
"is_organized": 1,
"status": "1",
"id": "5ad442d98a0e0c1358ca93df",
"companydata": [
"name": "Bhavesh Amin",
"company_id": "5ad442d98a0e0c1358ca93df",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ad442da8a0e0c1358ca93e0"
"user_id": "5ab889aee74a151b50d04ec1",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ae01388432e85298081bdf8"
"company_id": {
"company_name": "Organization Name",
"slug": "organization-name",
"is_organized": 1,
"status": "1",
"id": "5ad08f9b938d1131eceea624",
"companydata": [
"name": "Helen H. Langley",
"company_id": "5ad08f9b938d1131eceea624",
"status": "1",
"id": "5ad08f9b938d1131eceea625"
"user_id": "5ab889aee74a151b50d04ec1",
"status": "0",
"id": "5ad42a5f52851a2b1449db2d"

Nested grouping of array

There are 3 master collection of category , subcategory and criteria each, i will be building framework with any possible combination of category , subcategory and criteria which will be stored as below-
framework document is added below having list of criteriaconfig as embedded object which further have single object of category , subcategory and criteria. you can refer criteriaconfig as link table that u call in mysql.
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b2331",
"name": "Framework1",
"description": "framework 1 for testing",
"criteriaConfigs": [
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b232f",
"category": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb39",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1",
"deleted": false,
"createdDate": 1495019359558
"subCategory": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb83",
"name": "subCat1",
"description": "subCat1"
"criteria": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fbad",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b232e",
"category": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb37",
"name": "Process",
"description": "Enagagement"
"subCategory": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb81",
"name": "COMM / BRANDING",
"description": "COMM / BRANDING"
"criteria": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fba9",
"name": "Company representative forgets about customer on hold",
"measure": ""
} ]
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b2332",
"name": "Framework2",
"description": "framework 2 for testing",
"criteriaConfigs": [
"id": "592bc3059f3ad715002b232f",
"category": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb39",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1"
"subCategory": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fb83",
"name": "subCat1",
"description": "subCat1"
"criteria": {
"id": "591c2f5faa187956b2d0fbad",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
i need a view containing framework that will contain all list of category and inside category there will be list of added subcategory and inside subcategory will have list of criteria for single framework.
expected result -
"id": "f1",
"name": "Framework1",
"description": "framework 1 for testing",
"categories": [
"id": "c2",
"name": "category2",
"description": "category2",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb1",
"name": "subCat1",
"description": "subCat1",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr2",
"name": "criteria2",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr3",
"name": "criteria3",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "c1",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb3",
"name": "subCat3",
"description": "subCat3",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr2",
"name": "criteria2",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "f2",
"name": "Framework2",
"description": "framework 2 for testing",
"categories": [
"id": "c2",
"name": "category2",
"description": "category2",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb4",
"name": "subCat5",
"description": "subCat5",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr3",
"name": "criteria3",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "c1",
"name": "category1",
"description": "category1",
"subCategories": [
"id": "sb3",
"name": "subCat3",
"description": "subCat3",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr2",
"name": "criteria2",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "sb2",
"name": "subCat2",
"description": "subCat2",
"criterias": [
"id": "cr1",
"name": "criteria1",
"measure": "Action"
"id": "cr4",
"name": "criteria4",
"measure": "Action"
Note - Category document doesn't have any reference to subcategory and same way subcategory doesn't have any reference to criteria object currently as they are master data and are generic , framework is created with their combination dynamically.
If you want to try to do all the work in the aggregation, you could group first by subcategory, then by category like:
Depending on how you plan to us the return data, it may be more efficient to return each unique combination:
I'm not sure from your question what shape you are expecting the return data to have, so you may need to adjust for that.

MongoDB EmbedsMany Query

So I'm using loopback to create a RESTful node.js API. I'm using mLab for my database. I'm trying to query data that is embedded inside of my Account model.
An Account model has a property called favorites which has an array of Songs.
Here is an example:
"_id": {
"$oid": "58512c1b7c05c491b2cff1f6"
"firstName": "Matt",
"lastName": "Thomas",
"username": "mattietea",
"password": "$2a$10$dcquPHK48H5Q7FcaTyzgf.vnrUOgKpBENS9fSa0hjoaASs0uyOWba",
"email": "",
"_favorites": [
"title": "Ellusive & Eljay - Like This Before...",
"artist": "Ellusive",
"audio": "",
"image": "",
"download": "",
"url": "",
"created": {
"$date": "2016-12-13T19:00:50.136Z"
"genres": {
"hipHop": 100
"id": "5850456247ef7e110099748b"
"title": "Dazed and Confused",
"artist": "Sir Skiff",
"audio": "",
"image": "",
"download": null,
"url": "",
"created": {
"$date": "2016-12-13T08:49:59.128Z"
"genres": {
"hipHop": 100
"id": "584fb637fbf7df995f4341d3"
"title": "Runnat",
"artist": "Rory Fresco",
"audio": "",
"image": "",
"download": null,
"url": "",
"created": {
"$date": "2016-12-13T08:50:52.397Z"
"genres": {
"hipHop": 100
"id": "584fb66cfbf7df995f4341d4"
"title": "Breathe (Prod. by Yuri Beat$)",
"artist": "Chiddy Bang",
"audio": "",
"image": "",
"download": null,
"url": "",
"created": {
"$date": "2016-12-13T08:32:36.447Z"
"genres": {
"hipHop": 100
"id": "584fb224fbf7df995f4341ce"
I have an endpoint set up which returns all the favorites
But I can't seem to query them. When I query all the songs from api/Songs it works but not when I query favorites.
The query I'm using is:
{'order': 'created DESC'}
I've tried multiple other queries, and none work.
Thank you!