How to place SQLite database outside of NFS Persistent Volume - kubernetes

I have a multi-node (2) Kubernetes cluster running on bare metal. I understand that 1. hostPath is bad for production and 2. hostPath Persistent Volumes are not supported for multi-node setups. Is there a way that I can safely run apps that are backed by a SQLite database? Over NFS the database locks a lot and really hurts the performance of the apps.
I would probably place the SQLite databases for each app on the hostPath volume and everything would run smoothly again. But I was wondering if there are some workarounds to achieve this, even if I have to restrict apps to a specific node.

It seems you should use Local Persistent Volumes GA.
As per documentation:
A local volume represents a mounted local storage device such as a disk, partition or directory.
Compared to hostPath volumes, local volumes can be used in a durable and portable manner without manually scheduling Pods to nodes, as the system is aware of the volume’s node constraints by looking at the node affinity on the PersistentVolume.
At GA, Local Persistent Volumes do not support dynamic volume provisioning.
More information you can find here, and here.
As one example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: example-pv
storage: 100Gi
# volumeMode field requires BlockVolume Alpha feature gate to be enabled.
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
storageClassName: local-storage
path: /mnt/disks/ssd1
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- example-node
With Local Persistent Volumes, the Kubernetes scheduler ensures that a pod using a Local Persistent Volume is always scheduled to the same node


Is there any technical problem if I have one PVC to share the same volume across all statefulset replicas?

Kubernetes creates one PersistentVolume for each VolumeClaimTemplate definition on an statefulset. That makes each statefulset pod have its own storage that is not shared across the replicas. However, I would like to share the same volume across all the statefulset replicas.
It looks like the approach should be the following:
Create a PVC on the same namespace.
On the statefulset use Volumes to bound the PVC
Ensure that the PVC is ReadOnlyMany or ReadWriteMany
Assuming that my application is able to deal with any concurrency on the shared volume, is there any technical problem if I have one PVC to share the same volume across all statefulset replicas?
I wholeheartedly agree with the comments made by #Jonas and #David Maze:
You can do this, it should work. There is no need to use volumeClaimTemplates unless your app needs it.
Two obvious problems are that ReadWriteMany volumes are actually a little tricky to get (things like AWS EBS volumes are only ReadWriteOnce), and that many things you want to run in StatefulSets (like databases) want exclusive use of their filesystem space and use file locking to enforce this.
Answering on the question:
Is there any technical problem if I have one PVC to share the same volume across all statefulset replicas?
I'd say that this would mostly depend on the:
How the application would handle such scenario where it's having single PVC (writing concurrency).
Which storage solution are supported by your Kubernetes cluster (or could be implemented).
Subjectively speaking, I don't think there should be an issue when above points are acknowledged and aligned with the requirements and configuration that the cluster/applications allows.
From the application perspective, there is an inherent lack of the software we are talking about. Each application could behave differently and could require different tuning (look on the David Maze comment).
We do not also know anything about your infrastructure so it could be hard to point you potential issues. From the hardware perspective (Kubernetes cluster), this would inherently go into making a research on the particular storage solution that you would like to use. It could be different from cloud provider to cloud provider as well as on-premise solutions. You would need to check the requirements of your app to align it to the options you have.
Continuing on the matter of Volumes, I'd reckon the one of the important things would be accessModes.
Citing the official docs:
Access Modes
A PersistentVolume can be mounted on a host in any way supported by the resource provider. As shown in the table below, providers will have different capabilities and each PV's access modes are set to the specific modes supported by that particular volume. For example, NFS can support multiple read/write clients, but a specific NFS PV might be exported on the server as read-only. Each PV gets its own set of access modes describing that specific PV's capabilities.
The access modes are:
ReadWriteOnce -- the volume can be mounted as read-write by a single node
ReadOnlyMany -- the volume can be mounted read-only by many nodes
ReadWriteMany -- the volume can be mounted as read-write by many nodes
In the CLI, the access modes are abbreviated to:
RWO - ReadWriteOnce
ROX - ReadOnlyMany
RWX - ReadWriteMany Docs: Concepts: Storage: Persistent Volumes: Access modes
One of the issues you can run into is with the ReadWriteOnce when the PVC is mounted to the Node and sts-X (Pod) is scheduled onto a different Node but from the question, I'd reckon you already know about it.
However, I would like to share the same volume across all the statefulset replicas.
An example of a StatefulSet with a Volume that would be shared across all of the replicas could be following (modified example from Kubernetes documentation):
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: web
app: nginx # has to match .spec.template.metadata.labels
serviceName: "nginx"
replicas: 3 # by default is 1
app: nginx # has to match .spec.selector.matchLabels
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 10
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- containerPort: 80
name: web
- name: example-pvc
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
- name: example-pvc
claimName: pvc-for-sts
Additional resources: Docs: Concepts: Workloads: Controllers: Statefulset Docs: Concepts: Storage: Persistent Volumes

How to create a volume in kubernetes that is not destroyed when the pods die?

I have a docker image that when created should check if the volume is empty, in case it should initialize it with some data.
This saved data must remain available for other pods with the same or different image.
What do you recommend me to do?
You have 2 options:
First option is to mount the pod into the node and save the data in the node so when new pod will create in the same node it will have an access to the same volume (persistent storage location).
Potential problem: 2 pods on the same node can create deadlock for the same resource (so you have to manage the resource).
Shared storage meaning create one storage and every pod will claim storage in the same storage.
I strongly suggest that you will take the next 55 minutes and see the webinar below:
I assume you create your pods using Deployment object in Kubernetes. What you want to look into is a StatefulSet, which, in opposite to deployments, retains some identity aspects for recreated pods including to some extent network and storage.
It was introduced specifically as a means to run services that need to keep their state in kube cluster (ie. running databases queues etc.)
Looking at the answers, would it not be simpler to create an NFS Persistent Volume and then allow the pods to mount the PV's?
You can use the writemany which should alleviate a deadlock.
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: shared-volume
storage: 1Gi
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteMany
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
storageClassName: ""
- hard
- nfsvers=4.1
path: /tmp
Persistent Volumes

Kubernetes PVC with ReadWriteMany on AWS

I want to setup a PVC on AWS, where I need ReadWriteMany as access mode. Unfortunately, EBS only supports ReadWriteOnce.
How could I solve this?
I have seen that there is a beta provider for AWS EFS which supports ReadWriteMany, but as said, this is still beta, and its installation looks somewhat flaky.
I could use node affinity to force all pods that rely on the EBS volume to a single node, and stay with ReadWriteOnce, but this limits scalability.
Are there any other ways of how to solve this? Basically, what I need is a way to store data in a persistent way to share it across pods that are independent of each other.
Using EFS without automatic provisioning
The EFS provisioner may be beta, but EFS itself is not. Since EFS volumes can be mounted via NFS, you can simply create a PersistentVolume with a NFS volume source manually -- assuming that automatic provisioning is not a hard requirement on your side:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: my-efs-volume
storage: 100Gi # Doesn't really matter, as EFS does not enforce it anyway
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteMany
- hard
- nfsvers=4.1
- rsize=1048576
- wsize=1048576
- timeo=600
- retrans=2
path: /
You can then claim this volume using a PersistentVolumeClaim and use it in a Pod (or multiple Pods) as usual.
Alternative solutions
If automatic provisioning is a hard requirement for you, there are alternative solutions you might look at: There are several distributed filesystems that you can roll out on yourcluster that offer ReadWriteMany storage on top of Kubernetes and/or AWS. For example, you might take a look at Rook (which is basically a Kubernetes operator for Ceph). It's also officially still in a pre-release phase, but I've already worked with it a bit and it runs reasonably well.
There's also the GlusterFS operator, which already seems to have a few stable releases.
You can use Amazon EFS to create PersistentVolume with ReadWriteMany access mode.
Amazon EKS Announced support for the Amazon EFS CSI Driver on Sep 19 2019, which makes it simple to configure elastic file storage for both EKS and self-managed Kubernetes clusters running on AWS using standard Kubernetes interfaces.
Applications running in Kubernetes can
use EFS file systems to share data between pods in a scale-out group,
or with other applications running within or outside of Kubernetes.
EFS can also help Kubernetes applications be highly available because
all data written to EFS is written to multiple AWS Availability zones.
If a Kubernetes pod is terminated and relaunched, the CSI driver will
reconnect the EFS file system, even if the pod is relaunched in a
different AWS Availability Zone.
You can deploy the Amazon EFS CSI Driver to an Amazon EKS cluster following the EKS-EFS-CSI user guide, basically like this:
Step 1: Deploy the Amazon EFS CSI Driver
kubectl apply -k ""
Note: This command requires version 1.14 or greater of kubectl.
Step 2: Create an Amazon EFS file system for your Amazon EKS cluster
Step 2.1: Create a security group that allows inbound NFS traffic for your Amazon EFS mount points.
Step 2.2: Add a rule to your security group to allow inbound NFS traffic from your VPC CIDR range.
Step 2.3: Create the Amazon EFS file system configured with the security group you just created.
Now you are good to use EFS with ReadWriteMany access mode in your EKS Kubernetes project with the following sample manifest files:
1. efs-storage-class.yaml: Create the storage class
kind: StorageClass
name: efs-sc
kubectl apply -f efs-storage-class.yaml
2. efs-pv.yaml: Create PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: ftp-efs-pv
storageClassName: efs-sc
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
storage: 10Gi # Doesn't really matter, as EFS does not enforce it anyway
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteMany
volumeHandle: fs-642da695
Note: you need to replace the volumeHandle value with your Amazon EFS file system ID.
3. efs-pvc.yaml: Create PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: ftp-pv-claim
app: ftp-storage-claim
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 10Gi
storageClassName: efs-sc
That should be it. You need to refer to the aforementioned official user guide for detailed explanation, where your can also find an example app to verify your setup.
As you mention EBS volume with affinity & node selector will stop scalability however with EBS only ReadWriteOnce will work.
Sharing my experience, if you are doing many operations on the file system and frequently pushing & fetching files it might could be slow with EFS which can degrade application performance. operation rate on EFS is slow.
However, you can use GlusterFs in back it will be provisioning EBS volume. GlusterFS also support ReadWriteMany and it will be faster compared to EFS as it's block storage (SSD).

How to mount local volume to ksonnet component deployed in kubeflow

I am trying to mount a local directory into a component deployed in kubeflow using ksonnet prototype.
There is no way to mount a local directory into a Kubernetes pod (after all kubeflow and ksonnet just create pods and other Kubernetes resources).
If you want your files to be available in Kubernetes I can think in two options:
Create a custom docker image, copying the folder you want, and push it to a registry. Kubeflow has parameters to customize the images to be deployed.
Use NFS. That way you could mount the NFS volume in your local and also in the pods. To do that you should modify the ksonnet code, since in the last stable version it is not implemented.
If you provide more information about what component are you trying to deploy and which cloud provider you're using, I could help you more
If by local directory you mean local directory on the node, then it is possible to mount a directory on the node’s filesystem inside a pod using HostPath or Local Volumes feature.
A hostPath volume mounts a file or directory from the host node’s filesystem into your Pod. This is not something that most Pods will need, but it offers a powerful escape hatch for some applications.
A local volume represents a mounted local storage device such as a disk, partition or directory.
Local volumes can only be used as a statically created PersistentVolume. Dynamic provisioning is not supported yet.
Compared to hostPath volumes, local volumes can be used in a durable and portable manner without manually scheduling Pods to nodes, as the system is aware of the volume’s node constraints by looking at the node affinity on the PersistentVolume.
For example:
# HostPaht Volume example
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-pd
- image:
name: test-container
- mountPath: /test-pd
name: test-volume
- name: test-volume
# directory location on host
path: /data
# this field is optional
type: Directory
# local volume example (beta in v1.10)
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: example-pv
storage: 100Gi
# volumeMode field requires BlockVolume Alpha feature gate to be enabled.
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
storageClassName: local-storage
path: /mnt/disks/ssd1
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- example-node
GlusterFS is also available as Volume or as Persistent Volume (Access modes:ReadWriteOnce,ReadOnlyMany,ReadWriteMany)
A glusterfs volume allows a Glusterfs (an open source networked filesystem) volume to be mounted into your Pod. Unlike emptyDir, which is erased when a Pod is removed, the contents of a glusterfs volume are preserved and the volume is merely unmounted. This means that a glusterfs volume can be pre-populated with data, and that data can be “handed off” between Pods. GlusterFS can be mounted by multiple writers simultaneously.
See the GlusterFS example for more details.

mounting a directory for pods in kubernetes

I have an application which accesses a couple of files from a directory. I went through kubernetes volumes and persistent volumes and volume claims. this is a multi-node kubernetes cluster. do we have any direct solution which can be used which does not need any external storage like a nfs server etc?
I have a VM server from where i execute my kubernetes commands. I am new to kubernetes so please help me with this.
Also i was looking at local persistent volume. is there a link which i can go through for an example. I am looking at local
But the example does not explain what below are under nodeAffinity:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: example-pv
storage: 100Gi
# volumeMode field requires BlockVolume Alpha feature gate to be enabled.
volumeMode: Filesystem
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
storageClassName: local-storage
path: /mnt/disks/ssd1
- matchExpressions:
- key:
operator: In
- example-node
This depends on your use case, if the files you want to share across the cluster are more than a few megabytes in size, you'll need some kind of storage operator. Local storage is probably not what you're looking for.
For small files (configs, keys, init scripts)
If the files are small, such as configuration files or ssh keys or similar you can use a kubernetes configmap (or secret). This will allow you to setup a few files or directories with a few files. Checkout the documentation
For large files (shared data, graphics, binaries)
If however you want to share a few hundred megabytes or gigabytes of files, you need a storage provider with your cluster.
If you are using a cloud provider, such as Google, AWS or Azure, this should be straightforward, you need to create a persistent disk with your cloud provider and copy your required data onto the disk. Once that's done, simply follow the guide for the relevant cloud providers:
Google Cloud - GCE Persistent Disk
AWS - Elastic Block Storage
Azure - Azure Disk
(#justcompile pointed out that AWS doesn't support multiple read-only mounts to instances, I was unable to find similar information for Azure)
If however, you're running your own kubernetes cluster on "baremetal", you'll have to setup either an NFS server, a Ceph cluster and probably use something like rook on top.