how to iterate on column in pyspark dataframe based on unique records and non na values - pyspark

I have below code in python
for i in (map.area.unique()):
# Select all the map records from the currently processed area
f_0 = f_map[(f_map['area'] == i )]
m_0 = m_map[(m_map['area'] == i) | (m_map['area'] == "Unknown")]
I am rewriting it in pyspark. But the third line is throwing exception. Can anyone point out what I doing wrong.
map dataframe is :
play_id calendar_period telephone area
1: 286178 201811 03235095 510
2: 286179 201811 03235113 500
id value area type
1: 227149 385911000059 510 mob
2: 122270 385911000661 100 fix
id area type
1: 227149 590 mob
2: 122270 190 fix
Ouput should be :
id value area type
1: 227149 385994266007 Unknown mob
2: 122270 385989281716 Unknown mob

I think the problem arises from the last line. If I understand your problem correctly, this should be what you're looking for:
temp1 = sampdf[(sampdf['area'] == i) | (sampdf['area'] == "Unknown")]


Substring function to extract part of the string

data = {'desc': ['ADRIAN PETER - ANN 80020355787C - 11 Baillon Pass.pdf', 'AILEEN MARCUS - ANC 800E15432922 - 5 Mandarin Way.pdf',
'AJITH SINGH - ANN 80020837750 - 11 Berkeley Loop.pdf', 'ALEX MARTIN-CURTIS - ANC 80021710355 - 26 Dovedale St.pdf',
'Alice.Smith\Jodee - Karen - ANE 80020428377 - 58 Harrisdale Dr.pdf']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['desc'])
From the data frame, I want to create a new column called ID, and in that ID, I want to have only those values starting after ANN, ANC or ANE. So I am expecting a result as below.
I tried running the code below, but it did not get the desired result. Appreciate your help on this.
df['id'] = df['desc'].str.extract(r'\-([^|]+)\-')
You can use - AN[NCE] (800[0-9A-Z]+) -, where:
AN[NCE] matches literally AN followed by N or C or E;
800[0-9A-Z]+ matches literally 800 followed by one or more characters between 0 and 9 or between A and Z.
>>> df['desc'].str.extract(r'- AN[NCE] (800[0-9A-Z]+) -')
0 80020355787C
1 800E15432922
2 80020837750
3 80021710355
4 80020428377
If not all your ids start with "800", you can just remove it from the pattern.

Pyspark Cosine similarity Invalid argument, not a string or column

I am trying to calculate cosine distances of 2 title and headline columns via using pre-trained bert model just like below
Dance Gavin Dance bass player Tim Feerick dead at 34
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make secret visit to see Queen ahead of Invictus Games
["Dance Gavin Dance bass player Tim Feerick dead at 34"]
["Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make secret visit to see Queen ahead of Invictus Games"]
["Dance Gavin Dance bass player Tim Feerick dead at 34", "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make secret visit to see Queen ahead of Invictus Games"]
# downloading bert
model = SentenceTransformer('bert-base-nli-mean-tokens')
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql.types import FloatType
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
def cosine_similarity(sentence_embeddings, ind_a, ind_b):
s = sentence_embeddings
return[ind_a], s[ind_b]) / (np.linalg.norm(s[ind_a]) * np.linalg.norm(s[ind_b]))
#udf_bert = udf(cosine_similarity, FloatType())
s0 = "our president is a good leader he will not fail"
s1 = "our president is not a good leader he will fail"
s2 = "our president is a good leader"
s3 = "our president will succeed"
sentences = [s0, s1, s2, s3]
sentence_embeddings = model.encode(sentences)
s = sentence_embeddings
print(f"{s0} <--> {s1}: {udf_bert(sentence_embeddings, 0, 1)}")
print(f"{s0} <--> {s2}: {cosine_similarity(sentence_embeddings, 0, 2)}")
print(f"{s0} <--> {s3}: {cosine_similarity(sentence_embeddings, 0, 3)}")
test_df = test_df.withColumn("Similarities", (cosine_similarity(model.encode(test_df.arrayed), 0, 1))
As we see from the example , algorithm takes concatenation of two array of strings and calculate distances of cosine among them.
When I only run the algorithm/function with the sample texts commented out , it is working. But when I try to apply it into my dataframe via registering as a udf and call with dataframe I am facing with the error below:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<command-757165186581086> in <module>
26 '''''
---> 28 test_df = test_df.withColumn("Similarities", f.lit(cosine_similarity(model.encode(test_df.arrayed), 0, 1)))
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in wrapper(*args)
197 #functools.wraps(self.func, assigned=assignments)
198 def wrapper(*args):
--> 199 return self(*args)
201 wrapper.__name__ = self._name
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in __call__(self, *cols)
177 judf = self._judf
178 sc = SparkContext._active_spark_context
--> 179 return Column(judf.apply(_to_seq(sc, cols, _to_java_column)))
181 # This function is for improving the online help system in the interactive interpreter.
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in _to_seq(sc, cols, converter)
60 """
61 if converter:
---> 62 cols = [converter(c) for c in cols]
63 return sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toSeq(cols)
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in <listcomp>(.0)
60 """
61 if converter:
---> 62 cols = [converter(c) for c in cols]
63 return sc._jvm.PythonUtils.toSeq(cols)
/databricks/spark/python/pyspark/sql/ in _to_java_column(col)
44 jcol = _create_column_from_name(col)
45 else:
---> 46 raise TypeError(
47 "Invalid argument, not a string or column: "
48 "{0} of type {1}. "
TypeError: Invalid argument, not a string or column: [-0.29246375 0.02216947 0.610355 -0.02230968 0.61386955 0.15291359]
The input of a UDF is a Column or a column name, that's why Spark is complaining Invalid argument, not a string or column: [-0.29246375 0.02216947 0.610355 -0.02230968 0.61386955 0.15291359]. You'll need to pass arrayed only, and refer model inside your UDF. Something like this
def cosine_similarity(sentence_embeddings, ind_a, ind_b):
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
model = SentenceTransformer('bert-base-nli-mean-tokens')
s = model.encode(arrayed)
return[ind_a], s[ind_b]) / (np.linalg.norm(s[ind_a]) * np.linalg.norm(s[ind_b]))
test_df = test_df.withColumn("Similarities", (cosine_similarity(test_df.arrayed, 0, 1))

Importing two text files to compare as lists sequentially

Student trying to compare two .txt files of string "answers" from a multiple choice test a,c,d,b, etc. I've found some information on different parts of the problems I'm having and found a possible way to get the comparisons I want, but the guide was meant for in script strings and not pulling a list from a file.
For the import of the two files and comparing them, I'm basing my code on my textbook and this video here: Video example
I've got the code up and running, but for some reason I'm only getting 0.0% match when I want to a 100.0% match, at least for the two text files I'm using with identical answer lists.
import difflib
answer_sheet = "TestAnswerList.txt"
student_sheet = "StudentAnswerList.txt"
ans_list = open(answer_sheet).readlines()
stu_list = open(student_sheet).readlines()
sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, a=ans_list, b=stu_list)
check_list = sequence.ratio()*100
check_list = round(check_list,1)
print(str(check_list) + "% match")
if check_list == 100:
print('This grade is Plus Ultra!')
elif check_list >= 75:
print('Good job, you pass!')
print('Please study harder for your next test.')
# not the crux of my issue, but will accept advice all the same
If I add in the close statement at the end for both of the text files, then I receive this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File
"c:/Users/jaret/Documents/Ashford U/CPT 200/Python Code/Wk 5 Int Assg
- Tester", line 18, in
answer_sheet.close AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'close'
I had to re-look at how my files were being opened and realized that the syntax was for Python 2 not 3. I chose to go w/ basic open and later close to reduce any potential errors on my novice part.
import difflib
f1 = open('TestAnswerList.txt')
tst_ans = f1.readlines()
f2 = open('StudentAnswerList.txt')
stu_ans = f2.readlines()
sequence = difflib.SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, a=stu_ans, b=tst_ans)
check_list = sequence.ratio()*100
check_list = round(check_list,1)
print(str(check_list) + "% match") # Percentage correct
if check_list == 100:
print('This grade is Plus Ultra!')
elif check_list >= 75:
print('Good job, you pass!')
print('Please study harder for your next test.')
# Visual Answer match-up
print('Test Answers: ', tst_ans)
print('Student Answers:', stu_ans)

delete rows with character in cell array

I need some basic help. I have a cell array:
TITLE 13122423
and many more rows with text...
234 456 234 345
324 346 234 345
344 454 462 435
and many MANY (>4000) more with only numbers
and more text and mixed entries
Now what I want is to delete all the rows where the first column contain a character, and end up with only those rows containing numbers. Row 44 - 46 in this example.
I tried to use
rawdataTruncated(strncmp(rawdataTruncated(:, 1), 'A', 1), :) = [];
but then i need to go throught the whole alphabet, right?
Given data of the form:
C = {'FIRSTX' '350.0000' '' '' ; ...
'350.0000' '0.226885' '254.409' '0.755055'; ...
'349.9500' '0.214335' '254.41' '0.755073'; ...
'250.0000' 'LASTX' '' '' };
You can remove any row that has character strings containing letters using isstrprop, cellfun, and any like so:
index = ~any(cellfun(#any, isstrprop(C, 'alpha')), 2);
C = C(index, :)
C =
2×4 cell array
'350.0000' '0.226885' '254.409' '0.755055'
'349.9500' '0.214335' '254.41' '0.755073'

Matlab Code for Reading Text file with inconsistent rows

I am new to Matlab and have been working my way through using Google. But now I have hit the wall it seems.
I have a text file which looks like following:
Information is for illustration reasons only
Aggregated Results
Date;$/Val1;Total $;Exp. Val1;Act. Val1
01-Oct-2008; -5.20; -1717; 330; 323
02-Oct-2008; -1.79; -595; 333; 324
03-Oct-2008; -2.29; -765; 334; 321
04-Oct-2008; -2.74; -917; 335; 317
Total Period; -0.80; -8612; 10748; 10276
Aggregated Results for location State PA
Date;$/Val1;Total $;Exp. Val1;Act. Val1
01-Oct-2008; -5.20; -1717; 330; 323
02-Oct-2008; -1.79; -595; 333; 324
03-Oct-2008; -2.29; -765; 334; 321
Total Period; -0.80; -8612; 10748; 10276
Results for account A1
Date;$/Val1;Total $;Exp. Val1;Act. Val1
01-Oct-2008; -7.59; -372; 49; 51
Total Period; -0.84; -1262; 1502; 1431
Results for account A2
Date;$/MWh;Total $;Exp. MWh;Act. MWh
01-Oct-2008; -8.00; -392; 49; 51
02-Oct-2008; 0.96; 47; 49; 51
03-Oct-2008; -0.75; -37; 50; 48
04-Oct-2008; 1.28; 53; 41; 40
Total Period; -0.36; -534; 1502; 1431
I want to extract following information in a cell/matrix format so that I can use it later to selectively do operations like average of accounts A1 and A2 or average of PA and A1, etc.
PA -0.8
A1 -0.84
A2 -0.036
I'd go this way:
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
A = textscan(fid,'%s','delimiter','\r');
A = A{:};
str_i = 'Total Period';
ix = find(strncmp(A,str_i,length(str_i)));
res = arrayfun(#(i) str2num(A{ix(i)}(length(str_i)+2:end)),1:numel(ix),'UniformOutput',false);
res = cat(2,res{:});
This way you'll get all the numerical values after a string 'Total Period' in a matrix, so that you may pick the values you need.
Similarly you may operate with strings PA, A1 and A2.
Matlab is not that nice when it comes to dealing with messy data. You may want to preprocess it a bit first.
However, here is an easy general way to import mixed numeric and non-numeric data in Matlab for a limited number of normal sized files.
Step 1: Copy the contents of the file into excel and save it as xls or xlsx
Step 2: Use xlsread
From there the parsing should be maneagable.
Hopefully they will add non-numeric support to csvread or dlmread in the future.