parse int to date (tmap ) Talend PostgreSQL - postgresql

My job Talend is about mapping between a csv file and a postregresql table.
I need to insert a column date which can be with normal format yyyyMMdd or(0/99999999) in the csv file. So if the date is equal to 0 or 99999999 it's will be mapping as a null variable in the database, else the data must be loaded as a date type timestamp yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.
In the csv file I declared the date as an int, so I must parse int to a datetime in the tmap and loaded the 0/99999999 as a null variable.
Any help please.

if I understand the problem correctly, its solution is as follows:
// correspondent expression to convert string with special "0/99999999" values is:
(row1.dateAsString.equals("0")||row1.dateAsString.equals("99999999"))?null:routines.TalendDate.parseDate("yyyyMMdd", row1.dateAsString)


Reading weird date format in hive

I have a column which contians date as string but in many formats like - dd/MM/yy, dd/MMM/yyy .. etc etc. And I am using the following code to convert all strings to one specific date format (yyyy-MM-dd) in hive :
but this gives me 2021-03-03 in HIVE.
Is there any other way to identify such invalid dates and give null.
Assume, you recognized format correctly and it is exactly 'dd/MM/yyyy' and date is invalid one '31/02/2021'.
unix_timestamp function in such case will move date to the next month and there is no way to change it's behavior. But you can check if the date double-converted from original string to timestamp and back to original format is the same. In case it is not the same, then the date is invalid one.
-- check double-converted date is the same as original string
when from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(date_col,'dd/MM/yyyy'),'dd/MM/yyyy') = date_col
--convert to yyyy-MM-dd if the date is valid
then from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('31/02/2021','dd/MM/yyyy'),'yyyy-MM-dd')
else null -- null if invalid date
end as date_converted

Converting string to date , datetime or Int in Mapping dataflow

I have a parquet file with a start_date and end_date columns
Formatted like this
I've tried every combination conversion toDate, toString, toInterger functions but I still get Nulls returned when viewing the data (see image).
I would like to have see the result in two ways YYYYMMDD as integer column and YYYY-MM-DD as Date columns.
eg 01012021 and 01-01-2021
I'm sure the default format has caused this issue.
First, for the Date formatter, you need to first tell ADF what each part of your string represents. Use dd-MMM-yyy for your format. Then, use a string formatter to manipulate the output as such: toString(toDate('01-Jan-2021', 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
For the integer representation: toInteger(toString(toDate('01-Jan-2021', 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyyMMdd'))
Ah, you say *"I would like to have see the result in two ways YYYYMMDD as integer column and YYYY-MM-DD as Date columns. eg 01012021 and 01-01-2021"* Do you want in YYYYMMDD or dd-mm-yyy cause your example is in the later format.
Anyways, please see below expression you could use:
My source:
Use derived column:
Edit expression:
start_date_toInteger : toString(toDate(substring(start_date,1,11), 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyymmdd')
start_date_toDate: toString(toDate(substring(start_date,1,11), 'dd-MMM-yyyy'), 'yyyy-mm-dd')
Final results:

parse date time from string in spotfire

one column in my csv file is a date that is read as a string and it follows this pattern : 2018-09-19 10:27:28.409Z. I am struggling to convert the column from string to date.
The conversion options in spotfire didn't allow me to change the column type. however, I found the solution, at the moment of importing the data set (file) you need to specify the type (date time) and magically spotfire manages the conversion.

How to convert these character fields to time stamp in hive

I have these character fields actv_date and actv_time in a hive table
171205 (YYMMDD)
1954359 (HHMMSSF)
I want the output to be a time stamp field of format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.f
Use this.
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(concat(ap_actv_date,ap_actv_time), 'YYMMDDHHMMSSF'))

Date Format Conversion in Hive

I'm very new to sql/hive. At first, I loaded a txt file into hive using:
drop table if exists Tran_data;
create table Tran_data(tran_time string,
resort string, settled double)
Load data local inpath 'C:\Users\me\Documents\transaction_data.txt' into table Tran_Data;
The variable tran_time in the txt file is like this:10-APR-2014 15:01. After loading this Tran_data table, I tried to convert tran_time to a "standard" format so that I can join this table to another table using tran_time as the join key. The date format desired is 'yyyymmdd'. I searched online resources, and found this: unix_timestamp(substr(tran_time,1,11),'dd-MMM-yyyy')
So essentially, I'm doing this: unix_timestamp('10-APR-2014','dd-MMM-yyyy'). However, the output is "NULL".
So my question is: how to convert the date format to a "standard" format, and then further convert it to 'yyyymmdd' format?
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('20150101' ,'yyyyMMdd'), 'yyyy-MM-dd')
My current Hive Version: Hive 0.12.0-cdh5.1.5
I converted datetime in first column to date in second column using the below hive date functions. Hope this helps!
select inp_dt, from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(substr(inp_dt,0,11),'dd-MMM-yyyy')) as todateformat from table;
inp_dt todateformat
12-Mar-2015 07:24:55 2015-03-12 00:00:00
unix_timestamp function will convert given string date format to unix timestamp in seconds , but not like this format dd-mm-yyyy.
You need to write your own custom udf to convert a given string date to the format that you need as present Hive do not have any predefined functions. We have to_date function to convert a timestamp to date , remaining all unix_timestamp functions won't help your problem.
select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('01032018' ,'MMddyyyy'), 'yyyyMMdd');
input format: mmddyyyy
output after query: yyyymmdd
To help someone in the future:
The following function should work as it worked in my case
unix_timestamp('2014-05-01','dd-mmm-yyyy') will work, your input string should be in this format for hive yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Where as you are trying with '01-MAY-2014' hive won't understand it as a date string