please give me some solution to this error Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value [duplicate] - swift

This question already has answers here:
What does "Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?
(16 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
func doGetLocalDataUser() -> logInResponse {
var localData : logInResponse? = nil
if let userData = UserDefaults.standard
.data(forKey: ConstantStrings.KEY_USER_LOGIN_DATA),let user = try? JSONDecoder()
.decode(logInResponse.self ,from: userData){
localData = user
return localData!

I would change the method to this:
func doGetLocalDataUser() -> logInResponse? {
guard let userData = ConstantStrings.KEY_USER_LOGIN_DATA), let user = try? JSONDecoder().decode(logInResponse.self ,from: userData) else {
return nil
return user
Keep in mind JSON decoding can fail (maybe has wrong format), therefore user will be nil, and this method can return nil

localData is nil, so you are force unwrapping localData (as a logInResponse) illegally.
If your optional chaining finds nil at any point (for example your userData doesn't exist in UserDefaults / has the wrong type) then it won't execute.
You are declaring this doGetLocalDataUser() function to return a non optional logInResponse type and force unwrapping a nil value to try and retrieve one. Best practice is to avoid the force unwrap "bang" operator "!" because it can lead to fatal errors like this.
Simple solution is to change your method to return an optional logInResponse? type, and eliminate the bang operator:
func doGetLocalDataUser() -> logInResponse? {
if let userData = ConstantStrings.KEY_USER_LOGIN_DATA), let user = try? JSONDecoder().decode(logInResponse.self ,from: userData){
return user
} else {
return nil


How to solve "Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not ..."

I'm working with swift 5 and I get the following error for the code below "Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'AdviceArticle'".
I saw a few similar issues dating back a few years but I cannot really translate the answers to my specific case.
static func loadAdviceArticle(articleID: String, completion: #escaping((AdviceArticle?) -> Void)) {
Firestore.firestore().collection("advice_articles").document(articleID).getDocument { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
if let obj = try? snapshot?.data(as: AdviceArticle.self),
let article = obj {
Would you have a suggestion on how to fixe this code ?
Many thanks for your help.
try this:
guard let obj = try? snapshot?.data(as: AdviceArticle.self) else { return }

How to unwrap optional value in swift?

code correct
To replace a nil value we need to unwrap optional value this done according to type of value.
i.e. if value is string then we need to add ?? "" or if value is double we need to add ?? 0.0
As in case of the above scenario (EmailTextField.text ?? "") this is the format to replace unwrap optional value .
Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: (txtEmail.text ?? ""), password: (txtPass.text ?? "")) { (result, error) in
if let _eror = error {
//something bad happning
print(_eror.localizedDescription )
//user registered successfully
This error clearly indicates that you have forced unwrap the optional somewhere in your code.
Remove force unwrapping (!) by optional binding in your code.
Ways to optional binding...
if let
guard let
nil coalescing i.e ??
Look for exclaimation mark in your code, where you have force
unwrapped and replace it with one of the above way.

Trying to do deal with errors and optionals the right way

I am attempting to use SwiftSoup to scrape some HTML. This example, based on the SwiftSoup github documentation, works fine…
func scrape() throws {
do {
let htmlFromSomeSource = "<html><body><p class="nerp">HerpDerp</p><p class="narf">HoopDoop</p>"
let doc = try! SwiftSoup.parse(htmlFromSomeSource)
let tag = try!"p").first()!
let tagClass = try! tag.attr("class")
} catch {
print("oh dang")
throw Abort(.notFound)
… Up until I mess with the selector or attribute targets, at which point everything crashes thanks to the implicitly unwrapped optionals (which I assume was just quick-and-dirty code to get smarter people started). That do/catch doesn't seem to help at all.
So what's the Right way? This compiles...
print("is there a doc?")
guard let doc = try? SwiftSoup.parse(response.body.description) else {
print("no doc")
throw Abort(.notFound)
print("should halt because there's no img")
guard let tag = try?"img").first()! else {
print("no paragraph tag")
throw Abort(.notFound)
print("should halt because there's no src")
guard let tagClass = try? tag.attr("src") else {
print("no src")
throw Abort(.notFound)
... but again if I mess with the selector or attribute it crashes out, "Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" (after "is there a doc?"). I thought guard would halt the process when it encountered a nil? (If I convert "try?" to "try" the compiler complains that "initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type"…)
If you declare the function as throws you don't need a do - catch block inside the function. Just remove the block and the exclamation marks after try to pass through the errors to the caller function.
func scrape() throws { // add a return type
let htmlFromSomeSource = "<html><body><p class="nerp">HerpDerp</p><p class="narf">HoopDoop</p>"
let doc = try SwiftSoup.parse(htmlFromSomeSource)
guard let tag = try"p").first() else { throw Abort(.notFound) }
let tagClass = try tag.attr("class")
// return something

How to check conditions of two parameters in my case

Say I have a closure with two optional parameters:
(data: MyData?, error: Error?) in
// I want to safely unwrap data & make sure error is nil
if let data = data, let error== nil {
The if condition above gives me error: Variable binding in a condition requires an initializer.
I understand I might have used wrong syntax with the let error==nil part. But, what is the correct way to do the condition check ?
For Swift 3 just drop let before error
if let data = data, error == nil {
// do stuff
Before Swift 3 the syntax was a little different
if let data = data where error == nil {
In your case it can be a good idea to use guard :
(data: MyData?, error: Error?) in
// I want to safely unwrap data & make sure error is nil
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
// code here
Another option is to use if case with pattern matching:
if case let (data?, nil) = (data, error) {
// ...
Here data? is the "optional pattern" and a shortcut for .some(data).

swift3 How to remove Optional [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Printing optional variable
(15 answers)
Cannot get rid of Optional() string
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
this is my code:
func uplouadPost() {
// shortcut to data to be php
let parseJSON = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "parseJSON") as?
let userID = parseJSON!["userID"] as! String
if error == nil {
do {
// json containes $returnArray from php
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!,
options: .mutableContainers) as? NSDictionary
print I get ========================Optional(23)
But I don't want Optioanl
how to just get 23
What's more, I tried to unwrap the "userID" by this way. However it doesn't work
let unwrappedUserID = [userID]
print (unwrappedUserID)
Thank you guys
The best method of checking for and unwrapping Optionals is using either a guard statement or if-let statements.
So suppose you have a dictionary defined as:
let parseJson: [String: Any]? = ["userId": 23]
Even though it has a value, it is still an Optional type so to access the values in the dictionary we want, we need to check for the possibility of it having a nil value, assuming we didn't create it and know that it has a real value.
Using if-let statements, we can do:
if let json = parseJson {
// json is now of type [String: Any] instead of [String: Any]?
let userId = json["userId"]
print("=========\(userId)") // =========23
This creates a new scope where the json constant now contains the non-nil and unwrapped optional value of parseJson. In that case if parseJson did equal nil, then the code inside of the if-let block would not execute.
The other option is a guard statement, which is very similar.
guard let json = parseJson else {
// ONLY EXECUTES IF parseJson IS nil
return // or throw NSError()
let userId = json["userId"]
print("==========\(userId)") // ==========23
In this case, the code after the guard will only execute if parseJson is non-nil because the inside of the guard block must exit the scope.
Try this, let unwrappedUserID = userID!