Is there a way to set only some query parameters from REST API testobject in Katalon Studio - katalon-studio

Suppose my REST endpoint supports 5 different query params, How to setup the testcase so as only the required param alone is sent .
I have created the REST service in Object respository defining all query params. (None of them are mandatory)
I want to write testcases for this with different parameter/value combinations.
Is this possible in katalon studio?


Proxy for MSGraph APIs

I am trying to create an adapter (WEB API that will act as a pass through)
for invoking the MS Graph APIs for managing my Active Directory.
AD objects like application and users will be customized to meet our application needs (removing some attributes, adding some extension attributes etc.) and a transformation from our application specific object to AD object would happen in our adapter layer before and after calling MS Graph APIs.
MS Graph APIs currently supports OData queries.
Applications and users would be read as page-wise.
If I have to provide the same OData options in my pass thru Web API layer, how can I do that?
API A supports OData queries.
API B calls the methods that support OData queries in API A.
API B is exposed to the client. When the client calls the method from API B
with OData $Filter, the result has to be returned.
How can I support the OData options in API B?
Thanks in advance.
Well, I'm not sure I get your question correctly but, from what I understand, you just want to proxy the API calls to MS Graph and make some changes on the fly to the response.
OData queries are just simple query parameters (see the OData tutorial). So, basically, you just have to get those query parameters in your proxy and forward them to the MS Graph. The response you'll get will then be compliant with the original query.
However, depending on how you mangle the data, you may end up not being compliant with the user query. For example:
The user made a $select(Id) query, but your logic add a custom property Foo. The user just wanted Id but you added Foo anyway.
The user made an $orderby Name asc query, but your logic modify the property Name. It may not be ordered after your logic.
The user wants to make $filter query on the Foo property. MS Graph will complain because it doesn't know the Foo property.
If you want to handle that cases, well, you'll have to parse the different OData queries and adapt your logic accordingly. $orderby, $top/$skip, $count, $expand and $select should be pretty straight-forward ; $filter and $search would require a bit more work.
Thanks. I was looking for a solution to this.
Instead of parsing the URL to get the OData query parameters, i wanted to understand the standard method to process the OData requests.
Now I am doing the below to extract the OData query parameters and passing them to MSGraph API.
string strODataQuery = String.Join("&", HttpContext.Request.Query.Where(kvp => kvp.Key.StartsWith("$")) .Select(kvp => String.Format("{0}={1}", kvp.Key, Uri.EscapeDataString(kvp.Value))));
And I am performing the conversions after retrieving the results.

How can I retrieve the build parameters used when a build was triggered in VSTS (using the REST API)?

I'm trying to figure out how to retrieve the build parameters that were used when a build was triggered in VSTS (using the REST API).
I'm successfully retrieving builds using the following query:
... but in the response I can't find the parameters that were used.
Just found the parameter key value pairs in the 'parameters' property

Include multiple query parameters in HCM cloud rest Get call

I have an hcm cloud instance. I'm working on the rest api which are provided by the cloud.
I want to get an employee by matching both PersonNumber as well as DateOfBirth.
But whatever I tried based on the first parameter, I'm getting the output. Second is not even checked.
Can anyone help?
This is the rest url I'm using
For passing multiple search items in a query parameter in a rest call, the structure should be as following
Basically quotes '' are required around String inputs and integer can be passed directly.

How to compare XQuery output with databasein SOAP UI

I have written Xquery assertion in SOAP UI request its working fine. But i want to compare output of this with database. Can I add code to get the values from database in Expected panel of XQuery assertion of SOAP UI. If not is there any way where I can compare the xml response of a request with column values of a database
You can do it the following way:
Call a service with a Soap request
Make a property transfer from the service response to a test case variable, see the SoapUI docs for more information. You can use XPath or XQuery. See the picture bellow.
Make a JDBC request to your database and compare the results with the data stored in your test case variable.
This way is intuitive and effective for simple comparissons, for complex tests I would choose Groovy scripting.

what is best option to pass parameters in REST api - POST type of method?

I am designing a REST api for creating a resource using POST method.
This create call accepts 4 parameters which are mandatory but not logically related to each other.
So I have two options to accept these 4 input parameters as -
Part of request as json object
In the form of query parameters as (POST /api/someresource?param1=value1&param2=value2)
which option is most suitable?
Is there any guideline which suggests to choose one among above two methods based on the fact -
that these are mandatory parameters so we should not use query parameters?
these are not logically related but just a input to create a resource; so we can use query parameters?
/api/someresource?param1=value1&param2=value2 is likely a GET request and not POST request.
If your request changes a state on the server then use POST. If its only a read operation use GET.