I would like to acces on my neteller account by Invoke-WebRequest .
I have found the fields to be filled
<input type="password" name="password" id="form-login-password" maxlength="32" placeholder="Password" autocomplete="off" pattern=".*" required="" value="Welcome 123">
I have tried this code things .
$content=Get-Content "$home\Downloads\test log\NETELLER ยป Signin.html"
$qw=Invoke-WebRequest https://member.neteller.com -Method Post -Body $content -SessionVariable test
with password and loggin inside of the file but same issue.
I would like to get the page after the login is done .
Moving from the comment section to be more specific for the OP.
As for your comments...
How can i get the button event and how to use it ?
I have found this
input type="submit" name="btn-login" class="button radius"
value="Sign in" id="btn-login"
There are several ways, but again, the site, the way it is coded, actually prevents some automation actions. So, my point is, it appears that they do not want folks using automation at / on their site.
Clicking buttons, links and the like, require the browser UI be visible. You seem to be wanting to do this non-visible, but I could be wrong.
All things considered, there are a few ways to get to click. Totally dependent on the site designers and what they made available to act on. Here are a few examples from sites, I've had to deal with, single and multi-page/form sites, that allowed automation.
# Starting here...
# Or
$ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName("button") |
ForEach-Object { $_.Click() }
# Or
($ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('button') |
Where-Object innerText -eq 'SIGN IN').Click()
# Or
($ie.document.getElementById('submitButton') |
select -first 1).click()
# Or ...
$Link=$ie.Document.getElementsByTagName("input") |
where-object {$_.type -eq "button"}
# Or ...
$Submit = $ie.document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT') |
Where-Object {$($_.Value) -match 'Zaloguj'}
# Or
# Or
$SubmitButton=$Doc.IHTMLDocument3_getElementById('button') |
Where-Object {$_.class -eq 'btn btn-primary'}
# Or
Invoke-WebRequest ("https://portal.concordfax.com/Account/LogOn" +
$R.ParsedHtml.getElementsByClassName("blueButton login").click
Here is a full example of what I mean.
Scrape the site for object info.
$url = 'https://pwpush.com'
($FormElements = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -SessionVariable fe)
($Form = $FormElements.Forms[0]) | Format-List -Force
$Form | Get-Member
Use the info on the site
$IE = New-Object -ComObject "InternetExplorer.Application"
$FormElementsequestURI = "https://pwpush.com"
$Password = "password_payload"
$SubmitButton = "submit"
$IE.Visible = $true
$IE.Silent = $true
While ($IE.Busy) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
$Doc = $IE.Document
$Doc.getElementsByTagName("input") | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.id -ne $null){
if ($_.id.contains($SubmitButton)) {$SubmitButton = $_}
if ($_.id.contains($Password)) {$Password = $_}
$Password.value = "1234"
I am having an issue with selecting a checkbox. I have been able to successfully login and navigate via the ID tags, but this one doesn't have one. The only tags it has is type and class.
I can find this section using $ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementByTagName("input"), but I can't find any way to utilize it.
Here's the html I'm working with:
<th class="cText sorting_disabled cHeader" rowspan="1" colspan="1" style="width: 5px;" aria-label="">
<input type="checkbox" class="selectall">
What I have thus far:
$ie = New-Object -ComObject "InternetExplorer.Application"
$ie.visible = "true"
while($ie.Busy) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 }
# login
$usernameField = $ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementByID("userid")
$passwordField = $ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementByID("Password")
$usernameField.value = "email#domain.com"
$passwordField.value = "supercoolpassword"
$btn_Submit = $ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementByID("btn_signIn")
# go to downloads page
# selectall packages to download has me clueless
When the checkbox is clicked the result should be all checkboxes should be ticked.
This is common place, so, you have to approach this differently.
$SiteSource.AllElements | Where{$_.TagName -eq 'input'}
or, like if it were a button
($ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('button') |
Where-Object innerText -eq 'SIGN IN').Click()
But how are you walking the site to get the needed objects?
An approach I regularly use before making coding decisions.
$SiteSource = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'SomeUrl'
# single form site
$SiteSource.Forms | Format-List -Force
# multi-form sites
$SiteSource.Forms[0] | Format-List -Force
$SiteSource.Forms[1] | Format-List -Force
# Check for what can be used.
Then once gathering the above... code for what can be found and used.
$ie = New-Object -com InternetExplorer.Application
while($ie.ReadyState -ne 4) {start-sleep -m 100}
$UserID = $ie.document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT') |
Where-Object {$($_.Name) -match 'userid'}
$UserId.value = 'UserID'
$UserPassword = $ie.document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT') |
Where-Object {$($_.Name) -match 'password'}
$UserPassword.value = 'password'
$Submit = $ie.document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT') |
Where-Object {$($_.Value) -match 'SomeString'}
My company wants me to grab data from their internal website, organize it, and send it to a database. The data is displayed on tables that you navigate to within the site. I'm wanting to pull the fields into a file or memory for further processing.
So far, I can log into the site in powershell by getting the submit login button's ID, and passing my username/password. I'm able to pass use the navigate method to change the page to the appropriate page within the site. However, running an Invoke-WebRequest on the new page, as well as using the Net.WebClient on the new page is returning the information found on the original site's login screen(I know, because nothing from the table makes it into the returned values, regardless of the commands I use). The commented code is what I've tried previously.
Here is the code-minus the values of my id/password/site link
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$ie = New-Object -ComObject 'internetExplorer.Application'
$ie.Visible= $true # Make it visible
While ($ie.Busy -eq $true) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 3;}
$usernamefield = $ie.document.getElementByID('login')
$usernamefield.value = "$username"
$passwordfield = $ie.document.getElementByID('password')
$passwordfield.value = "$password"
$Link = $ie.document.getElementByID('SubmitLogin')
$url = "https://webpage.com/home.pa#%5BT1%2CM181%5D"
While ($ie.Busy -eq $true) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 3;}
$doc = $ie.document
$web = New-Object Net.WebClient
#$r = Invoke-WebRequest $url
#$r.Forms.fields | get-member
#$InnerText = $r.AllElements |
# Where-Object {$_.tagName -ne "TD" -and $_.innerText -ne $null} |
# Select -ExpandProperty innerText
#write-host $InnerText
#$r.AllElements|Where-Object {$_.InnerHtml -like "*=*"}
#$doc = $ie.Document
#$doc.getElementByID("ext-element-7") | % {
# if ($_.id -ne $null){
# write-host $_.id
# }
I obviously don't have your page and can't ensure that the body of the POST from signing in contains the fields login and password so that will require some trial & error from you. As a mini-example, if you open up your console dev tools network tab and filter by POST, you can observe how your login page signs you in. When I open reddit to sign in, it sends a POST to https://www.reddit.com/login with a body containing a username and password key/value (both plaintext). This action sets up my browser session to persist my login.
Here's a code example that uses the HtmlAgilityPack library to interact with the resulting page as if it were XML.
Enabling TLS1.2:
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Setting up your web session:
$iwrParams = #{
'Uri' = 'https://webpage.com/index.jsp'
'Method' = 'POST'
'Body' = #{
'login' = $username
'password' = $password
'SessionVariable' = 'session'
# avoids cases where IE has not been opened
'UseBasicParsing' = $true
# don't care about response - only here to initialize the session
$null = Invoke-WebRequest #iwrParams
Getting the protect page content:
$iwrParams = #{
'Uri' = 'https://webpage.com/home.pa#%5BT1%2CM181%5D'
'WebSession' = $session
'UseBasicParsing' = $true
$output = (Invoke-WebRequest #iwrParams).Content
Downloading/adding HtmlAgility:
if (-not (Test-Path -Path "$PSScriptRoot\HtmlAgilityPack.dll" -PathType Leaf))
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package/HtmlAgilityPack -OutFile "$PSScriptRoot\html.zip"
Expand-Archive -Path "$PSScriptRoot\html.zip" -DestinationPath "$PSScriptRoot\html" -Force
Copy-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\html\lib\netstandard2.0\HtmlAgilityPack.dll" -Destination "$PSScriptRoot\"
Remove-Item -Path "$PSScriptRoot\html", "$PSScriptRoot\html.zip" -Recurse -Force
Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\HtmlAgilityPack.dll"
$html = [HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument]::new()
Loading/parsing your page content:
# do stuff with output.
$html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes('//*/text()').Text.Where{$PSItem -like '*=*'}
I made the assumption in the code you were executing from a script where $PSScriptRoot will be populated. If it's being run interactively, you can use the $pwd automatic variable instead (carry-over from *nix, print working directory). This code requires PSv5+.
After some serious effort-I managed to get the pages to work correctly. Turns out I wasn't waiting for everything to load-but once I had that, I eventually found the correct tag/name to make everything work.
Assuming the code in the original post is correct up to "ie.Navigate($url)"
While ($ie.Busy -eq $true) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 3;}
$r = Invoke-WebRequest $url
$doc = $ie.document
$j = ($doc.getElementsByTagName("body") | Where {$_.className -eq 'thefullclassname found in the quotes of <body class="" of the area you wanted'}).innerText
write-host $j
This gave me the output of a very annoyingly done table that isn't a "table", and has the first row/col on it's own-so formatting the output to an easy to use version will be the new hassle. At least I got everything on the page that had the text I needed...so progress!
I am working on a powershell script, which should fill an IE form, but it doesn't send the value to the form, instead, it just writes the value ("search text") into the Powershell script..?
I have copied my code from this post:
Filling web form via PowerShell does not recognize the values entered
But I don't need to open a new IE window, I need to use an existing IE window, which is already open, before I start the ps script.
My code (for your info,"lst-ib" is the id of google.at's search field):
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.VisualBasic")
$app = new-object -com shell.application
$ie = $app.windows() | where {$_.Type -eq "HTML Document"}
$ie.visible = $true;
while($ie.Busy) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 }
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1000;
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::Sendwait("test searchtext");
As for this...
But I don't need to open a new IE window, I need to use an existing IE
window, which is already open, before I start the ps script.
What / who opens this?
You have to discover what wind this is, in case of more that one IE session / tab is open.
You have to call the from object explicitly to act on the.
You also are using elements that don't really exist with what you are doing.
Since we cannot access you site, here is an example I provided a while back to someone have issues interacting with the aircanada site.
Now that site is a bite funky, as it is a mult-page site, with language popups recently added, I don't deal with the language popup in this example, so, just click past that manually, since I've not updated the code to deal with it. Once you click past that, that form will fill that values passed in.
You will note I am not using sendkeys for any of the page interactions. I am just using the from elements and passing in what values I want. Now this does open a new window for this due to the URL. Where as your code needs to look for that window first.
# Check from elements for the multi-page site
$url = 'https://www.aircanada.com/ca/en/ado/profile/sign-in.html'
($FormElements = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -SessionVariable fe)
($FormElements = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -SessionVariable fe).Forms
($Form0 = $FormElements.Forms[0]) | Format-List -Force
($Form1 = $FormElements.Forms[1]) | Format-List -Force
($Form2 = $FormElements.Forms[2]) | Format-List -Force
$SiteSource = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url
$SiteSource.AllElements | Where{$_.TagName -eq "Button"} `
| Select-Object -Expand InnerText
$SiteSource.AllElements | Where{$_.TagName -eq "Button"} `
| Select-Object -Property * | Where innerText -eq 'SIGN IN'
So armed with the above, you get to do this.
# Navigate to aircanada
$url = 'https://www.aircanada.com/ca/en/ado/profile/sign-in.html'
# Instantiate IE
$ie = New-Object -com internetexplorer.application
$ie.visible = $true
# Wait for IE to load
while ($ie.Busy -eq $true) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
# Take needed actions on the air canada site. Fill out the site page
($ie.document.getElementById('agencyIATA') | Select-Object -first 1).value = '1234567'
($ie.document.getElementById('agencyID ') | Select-Object -first 1).value = '789'
($ie.document.getElementById('bookingAgent') | Select-Object -first 1).value = '159'
($ie.document.getElementById('password') | Select-Object -first 1).value = '1234'
($ie.document.getElementById('rememberAgencyInfo') | Select-Object -first 1).value = $true
# Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
# ($ie.Document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('button') `
# | Where-Object innerText -eq 'SIGN IN').Click()
All this being said, see also:
Controlling Internet Explorer object from PowerShell
recently I began to learn PowerShell to automate my job tasks.
So I want to access a web page and click on a button that download automatically an Excel file. This is the button that I want to click on:
<div class="NormalButton">
<a class="ActiveLink" title="Excel" alt="Excel" onclick="$find('ctl32').exportReport('EXCELOPENXML');" href="javascript:void(0)" style="padding:3px 8px 3px 8px;display:block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;">Excel</a>
This would be my PowerShell script:
$ie = New-Object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
$ie.Visible = $true
$link = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('a') | Where-Object {$_.onclick -eq "$find('ctl32').exportReport('EXCELOPENXML');"}
If I try to run it from the console I receive the error "You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression."
If its useful I'm using PowerShell 4.0 and the webpage has a delay until the report is loaded.
I have completed it by the following code:
$url = "https://webpage.com"
$ie = New-Object -com internetexplorer.application
$ie.StatusBar = $false
$ie.ToolBar = $false
$ie.visible = $true
#Get Excel
Start-Sleep -s 40
$btnExcel = $ie.Document.links | where-object { $_.outerText -eq 'Excel' -and $_.innerText -eq 'Excel' }
# Get Internet Explorer Focus
Start-Sleep -s 5
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::AppActivate("internet explorer")
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait(" ");
Start-Sleep 1
# Get Internet Explorer Focus
Start-Sleep -s 1
[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::AppActivate("internet explorer")
Thank you all for you time :)
I Think the Your problem is because you are using Double Quotes which powershell threat it like variable and Try to expand it, so try to change it to Single quote, from:
$link = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('a') | Where-Object {$_.onclick -eq "$find('ctl32').exportReport('EXCELOPENXML');"}
$link = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName('a') | Where-Object {$_.onclick -eq '$find('ctl32').exportReport('EXCELOPENXML');'}
Also, you can change the -eq to -match and take just a portion of it like:
$_.onclick -match '$find('ctl32').exportReport'
For more information see: About Quoting Rules
I am trying to get download links from web pages, but in some web pages some of <a> tags look like this: <a href="#" ....
For example, this page
has a link with "click here to retry" inner text, which looks like
in any web-browser, but not in PowerShell.
What doesn't work
I tried Invoke-WebRequest:
PS> $url="https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/thankyou.html?standalone=1&system=true&platform=win"
PS> (Invoke-WebRequest $url).Links | ? {$_.InnerText -eq "click here to retry"} | select outerHTML, href | fl
outerHTML : <A class=retry-link href="#" data-g-label="retry-dl"
data-g-event="retry-download">click here to retry</A>
href : #
Other methods - System.Net.WebClient, System.Net.WebRequest + StreamReader - return the same result. I guess it's because they don't process javascripts in web pages, but correct me if I wrong.
Using IE works, all right. But it's SO SLOW and... feels like an overkill. This code does the job:
$ie = New-Object -comobject InternetExplorer.Application
$ie.visible = $true
$ie.silent = $true
while ($ie.busy) { Start-Sleep -m 100 }
while ($ie.Document.readyState -ne 'Complete') { Start-Sleep -m 100 }
$link = $ie.Document.getElementsByTagName("a") | ? { $_.InnerText -eq "click here to retry" } | select -First 1 -expandProperty href
Write-Host $link
Any alternatives?
If you know how to get a proper href values from such links without using IE, please let me know.