bug in scala in for each loop while trying to loop through consumer record's - scala

Cannot resolve symbol for Foreach
import java.util._
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer._
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer
object ConsumerExample {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val T_Name = "CarSensor"
val T_Group_Name = "CarSensorGroup"
val props = new Properties()
props.put("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094")
props.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer")
props.put("value.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer")
val Kafka_Consumer=new KafkaConsumer[String,String](props)
Kafka_Consumer.subscribe (Arrays.asList(T_Name))
val Consumer_Record=Kafka_Consumer.poll(100) //ConsumerRecords Object
// val RecordList=Consumer_Record.toString
for( i <- Consumer_Record)
{ //**This place is where Cannot resolve symbol for Foreach issue shows up for <- symbol.**
println("Supplier id = "+String.valueOf(i.value().getID())+ "Supplier name = " +i.value().getID())
I have used <- symbol in many examples before it worked.
I thought it was an issue with Intelliji and restarted it. Its a problem in object getting casted to different type I guess.

Consumer_Record.forEach(i => {
println("Supplier id = "+String.valueOf(i.value().getID())+ "Supplier name = " +i.value().getID())
works fine for me.
Except String doesn't have getID() method.
You can use for(i <- Consumer_Record.asScala) if you want for syntax, but you have to add import scala.collection.JavaConverters._.

val Kafka_Consumer=new KafkaConsumer[String,String](props)
while(true) {
val Consumer_Record=Kafka_Consumer.poll(100) //ConsumerRecords Object
for( i <- Consumer_Record.asScala) {
println("Supplier id = "+String.valueOf(i.value())+ " Supplier name = " +i.key())


How to push datastream to kafka topic by retaining the order using string method in Flink Kafka Problem

I am trying to create a JSON dataset every 500 ms and want to push it to the Kafka topic so that I can set up some windows in the downstream and perform computations. Below is my code:
package KafkaAsSource
import org.apache.flink.api.common.serialization.SimpleStringSchema
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer.Semantic
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.{FlinkKafkaProducer}
import org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.internals.KeyedSerializationSchemaWrapper
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import java.util.{Optional, Properties}
object PushingDataToKafka {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val stream: DataStream[String] = env.fromElements(createData())
def getProperties(): Properties = {
val properties = new Properties()
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", "localhost:2181")
return properties
def createData(): String = {
val minRange: Int = 0
val maxRange: Int = 1000
var jsonData = ""
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData = "{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(LocalDateTime.now) + "\"\n \n}"
return jsonData
def sendToTopic(): Properties = {
val producer = new FlinkKafkaProducer[String](
new KeyedSerializationSchemaWrapper[String](new SimpleStringSchema())
return producer
It gives me below error:
type mismatch;
found : Any
required: org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.SinkFunction[String]
Modified Code:
object FlinkTest {
def main(ars: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
var stream = env.fromElements("")
//val stream: DataStream[String] = env.fromElements("hey mc", "1")
val myProducer = new FlinkKafkaProducer[String](
"maddy", // target topic
new KeyedSerializationSchemaWrapper[String](new SimpleStringSchema()), // serialization schema
getProperties(), // producer config
val minRange: Int = 0
val maxRange: Int = 10
var jsonData = ""
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData = "{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(LocalDateTime.now) + "\"\n \n}"
stream = env.fromElements(jsonData)
def getProperties(): Properties = {
val properties = new Properties()
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092")
properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", "localhost:2181")
return properties
def createData(): String = {
val minRange: Int = 0
val maxRange: Int = 10
var jsonData = ""
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData = "{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\"" + DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(LocalDateTime.now) + "\"\n \n}"
return jsonData
Modified Code gives me the data in the Kafka topic but it doesn't retain the order. What am I doing wrong here in the loops? Also, had to change the version of Flink to 1.12.2 from 1.13.5.
I was initially using Flink 1.13.5, Connectors and Scala of 2.11. What exactly I am missing over here?
A couple of things about this loop:
for (a <- minRange to maxRange) {
jsonData =
"{\n \"id\":\"" + a + "\",\n \"Category\":\"Flink\",\n \"eventTime\":\""
+ DateTimeFormatter
.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
.format(LocalDateTime.now) + "\"\n \n}"
stream = env.fromElements(jsonData)
The sleep is happening in the Flink client, and only affects how long it takes the client to assemble the job graph before submitting it to the cluster. It has no effect on how the job runs.
This loop is creating 10 separate pipelines that will run independently, in parallel, all producing to the same Kafka topic. Those pipelines are going to race against each other.
To get the behavior you're looking for (a global ordering across a single pipeline) you'll want to produce all of the events from a single source (in order, of course), and run the job with a parallelism of one. Something like this would do it:
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{StreamExecutionEnvironment, _}
object FlinkTest {
def main(ars: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
val myProducer = ...
val jsonData = (i: Long) => ...
env.fromSequence(0, 9)
.map(i => jsonData(i))
You can leave maxParallelism at 256 (or at its default value of 128); it's not particularly relevant here. The maxParallelism is the number of hash buckets that keyBy will hash the keys into, and it defines an upper limit on the scalability of the job.

Adding a name to source processor of Kafka streams app results in serialization exception

I'm trying to name my source processor using the Consumed.as() method (full code below):
val usersOrdersStreams: KStream[UserId, Order] = builder
.stream[UserId, Order](ordersByUserTopic)(Consumed.as("topic-name"))
However when I'm running the application I'm getting the following exception:
scalaorg.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException: Please specify a value serde or set one through StreamsConfig#DEFAULT_VALUE_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG
When I looked at the definition of .as() I saw this:
public static <K, V> Consumed<K, V> as(final String processorName) {
return new Consumed<>(null, null, null, null, processorName);
So I guessed the issue was that the key/value serdes were set to null.
I tried to solve it by adding a call to withValueSerde():
val orderSerde = ...
val usersOrdersStreams: KStream[UserId, Order] = builder
.stream[UserId, Order](ordersByUserTopic)(Consumed.as("topic-name").withValueSerde(orderSerde))
But got the same error. What am I doing wrong?
Note: if I remove the Consumed.as() part the code works and the exception is not being thrown
Following is the full code (some imports were removed for readability reasons):
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serde
import org.apache.kafka.streams.kstream.{GlobalKTable, JoinWindows, TimeWindows, Windowed}
import org.apache.kafka.streams.scala.ImplicitConversions._
import org.apache.kafka.streams.scala.serialization.Serdes
import org.apache.kafka.streams.scala.serialization.Serdes._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object KafkaStreamsApp {
implicit def serde[A >: Null : Decoder : Encoder]: Serde[A] = {
val serializer = (a: A) => a.asJson.noSpaces.getBytes
val deserializer = (aAsBytes: Array[Byte]) => {
val aAsString = new String(aAsBytes)
val aOrError = decode[A](aAsString)
aOrError match {
case Right(a) => Option(a)
case Left(error) =>
Serdes.fromFn[A](serializer, deserializer)
implicit val orderSerde: Serde[Order] = serde[Order]
// Topics
final val ordersByUserTopic = "orders-by-user"
final val filterOrders = "filter-low-orders"
final val applyMapValues = "mapValues-apply-discount"
final val payedOrdersTopic = "filtered-orders"
type UserId = String
case class Order(user: UserId, amount: Double)
val builder = new StreamsBuilder
val usersOrdersStreams: KStream[UserId, Order] =
builder.stream[UserId, Order](ordersByUserTopic)(Consumed.as("vvv").withValueSerde(orderSerde))
def paidOrdersTopology(): Unit = {
.filter((_, v) => v.amount > 1000.0, named = Named.as(filterOrders))
.mapValues(v => v.copy(amount = v.amount * 0.85), named = Named.as(applyMapValues))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val props = new Properties
props.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "orders-application")
props.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092")
props.put(StreamsConfig.DEFAULT_KEY_SERDE_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.stringSerde.getClass)
val topology: Topology = builder.build()
val application: KafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(topology, props)
So... after some digging I managed to find the issue: the key serde was missing. The following code sets only the values serde, which creates a Consumed object with a null key serde:
val orderSerde = ...
val usersOrdersStreams: KStream[UserId, Order] = builder
.stream[UserId, Order](ordersByUserTopic)(Consumed.as("topic-name").withValueSerde(orderSerde))
When I added the key serde as well:
val orderSerde = ...
val consumed = Consumed.as("topic-name")
.withKeySerde(Serdes.stringSerde) // Missing key serde
val usersOrdersStreams: KStream[UserId, Order] =
builder.stream[UserId, Order](ordersByUserTopic)(consumed)
The code started working.
The only thing I'm not sure about is why the error thrown stated that value serde was missing, when it's the key serde that's missing.

Scala JavaFx -- Cannot resolve overloaded method 'add' when trying to add tree table columns

I am trying to write an application using JavaFX and Scala (not ScalaFX). When I tried out this example from http://tutorials.jenkov.com/javafx/treetableview.html (Add TreeTableColumn to TreeTableView), I got a "Cannot resolve overloaded method 'add'" in the last two lines. I was wondering if you can help me get past this issue.
class Phase1 extends Application {
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn
import javafx.scene.control.TreeTableView
import javafx.scene.control.cell.TreeItemPropertyValueFactory
override def start(primaryStage: Stage): Unit = {
primaryStage.setTitle("Experimental Blocking Tree")
val scene = new Scene(new Group(), 1500, 800)
val sceneRoot = scene.getRoot.asInstanceOf[Group]
val treeTableView = new TreeTableView[Car]
val treeTableColumn1: TreeTableColumn[Car, String] = new TreeTableColumn[Car, String]("Brand")
val treeTableColumn2: TreeTableColumn[Car, String] = new TreeTableColumn[Car, String]("Model")
treeTableColumn1.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory[Car, String]("brand"))
treeTableColumn2.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory[Car, String]("model"))
treeTableView.getColumns.add(treeTableColumn1) // cannot resolve overloaded method here
treeTableView.getColumns.add(treeTableColumn2) // and here
Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue with displaying data in TreeTableView.
Jarek posted a solution here: GitHub Issue
Also this works for me:
import scalafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyStringProperty
case class Car (
val brand: ReadOnlyStringProperty,
val model: ReadOnlyStringProperty
class CarStringFactory(val stringValue: ReadOnlyStringProperty) extends scalafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[String, String] {
override def delegate: javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue[String] = stringValue
override def value: String = stringValue.get
class YourScalaFXApp {
// ... boilerplate code ...
import scalafx.scene.control.{TreeTableView, TreeTableColumn}
val treeTableView = new TreeTableView[Car]
val treeTableColumn1: TreeTableColumn[Car, String] = new TreeTableColumn[Car, String]("Brand"){
cellValueFactory = {p => new CarStringFactory(p.value.value.value.brand) }
val treeTableColumn2: TreeTableColumn[Car, String] = new TreeTableColumn[Car, String]("Model"){
cellValueFactory = {p => new CarStringFactory(p.value.value.value.model) }
Refer to
ScalaFX documentation: Properties

recursive value x$5 needs type

i am getting error at this line
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
recursive value x$7 needs
recursive value x$1 needs
what does this error meaning, please guide me how to resolve this error.
object Collect {
private var numTweetsCollected = 0L
private var partNum = 0
private var gson = new Gson()
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Process program arguments and set properties
if (args.length < 3) {
System.err.println("Usage: " + this.getClass.getSimpleName +
"<outputDirectory> <numTweetsToCollect> <intervalInSeconds> <partitionsEachInterval>")
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
val outputDir = new File(outputDirectory.toString)
if (outputDir.exists()) {
System.err.println("ERROR - %s already exists: delete or specify another directory".format(
println("Initializing Streaming Spark Context...")
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(intervalSecs))
val tweetStream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, Utils.getAuth)
tweetStream.foreachRDD((rdd, time) => {
val count = rdd.count()
if (count > 0) {
val outputRDD = rdd.repartition(partitionsEachInterval)
outputRDD.saveAsTextFile(outputDirectory + "/tweets_" + time.milliseconds.toString)
numTweetsCollected += count
if (numTweetsCollected > numTweetsToCollect) {
Try removing the Utils.IntParam(.. from your pattern matched values. Extract the values, then parse them separately.

Creating serializable objects from Scala source code at runtime

To embed Scala as a "scripting language", I need to be able to compile text fragments to simple objects, such as Function0[Unit] that can be serialised to and deserialised from disk and which can be loaded into the current runtime and executed.
How would I go about this?
Say for example, my text fragment is (purely hypothetical):
This might be wrapped into the following complete text:
package myapp.userscripts
import myapp.DSL._
object UserFunction1234 extends Function0[Unit] {
def apply(): Unit = {
What comes next? Should I use IMain to compile this code? I don't want to use the normal interpreter mode, because the compilation should be "context-free" and not accumulate requests.
What I need to get hold off from the compilation is I guess the binary class file? In that case, serialisation is straight forward (byte array). How would I then load that class into the runtime and invoke the apply method?
What happens if the code compiles to multiple auxiliary classes? The example above contains a closure _.open(). How do I make sure I "package" all those auxiliary things into one object to serialize and class-load?
Note: Given that Scala 2.11 is imminent and the compiler API probably changed, I am happy to receive hints as how to approach this problem on Scala 2.11
Here is one idea: use a regular Scala compiler instance. Unfortunately it seems to require the use of hard disk files both for input and output. So we use temporary files for that. The output will be zipped up in a JAR which will be stored as a byte array (that would go into the hypothetical serialization process). We need a special class loader to retrieve the class again from the extracted JAR.
The following assumes Scala 2.10.3 with the scala-compiler library on the class path:
import scala.tools.nsc
import java.io._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
Wrapping user provided code in a function class with a synthetic name that will be incremented for each new fragment:
val packageName = "myapp"
var userCount = 0
def mkFunName(): String = {
val c = userCount
userCount += 1
def wrapSource(source: String): (String, String) = {
val fun = mkFunName()
val code = s"""package $packageName
|class $fun extends Function0[Unit] {
| def apply(): Unit = {
| $source
| }
(fun, code)
A function to compile a source fragment and return the byte array of the resulting jar:
/** Compiles a source code consisting of a body which is wrapped in a `Function0`
* apply method, and returns the function's class name (without package) and the
* raw jar file produced in the compilation.
def compile(source: String): (String, Array[Byte]) = {
val set = new nsc.Settings
val d = File.createTempFile("temp", ".out")
d.delete(); d.mkdir()
set.d.value = d.getPath
set.usejavacp.value = true
val compiler = new nsc.Global(set)
val f = File.createTempFile("temp", ".scala")
val out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f))
val (fun, code) = wrapSource(source)
out.flush(); out.close()
val run = new compiler.Run()
val bytes = packJar(d)
(fun, bytes)
def deleteDir(base: File): Unit = {
base.listFiles().foreach { f =>
if (f.isFile) f.delete()
else deleteDir(f)
Note: Doesn't handle compiler errors yet!
The packJar method uses the compiler output directory and produces an in-memory jar file from it:
// cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1281229
def packJar(base: File): Array[Byte] = {
import java.util.jar._
val mf = new Manifest
mf.getMainAttributes.put(Attributes.Name.MANIFEST_VERSION, "1.0")
val bs = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream
val out = new JarOutputStream(bs, mf)
def add(prefix: String, f: File): Unit = {
val name0 = prefix + f.getName
val name = if (f.isDirectory) name0 + "/" else name0
val entry = new JarEntry(name)
if (f.isFile) {
val in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f))
try {
val buf = new Array[Byte](1024)
#tailrec def loop(): Unit = {
val count = in.read(buf)
if (count >= 0) {
out.write(buf, 0, count)
} finally {
if (f.isDirectory) f.listFiles.foreach(add(name, _))
base.listFiles().foreach(add("", _))
A utility function that takes the byte array found in deserialization and creates a map from class names to class byte code:
def unpackJar(bytes: Array[Byte]): Map[String, Array[Byte]] = {
import java.util.jar._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
val in = new JarInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))
val b = Map.newBuilder[String, Array[Byte]]
#tailrec def loop(): Unit = {
val entry = in.getNextJarEntry
if (entry != null) {
if (!entry.isDirectory) {
val name = entry.getName
// cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8909743
val bs = new ByteArrayOutputStream
var i = 0
while (i >= 0) {
i = in.read()
if (i >= 0) bs.write(i)
val bytes = bs.toByteArray
b += mkClassName(name) -> bytes
def mkClassName(path: String): String = {
path.substring(0, path.length - 6).replace("/", ".")
A suitable class loader:
class MemoryClassLoader(map: Map[String, Array[Byte]]) extends ClassLoader {
override protected def findClass(name: String): Class[_] =
map.get(name).map { bytes =>
println(s"defineClass($name, ...)")
defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length)
} .getOrElse(super.findClass(name)) // throws exception
And a test case which contains additional classes (closures):
val exampleSource =
"""val xs = List("hello", "world")
|println(xs.map(_.capitalize).mkString(" "))
def test(fun: String, cl: ClassLoader): Unit = {
val clName = s"$packageName.$fun"
println(s"Resolving class '$clName'...")
val clazz = Class.forName(clName, true, cl)
val x = clazz.newInstance().asInstanceOf[() => Unit]
println("Invoking 'apply':")
locally {
val (fun, bytes) = compile(exampleSource)
val map = unpackJar(bytes)
println("Classes found:")
map.keys.foreach(k => println(s" '$k'"))
val cl = new MemoryClassLoader(map)
test(fun, cl) // should call `defineClass`
test(fun, cl) // should find cached class