Detach bpf object from event? - ebpf

I want to be able to detach my BPF objects from an attached event. Is the only way to detach from an event to destroy the BPF object?
I'm trying to avoid having to create/destroy objects everytime a new program that I want to trace is launched and/or the events traced are changed.
Thanks in advance for any help!


Detect gameobject removal from user action

I'm working on a system that automatically generate and release scriptable object that represent uniqueness for gameobject with a given component attach.
The generation process seems to be working really fine, but I'm facing problem when I want to release the scriptable object.
The given script is tagged "ExecuteInEditMode" and is implementating OnDestroy method to advertise a manager that his scriptable object should be deleted.
The problem is that OnDestroy is called in 4 situation from what i can tell :
Click on play
Switching scene
Manual removal (the only one I want to work with)
On editor shutdown
I've been able to avoid the 2 first on with this :
if (Application.isPlaying == false && Math.Abs(Time.timeSinceLevelLoad) > 0.00001f)
But I don't find any good solution for "On editor shutdown" I've seen that EditorApplication.quitting can be use for that case, but documentation warn that this event is not called when unity crash or is forced to quit, and I don't want to lose all my scriptable object if the editor crash.
I'm looking for a robust solution to avoid this problem if someone can help me please.
Thanks, have a nice day
Just handle the application quitting event.
this event is not called when unity crash or is forced to quit, and I don't want to lose all my scriptable object if the editor crash.
When unity crashes, so will your program, so it won't work any ways. Just make sure that under normal operating procedure (so a normal shutdown) you save your modifications.
In Unity3D if you edit your scene and you don't save, if the editor crashes you lose all your changes. The same will happen for what you're building here. In order to mitigate this risk (since prevention is reasonably difficult if not impossible) you can opt to save every minute, always save each change to a temporary location, or save for example every play.
For example i added a script to my project that autosaves the scene(s) whenever i press play, so when editing the scene i press play now and then to test, and it all gets autosaved.

How is Unity's ExecuteEvents.Execute supposed to be used?

I'm just starting with Unity and got pretty excited when I saw that the Event System existed, and I could create custom events. The event I need is 'IInventoryMessage::NewItemInInventory', so I went ahead and created the interface for that, set it up on my Inventory.
Then it came time to trigger the event, and the documentation threw me a little.
ExecuteEvents.Execute<IInventoryMessage>(target, null, (x,y)=>x.NewItemInInventory());
My confusion is that it seems to be passing in the target.
My hope was the Unity would keep track of all the components with the message's interface and call that when it was executed. But it seems I have to pass in the GameObject myself.
Is it the case that I'm supposed to keep a list of all the GameObjects I want to receive the message, and the loop over them to pass them into Execute? Why do I need the EventSystem at that point, if I'm already looping over the objects I know need to be called?
I use ExecuteEvents only inside my custom input system where the target it's always known and up to date (according to the pointer raycast). Whenever I want to send a message or trigger an action when something happened, I use the standard C# events, as BugFinder said.

Detect Touchpad event in C++ Builder

I am writing an API in C++ Builder that collects information for events on the touchpad of a windows laptop.
This is how I was doing it.
I was creating a window
when the touch pad is touched, I simply paint that information on that window in WM_PAINT event.
But now I dont want to create that window (form), i want to catch all the events, even if user is on desktop screen or on another application's window. If an application that is using my API is running in background i want to be able to get that touch even information in the code. How can I do that??
I hope you are getting my point ... actually i want to do it in a seamless way, otherwise that white form window will irritate the user.
I also want to save these events in a link list and want to return that out of the API is it possible??
I will be very thankful for your time. I really need to work it out in next few hours.
The touchpad is just a mouse like any other. It generates standard mouse events. Use a global WH_MOUSE hook via SetWindowsHookEx() to capture mouse events globally. To replay them, use mouse_event(). Alternatively, use WH_JOURNALRECORD and WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK hooks instead for capture and playback, respectively.

cocoa -- reinitialize an object?

Suppose I want to reset an object to its initial state. It seems like the natural thing to do would be to run it through its init method -- but Apple guidelines are that I only want to do this once.
Creating a new object is not a satisfactory solution, because I need to preserve pointers to the object from elsewhere.
The object is part of a large class hierarchy. I will probably want to be able to reset most anything in the hierarchy.
Create a reset method. This method could then in turn be called by init and if it is in a hiearchy all classes should implement it and call super reset.

Objective C - Single Background Thread

I want to run a single background thread for an iPhone application which is available in background all the time and gets executed when specific event fires and go to wait for specific event to fire to start its execution again. During the execution of thread if specific event is fired again then thread should restart its work.
I am working on a custom map application. On TouchesMoved event, I need to load the map image tiles according to the positions moved in a background thread. The problem is that when I move the map with speed the touchesMoved event is fired the previous thread has not finished its work and new thread is started. It causes thread safety issue and my application is crashed.
So I am thinking of a solution to have a single thread all the time available and starts its work when touchesMoved is fired if touchesMoved is fired again it should restart its work instead of starting a new thread. I think it will prevent the thread safety issue.
Please help
Firstly I'd echo the use of NSOperation and NSOperationQueue. You could fall-back to using NSThread directly, but the point of NSOperation is that it hides threading from you, leaving you to concentrate on the processing you need to do. Try firing NSOperation requests as and when required, see what the performance is like in your use-case; even if these operations get data in an async manner, it should provide you with a cleaner solution with good performance, plus future proof.
I've successfully used NSInvocationOperation to fire requests as often as required, and it sounds like the sort-of requirements and behaviour you're after. I would suggest more generally that you experiment with these in a test project; here you can test performance.
The following weblog's helped me start playing with NSOperation:
As always, the Apple Threading Programming Guide is a key read, to figure out which way to go depending on needs.
This sounds like an ideal job for an NSOperationQueue. Have a read of the operation queue section of the concurrency guide.
Essentially, you create an NSOperation object for each map tile load and place them on a queue that only allows them to execute one at a time.
Put a run loop in your background compute thread. Then use an NSOperation queue to manage sending messages to it. The queue plus the run loop will serialize all the work requests for you.