Get trap sender's IP with PySNMP - pysnmp

I build a small SNMP v3 trap receiver in python with pysnmp. In our network, the snmp enigine id and the users/passwords are equal on different machines. So i need the snmp trap senders ip address to identify the sending machine.
How can i get the address, is there any function/method in pysnmp?

I think it is generally discouraged in SNMP to rely on peer address because of potential proxy/NAT/etc in-between. That probably explains why peer address information is not exposed in abstract SNMP APIs.
Do get hold of peer address in pysnmp you could use the observer feature:
# Callback function for receiving notifications
def cbFun(snmpEngine, stateReference, contextEngineId, contextName,
varBinds, cbCtx):
execContext =
print('Notification from %s:%s' % execContext['transportAddress'])
Here is the complete example.


DPDK forward received packets to default network stack

We're using DPDK (version 20.08 on ubuntu 20.04, c++ application) to receive UDP packets with a high throughput (>2 Mpps). We use a Mellanox ConnectX-5 NIC (and a Mellanox ConnectX-3 in an older system, would be great if the solution worked there aswell).
Contrary, since we only need to send a few configuration messages, we send messages through the default network stack. This way, we can use lots of readily available tools to send configuration messages; however, since all the received data is consumed by DPDK, these tools do not get back any messages.
The most prominent issue arises with ARP negotiation: the host tries to resolve addresses, the clients also do respond properly, however, these responses are all consumed by DPDK such that the host cannot resolve the addresses and refuses to send the actual UDP packets.
Our idea would be to filter out the high throughput packets on our application and somehow "forward" everything else (e.g. ARP responses) to the default network stack. Does DPDK have a built-in solution for that? I unfortunatelly coulnd't find anything in the examples.
I've recently heard about the packet function which allows to inject packets into SOCK_DGRAM sockets which may be a possible solution. I also couldn't find a sample implementation for our use-case, though. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Theoretically, if the NIC in question supports the embedded switch feature, it should be possible to intercept the packets of interest in the hardware and redirect them to a virtual function (VF) associated with the physical function (PF), with the PF itself receiving everything else.
The user configures SR-IOV feature on the NIC / host as well as virtualisation support;
For a given NIC PF, the user adds a VF and binds it to the corresponding Linux driver;
The DPDK application is run with the PF ethdev and a representor ethdev for the VF;
To handle the packets in question, the application adds the corresponding flow rules.
The PF (ethdev 0) and the VF representor (ethdev 1) have to be explicitly specified by the corresponding EAL argument in the application: -a [pci:dbdf],representor=vf0.
As for the flow rules, there should be a pair of such.
The first rule's components are as follows:
Attribute transfer (demands that matching packets be handled in the embedded switch);
Pattern item REPRESENTED_PORT with port_id = 0 (instructs the NIC to intercept packets coming to the embedded switch from the network port represented by the PF ethdev);
Pattern items matching on network headers (these provide narrower match criteria);
Action REPRESENTED_PORT with port_id = 1 (redirects packets to the VF).
In the second rule, item REPRESENTED_PORT has port_id = 1, and action REPRESENTED_PORT has port_id = 0 (that is, this rule is inverse). Everything else should remain the same.
It is important to note that some drivers do not support item REPRESENTED_PORT at the moment. Instead, they expect that the rules be added via the corresponding ethdevs. This way, for the provided example: the first rule goes to ethdev 0, the second one goes to ethdev 1.
As per the OP update, the adapter in question might indeed support the embedded switch feature. However, as noted above, item REPRESENTED_PORT might not be supported. The rules should be inserted via specific ethdevs. Also, one more attribute, ingress, might need to be specified.
In order to check whether this scheme works, one should be able to deploy a VF (as described above) and run testpmd with the aforementioned EAL argument. In the command line of the application, the two flow rules can be tested as follows:
flow create 0 ingress transfer pattern eth type is 0x0806 / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 1 / end
flow create 1 ingress transfer pattern eth type is 0x0806 / end actions represented_port ethdev_port_id 0 / end
Once done, that should pass ARP packets to the VF (thus, to the network interface) in question. The rest of packets should be seen by testpmd in active forwarding mode (start command).
NOTE: it is recommended to switch to the most recent DPDK release.
For the current use case, the best option is to make use of DPDK TAP PMD (which is part of LINUX DPDK). You can use Software or Hardware to filter the specific packets then sent it desired TAP interface.
A simple example to demonstrate the same would be making use DPDK skeleton example.
build the DPDK example via cd [root folder]/example/skeleton; make static
pass the desired Physical DPDK PMD NIC using DPDK eal options ./build/basicfwd -l 1 -w [pcie id of DPDK NIC] --vdev=net_tap0;iface=dpdkTap
In second terminal execute ifconfig dpdkTap promisc up
Use tpcudmp to capture Ingress and Egress packets using tcpdump -eni dpdkTap -Q in and tcpdump -enu dpdkTap -Q out respectively.
Note: you can configure ip address, setup TC on dpdkTap. Also you can run your custom socket programs too. You do not need to invest time on TLDP, ANS, VPP as per your requirement you just need an mechanism to inject and receive packet from Kernel network stack.

Can I find out the status of the port using the Lua "socket" library?

Help me track the status of a specific port: "LISTENING", "CLOSE_WAIT", "ESTABLISHED".
I have an analog solution with the netstat command:
local command = 'netstat -anp tcp | find ":1926 " '
local h = io.popen(command,"rb")
local result = h:read("*a")
if result:find("ESTABLISHED") then
But I need to do the same with the Lua socket library.
Is it possible?
Like #Peter said, netstat uses the proc file system to gather network information, particularly port bindings. LuaSockets has it's own library to retrieve connection information. For example,
you can use master:listen(backlog) which specifies the socket is willing to receive connections, transforming the object into a server object. Server objects support the accept, getsockname, setoption, settimeout, and close methods. The parameter backlog specifies the number of client connections that can be queued waiting for service. If the queue is full and another client attempts connection, the connection is refused. In case of success, the method returns 1. In case of error, the method returns nil followed by an error message.
The following methods will return a string with the local IP address and a number with the port. In case of error, the method returns nil.
There also exists this method:
client:getpeername() That will return a string with the IP address of the peer, followed by the port number that peer is using for the connection. In case of error, the method returns nil.
For "CLOSE_WAIT", "ESTABLISHED", or other connection information you want to retrieve, please read the Official Documentation. It has everything you need with concise explanations of methods.
You can't query the status of a socket owned by another process using the sockets API, which is what LuaSocket uses under the covers.
In order to access information about another process, you need to query the OS instead. Assuming you are on Linux, this usually means looking at the proc filesystem.
I'm not hugely familiar with Lua, but a quick Google gives me this project: I think this is probably what you need, assuming they have written a decoder for the relevant /proc/net files you need.
As for which file? If it's just the status, I think you want the tcp file as covered in

Bidirectional communication using a single UNIX socket

I have the situation where a service running in the background makes itself available for ASCII-based commands via a socket (SOCK_DGRAM) placed on the file system. I am able to successfully send commands to this interface but cannot receive any response generated by the background service.
As I understand it, the reason I am not receiving the service's response is because the underlying IPC is not technically between two processes, but is rather between to addresses. As such, it is necessary to bind my endpoint to a particular address location so the service knows were to send its response. However, the problem is that I do not want to pollute the directory space with too many additional socket files.
That is to say, I can make this work by simply doing something like:
struct sockaddr_un local;
int len;
s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
local.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strcpy(local.sun_path, "/path/to/some/dir/mySocketFile");
len = strlen(local.sun_path) + sizeof(local.sun_family);
bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&local, len);
//Send commands to control interface of background service
And all is well, because by binding to mySocketFile the service has an address to which is will respond.
In short, is there a way to communicate to the service through its available socket interface and receive the response without binding the local endpoint such that it creates another socket-type file on the file system? i.e. some kind of a nameless socket, of sorts?
Of course, if anyone spots any misconceptions or misunderstandings in my logic please point them out.
If the client does not bind its socket to an filesystem address, it still has a notional address assigned by the system (which may exist in the filesystem in /tmp somewhere, or may not exist in the filesystem at all, depends on the OS). The server can get this address by using the recvfrom(2) call to receive the incoming packets from clients -- this call takes additional sockaddr * and socklen_t * arguments that it fills in with the client socket address. You then use sendto(2) to send the reply back to the client.

Software to Generate False ARP Requests?

Edit: Answered on serverfault. Thanks!
A product I'm testing appears to freak out when it receives an ARP request with a Sender IP Address of This is not an ARP probe, as the request is addressed to my module, and the customer's system sends the request just before it starts using its own valid IP address, which is different than my module's IP address. The problem is recreating that here in the lab rather than having to travel to the customer's site.
Is there software I can use to generate an ARP request from a fake address? This is similar to, but not quite the same as, ARP spoofing, since I'm trying to fake the request and not the reply. Do any of the spoofing tools have this functionality? Or is there a way to force Windows or Linux to send an ARP probe?
You can use Python2 to do that job. That's really quite simple task. You will need root privileges to open RAW sockets and some little knowledge with Python.
import socket
import struct
#Packet structure explanation:
#destmac = 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff
#sourcemac = 0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55
#etherflags = 0x0806,0x0001,0x0800
#arpflags = 0x6,0x4,0x0001
#sourcemac = 0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55
#sourceip = 0xc0,0xa8,0x2b,0x7a
#targmac = 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
#targip = 0xc0,0xa8,0x2b,0x0c
packet = struct.pack('!12B3H2BH10B10B', 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, 0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55, 0x0806,0x0001,0x0800, 0x6,0x4,0x0001 ,0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55, 0xc0,0xa8,0x2b,0x7a, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xc0,0xa8,0x2b,0x0c)
sock = socket.socket(socket.PF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW)
sock.bind(('eth0', 6)) # 6 its protocol number

How to detemine which network interface (ip address) will be used to send a packet to a specific ip address?

I'm writing a SIP stack, and I need to insert an ip address in the message. This address needs to be the one used for sending the message. I know the destination IP and need to determine the NIC (its address) that will be used to send the message....
To expand a bit on Remy Lebeau's comment, GetBestInterfaceEx() is your best bet, if you're on Windows XP or newer. That will work for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
GetBestInterface/GetBestInterfaceEx return the index (call it IDX) of the most appropriate interface to use to contact some address.
Then you can map that index into a local IP address by getting your interface<->IP address mapping using GetIpAddrTable or GetAdaptersAddresses if you're dual-stacking (supporting both IPv6 and IPv4).
Iterate over that table and find the interface with the dwIndex (or IfIndex, in the case of GetAdaptersAddresses) matching IDX.
It's usually best to allow the IP address your SIP stack will operate on to be set as an adjustable configuration option. It means the user will need to set a configuration option but at least your stack will know the IP address it's operating on.
If that's not feasible then an approach you could use is to send out the SIP request on all IP addresses using a dummy value in the Via header such as and set the interface you get a response back on as the default one. This approach alos as the advantage that the SIP response will tell you the public IP address the request was received from which can be useful if your SIP stack is behind a NAT.
Over TCP, I think you can get the address of the local side of the socket after connect(). I don't know if the same is true for UDP (I suspect not), but it might be worth a try.
The socket will allow you to Bind to a local endpoint before calling connect (both UDP and TCP).
That is all ok if you know the port. However, if you want the port to be ephemeral (e.g. some random port number) then you must come up with your own algorithm to do so and robust code to handle the cases where the port is exclusivly taken by another application.