permission error: service account don't have access to cloud-ml platform - kubernetes

I am running Kubeflow pipeline(docker approach) and cluster uses the endpoint to navigate to the dashboard. The Clusters is created followed by the instructions mentioned in this link Deploy Kubeflow. Everything is successfully created and the cluster generated the endpoints and its working perfectly.
Endpoint link would be something like this
Every workload of the pipeline is working fine except the last one. In the last workload, I am trying to submit a job to the cloud-ml engine. But it logs shows that the application has no access to the project. Here is the full image of the log.
insufficient authentication scopes.
( User
does not have permission to access project [project_name]
(or it may not exist): Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
From the logs, it's clear that this service account doesn't have access to the project itself. However, I tried to give access for Cloud ML Service to this service account but still, it's throwing the same error.
Any other ways to give Cloud ML service credentials to this application.

Check two things:
1) GCP IAM: if has ML Engine Admin permission.
2) Your pipeline DSL: if the cloud-ml engine step calls apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa')), e.g.


Google Cloud Composer Environment Setup Error: Connect to Google Cloud Storage

I am trying to create an environment in Google Cloud Composer. Link here
When creating the environment from scratch and selecting all the default fields, the following error appears:
CREATE operation on this environment failed 22 hours ago with the following error message:
CREATE operation failed. Composer Agent failed with: Cloud Storage Assertions Failed: Unable to write to GCS bucket.
GCS bucket write check failed.
I then created a google cloud storage bucket within the same project to see if that would help and the same error still appears.
Has anyone been able successfully create a Google Cloud Composer environment and if so please provide guidance on why this error message continues to appear?
Update: Need to update permissions to allow access it seems like. Here is a screenshot of my permissions page but not editable.
It seems like you haven't given the required IAM policies to the service account. I would advise you to read more about the IAM policies on Google Cloud here
When it comes to the permissions of the bucket, there are permissions like the Storage Object Admin that might fit your needs.

gcloud build. <service account> does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object

When I run this in cmd line:
gcloud builds submit --tag "<project id>/<cloudrun app name>"
I get this error:
ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit) HTTPError 403: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access denied.</Message><Details>[service accoun name]#[project-id] does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object.</Details></Error>
Here are the roles I've assigned to the Service account (yes, its overkill, just trying to get it to work):
I've tried these solutions, but they haven't worked:
service account does not have storage.objects.get access for Google Cloud Storage
( HTTPError 403: <account> does not have storage.objects.get access to the Google Cloud Storage object
What scopes / roles are required for a service account to be able to submit container builder jobs?
What am I doing wrong?
Hello I had the same issue. Solved it by adding the role "Viewer" to my service account as explained here :
Could you please confirm that you are using the default service account to trigger your build? If you are using a different service account to trigger the build, use the similar role which your default service account has as well.
Make sure you have the following roles for the service account:
Cloud Build Service account
Service Account User
Cloud Run Admin
You can change the permissions from the Cloud Build Settings page.
Then try running your builds again.
Have you tried creating a new service with a prebuilt demo container from the web console like described here?
We got the same error ("... does not have storage.objects.get access ...") initially, but it worked once we created a first demo service using the Google Cloud Console.

Cannot deploy Kubeflow on GCP: tells me to enable APIs that are already enabled

I am trying to install Kubeflow on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Kubernetes Engine (GKE), following the GCP deployment guide.
I created a GCP project of which I am the owner, I enabled billing, set up OAuth credentials and enabled the following APIs:
Compute Engine API
Kubernetes Engine API
Identity and Access Management (IAM) API
Deployment Manager API
Cloud Resource Manager API
Cloud Filestore API
AI Platform Training & Prediction API
However, when I want to deploy Kubeflow using the UI, I get the following error:
So I doublechecked and those APIs are already enabled:
The log messages at the bottom of the screen are:
2020-03-0614:14:04.629: Getting enabled services for project <projectname>..
2020-03-0614:14:16.909: Could not configure communication with GCP, exiting
The Could not configure communication with GCP, exiting is triggered when _enableGcpServices() fails.
The line Getting enabled services for project ... is printed but not the line Proceeding with project number: ..., so the error must be triggered somewhere in the block of code between those lines.
The call to Gapi.cloudresourcemanager.getProjectNumber(project) has its own try/catch with a slightly different error message and title (only talks about the cloud resource manager API, not the IAM API), so I assume it is the call to Gapi.getSignedInEmail() that fails??
I'd suggest having a look at the service management API, IAM service credentials API and cloud identity aware proxy API possibly. I've only used the CLI install tool previously and not run into these problems, but you might require these services for the IAP deployment?
I faced the same issue and was able to solve by correcting the project id.
Make sure that the project id on the UI form is specified correctly as it is on the GCP project - and that it does not have any leading or trailing spaces if you copy pasted from the GCP project details like I did.
I had the same issue. I was using in trial. Seems they allow a limited project to use billing account at same time. So I shut down unused ones . Went to Billing-->my projects. Disabled unused with 3 dots. Then tried to enable the billing account for current project. It worked.

Recovering access after initially provisioning wrong scopes for an instance

I recently created a VM, but mistakenly gave the default service account Storage: Read Only permissions instead of the intended Read Write under "Identity & API access", so GCS write operations from the VM are now failing.
I realized my mistake, so following the advice in this answer, I stopped the VM, changed the scope to Read Write and started the VM. However, when I SSH in, I'm still getting 403 errors when trying to create buckets.
$ gsutil mb gs://some-random-bucket
Creating gs://some-random-bucket/...
AccessDeniedException: 403 Insufficient OAuth2 scope to perform this operation.
Acceptable scopes:
How can I fix this? I'm using the default service account, and don't have the IAM permissions to be able to create new ones.
$ gcloud auth list
Credentialed Accounts
* (projectnum)
I will suggest you to try add the scope "cloud-platform" to the instance by running the gcloud command below
gcloud alpha compute instances set-scopes INSTANCE_NAME [--zone=ZONE]
[--scopes=[SCOPE,…] [--service-account=SERVICE_ACCOUNT
As a scopes put "" since it give Full access to all Google Cloud Platform resources.
Here is gcloud documentation
Try creating the Google Cloud Storage bucket with your user account.
Type gcloud auth login and access the link you are provided, once there, copy the code and paste it into the command line.
Then do gsutil mb gs://bucket-name.
The security model has 2 things at play, API Scopes and IAM permissions. Access is determined by the AND of them. So you need an acceptable scope and enough IAM privileges in order to do whatever action.
API Scopes are bound to the credentials. They are represented by a URL like,
IAM permissions are bound to the identity. These are setup in the Cloud Console's IAM & admin > IAM section.
This means you can have 2 VMs with the default service account but both have different levels of access.
For simplicity you generally want to just set the IAM permissions and use the cloud-platform API auth scope.
To check if you have this setup go to the VM in cloud console and you'll see something like:
Cloud API access scopes
Allow full access to all Cloud APIs
When you SSH into the VM by default gcloud will be logged in as the service account on the VM. I'd discourage logging in as yourself otherwise you more or less break gcloud's configuration to read the default service account.
Once you have this setup you should be able to use gsutil properly.

Google Cloud Storage 500 Internal Server Error 'Google::Cloud::Storage::SignedUrlUnavailable'

Trying to get Google Cloud Storage working on my app. I successfully saved an image to a bucket, but when trying to retrieve the image, I receive this error:
GCS Storage (615.3ms) Generated URL for file at key: 9A95rZATRKNpGbMNDbu7RqJx ()
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 618ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms)
Google::Cloud::Storage::SignedUrlUnavailable (Google::Cloud::Storage::SignedUrlUnavailable):
Any idea of what's going on? I can't find an explanation for this error in their documentation.
To provide some explanation here...
Google App Engine (as well as Google Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Run) provides "ambient" credentials associated with the VM or instance being run, but only in the form of OAuth tokens. For most API calls, this is sufficient and convenient.
However, there are a small number of exceptions, and Google Cloud Storage is one of them. Recent Storage clients (including the google-cloud-storage gem) may require a full service account key to support certain calls that involve signed URLs. This full key is not provided automatically by App Engine (or other hosting environments). You need to provide one yourself. So as a previous answer indicated, if you're using Cloud Storage, you may not be able to depend on the "ambient" credentials. Instead, you should create a service account, download a service account key, and make it available to your app (for example, via the ActiveStorage configs, or by setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable).
I was able to figure this out. I had been following Rail's guide on Active Storage with Google Storage Cloud, and was unclear on how to generate my credentials file.
service: GCS
credentials: <%= Rails.root.join("path/to/keyfile.json") %>
project: ""
bucket: ""
Initially, I thought I didn't need a keyfile due to this sentence in Google's Cloud Storage authentication documentation:
If you're running your application on Google App Engine or Google
Compute Engine, the environment already provides a service account's
authentication information, so no further setup is required.
(I am using Google App Engine)
So I commented out the credentials line and started testing. Strangely, I was able to write to Google Cloud Storage without issue. However, when retrieving the image I would receive the 500 server error Google::Cloud::Storage::SignedUrlUnavailable.
I fixed this by generating my private key and adding it to my rails app.
Another possible solution as of google-cloud-storage gem version 1.27 in August 2020 is documented here. My Google::Auth.get_application_default as in the documentation returned an empty object, but using Google::Cloud::Storage::Credentials.default.client instead worked.
If you get Google::Apis::ClientError: badRequest: Request contains an invalid argument response when signing check that you have dash in the project name in the signing URL (i.e projects/-/serviceAccounts explicit project name in the path is deprecated and no longer valid) and that you have "issuer" string correct, as the full email address identifier of the service account not just the service account name.
If you get Google::Apis::ClientError: forbidden: The caller does not have permission verify the roles your Service Account have:
gcloud projects get-iam-policy <project-name>
--flatten="bindings[].members" --format='table(bindings.role)'
serviceAccountTokenCreator is required to call the signBlob service, and you need storage.admin to have ownership of the thing you need to sign. I think these are project global rights, I couldn't get it to work with more fine grained permissions unfortunately (i.e one app is admin for a certain Storage bucket)