Generate password reset URL - keycloak

I want to send Keycloak user reset password email from my web app without using Keycloak SMTP configuration. For that I am trying to generate the reset password link but I am not sure how to generate the code in URL. Are there any API call to generate action code or full reset password URL ? Keycloak generate something like below. I need to generate same. That's the objective.

There is no such API directly exposed in Keycloak.
Keycloak provides action tokens that permits its bearer to perform some actions, e.g. to reset a password or validate e-mail address.
Perhaps you could have a look at the action tokens SPI:
This way you can handle your use case.


Keycloak 18 proper configuration

I am using Keycloak to authenticate a user for a Vaadin application. The Vaadin application creates its own user session after successful authentication with Keycloak. I need the user to be able to change the password and email address.
Now I do not quite understand how to implement it correctly. There is a user Keycloak console that has this kind of functionality. But, for example, when a user changes their email address, the user is not prompted to confirm that new email address until a new login. Should I disable the Keycloak user console and e.g. use the Keycloak REST API directly from the Vaadin app to perform email/password changes? Or should I keep using Keycloak's custom console and configure it there?
What is the proper way to deal with such things with Keycloak? In case of Keycloak API I'd really appreciate the examples of API calls which should I perform in order to change the user password and email.

IdentityServer4 login via email

What would be the best way to create a login via email?
Currently we generate a JWT and send it via email. With this procedure the JWT token will expire at some point. We would like to extend the login (e.g. with code, refresh-token, access-token).
How can you create a fully-fledged login, which you normally get by logging in with username + password?
What other ways are there to provide a login via email?

Keycloak: Disable username/password login for external IDP

How to disable username/password login for external IDP ?
I know that I can use custom theme to hide http form, but I want to do it properly.
As far as I know I have to create at least custom First Broker Login and Browser authentication flow, right?
After first login from IDP I have to create user in Keycloak, but do not leverage password option.
Also Browser flow must be updated to not show username/password form, right?
Can anyone provide proper example ?
You can use a custom authentication provider to achieve your goal.
Instruct Keycloak to assign a specific user attribute to all users arriving from the IDP.
Build an authentication provider which checks for that user attribute and denies access.
Add the authentication provider to the Browser login flow.
Optionally adjust templates files to hide login fields and show a user-friendly error if the user fails step 2.
Further details here:
May not be 100% suitable to this case, but found next one working fine for our case without need to compile and deploy "custom authentication provider". In our app we suppress keycloak login form and offer own custom user / password form, and for IdP integration we are using kc_hint to redirect directly to IdP login page. Once user login via IdP we want to disable user name / password login using password grant. There is a trick allows to achieve this in keycloak v15. You can assign "Update User Locale" to "Required User Actions" of the user, from that moments, direct password grant wont let user to login returning "requires action" validation error, which is not supported in our UI, while IdP login still works and skip this "required action" nor reset it after login. Of course you may need some scheduled curl script allows to set this for users automatically via users REST API : read users attributes or IdP link integration, if found specific Idp related user attribute or IdP integration link, and "requires action" array is empty, set it to "Update Locale".
Of course this all works as long as you hide keycloak login form and use your own. for all using keycloak login form, login using name / password will work and can bypass "Update locale" requirement (not sure why, perhaps because realm does not have locales configured)
Try this costum Authentication flow
By Automatically linking brokered account, the user won't have to set a password. as for the username it will be automatically imported from the identity provider.

Login flow : WSSE Authentication & Facebook Sign in

I am playing with WSSE Authentication (through Symfony2) and I have defined the following classic Login flow :
User enters its username & password & get the associated salt from the server
username & password are checked on the server (ajax call) through a WSSE header check
If Credentials are valid then, required data (i.e data that allow to re-generate a WSSE Header at each request) is stored on the browser
This is fully working.
Now, I would like to add the "Signin with facebook" feature. That's not a problem there's plenty of documentation on it, BUT, my purpose & my difficulty is to keep the WSSE logical working
As the user never enters its password if he logs in with Facebook, I am unable to generate wsse headers, and for this there is no documentation at all.
Would someone have already dealt with such an operation? Thanks in advance
the solution i found is following this order :
1) Create a webservice not under the wsse firewall but secured by a header token or something else like x-token : fdslkjl324l2lrkljlkfsjflkjfkljl2, which return the password encrypted from the database for the given user.
like for example : you should have an webservice to get user salt to encrypt user s password to authenticate through wsse API.
2) use the classic wsse webservices with generated token from the encrypted password following the wsse
now that you have the password encrypted you can simply authenticate under the wsse service.
The most important thing is you don t have to put the user password in plain .

SiteMinder and HTTP Client - User Login Info

We have a Portlet running on Java/J2EE technology. It interacts with another application/system through HTTP request that requires user authentication. The current solution retrieves logged in user's user name and password from the Portal, and passes this information to back end systems using "HTTPClient" API's to retrieve content based on user's authentication and authorization.
There are efforts to enable site minder for the Portal. With site minder enablement, the Portal no longer provides logged in user's user name and password. The ideal way would be that back end application also has site minder enabled so that Portlet could pass the login token or cookie value.
Looking for interim approaches until the back end application is SiteMinder enabled. Is there a way we can enable/force user to enter user name and password ? I cannot think of such possibility because the Portlet code (using HTTP Client accesses the back end URL of the application, its not the browser). One possible way I can think of is, develop a new screen(UI) to have user enter user name and password within the Portlet and use that to authenticate with back end system through Java code. Please let me know if any other ideas.
Also, let me know if the question is confusing, I will provide more details.
Siteminder can provide user information dynamically to connected applications in HTTP headers (uid, email address, etc.). This behaviour is configured on the Siteminder Policy Server. By default, the HTTP header SM_USER (or similar) contains the username of the authenticated user.
Then, you have to adapt your portlet code to fetch those headers from the request and feed it to the back-end application like you used to.
I wouldn't advise the use of the SM_USER header for tracking users. SM_USER contains the ID that was provided to the credential collector, and will change based on the type of authentication scheme used.
If you have an HTML forms based auth scheme that collects email address instead of UserID, the email address will be sent in the SM_USER header. In the case of an X.509 auth scheme the SubjectDN from the certificate will be in the SM_USER header.
The better choice would be to use the SM_UNIVERSALID header as that will always contain the Universal ID attribute. The Universal ID attribute is configured in the User Directory object (typically this is set to "uid").