How to remove decimal in crytal report - crystal-reports

How to remove decimal from report by using crystal report when export to excel,
i have data in crytal report result = 110,973 when export report with format format excel
i get data resutl =110,973.8333333 if highlight column result, so how to remove decimal .8333333 or how to setting format in crytal report.

to removing decimals try this :
removing decimals in crystal reports for number field


Crystal Reports. How to to extract only numbers before hyphen

We have a number field in our Database called" {PO_TEMP_PO_HEADER.PO_Number}that contains numbers in the following format:
I only want to display the numbers before the hyphen
How do I do this in Crystal Reports?
I tried various formulas I found online but it always resulted in an error when saving in Crystal.
Split({your.db_column}, "-")[1];
This splits your column into an array and returns the 1st element.

Export Crystal report to TTX

I have added a new varchar field(for eg: data appears to be like this 763268953286) in the existing report. But when I tried to export Crystal report XI data to TTX format, the similar data comes as 7.63245E + 11. Data format changing when covert to TTX. In crystal report, I have formatted the datafield as toText({data fieldname}). How can I format it properly to avoid invalid characters printing
Try something like this ToText({Numerical Database Field},2," ",",")
The argument you need is a Number or Currency value to be converted into a text string; it can be a whole or fractional value.
Full SAP Article here

Export to Excel issue with numbers converting as text in SSRS

I have a price column in tablix with currency format("$"). when i export the report to excel this column is converting to text. Could anyone let me know how to make it as number in excel.
As TPhe mentioned, you can use the Format property to format the text box with C2 for currency (C for Currency and 2 for the number of digits after the decimal). Using the Format property usually makes Excel format the cell correctly.

Display string formula not used when exporting from Crystal Reports XI

I've produced a report in Crystal Reports XI where I in one of the fields have used the display string formula to alter the apperance of some data as well as group similar data values to one value (e.g. "neg", "negative", and "-" now all displays as "negative" in the report.)
However, now when I export the report to CSV for delivery to a customer the raw data, and not the display string formula result, is in the export. I've tried all 4 settings with the checkboxes in the CSV export options.
Is there any way to make the display string formatted data beeing exported to the CSV?
Are there any alternate ways of achiving the desired formatting and getting the formatting preserved in CSV export?
Unfortunately, i've not found a way of using the display string formula and achieving the desired result.
Instead create a new formula and replace the object on the report with the new formula.

Crystal Report Formula for Date Separate

Am New to Crystal Report 8.5
How to print the string value in a date Format?
Where i have to type a formula in the crystal report?
Need Date Separator Formula for String value?
How to create a fromula in crystal report 8.5?
To answer your second question...
To create a formula field in CR 8.5:
Insert Fields->Formula tab->New
in CR 10 and up:
go to the "Field Explorer", right click "Formula Fields", click "New".
Report->Formula Workshop->Formula Fields->New
Then you can drag the formula field onto the report.
Create a new formula field to use in the report and use the CSTR or TOTEXT functions for formatting of the date.
You can use the help in the formula editor to look up the CSTR and TOTEXT functions to get the exact format that you want.
Here is a link for something similar. Look at the 2nd answer.
Crystal Reports DateTime Formatting