Solve complex matrix equation - matlab

I have a complex equation involving matrices:
R = expm(X)*A + (expm(X)-I)*inv(X)*B*U;
where R, B and U are known matrices.
I is an identity matrix.
I need to solve for X. Is there any way to solve this in MATLAB?

If your equation is nonlinear and you have access to MATLAB optimization toolbox you can use the fsolve function (You can still use it for a linear equation, but it may not be the most efficient approach). You just need to reformat your equation into the form F(x) = 0, where x is a vector or a matrix. For example, if X is a vector of length 2:
Define your function to solve:
function F = YourComplexEquation(X)
Fmatrix = expm(X)*A + (expm(X)-I)*inv(X)*B*U - R
% This last line is because I think fsolve requires F to be a vector, not a matrix
F = Fmatrix(:);
Then call fsolve with an initial guess:
X = fsolve(#YourComplexEquation,[0;0]);


Solve System of Linear Equations

I have a column vector of linear equations. each equations is fun of series of variables (x1,x2,......x20,y1,y2,.....,y20),
all the equaions=0
how to solve these equations
from Matlab help
sol = solve([eqn1, eqn2, eqn3], [x, y, z]);
xSol = sol.x
ySol = sol.y
zSol = sol.z
how to call the matrix instead of each equations eqn1,eqn2,...especially for the very large number of equations
the same for the variables can call them as vectors instead of individuals/one by one.
Also, I keep getting the same warning
[Warning: Cannot solve symbolically. Returning a numeric
approximation instead. ]

system of ordinary differential equation in Matlab

Suppose we have this Hamiltonian:
n = 10;
H = ones(n,n);
The density matrix is:
Ro = sym('r',[n,n]);%Density matrix
The equation of motion is:
The above equation of motion is the right hand side of the equation, the left hand side is the time derivative of density matrix.
How can I solve the equation of motion in Matlab without the symbolic math toolbox? I need to change the value of n. It can be up to 100.
In your dynamics function, reshape between vectors and matrices in order to use MATLAB's standard ode functions, which (to my knowledge) require vector inputs. Note, the symbolic toolbox isn't used anywhere in this solution. R can be any size n-by-n, within the constraints of your machine's memory.
function dR = dynfun(R,H)
%// R = n^2-by-1 vector
%// H = n-by-n matrix
n = sqrt(length(R));
R = reshape(R,[n,n]); %// reshape R to n-by-n matrix
dR = H*R-R*H;
dR = dR(:); %// reshape dR to n^2-by-1 vector
Call the ODE solver:
[tout,Rout] = ode45(#(t,R) dynfun(R,H), [0,T], R0(:));
where T is final time, R0 is n-by-n initial condition, tout are the output time steps, and Rout is the solution trajectory. Note due to the reshaping, Rout will be k-by-n^2, where k is the number of time steps. You'll need to reshape each row of Rout if you want to have the actual matrices over time.

Solving a Second Order Differential with Matrix input

I am trying to solve a second order differential using ODE45 in Matlab with matrix as inputs. I am struck with couple of errors that includes :
"In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and
I must be the same."
Double order differential equations given below:
dy(1)= diag(ones(1,100) - 0.5*y(2))*Co;
dy(2)= -1 * Laplacian(y(1)) * y(2);
Main function call is:
[T,Y] = ode45(#rigid,[0.000 100.000],[Co Xo]);
Here, Co is Matrix of size 100x100 and Xo is a column matrix of size 100x1. Laplacian is a pre-defined function to compute matrix laplacian.
I will appreciate any help in this. Should I reshape input matrices and vectors to fall in same dimensions or something?
Your guess is correct. The MATLAB ode suite can solve only vector valued ode, i.e. an ode of the form y'=f(t,y). In your case you should convert y, and dy, back and forth between a matrix and an array by using reshape.
To be more precise, the initial condition will be transformed into the array
y0 = reshape([Co Xo], 100*101, 1);
while y will be obtained with
y_matrix = reshape(y, 100, 101);
y1 = y_matrix(:,1:100);
y2 = y_matrix(:,101);
After having computed the matrices dy1 and dy2 you will have to covert them in an array with
dy = reshape([dy1 dy2], 100*101, 1);
Aside from the limitations of ode45 your code gives that error because, in MATLAB, matrices are not indexed in that way. In fact, if you define A = magic(5), A(11) gives the eleventh element of A i.e. 1.

Create a symbolic function of different length vectors in MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox

My overall goal is to use the MATLAB symbolic toolbox to simplify the process of formulating and solving for the sensitivities of solutions to ordinary differential equations with respect to the parameters in the equations. In my case I have an ODE with 2 states and 10 parameters. A smaller, but representative, example would look like
X = sym('X', [2 1]) % Vector representing state variables
p = sym('p', [3 1]) % Vector representing parameters
% Fitzhugh Nagumo Equations
rhs_1 = symfun(p(3)*(X(1) - X(1)^3/3 + X(2)), [X; p])
rhs_2 = symfun(-(X(1) - p(1) + p(2)*X(2))/p(3), [X; p])
I can then get the partial derivatives, which are used to solve for the sensitivities, of the RHS of the ODE wrt to the parameters using a command like 'gradient(rhs_1, p)'. But then I would like to convert this gradient to a matlab function that is a function of the vectors X and p, not a function of the elements of these vectors. I need these functions to be of this form because otherwise I cannot use the CVODES solver in the sundialsTB toolbox. Is this possible? Is there an easier way to accomplish what I am trying to do?
Recognizing that a comma-separated list of function inputs is really just a cell array, you can do this by converting your vector inputs to a cell arrays of scalar using mat2cell:
v = mat2cell([x(:);p(:)],ones(numel(x)+numel(p),1),1);
y1 = rhs_1(v{:})
y2 = rhs_2(v{:})

Numerically integrate a function f(x) over x using MATLAB where f(x) has another argument y which is a vector

I would like to numerically integrate a vector which represents a function f(x) over the range of x specified by bounds x0 and x1 in Matlab. I would like to check that the output of the integration is correct and that it converges.
There are the quad and quadl functions that serve well in identifying the required error tolerance, but they need the input argument to be a function and not the resulting vector of the function. There is also the trapz function where we can enter the two vectors x and f(x), but then it computes the integral of f(x) with respect to x depending on the spacing used by vector x. However, there is no given way using trapz to adjust the tolerance as in quad and quadl and make sure the answer is converging.
The main problem why I can't use quad and quadl functions is that f(x) is the following equation:
f(x) = sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y))), the summation is over y, where y is a vector of length n and x is an element that is given each time to the function f(x). Therefore, all elements in vector y are subtracted from element x and then the summation over y is calculated to give us the value f(x). This is done for m values of x, where m is not equal to n.
When I use quadl as explained in the Matlab manual, where f(x) is defined in a separate function .m file and then in the main calling file, I use Q = quadl(#f,x0,x1,tolerance,X,Y); here X is a vector of length m and Y is a vector of length L. Matlab gives an error: "??? Error using ==> minus
Matrix dimensions must agree." at the line where I define the function f(x) in the .m function file. f(x) = sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y)))
I assume the problem is that Matlab treats x and y as vectors that should be of the same length when they are subtracted from each other, whereas what's needed is to subtract the vector Y each time from a single element from the vector X.
Would you please recommend a way to solve this problem and successfully numerically integrate f(x) versus x with a method to control the tolerance?
From the documentationon quad it says:
The function y = fun(x) should accept a vector argument x and return a vector result y, the integrand evaluated at each element of x.
So every time we call the function, we need to evaluate the integrand at each given x.
Also, to parameterize the function call with the constant vector Y, I recommend an anonymous function call. There's a reasonable demo here. Here's how I implemented your problem in Matlab:
function Q = test_num_int(x0,x1,Y)
Q = quad(#(x) myFun(x,Y),x0,x1);
function fx = myFun(x,Y)
fy = zeros(size(Y));
fx = zeros(size(x));
for jj=1:length(fx)
for ii=1:length(Y)
fy(ii) = exp(-1/2 *(x(jj)-Y(ii)));
fx(jj) = sum(fy);
Then I called the function and got the following output:
Y = 0:0.1:1;
x0 = 0;
x1 = 1;
Q = test_num_int(x0,x1,Y)
Q =
The inputs for the lower and upper bound and the constant array are obviously just dummy values, but the integral converges very quickly, almost immediately. Hope this helps!
I believe the following would also work:
y = randn(10,1);
func = #(x) sum(exp(-1/2 *(x-y)));