Select from table where column like list - kdb

I have the following table:
t : ([]date:.z.D - til 3; min_max: ((0w;0w);(5;8);(10;15)))
which looks like this:
date min_max
2019.06.06 0w 0w
2019.06.05 5 8
2019.06.04 10 15
Note that min_max column is a list, hence its type = "F".
How do I select rows where min_max = (0w;0w), such that the resulting query would give only the first row:
date min_max
2019.06.06 0w 0w

One way of doing this is use the following select statement which uses match with the each-left adverb:
q)select from t where min_max ~\: (0w;0w)
date min_max
2019.06.06 0w 0w
q)\ts:1000 select from t where min_max ~\: (0w;0w)
2 1904
Alternatively you could also use the following statement which uses the in keyword. The two queries are comparable in terms of speed though the second query uses more memory:
q)select from t where min_max in enlist (0w;0w)
date min_max
2019.06.06 0w 0w
q)\ts:1000 select from t where min_max in enlist (0w;0w)
2 1936

Can use match (~) to achieve this:
q)select from t where min_max ~\: (0w;0w)
date min_max
2019.06.06 0w 0w

Couple of ways to do this:
Using '?' (to get the first occurrence)
q) select from t where i in min_max?enlist 2#0w
Using '=' (to get all occurrences)
q) select from t where all#'min_max=\:2#0w
date min_max
2019.06.06 0w 0w


query for selecting N records

I have a table tab that has cols date,sym,value and is sorted from oldest date to the recent.
I am trying to select the past N records for each sym and am not sure of the query for this. I know that I can select based on date being within a range but I needed it based on sym irrespective if value appeared on consecutive dates or not.
You could do this with fby and the virtual row number column i:
q){ select from tab where ({y in x#y}[x];i) fby sym }[-2]
date sym time src price size
2014.04.21 AAPL 2014.04.21D16:29:03.253000000 N 24.98 3561
2014.04.21 AAPL 2014.04.21D16:29:03.558000000 N 24.98 2733
2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D16:28:56.265000000 O 35.6 8390
2014.04.21 CSCO 2014.04.21D16:29:44.572000000 L 35.61 2286
2014.04.21 DELL 2014.04.21D16:29:35.374000000 L 29.57 1444
2014.04.21 DELL 2014.04.21D16:29:39.979000000 N 29.56 216
2014.04.21 GOOG 2014.04.21D16:29:50.569000000 N 41.87 722
2014.04.21 GOOG 2014.04.21D16:29:58.633000000 O 41.9 437
Edit: Faster way would be to use functional exec with the 5th argument n(number of records) for each sym.
?[tab;enlist (in;`sym;enlist x);0b;();y]
}[;-2]'[distinct tab[`sym]]
Matt's suggestions using an fby and functional select are best if you want all columns in the table returned. If you only need the date, sym & price columns returned you could use
q)ungroup select -2#date,-2#price by sym from trade
sym date price
APPL 2021.03.13 111.77
APPL 2021.03.13 111.85
CAT 2021.03.13 246
CAT 2021.03.13 246.27
GOOG 2021.03.13 206.24
GOOG 2021.03.13 206.21
NYSE 2021.03.13 60.67
NYSE 2021.03.13 60.97
Note that this can become tedious when selecting a large number of columns. In those cases it's better to stick with Matt's suggestions.

Pivot table with multiple value columns in KDB+

I would like to transform the following two row table generated by:
tb: ([] time: 2010.01.01 2010.01.01; side:`Buy`Sell; price:100 101; size:30 50)
time side price size
2010.01.01 Buy 100 30
2010.01.01 Sell 101 50
To the table below with single row:
tb1: ([] enlist time: 2010.01.01; enlist price_buy:100; enlist price_sell:101; enlist size_buy:30; enlist size_sell:50)
time price_buy price_sell size_buy size_sell
2010.01.01 100 101 30 50
What is the most efficient way to achieve this?
(select price_buy:price, size_buy:size by time from tb where side = `Buy) lj select price_sell:price, size_sell:size by time from tb where side = `Sell
time | price_buy size_buy price_sell size_sell
----------| ---------------------------------------
2010.01.01| 100 30 101 50
If you wanted to avoid 2 select statements:
raze each select `price_buy`price_sell!(side!price)#/:`Buy`Sell, `size_buy`size_sell!(side!size)#/:`Buy`Sell by time from tb
As an additional note, having a date column labeled time can be misleading. Typical financial tables in kdb have the format date time sym etc
Edit: Functional form for dynamic column generation:
{x[0] lj x[1]}[{?[`tb;enlist (=;`side;enlist `$x);(enlist `time)!enlist `time;(`$("price",x;"size",x))!(`price;`size)]} each ("Sell";"Buy")]
time | priceSell sizeSell priceBuy sizeBuy
----------| -----------------------------------
2010.01.01| 101 50 100 30
The general pivot function on the Kx website can do this, see
q)piv[tb;(),`time;(),`side;`price`size;{[v;P]`$raze each string raze P[;0],'/:v,/:\:P[;1]};{x,z}]
time | Buyprice Sellprice Buysize Sellsize
----------| -----------------------------------
2010.01.01| 100 101 30 50
I have a pivot function in github . But it doesn't support multiple columns {[t;rc;cf;ff]
P: asc distinct t cf;
Pcol: `$string[P] cross "_",/:string key ff;
t: ?[t;();rc!rc;key[ff]!{({[x;y;z] z each y#group x}[;;z];x;y)}[cf]'[key ff;value ff]];
t: ![t;();0b; Pcol! raze {((';#);x;$[-11h=type y;enlist;::] y)}'[key ff]'[P] ];
![t;();0b;key ff]
But you can left join to achieve expected result:[tb;enlist`time;`side;enlist[`price]!enlist first]
lj[tb;enlist`time;`side;enlist[`size]!enlist first]
Looks like adding support for multiple columns is a good idea.

KDB query returns more 2 columns instead of 1 for max filter

I just want to create one report where I need max price for each symbol so I wrote following query which works fine on PROD but fails on UAT. So just wanted to know if following query is the appropriate or not.
select from (select sum price by sym,time,src from Table where date within(2019.12.01;2019.12.31) ) where size=(max;price) fby tier
Above query returns 2 column for each symbol instead of 1. Following is the result inner query i.e select sum price by sym,time,src from Table where date within(2019.12.01;2019.12.31)
t:([]time:8#2019.03.11D09:00+"v"$0 4 8 10;sym:8#`GOOG`GOOG`MSFT`MSFT;src:8#`L`O`N`O;price:36.01 35.01 35.5 31.1 39.01 38.01 33.5 32.1;size:8#1427 708 7810 1100)
time sym src price
2019.03.11D09:00:00.000000000 GOOG L 36.01
2019.03.11D09:00:04.000000000 GOOG O 35.01
2019.03.11D09:00:08.000000000 MSFT N 35.5
2019.03.11D09:00:10.000000000 MSFT O 31.1
2019.03.11D09:00:00.000000000 GOOG L 39.01
2019.03.11D09:00:04.000000000 GOOG O 38.01
2019.03.11D09:00:08.000000000 MSFT N 33.5
2019.03.11D09:00:10.000000000 MSFT O 32.1
And output for select from (select sum price by sym,time,src from Table where date within(2019.12.01;2019.12.31) ) where size=(max;price) fby tier is :
time sym src price
2019.03.11D09:00:00.000000000 GOOG L 36.01
2019.03.11D09:00:08.000000000 MSFT N 35.5
2019.03.11D09:00:00.000000000 GOOG L 39.01
2019.03.11D09:00:10.000000000 MSFT O 32.1
I suspect that there is something missing with the dataset that you have provided in the question. The results of your inner queries are all floats with remainders, as size is a long, it doesn't make any sense that size=(max;price) is returning any results.
To answer your question in the most general of sense, to get the max price by sym is
select from t where price=(max;price) fby sym
Applying this to the inner result you have provided
q)select from t where price=(max;price) fby sym
time sym src price size
2019.03.11D09:00:08.000000000 MSFT N 35.5 7810
2019.03.11D09:00:00.000000000 GOOG L 39.01 1427

kdb: dynamically denormalize a table (convert key values to column names)

I have a table like this:
sym server| volume
-------------| ------
EURUSD S01 | 20
EURUSD S02 | 10
AUDUSD S01 | 30
AUDUSD S02 | 50
I need to de-normalize it to display the data nicely. The resulting table should look like this:
sym | S01 S02
------| -------
EURUSD| 20 10
AUDUSD| 30 50
How do I dynamically convert the original table using distinct values from server column as column names for the new table?
Basically you want 'pivot' table. Following page has a very good solution for your problem:
Here are the commands to get the required table:
q) P:asc exec distinct server from t
q) exec P#(server!volume) by sym:sym from t
One tricky thing around pivoting a table is - the keys of the dictionary should be of type symbol otherwise it won't generate the pivot table structure.
E.g. In the following table, we have a column dt with type as date.
t:([sym:(`EURUSD`EURUSD`AUDUSD`AUDUSD);dt:(0 1 0 1+.z.d)];volume:(20;10;30;50))
Now if we want to pivot it with columns as dates , it will generate a structure like :
q)P:asc exec distinct dt from t
q)exec P#(dt!volume) by sym:sym from t
(`s#flip (enlist `sym)!enlist `s#`AUDUSD`EURUSD)!((`s#2018.06.22 2018.06.23)!30j, 50j;(`s#2018.06.22 2018.06.23)!20j, 10j)
To get the dates as the columns , the dt column has to be typecasted to symbol :
show P:asc exec distinct `$string date from t
q)exec P#((`$string date)!volume) by sym:sym from t
sym | 2018.06.22 2018.06.23
------| ---------------------
AUDUSD| 30 50
EURUSD| 20 10

need help writing a date sensitive T-SQL query

I need help writing a T-SQL query that will generate 52 rows of data per franchise from a table that will often contain gaps in the 52 week sequence per franchise (i.e., the franchise may have reported data bi-weekly or has not been in business for a full year).
The table I'm querying against looks something like this:
FranchiseId | Date | ContractHours | PrivateHours
and I need to join it to a table similar to this:
FranchiseId | Name
The output of the query needs to look like this:
Name | Date | ContractHours | PrivateHours
---- ---------- ------------- ------------
AZ1 08-02-2011 292 897
AZ1 07-26-2011 0 0 -- default to 0's for gaps in sequence
AZ1 08-03-2010 45 125 -- row 52 for AZ1
AZ2 08-02-2011 382 239
AZ2 07-26-2011 0 0 -- row 52 for AZ2
I need this style of output for every franchise, i.e., 52 rows of data with default rows for any gaps in the 52 week sequence, in a single result set. Thus, if there are 100 franchises, the result set should be 5200 rows.
What I've Tried
I've tried the typical suggestions of:
Create a table with all possible dates
LEFT OUTER JOIN this to the table of data needed
The problems I'm running into are
ensuring that for every franchise their are 52 rows and
filling in gaps with the franchise name and 0 for hours, I can't
have the following in the result set:
Name | Date | ContractHours | PrivateHours
---- ---------- ------------- ------------
NULL 08-02-2011 NULL NULL
I don't know where to go from here? Is there an efficient way to write a T-SQL query that will produce the required output?
The bare bones is this
Generate 52 week ranges
Cross join with Franchise
LEFT JOIN the actual date
ISNULL to substitute zeroes
So, like this, untested
CAST('20100101' AS date /*smalldatetime*/) AS StartOfWeek,
CAST('20100101' AS date /*smalldatetime*/) + 6 AS EndOfWeek
SELECT StartOfWeek + 7, EndOfWeek + 7
FROM cDATE WHERE StartOfWeek + 7 < '20110101'
), Possibles AS
StartOfWeek, FranchiseID
ISNULL(SUM(O.ContractHours), 0),
ISNULL(SUM(O.PrivateHours), 0)
Possibles P
TheOtherTable O ON P.FranchiseID = O.FranchiseID AND
O.Date BETWEEN P.StartOfWeek AND P.EndOfWeek