How to apply surface magnetism on toolbar? - unity3d

I created a body-locked toolbar like in this gif (link to better quality). Therefore I used the scripts Solver Handler and the Solver Body Lock:
Now I want that this toolbar collides with the environment and does not go through walls, because right now my toolbar goes through everthing. I read that you have to use the Solver Surface Magnetism but the only thing I found are guides to align an object to the surface so it sticks to it. But thats not what I want. Here is an example with the HoloLens menu, how it behaves (link to better quality):
My Question: How can I achieve that my toolbar behaves like the menu of the hololens, so it does not go through walls/environment?

I think you can change the Orientation Mode in the Surface Magnetism solver to None to achieve the effect your are looking for.

There's probably something to do this already in MRTK but I'm not sure...
I'll have to do something like that soon and I was thinking of implementing some logic myself, maybe use one ray from each corner of the toolbar towards the camera and if any hits the space mapping layer adjust the position until all four corners are visible or something of the sort... search a suitable position and Lerp the position there maybe?


NGUI can't bring sprite to front in Unity

I have a sprite widget in NGUI, and It can't be brought to front what ever the depth I change in the editor:
Note that the orange panel is a scroll view of NGUI.
Here is the inspector setting of the sprite that I want to set to the very front:
And here is the inspector setting that has overlapped the above sprite that I want to make front of it.
And here is the BottomPanel setting
I finally solve this problem by
Add another panel
Setting the added panel in front the origin one
Make the sprite child of the newly added panel
And the final hierarchy is like this:
And this link of NGUI forum helps
quoted here:
"Depth" property is used to determine the drawing order of the widgets within the same panel that use the same atlas. If you are using different atlases or labels using a dynamic font, bring the widgets forward on the transform's Z, moving them closer to the camera (-Z). If you are using different panels, adjust the transform of the panel you want to bring in front to a lower negative Z value (-Z). I highly recommend sticking to one atlas if you can manage it, it will make your life significantly easier.
And I make a youtube video to explain what I have achieved so far.
Everything looks fine to me but it doesn't seem to work for you. There is another workaround.
On the UIPanel, change the Render Q to Explicit then use z-axis to sort your UISprite. I mean the z position (P) not (R) or (S)
For example, change the z-axis of the "Sprite (1)" object to be 2 then change the z-axis of the "background" object to 1. If this does not work, change the values around.
Please make sure that the Sprite is under the panel.

Matlab: Full 3D-Rotation with elevation higher +/-90

when rotating a 3D-plot in Matlab one can only rotate completely, so full 360°, around the z-axis (azimuthal angle) but only from +/-90° around the x/y-axes (elevation angle). I know that this includes all possible views in a spherical coordinate system, yet, a customer of mine would like to have the same functionality like in Fiji (3D-Viewer) or similar 3D-Viewers, to rotate fully about the 360° around an arbitary axis.
As simple demo:
surf(peaks); rotate3d on
I thought of a handles listener with callback when the view changes and then adjusting the azimuthal and elevation angles accordingly to generate the feeling of a full rotation but maybe someone has a better and simpler idea :)
Cheers Mika
I found a possible solution:
One can enable the camera control toolbar and use the camorbit functionality which does exactly what it should. In my GUI I just enable/disable it via a custom toggle button in the toolbar like so
if strcmp(get(handles.uitoggletool5,'State'),'on') == 1

At some position character cannot see the whole mesh in unity

I want to show a transparent building in our project. I did that by setting the material of the mesh to be "transparent/diffuse". However, there exists some visibility problem of the mesh of the building. At some position, I can only see two or three sides of the cuboid(the transparent block, i.e the building). If I adjust my character position, I can see the whole cuboid. I googled the similar question online, someone mentioned about the frustum view of the camera. It seems like character has to be inside the frustum view of the camera, then user can see the whole mesh of the cuboid.
Can anyone give me some suggestions? I feel like it might be something about the way of how I build my mesh for the building, but at some position, I can see the whole cuboid.
I've solved this problem. It is just about the way how you construct the mesh.Basically, for the cuboid, I reconstructed the mesh in this way:
Note: This is just front side, the other sides should be constructed in a same way.
Besides, in order to show the mesh when user enters the block, you have to construct the inside area of the block in previous way.

Has anyone created a vertical UIToolBar? Or some sort of vertical menu with UIButtons?

I am trying to created a vertical menu (on the left side of the screen) which I can display and hide using a gesture recognizer.
I have found a post similar to this which helped slightly, but all it did was rotate the UIToolBar to a vertical position without changing the width or position.
If anyone has succesfully created something similar to this and is willing to help I would greatly appreciate it!
Also, if anyone can point me in the right direction possibly to some sample code I would like that as well.
You could do this with a UIToolBar by applying a 90 degree rotation transform, and then having all your icons rotated 90 degrees to match - you can change the width and position simply by adjusting the UIToolBar frame. However, you will need to create your own toolbar to do this rather than using the built-in one you get with a navigation controller.
Another option is simply to roll it yourself: this will allow you more customisation, so is perhaps the better option. There are a number of third-party implementations of varying types, some based off the current Facebook App side-bar, a good place to start looking is - they are of varying quality.
On the other hand, it wouldn't be too difficult to roll your own, so that's a good option to consider.

How can I make a box's edges smooth without anti-aliasing?

I'm creating a dice game for the iPhone. I'm using SIO2 as engine, but I think this question is more general OpenGL-related.
Since the iPhone lacks support for anti-aliasing, my dice looks kind of edgy. If possible, I'd like to make the edges of the die rounded and smooth instead of sharp. I've found one app, MotionX, that manages to do this, and I think without using anti-aliasing. See screenshot here. If you look closely at the dice edges, you see there is a floating transition from the brightly lit top face to the shadowed side face. This looks kind of round from far away.
Does anyone know how to recreate such an effect?
You need to create the dice with slightly rounded edges and corners. That way there won't be a sharp transition between each face.
If your modelling package can create them you could use Superquadrics to create this sort of model. You can change the parameters of the equation to produce the effect.
See the top left figure on this image
If you look closely at the dice edges, you see there is a floating transition from the brightly lit top face to the shadowed side face
Not sure if the iPhone supports this, but you may be able to achieve this effect with a normal map:
Of course, you'll need to truncate the corners to get them sufficiently round enough that the normal map will get you the rest of the way.