HTTP request: End connection to proxy - sockets

I'm currently connected to a local proxy using a socket, and through it I send a connect request to another external proxy server by using:
After that I receive The following message:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
But the problem is after that, when I try to end my connection with the remote proxy by this:
Connection: close
it seems like even the local proxy is closed and causing a socket error, I've searched for some time to find a way to end just the connect request but can't seem to find it.
Is there a way to close the connection just for the remote proxy and keep the local proxy connection alive?

No, this is impossible. By design, CONNECT transforms the HTTP/1.1 connection into a tunnel, and requests inside that tunnel are opaque to it merely forwards bytes back and forth until the tunnel is closed. RFC 7231 § 4.3.6 says (emphasis mine):
A tunnel is closed when a tunnel intermediary detects that either
side has closed its connection: the intermediary MUST attempt to send
any outstanding data that came from the closed side to the other
side, close both connections, and then discard any remaining data
left undelivered.


Fiddler can't track the traffic but httpAnalyzer can (connection looks like websockets)

I need to explore the traffic from one program.
The program makes something like a connection through the WebSockets.
Fiddler displays this:
Request Headers: CONNECT 144.***:443 HTTP/1.0
Response: HTTP/1.0 200 Connection Established
End empty body.
But the HTTP analyzer displays full information after that response, and that information continues flowing. Very likely like WebSockets (one connection and receive more answers).
And fiddler display zero traffic.
How can I explore such traffic through the fiddler?
A CONNECT call is always the first command a client sends if it uses a Proxy. Translated CONNECT just means: Please start a connection to the following server and that port. Through that connection the real HTP calls are then transmitted. Therefore CONNECT is not a real HTTP
Fiddler does not show the content of CONNECT requests/responses to port 443 endpoints because those connections are HTTPS/TLS protected (hence the shown data would be useless). You need to enable HTTPS decryption and install the Fiddler root CA certificate into the client app/OS to see the decrypted content of those connections.

Vert.x - How to know which connection was closed

I have a Vert.x app that gets HTTP requests as a Server and later down the road sends the data (HTTP request as well) as a Client to several other servers (more than one Client exits).
I see in the logs that sometimes I get io.vertx.core.VertxException: Connection was closed
but with no other info.
How can I know which connection was the one that was actually closed? I have more than one connections active.
I tried to add exceptionHandler to HttpServer and to HttpClientRequest, but they both were never called.
The io.vertx.core.VertxException: Connection was closed can be triggered for both client connections and server connections.
You'd get these errors on your HTTP client connection if the remote server closed the connection before completing the response, and you'd be able to capture them by setting the appropriate handlers on the client request (With Vert.x 4, you'd do something like ...send().onFailure(err -> /* handle the failure */) ), which I believe you already do.
You'd get these errors for the HTTP server connection if the remote client disconnects, either before your server completed the response, or - if the connection has keep-alive enabled (which is the default for HTTP/1.1 connections) - even after the response was sent.
In case the client closed the server connection before the response was fully sent, you should be able to capture and handle there errors in the HttpServer.exceptionHandler(), as I'm sure you already do.
In case the client closed the server connection after the response was fully sent, while it is in a keep-alive state, then there is no HttpServerRequest (or RoutingContext if you are using vertx-web, as you should) where the exception happens in, so Vert.x would just disregard the error (see here for the code).
So why do you still see those errors in the log? It could be various things because that exception is also used to handle EventBus connections and all kinds of internal network streams managed by Vert.x servers - and all without a stack trace (the actual exception instance being thrown is created statically here), so Vert.x kinds of sucks in that way.
My recommendation: make sure you attach error handlers to everything (pay attention to websocket connections or HTTP response streams, if you use them) and if you still get those errors in the logs - maybe you can just ignroe them as the commenter suggested.

Is it possible to make two SOCKSv4a session connections over one TCP connection?

I'm trying to create multiple tunnels out of a single TCP connection to a SOCKSv4a proxy server in order to keep from closing and reopening a bunch of sockets to the SOCKS proxy.
Something like "Connection: keep-alive". How can I do that? Does the protocol allow it?
No, this is not supported by any version of SOCKS (nor is it supported by HTTP/1.1 CONNECT method — keep-alive is ignored for CONNECT). Once a tunnel is established, it is a straight pass-through of raw data until either the client or server disconnects. You need to open a separate client-proxy connection for each new connection to the server.

Is TCP Reset (RST) two way?

I have a client-server (Java) application using persistent TCP connections, but sometimes the Server receives Connection reset by peer exception when trying to write on the socket, however I don't see any error in the Client log.
This RST is probably caused by an intermediate proxy/router, but if that's the case, should this be seen on the client as well?
If the RST is sent by the client, it can be seen on it using a packet sniffer such as wireshark. However, it won't show up in any user-level sockets since it's sent by the OS as a response to various erroneous inputs (such as connection attempts to a closed port).
If the RST is sent by the network, then it's pretending to be the client to sever the connection. It can do so in one direction, or in both of them. In that case, the client might not see anything, except for a RST sent by the actual server when the client continues to send data to a connection it perceives as open, while the server sees it as closed.
Try capturing the traffic on both the server and the client, see where the resets are coming from.

What does "connection reset by peer" mean?

What is the meaning of the "connection reset by peer" error on a TCP connection? Is it a fatal error or just a notification or related to the network failure?
It's fatal. The remote server has sent you a RST packet, which indicates an immediate dropping of the connection, rather than the usual handshake. This bypasses the normal half-closed state transition. I like this description:
"Connection reset by peer" is the TCP/IP equivalent of slamming the phone back on the hook. It's more polite than merely not replying, leaving one hanging. But it's not the FIN-ACK expected of the truly polite TCP/IP converseur.
This means that a TCP RST was received and the connection is now closed. This occurs when a packet is sent from your end of the connection but the other end does not recognize the connection; it will send back a packet with the RST bit set in order to forcibly close the connection.
This can happen if the other side crashes and then comes back up or if it calls close() on the socket while there is data from you in transit, and is an indication to you that some of the data that you previously sent may not have been received.
It is up to you whether that is an error; if the information you were sending was only for the benefit of the remote client then it may not matter that any final data may have been lost. However you should close the socket and free up any other resources associated with the connection.
one of the reasons for seeing this error and having trouble connecting to the server is that you enabled the firewall in the UNIX machine and forgot to add a rule to accept ssh connection. search in your WPS provider and you will find a way to connect to you machine and add this rules:
ufw allow ssh && ufw allow 22