Adding a constant value to each partition using Spark Scala - scala

I'm trying to add an id to every single group of dates using Spark Scala.
For example, if the input was:
The output would be:
id, date
ABC1, 2019-01-29
ABC1, 2019-01-29
ABC1, 2019-01-29
ABC2, 2019-07-31
ABC2, 2019-07-31
Can anyone help me with this?
I was successful with adding sequential line numbers for each partition, but I would like a constant value for each partition.
df.withColumn(lineNumColName, row_number().over(Window.partitionBy(partitionByCol).orderBy(orderByCol))).repartition(1).orderBy(orderByCol, lineNumColName)

Option 1 (small dataset):
If you dataset is not to large you can use Window and dense_rank as shown next:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{concat,lit, dense_rank}
val df = Seq(("2019-01-29"),
val w = Window.orderBy($"date")
val d_rank = dense_rank().over(w)
df.withColumn("id", concat(lit("ABC"), d_rank)).show(false)
|date |id |
Since we don't specify any value for the partitionBy part this will use only one partition and therefore it will be very inefficient.
Option 2 (large dataset):
A more efficient approach would be to assign ids to a large dataset using the zipWithIndex function:
val df_d = df.distinct.rdd.zipWithIndex().map{ r => (r._1.getString(0), r._2 + 1) }.toDF("date", "id")
// Output:
| date| id|
|2019-01-29| 1|
|2019-07-31| 2|
First we get the unique value of the dataframe with distinct then we call zipWithIndex to create a unique id for each date record.
Finally we join the two datasets:
df.join(df_d, Seq("date"))
.withColumn("id", concat(lit("ABC"), $"id"))
// Output:
| date| id|


How to create a new sequential timestamp column in a CSV file using Spark

I have a sample CSV file with columns as shown below.
I want a new Timestamp column in the HH:mm:ss format and the timestamp should keep on the increase by seconds as shown below.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I can propose a solution based on pyspark. The scala implementation should be almost transparent.
My idea is to create a column filled with a unique timestamps (here 1980 as an example but does not matter) and add seconds based on your first column (row number). Then, you just reformat the timestamp to only see hours
import pyspark.sql.functions as psf
df = (df
.withColumn("ts", psf.unix_timestamp(timestamp=psf.lit('1980-01-01 00:00:00'), format='YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
.withColumn("ts", psf.col("ts") + psf.col("i") - 1)
.withColumn("ts", psf.from_unixtime("ts", format='HH:mm:ss'))
| i| x| ts|
| 1|57.5| 00:00:00|
| 2|24.0| 00:00:01|
only showing top 2 rows
Data generation
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,57.5),
(5,75.5)], ['i','x'])
| i| x|
| 1|57.5|
| 2|24.0|
only showing top 2 rows
Update: if you don't have a row number in your csv (from your comment)
In that case, you will need row_number function.
This is not straightforward to number rows in Spark because the data are distributed on independent partitions and locations. The order observed in the csv will not be respected by spark when mapping file rows to partitions. I think it would be better not to use Spark to number your rows in your csv if the order in the file is important. A pre-processing step based on pandas with a loop over all your files, to take it one at a time, could make it work.
Anyway, I can propose you a solution if you don't mind having row order different from the one in your csv stored in disk.
import pyspark.sql.window as psw
w = psw.Window.partitionBy().orderBy("x")
.withColumn("i", psf.row_number().over(w))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.unix_timestamp(timestamp=psf.lit('1980-01-01 00:00:00'), format='YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.col("Timestamp") + psf.col("i") - 1)
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.from_unixtime("Timestamp", format='HH:mm:ss'))
| x| i|Timestamp|
|12.5| 1| 00:00:00|
|24.0| 2| 00:00:01|
only showing top 2 rows
In terms of efficiency this is bad (it's like collecting all the data in master) because you don't use partitionBy. In this step, using Spark is overkill.
You could also use a temporary column and use this one to order. In this particular example it will produce the expected output but not sure it works great in general
w2 = psw.Window.partitionBy().orderBy("temp")
.withColumn("temp", psf.lit(1))
.withColumn("i", psf.row_number().over(w2))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.unix_timestamp(timestamp=psf.lit('1980-01-01 00:00:00'), format='YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.col("Timestamp") + psf.col("i") - 1)
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.from_unixtime("Timestamp", format='HH:mm:ss'))
| x|temp| i|Timestamp|
|57.5| 1| 1| 00:00:00|
|24.0| 1| 2| 00:00:01|
only showing top 2 rows

Spark Dataframes: Add Conditional column to dataframe

I want to add a conditional column Flag to dataframe A. When the following two conditions are satisfied, add 1 to Flag, otherwise 0:
num from dataframe A is in between numStart and numEnd from dataframe B.
If the above condition satifies, check if include is 1.
DataFrame A (it's a very big dataframe, containing millions of rows):
|num |food |price|timestamp |
|1275|tomato|1.99 |2018-07-21T00:00:00.683Z|
|145 |carrot|0.45 |2018-07-21T00:00:03.346Z|
|2678|apple |0.99 |2018-07-21T01:00:05.731Z|
|6578|banana|1.29 |2018-07-20T01:11:59.957Z|
|1001|taco |2.59 |2018-07-21T01:00:07.961Z|
DataFrame B (it's a very small DF, containing only 100 rows):
|numStart |numEnd |include|
|0 |200 |1 |
|250 |1050 |0 |
|2000 |3000 |1 |
|10001 |15001 |1 |
Expected output:
|num |food |price|timestamp |Flag |
|1275|tomato|1.99 |2018-07-21T00:00:00.683Z|0 |
|145 |carrot|0.45 |2018-07-21T00:00:03.346Z|1 |
|2678|apple |0.99 |2018-07-21T01:00:05.731Z|1 |
|6578|banana|1.29 |2018-07-20T01:11:59.957Z|0 |
|1001|taco |2.59 |2018-07-21T01:00:07.961Z|0 |
You can left-join dfB to dfA based on the condition you described in (i), then build a Flag column using withColumn and the coalesce function to "default" to 0:
Records for which a match was found would use the include value of the matching dfB record
Records for which there was no match would have include=null, and per your requirement such records should get Flag=0, so we use coalesce which in case of null returns the default value with a literal lit(0)
Lastly, get rid of the dfB columns which are of no interest to you:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._ // assuming "spark" is your SparkSession
dfA.join(dfB, $"num".between($"numStart", $"numEnd"), "left")
.withColumn("Flag", coalesce($"include", lit(0)))
.drop(dfB.columns: _*)
// +----+------+-----+--------------------+----+
// | num| food|price| timestamp|Flag|
// +----+------+-----+--------------------+----+
// |1275|tomato| 1.99|2018-07-21T00:00:...| 0|
// | 145|carrot| 0.45|2018-07-21T00:00:...| 1|
// |2678| apple| 0.99|2018-07-21T01:00:...| 1|
// |6578|banana| 1.29|2018-07-20T01:11:...| 0|
// |1001| taco| 2.59|2018-07-21T01:00:...| 0|
// +----+------+-----+--------------------+----+
Join the two dataframes together on the first condition while keeping all rows in dataframe A (i.e. with a left join, see code below). After the join, the include column can be renamed Flag and any NaN values inside it are set to 0. The two extra columns, numStart and numEnd are dropped.
The code can thus be written as follows:
A.join(B, $"num" >= $"numStart" && $"num" <= $"numEnd", "left")
.withColumnRenamed("include", "Flag")
.drop("numStart", "numEnd")
.na.fill(Map("Flag" -> 0))

Spark How can I filter out rows that contain char sequences from another dataframe?

So, I am trying to remove rows from df2 if the Value in df2 is "like" a key from df1. I'm not sure if this is possible, or if I might need to change df1 into a list first? It's a fairly small dataframe, but as you can see, we want to remove the 2nd and 3rd rows from df2 and just return back df2 without them.
| key|
| Monthly Beginning|
| Annual Percentage|
| key| Value|
| Date| 1/1/2018|
| Date| Monthly Beginning on Tuesday|
| Number| Annual Percentage Rate for...|
| Number| 17.5|
I thought it would be something like this?
df.filter(($"Value" isin ("key") + "%"))).show(false)
But that doesn't work and I'm not surprised, but I think it helps show what I am trying to do if my previous explanation was not sufficient enough. Thank you for your help ahead of time.
Convert the first dataframe df1 to List[String] and then create one udf and apply filter condition
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
//Converting df1 to list
//Creating udf , spark stands for spark session
spark.udf.register("filterUDF", (str: String) => df1List.filter(str.toLowerCase.contains(_)).length)
//Applying filter
| key| Value|
| Date|1/1/2018|
|Number| 17.5|
Scala-IDE -
val sparkSession=SparkSession.builder().master("local").appName("temp").getOrCreate()
import sparkSession.implicits._
sparkSession.udf.register("filterUDF", (str: String) => df1List.filter(str.toLowerCase.contains(_)).length)
Convert df1 to List. Convert df2 to Dataset.
case class s(key:String,Value:String)
df2Ds =[s]
Then we can use the filter method to filter out the records.
Somewhat like this.
def check(str:String):Boolean = {
var i = ""
return false
return true

Spark SQL Dataframe API -build filter condition dynamically

I have two Spark dataframe's, df1 and df2:
| name|empNo|age|
|shankar|12121| 28|
| ramesh| 1212| 29|
| suresh| 1111| 30|
| aarush| 0707| 15|
| eName| eNo|age| city|
|aarush|12121| 15|malmo|
|ramesh| 1212| 29|malmo|
I need to get the non matching records from df1, based on a number of columns which is specified in another file.
For example, the column look up file is something like below:
empNo, eNo
Expected output is:
| name|empNo|age|
|shankar|12121| 28|
| suresh| 1111| 30|
| aarush| 0707| 15|
The idea is how to build a where condition dynamically for the above scenario, because the lookup file is configurable, so it might have 1 to n fields.
You can use the except dataframe method. I'm assuming that the columns to use are in two lists for simplicity. It's necessary that the order of both lists are correct, the columns on the same location in the list will be compared (regardless of column name). After except, use join to get the missing columns from the first dataframe.
val df1 = Seq(("shankar","12121",28),("ramesh","1212",29),("suresh","1111",30),("aarush","0707",15))
.toDF("name", "empNo", "age")
val df2 = Seq(("aarush", "12121", 15, "malmo"),("ramesh", "1212", 29, "malmo"))
.toDF("eName", "eNo", "age", "city")
val df1Cols = List("name", "empNo")
val df2Cols = List("eName", "eNo")
val tempDf =, df1Cols.tail: _*)
.except(, df2Cols.tail: _*))
val df = df1.join(broadcast(tempDf), df1Cols)
The resulting dataframe will look as wanted:
| name|empNo|age|
| aarush| 0707| 15|
| suresh| 1111| 30|
|shankar|12121| 28|
If you're doing this from a SQL query I would remap the column names in the SQL query itself with something like Changing a SQL column title via query. You could do a simple text replace in the query to normalize them to the df1 or df2 column names.
Once you have that you can diff using something like
How to obtain the difference between two DataFrames?
If you need more columns that wouldn't be used in the diff (e.g. age) you can reselect the data again based on your diff results. This may not be the optimal way of doing it but it would probably work.

How to get the total number of records till the current hour from a lookup table

I have a DataFrame with the lookup table data, for each and every hour there will a entry in this table. How do i calculate the total number of records till the current hour?
For example my DF data
|0.00| 10|
|1.00| 5|
|2.00| 10|
|3.00| 15|
|4.00| 10|
|5.00| 10|
If i pass "4.00" as input, it should return the total count till 4 hour.
Expected output is:
Total count
Sample code i tried:
val df = Seq(("0.00", "10"),
("1.00", "15")).toDF("hour", "reccount")
//sqlContext.sql("select hour,reccount from erv").show
sqlContext.sql("select sum(reccount) over(partition by hour) as running_total from erv").show
But i am getting the below error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.26] failure:
``union'' expected but `(' found
select sum(reccount) over(partition by hour) as running_total from erv
I also tried the Window functions like below, but Its expecting HiveContext needs to be created, when i try to create HiveContext locally its not creating HiveContext.
window function code:
val wSpec = Window.partitionBy("hour").orderBy("hour").rowsBetween(Long.MinValue, 0)
df.withColumn("cumSum", sum(df("reccount")).over(wSpec)).show()
Not sure why you'd want to use Window Functions if you can simply filter to get the right hours and agg:
val upTo = 4.0
val result = input.filter($"hour" <= upTo).agg(sum($"count") as "Total Count")
// +-----------+
// |Total Count|
// +-----------+
// | 50|
// +-----------+