How to use Moodle REST API Call mod_data_add_entry (and parameters)? - rest

I'm trying to set up a webpage that communicates with a Moodle page. I need different data from a database activity and want to create new entries. Note that I am not talking about the SQL database in BG, it is the activity database in courses.
The information should be retrieved/transferred via the REST API, an HTML POST Request. My problem is that I don't know how to add a new record to the database activity because I cannot transfer the data array. Only the first parameter given appears in my database.
E.g. i tried ...&wsfunction=mod_data_add_entry&databaseid=10&data[0][fieldid]=66&data[0][value]=12&data[1][fieldid]=67&data[1][value]=test
And many other combinations. Always only the first parameter is shown in the database.
The docs tell me this (Pseudocode):
//The fields data to be created
list of (
object {
fieldid int //The field id.
subfield string Default to "" //The subfield name (if required).
value string //The contents for the field always JSON encoded.
REST (POST parameters)
data[0][fieldid]= int
data[0][subfield]= string
data[0][value]= string
I cannot find anywhere else something called a "subfield".
Any ideas?

Okay, found it. You have to put your values in "", unless they are not a number. Seems like there is a connection with this special activity because you don't have to do it elsewhere.


Azure data factory - custom mapping for Rest service

So, I am creating a Copy activity that reads from SQL Server table and have to send the data to an API end point with the PATCH request.
API provider specified that the body must be in the form of
"updates":[{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3" },
{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3" }, ...
.... {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3" }]
However, my sql table maps to json this way (without the wrapper 'updates:')
[{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3" },
{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3" }, ...
.... {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2","key3":"value3" }]
I use the copy activity with the sink data set being of type Rest ..
How can we modify the mapping, so that schema gets wrapped by "updates" object ?
Using copy data activity, there might not be any possibility to wrap the data (array of objects) to an updates key.
To do this, I have used a lookup activity to get the data, set variable activity to wrap the data with an updates object key and finally, use Web activity with PATCH method and above variable value as body to complete the activity.
The following is the sample data I have taken for my SQL server table.
Use look up activity to select the data from this table using table or query option (I used query option). The debug output would be as follows:
NOTE: If your data is not same as in sample table I have taken, try using the query option so the output would be something as shown below
In the set variable activity, I have used an array variable and used the following dynamic content to wrap the above array of objects with updates key.
Now in the Web activity, choose all the necessary settings (PATCH method, authorizations, headers, URL, etc.,) and give the body as follows (I used a fake REST api as a demo):
Since I am using the Fake REST API, the activity succeeds, but checking the Web activity debug input shows what is the body that is being passed to the Rest API. The following is an image for reference:

Translating a GUID to a text value, from an API response in a Power Automate Flow

I'm using MS Automate to solve an integration challenge between two systems we use in our Project Management lifecycle. I have a custom connector written by the vendor of System A which allows me to create a Flow in MS Automate which is triggered when a record is Created or Updated.
So far, so good. However, the method in the connector provided by System A returns the new or updated record containing a number of fields which contain value GUIDs as the fields are 'choice' type fields e.g. Department, Status etc. What I end up with is a record where Status = "XXXXXX-000000-00000-00000" etc. The vendor also provides a restful API endpoint which I can query, which returns a JSON collection of fields, which include a 'Choices' section for each field of this type which is a standard JSON which looks like:
"Id": "156e6c29-24b3-4413-af91-80a62a04d443",
"Order": 110,
"InternalName": "PrjStatus",
"DisplayName": "Status",
"ColumnType": 5,
"ColumnAggregate": 0,
"Choices": {
"69659014-be4d-eb11-bf94-00155df8457c": "(0) Not Set",
"c30c50e5-51cf-ea11-bfd3-00155de84703": "(1) On Track",
"c40c50e5-51cf-ea11-bfd3-00155de84703": "(2) At Risk",
"c50c50e5-51cf-ea11-bfd3-00155de84703": "(3) Off Track",
"6a659014-be4d-eb11-bf94-00155df8457c": "(4) Not Tracked"
Technical problem:
What I have is the GUID of the choice (not the field). I need to take the GUID, in this case "6a659014-be4d-eb11-bf94-00155df8457c" and translate it into "(4) Not Tracked" and store this in a variable to write to a SharePoint list. I need to do this for about 30 fields which are similar in the record.
I've created the flow and the connector has given me the record with a list of fields, some of which contain value GUIDs. I know which fields these are and I have the Display Names of these fields.
I have added a HTTP call to the provided API endpoint (lets call it GetFields), which has returned a 200 response, the body of the response containing a JSON collection of the 50 or so fields in System A.
I can't work out how to parse the body of the response for the GUID I have for each field value and ensure I have the right corresponding text value, so I can then write it to a field variable, and then create a SharePoint record, all wrapped up in an MS Automate flow.
I hope I've understood you correctly but from what I can work out, you want to dynamically select the value of the choice from the GUID you've been provided (by whatever means).
I created a small flow to prove the concept. Firstly, these two steps setup the scenario, the first being the GUID you want to extract the choice value for and the second being the JSON object itself ...
The third step will take the value from the first variable and use it dynamically in an expression to extract that key from the JSON and return the value.
This is the expression ...
variables('JSON')?['Choices'][variables('Choice ID')]
You an see I'm just using the variable in the path expression over the top of the JSON object to extract the key I want.
This is the end result ...

How to define id in POST request using Ravendb

Hello there
I'm having a trouble when I try to insert a document into a Ravendb Server which is running in my other computer. I can retrieve documents easily, but when I try to use REST API with POST request I get this error
"System.ArgumentException","Message":"Query string value 'id' must have a non empty value","Error":"System.ArgumentException: Query string value 'id' must have a non empty value
even though I have my Id defined like this:
Originally I'm making a flutter application but currently I'm just testing the API with Postman.
I messed around with id's (String, int) tried to leave it empty but no luck, does anyone know how to define Id for raven db to send me that sweet 200 response code...
According to the documentation you should use PUT to upload a new document or modify an existing one.

Firebase: how to generate a unique numeric ID for key?

I need numeric IDs for human readability. How do I get it in Firebase?
I want numeric ID for keys, e.g. "000000001", "000000002","00000003","00000004".
The reason I need it is because these IDs will become the permanent object ID both online and offline. I want users to be able to browse that object page by just entering URL "/objects/00000001" without efforts.
I am asking here, because I want to know if this can be done without using .priority, sub-properties, etc. I guess set method can do it somehow. If it is not possible, just tell me no, I can accept that answer.
I'd suggest reading through the Firebase documentation. Specifically, see the Saving Data portion of the Firebase JavaScript Web Guide.
From the guide:
Getting the Unique ID Generated by push()
Calling push() will return a reference to the new data path, which you can use to get the value of its ID or set data to it. The following code will result in the same data as the above example, but now we'll have access to the unique push ID that was generated
// Generate a reference to a new location and add some data using push()
var newPostRef = postsRef.push({
author: "gracehop",
title: "Announcing COBOL, a New Programming Language"
// Get the unique ID generated by push() by accessing its key
var postID = newPostRef.key;
A push generates a new data path, with a server timestamp as its key. These keys look like -JiGh_31GA20JabpZBfa, so not numeric.
If you wanted to make a numeric only ID, you would make that a parameter of the object to avoid overwriting the generated key.
The keys (the paths of the new data) are guaranteed to be unique, so there's no point in overwriting them with a numeric key.
You can instead set the numeric ID as a child of the object.
You can then query objects by that ID child using Firebase Queries.
From the guide:
In JavaScript, the pattern of calling push() and then immediately calling set() is so common that we let you combine them by just passing the data to be set directly to push() as follows. Both of the following write operations will result in the same data being saved to Firebase:
// These two methods are equivalent:
author: "gracehop",
title: "Announcing COBOL, a New Programming Language"
author: "gracehop",
title: "Announcing COBOL, a New Programming Language"
As explained above, you can use the Firebase default push id.
If you want something numeric you can do something based on the timestamp to avoid collisions
f.e. something based on date,hour,second,ms, and some random int at the end
Which translates to:
016-12-06 13:53:13:679 9031
It all depends on the precision you need (social security numbers do the same with some random characters at the end of the date). Like how many transactions will be expected during the day, hour or second. You may want to lower precision to favor ease of typing.
You can also do a transaction that increments the number id, and on success you will have a unique consecutive number for that user. These can be done on the client or server side.
Adding to the #htafoya answer.
The code snippet will be
const getTimeEpoch = () => {
return new Date().getTime().toString();
As the docs say, this can be achieved just by using set instead if push.
As the docs say, it is not recommended (due to possible overwrite by other user at the "same" time).
But in some cases it's helpful to have control over the feed's content including keys.
As an example of webapp in js, 193 being your id generated elsewhere, simply:
var data={
This will overwrite any area labeled 193 or create one if it's not existing yet.
Use transactions and keep a number in the database somewhere that you can increase by one. This way you can get a nice numeric and simple id.

Paypal NVP can I pass multiple custom fields

I know I can pass a field name "CUSTOM" which is supposed to come back in IPN can I pass two values as for example CUSTOM0 and CUSTOM1? or something like that
You can't pass multiple fields, but you could pass multiple values in that 1 field if you need to. For example, you might include a value like...
Then in your IPN script, you could handle it like the following PHP sample...
$custom_values = explode('|',$_POST['custom']);
Then your custom values would all be available in the $custom_values array for you to use accordingly.
You could also send an NVP string or an XML string if that help you keep things straight, but keep in mind the CUSTOM parameter only accepts 256 characters.
If you need more than that, or if you just prefer, you could always save the data in a local database and then just pass a record ID in the CUSTOM field so that you can pull all those details back out of your database within your IPN script using that record ID.