Their is any way to detect my app goes in background state or killed when i'm on any screen of my app in Flutter - flutter

Their is any way to detect my app goes in background state or killed when i'm on any screen of my app in Flutter instead of using WidgetsBindingObserver on every screen. i have update offline status on firebase server when app is minimized or killed and when it relaunched then it will be online. I am able to identify this on a particular screen but i have to handle it on every screen, so that we can handle on every screen approach is wrong can their is any other way?.


How to run timer even app in background or foreground in flutter?

i want to hide button for specific time when user tapped on button, and the button show when time is completed, even app in foreground or background
the ultimate solution is to use foreground services, and with android, it comes with a sticky notification to prevent the system from killing the app.

How to make a determinate function when click in push notification meanwhile the app is running?

I'm trying to navigate to other screen when app is running. I only can navigate when app is on background or terminated.
Currently, I'm using FirebaseMessagin.instance.getInitialMessage() when app is terminated, and FirebaseMessagin.onMessageOpenedApp.listen() when app is in background.
I have tried to use both functions in FirebaseMessaging.onMessage() but nothing happens

Is there a way to display a specific Flutter page when screen is locked?

please is there a way to display or open a Flutter page when screen is locked in Flutter like how WhatsApp displays incoming call page when screen is locked? I used Wake up plugin but can't display the page on screen locked. Please I need a guide to do that. Thanks in advance.
What you are looking for is called a time sensitive notification with a full screen notification. What it does is that if the screen is locked it opens the activity linked to the pending intent used for full screen notification. When the phone is unlocked, it shows a heads up notification instead. You must have seen this behavior with all kinds of telephony apps and alarm apps.
A flutter app runs inside a single activity, so if you mark that as the activity to show during the locked state, the app will show. But it will act similar to how the app would when you launch it from start. Also the behavior is unpredictable as it is behind a wakelock. So a better option would be to move it to a separate activity and do the needful. Example of how to implement full screen notifications.

is there any way or package in flutter let me display specific app screen in my device home

say my app is running in foreground and I press my device home button and my app go to the background and there is services running in my app that listening to specific event to occur in order to start new screen ... my question is how can I let that new screen to be displayed in my device home just like coming call screen although my app is running in background ....
I want the screen to lunch like taxi booking app for driver when new request is coming so how to do that by flutter
I'm pretty sure you can't do that in Flutter, anyway not in any cross-platform way as Apple does not allow that.
Your best bet would be to send a notification that the user presses and which in turn will open the app.
If that something you would consider ?

How to wake an app when screensaver is displayed

I have an application that gets hidden (but is still running in the background) when the screen saver starts on the 4th Generation Apple TV.
How can I bring the app to the foreground (hide screen saver) when an event (update to an endpoint which I am long polling) happens in my app which is running in the background?
I don't think there's any way to do this. When the screen saver is running, your app can still be the foreground app, but it will be in an inactive state. This is similar to what happens on iOS when the user locks the screen while using an app. Like the iOS lock screen, the user might be actively using the system when it's in this state. For example, you can use Siri without dismissing the screen saver.