Installing kafka and zookeeper cluster using kubernetes - kubernetes

Can anyone share me the yaml file for creating kafka cluster with two kafka broker and zookeeper cluster with 3 servers.I'm new to kubernetes.

Take look at, Make sure the broker memory limit is 2 GB or above.
Maintaining a reliable kafka cluster in kubernetes is still a challenge, good luck.

I recommend you to try Strimzi Kafka Operator. Using it you can define a Kafka cluster just like other Kubernetes object - writing a yaml file. Moreover, also users, topics and Kafka Connect cluster are just a k8s objects. Some (by not all!) features of Strimzi Kafka Operator:
Secure communication between brokers and between brokers and zookeeper with TLS
Ability to expose the cluster outside k8s cluster
Deployable as a helm chart (it simplifies things a lot)
Rolling updates when changing cluster configuration
Smooth scaling out
Ready to monitor the cluster using Prometheus and Grafana.
It's worth to mention a great documentation.
Creating a Kafka cluster is as simple as applying a Kubernetes manifest like this:
kind: Kafka
name: my-cluster
version: 2.2.0
replicas: 3
plain: {}
tls: {}
offsets.topic.replication.factor: 3
transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 3
transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2
log.message.format.version: "2.2"
type: jbod
- id: 0
type: persistent-claim
size: 100Gi
deleteClaim: false
replicas: 3
type: persistent-claim
size: 100Gi
deleteClaim: false
topicOperator: {}
userOperator: {}

I think that you could take a look at the Strimzi project here
It's based on the Kubernetes operator pattern and provide a simple way to deploy and manage a Kafka cluster on Kubernetes using custom resources.
The Kafka cluster is described through a new "Kafka" resource YAML file for setting all you need.
The operator takes care of that and deploys the Zookeeper ensemble + the Kafka cluster for you.
It also deploys more two operators for handling topics and users (but they are optional).

Another simple configuration of Kafka/Zookeeper on Kubernetes in DigitalOcean with external access:
You can connect to Kafka from outside of AWS/DO/GCE by regular binary protocol. Connection is PLAINTEXT or SASL_PLAINTEXT (username/password).
Kafka cluster is StatefulSet, so you can scale cluster easily.


Strimzi Kafka Using local Node Storage

i am running kafka on kubernetes (deployed on Azure) using strimzi for development environment and would prefer to use internal kubernetes node storage. if i use persistant-claim or jbod, it creates standard disks on azure storage. however i prefer to use internal node storage as i have 16 gb available there. i do not want to use ephemeral as i want the data to be persisted atleast on kubernetes nodes.
folllowing is my deployment.yml
kind: Kafka
name: kafka-cluster
version: 3.1.0
replicas: 2
- name: plain
port: 9092
type: internal
tls: false
- name: tls
port: 9093
type: internal
tls: true
- name: external
type: loadbalancer
tls: false
port: 9094
offsets.topic.replication.factor: 2
transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 2
transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2
default.replication.factor: 2
min.insync.replicas: 2 "3.1"
type: persistent-claim
size : 2Gi
deleteClaim: false
replicas: 2
type: persistent-claim
size: 2Gi
deleteClaim: false
topicOperator: {}
userOperator: {}
The persistent-claim storage as you use it will provision the storage using the default storage class which in your case I guess creates standard storage.
You have two options how to use local disk space of the worker node:
You can use the ephemeral type storage. But keep in mind that this is like a temporary directory, it will be lost in every rolling update. Also if you for example delete all the pods at the same time, you will loose all data. As such it is something recommended only for some short-lived clusters in CI, maybe some short development etc. But for sure not for anything where you need reliability.
You can use Local Persistent Volumes which are persistent volumes which are bound to a particular node. These are persistent, so the pods will re-use the volume between restarts and rolling udpates. However, it bounds the pod to the particular worker node the storage is on -> so you cannot easily reschedule it to another worker node. But apart from these limitation, it is something what can be (unlike the ephemeral storage) used with reliability and availability when done right. The local persistent volumes are normally provisioned through StorageClass as well -> so in the Kafka custom resource in Strimzi it will still use the persistent-claim type storage, just with different storage class.
You should really thing what exactly you want to use and why. From my experience, the local persistent volumes are great option when
You run on bare metal / on-premise clusters where often good shared block storage is not available
When you require maximum performance (local storage does not depend on network, so it can be often faster)
But in public clouds with good support for high quality for networked block storage such as Amazon EBS volumes and their Azure or Google counterparts, local storage often brings more problems than advantages because of how it bounds your Kafka brokers to a particular worker node.
Some more details about the local persistent volumes can be found here: ... there are also different provisioners which can help you use it. I'm not sure if Azure supports anything out of the box.
Sidenote: 2Gi of space is very small for Kafka. Not sure how much you will be able to do before running out of disk space. Even 16Gi would be quite small. If you know what are you doing, then fine. But if not, you should be careful.

Strimzi kafka accessing it privately with in GKE

I have two clusters,
one cluster with my application Microservices and other with the strimzi kafka installed. Both are the private GKE clusters .
My challenge exactly is to how to connect to this kafka from my application. There are around 10 Microservices running each has to connect to the kafka.
I have an approach for now by making the Strimzi kafka as a Nodeport service and providing the Ip and nodeIp in the application code.
The problem with this approach is that if the GKE nodes get auto updated I will have to reconfigure the code.
Also one more critical condition is that , The Kafka should be only accessed by our application ., It shouldn't be available for the public Internet.
I had a similar situation and how I solved it.
Create an internal loadbalancer to be accessible from another AKS cluster. Also allowing access to specific subnet as well.
Strimzi supports externalizing the bootstrap service.
replicas: 3
plain: {}
tls: {}
type: loadbalancer
tls: false
annotations: "true" "apps-subnet"
annotations: "true" "apps-subnet"
for more details you can check internal load balancers section in this link:

Is it possible to access Zookeeper in Strimzi Kafka installed with Route listener type on OpenShift?

I have Strimzi Kafka cluster on OpenShift, configured like described here:
Basically like this:
kind: Kafka
name: ...
version: 2.7.0
replicas: 2
plain: {}
type: tls
type: route
tls: true
type: tls
type: simple
According to the article above, I can only access bootstrap server via port 443. Basically, this set up works and does what I need.
I am wondering if I can get external access to Zookeper to manage cluster via command line from my machine? And if yes, should I download Kafka binaries and use CLI from archive? Or I need to login to Zookeeper Pod (e.g. via OpenShift UI) and manage Kafka cluster via CLI from there?
Thanks in advance.
Strimzi does not provide any access to Zookeeper. It is locked down using mTLS and network policies. If you really need it, you can use this unofficial project and create a route manually your self. But it is not secure - so use it on your own risk. Openin a temrinal inside the Zookeeper pod would be an option as well. But in most cases, you should not need Zookeeper access today as Kafka is anyway preparing for its removal.

How to use Kafka connect in Strimzi

I am using Kafka with strimzi operator, I created a Kafka cluster and and also deployed Kafka connect using yml file. But after this I am totally blank what to do next . I read that Kafka connect is used to copy data from a source to Kafka cluster or from Kafka cluster to another destination.
I want to use Kafka connect to copy the data from a file to Kafka cluster's any topic.
Can any one please help me how can I do that I am sharing the yml file using which I created my Kafka connect cluster.
kind: KafkaConnect
name: my-connect-cluster
# annotations:
# # use-connector-resources configures this KafkaConnect
# # to use KafkaConnector resources to avoid
# # needing to call the Connect REST API directly
# "true"
version: 2.6.0
replicas: 1
bootstrapServers: my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9093
- secretName: my-cluster-cluster-ca-cert
certificate: ca.crt
config: connect-cluster connect-cluster-offsets connect-cluster-configs connect-cluster-status
#kubeclt create -f kafka-connect.yml -n strimzi
After that pod for Kafka connect is in running status ,I don't know what to do next. Please help me.
Kafka Connect exposes a REST API, so you need to expose that HTTP endpoint from the Connect pods
I read that Kafka connect is used to copy data from a source to Kafka cluster or from Kafka cluster to another destination.
That is one application, but sounds like you want MirrorMaker2 instead for that
If you don't want to use the REST API, then uncomment this line
# "true"
and use another YAML file to configure the Connect resources , as shown here for Debezium. See kind: "KafkaConnector"
Look at this simple example from scratch. Not really what you want to do, but pretty close. We are sending messages to a topic using the and consuming them using a file sink connector.
The example also shows how to include additional connectors by creating your own custom Connect image, based on the Strimzi one. This step would be needed for more complex examples involving external systems.

Apache Flink deployment in Kubernetes - availability & scalability

I use Kubernetes (Openshift) to deploy many microservices. I wish to utilise the same to deploy some of my Flink jobs. Flink jobs are critical - some jobs are stateless that process every data (exactly once), some jobs are stateful that looks for patterns in the stream or react to time. No jobs can tolerate long downtime or frequent shutdown (due to programming errors, the way Flink quits).
I find docs mostly lean to deploy Flink jobs in k8s as Job Cluster. But how should one take a practical approach in doing it?
Though k8s can restart the failed Flink pod, how can Flink restore its state to recover?
Can the Flink pod be replicated more than one? How do the JobManager & TaskManager works when two or more pods exists? If not why? Other approaches?
Though k8s can restart the failed Flink pod, how can Flink restore its state to recover?
From Flink Documentation we have:
Checkpoints allow Flink to recover state and positions in the streams to give the application the same semantics as a failure-free execution.
It means that you need to have a Check Storage mounted in your pods to be able to recover the state.
In Kubernetes you could use Persistent Volumes to share the data across your pods.
Actually there are a lot of supported plugins, see here.
You can have more replicas of TaskManager, but in Kubernetes you don't need to take care of HA for JobManager since you can use Kubernetes self-healing deployment.
To use self-healing deployment in Kubernetes you just need to create a deployment and set the replica to 1, like this:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx
replicas: 1
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx
- name: http
containerPort: 80
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
Finally, you can check this links to help you setup Flink in Kubernetes:
Flink Job cluster on Kubernetes
Flink Kubernetes Deployments
Running Flink on Kubernetes with KUDO