How precise should I encode a Unix Time? - unix-timestamp

I came across this because I am working with time across multiple platforms and seems like they all differ a little bit from each other in how unix time is implemented and/or handled in their system. Thus the question.
Quoting Wikipedia page on Unix Time:
Unix has no tradition of directly representing non-integer Unix time numbers as binary fractions. Instead, times with sub-second precision are represented using composite data types that consist of two integers, the first being a time_t (the integral part of the Unix time), and the second being the fractional part of the time number in millionths (in struct timeval) or billionths (in struct timespec). These structures provide a decimal-based fixed-point data format, which is useful for some applications, and trivial to convert for others.
Which seems to be the implemention in Go (UnixNano). However, in practice, there are many languages/platforms which use milliseconds (Java?) and also some platforms uses Float (to try to maintain some precision) and others mostly uses Int.
So if I'm implementing a transport format and I only have exactly 64 bits available to store a time value and no more, my question is two-fold:
Should I encode it as an integer or a floating-point value? And
Should I use seconds, milliseconds or nanosecond precision?
The main goal being to try to be as accurate as possible across as many languages and platforms as possible (without resorting to custom code in every single platform, of course).
p.s. I know this is a little subjective but I believe it's still possible to make a good, objective answer. Feel free to close if that's not the case.

It depends on what the required precision of the time value is, and its maximal range.
When storing nanoseconds in an unsigned 64bit integer, the range is about 584 years (2^64 ns), so precise and long enough for any practical application already.
Using a floating point format has the advantage that both very small and very large values can be stored, with higher absolute precision for smaller values. But with 64bit it this probably not a problem anyways.
If the time value is an absolute point in time instead of duration, the transform format would also need to define what date/time the value 0 stands for. (i.e. the Epoch)
Getting the current time on a UNIX-like system can be done using gettimeofday(), for example, which returns a struct with a seconds and microseconds value. This can then be converted into a single 64bit integer giving a value in microseconds. The Epoch for UNIX time is 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UT. (The clock() function does not measure real time, but instead the duration of time that the processor was active.)
When a time value for the same transport format is generated on another platform (for example Windows with GetSystemTime(), it would need to be converted to the same unit and epoch.
So the following things would need to be fixed for a transport protocol:
The unit of the time value (ms, us, ...), depending on required precision and range
If the time is a time point and not a duration, the Epoch (date and time of value 0)
Whether it is stored in an integer (unsigned or signed, if it is a duration that can be negative), or as a floating point
The endianess of the 64bit value
If floating point is used, the format of the floating point value (normally IEEE 754)
Because different platforms have different APIs to get the current time, probably it would always need some code to properly convert the time value, but this is trivial.

For maximum portability and accuracy, you should probably go with a type specified by POSIX. That way, the code will be portable across all Unixes and other operating systems conforming to POSIX.
I suggest that you use clock_t and the clock() function for time. This has a variety of uses, including measuring time and distance between one point in a program and another. Just make sure to cast the result to a double and divide by CLOCKS_PER_SEC afterwards to convert that time into a human-readable format.
So, to answer your question:
Use both an integer and a floating-point value
Unsure precision (the number of clock cycles between calls) but accurate enough for all non-critical applications and some more important ones


Simulink data types

I'm reading an IMU on the arduino board with a s-function block in simulink by double or single data types though I just need 2 decimals precision as ("xyz.ab").I want to improve the performance with changing data types and wonder that;
is there a way to decrease the precision to 2 decimals in s-function block or by adding/using any other conversion blocks/codes in the simulink aside from using fixed-point tool?
For true fixed point transfer, fixed-point toolbox is the most general answer, as stated in Phil's comment.
However, to avoid toolbox use, you could also devise your own fix-point integer format and add a block that takes a floating point input and convert it into an integer format (and vice versa on the output).
E.g. If you know the range is 327.68 < var < 327.67 you could just define your float as an int16 divided by 10. In a matlab function block you would then just say
to convert the input to the S-function.
On the output it would be a reversal
(Eml/matlab function code can be avoided by using multiply, divide and convert blocks.)
However, be mindful of the bits available and that the scaling (*,/) operations is done on the floating point rather than the integer.
2^(nrOfBits-1)-1 shows you what range you can represent including signeage. For unsigned types uint8/16/32 the range is 2^(nrOfBits)-1. Then you use the scaling to fit the representable bit into your used floating point range. The scaled range divided by 2^nrOfBits will tell you what the resolution will be (how large are the steps).
You will need to scale the variables correspondingly on the Arduino side as well when you go to an integer interface of this type. (I'm assuming you have access to that code - if not it'd be hard to use any other interface than what is already provided)
Note that the intXX(doubleVar*scale) will always truncate the values to integer. If you need proper rounding you should also include the round function, e.g.:
You don't need to use a base 10 scale, any scaling and offsets can be used, but it's easier to make out numbers manually if you keep to base 10 (i.e. 0.1 10.0 100.0 1000.0 etc.).
As a final note, if the Arduino code interface is floating point (single/double) and can't be changed to integer type; you will not get any speedup from rounding decimals since the full floating point is what will be is transferred anyway. Even if you do manage to reduce the data a bit using integers I suspect this might not give a huge speedup unless you transfer large amounts of data. The interface code will have a comparatively large overhead anyway.
Good luck with your project!

Why this website shows currentMiliseconds value greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE?

The MAX_VALUE for Integer (32-bit) is , 2_147_483_647 and this is the maximum limit of time in the future (unless we switch to 64-bit Integers).
But this website show current time in milliseconds equals to, 1_423_079_895_486, and it shows the correct time.
How come the value is way too bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE or maximum milliseconds value in unix time ?
Am I missing something basic ?
It's probably just using 64 bits to represent the time in milliseconds.
This is unremarkable. The system I'm typing this on has a 64-bit time_t type.
Are you perhaps assuming that the C types int and time_t have to be the same size? They don't. And a 32-bit number representing milliseconds can only span a duration of just under 50 days.
We don't even know how the web site is implemented; it could well be using some scripting language with support for variable-width integers.

Why is Time.fixedTime and family a float and not a double?

Just want know if I'm missing something. I'm from ObjC land where NSTimeInterval is a double, which gives "sub-millisecond precision within a range of 10,000 years". Compare this to Unity, which since it uses a float for time, starts to break down after a day (maybe even sooner). Math.Approximately(1 day, a day + 1 frame) returns true for example (whereas 1 hour vs 1 hour + 1 frame correctly returns false). I actually experienced this when I left my game open all night and came back to it, noticing strange behavior on things that were time dependent.
Unity internally uses a double to track time. The double is converted to a float before being passed to user code.
This is largely because Unity uses floats in most other locations (floats are much better supported on a range of graphics cards/platforms).
Since Unity uses a double internally, you don't need to worry about it losing count / failing to increment time.
What you do need to worry about is that after the game has been running for a number of hours, the representable values become more and more sparse.
This can cause things that moved smoothly to start stuttering.
Personally, I tend to keep my own (float) and reset it to zero at some sensible interval, ideally when it makes no difference (which depends what you're using it for).
If Unity uses float for time then Unity is making a huge mistake and you should use other sources for time. The 24-bit precision of a float means that after a day you will only have about 4 ms accuracy. Bugs may start showing up long before that, and some games actually need time to be stable for much longer than a day.
Even if it doesn't seem like you need much time precision, using float means that your time precision is dropping as the game goes on, adding an extra cause for bugs.
There are many games that have had bugs because they use floats for time, and burning that bad decision into a game engine is a terrible idea. I discussed this problem a few years ago after seeing this mistake repeated many times in the games I was working on at the time:
The main recommendation is to use double or int64 for time, and if you use double then start it with a value of about 5 billion so that your precision will be consistent throughout your game, instead of gradually dropping.
Unity3d uses floats for many components in the engine. Therefore you will find that a lot of functions and values will return floats or store floats respectively. Once you have been programming in Unity3d for a while you will even get the inside joke on their builds -- usually they look like this: 4.3.1f -- everything is a float.
You should be able to use .NET to get time in double if you use C#. Also I highly recommend, for some things, using the .NET Math class instead of the Unity Math.h, one is fast the other is in floats.
Float is used not only in time representation but everywhere in Unity and in most engines simply because it's good enough for games and uses less resources. By "good enough" I mean that you probably won't need more precision in most situations. Like the example you gave, it's very rare that someone will run into this situation.
In this question, there's this very nice answer:
Floats have no problem doing precise integer arithmetic up to 224, which is what most people are (mostly irrationally) afraid of. Doubles do not solve the problem of common values being unrepresentable exactly - whether you get 0.10000001 or 0.10000000000000001, you still must make sure your code considers it "equal" to 0.09999999.
Doubles are slower on every platform you'll care about writing games, take twice the memory bandwidth, and have fewer specialized CPU instructions available.
Single-precision floats remain the standard for hardware graphics interfaces, both on the C/C++ side and inside shaders.

Are there any real-world uses for converting numbers between different bases?

I know that we need to convert decimal, octal, and hexadecimal into binary, but I am confused about conversion of decimal to octal or octal to hexadecimal or decimal to hexadecimal.
Why and where we need these types of conversion?
Different bases are good for different purposes.
Decimal is obviously what most people know how to deal with, so is good for output of real quantities to end users.
Hex is short and has an even ratio of exactly 2 characters per byte, so it's good for expressing large numbers like SHA1 hashes or private keys and the like in a type-able format, particularly since those numbers don't really represent a quantity, so users don't need to be able to understand them as numbers.
Octal is mostly for legacy reasons -- UNIX file permission codes are traditionally expressed as octal numbers, for example, because three bits per digit corresponds nicely to the three bits per user-category of the UNIX permission encoding scheme.
One sometimes will want to use numbers in one base for a purpose where another base is desired. Thus, the various conversion functions available. In truth, however, my experience is that in practice you almost never convert from one base to another much, except to convert numbers from some non-binary base into binary (in the form of your language of choice's native integral type) and back out into whatever base you need to output. Most of the time one goes from one non-binary base to another is when learning about bases and getting a feel for what numbers in different bases look like, or when debugging using hexadecimal output. Even then, if a computer does it the main method is to convert to binary and then back out, because current computers are just inherently good at dealing with base-2 numbers and not-so-good at anything else.
One important place you see numbers actually stored and operated on in decimal is in some financial applications or others where it's important that "number-of-decimal-place" level precision be preserved. Sometimes fixed-point arithmetic can work for currency, but not always, and if it doesn't using binary-floating-point is a bad idea. Older systems actually had built in support for this in the form of binary-coded-decimal arithmetic. In BCD, each 4 bits acts as a decimal digit, so you give up a chunk of every 4 bits of storage in exchange for maintaining your level of precision in the base-of-choice of the non-computing world.
Oddly enough, there is one common use case for other bases that's a bit hidden. Modern languages with large number support (e.g. Python 2.x's long type or Java's BigInteger and BigDecimal type) will usually store the numbers internally in an array with each element being a digit in some base. Then they implement the math they support on strings of digits of that base. Really efficient bigint implementations may actually use use a base approaching 2^(bits in machine native word size); a base 2^64 number is obviously impossible to usefully output in that form, but doing the calculations in chunks of that size ends up making the best use of space and the CPU. (I don't know if that's the best base; it may be best to use a base of half that number of bits to simplify overflow handling from one digit to the next. It's been awhile since I wrote my own bigint and I never implemented the faster/more-complicated versions of multiplication and division.)
MIME uses hexadecimal system for Quoted Printable encoding (e.g. mail subject in Unicode) abd 64-based system for Base64 encoding.
If your workplace is stuck in IPv4 CIDR - you'll be doing quite a lot of bin -> hex -> decimal conversions managing most of the networking equipment until you get them memorized (or just use some random, simple tool).
Even that usage is a bit few-and-far-between - most businesses just adopt the lazy "/24 everything" approach.
If you do a lot of graphics work - there's the chance you'll want to convert colors between systems and need to convert from hex -> dec... most tools have this built in to the color picker, though.
I suppose there's no practical reason to be able to do other than it's really simple and there's no point not learning how to do it. :)
... unless, for some reason, you're trying to do mantissa binary math in your head.
All of these bases have their uses. Hexadecimal in particular is useful as a shorthand for binary. Every hexadecimal digit is equivalent to 4 bits, so you can write a full 32-bit value as a string of 8 hex digits. Likewise, octal digits are equivalent to 3 bits, and are used frequently as a shorthand for things like Unix file permissions (777 = set read, write, execute bits for user/group/other).
No one base is special--they all have their (obscure) uses. Decimal is special to us because it reflects human experience (10 fingers) but that's really the only reason.
A real world use case: a program prints error code in decimal, to get info from a database or the internet you need the hexadecimal format, because the bits of the error 'number' convey extra info you need to look at it in binary.
I'm there are occasional uses for this. One use case would be a little app that allows user who wants to convert decimal to octal ... like you can with lots of calculators.
But I'm not sure I understand the point of the question. Standard libraries typically don't provide methods like String toOctal(String decimal). Instead, you would normally convert from a decimal String to a primitive integer and then from the primitive integer to (say) an octal String.

Arbitrary precision Float numbers on JavaScript

I have some inputs on my site representing floating point numbers with up to ten precision digits (in decimal). At some point, in the client side validation code, I need to compare a couple of those values to see if they are equal or not, and here, as you would expect, the intrinsics of IEEE754 make that simple check fails with things like (2.0000000000==2.0000000001) = true.
I may break the floating point number in two longs for each side of the dot, make each side a 64 bit long and do my comparisons manually, but it looks so ugly!
Any decent Javascript library to handle arbitrary (or at least guaranteed) precision float numbers on Javascript?
Thanks in advance!
PS: A GWT based solution has a ++
There is the GWT-MATH library at
However, I warn you, it's a GWT jsni overlay of a java->javascript automated conversion of java.BigDecimal (actually the old
It works, but speedy it is not. (Nor lean. It will pad on a good 70k into your project).
At my workplace, we are working on a fixed point simple decimal, but nothing worth releasing yet. :(
Use an arbitrary precision integer library such as silentmatt’s javascript-biginteger, which can store and calculate with integers of any arbitrary size.
Since you want ten decimal places, you’ll need to store the value n as n×10^10. For example, store 1 as 10000000000 (ten zeroes), 1.5 as 15000000000 (nine zeroes), etc. To display the value to the user, simply place a decimal point in front of the tenth-last character (and then cut off any trailing zeroes if you want).
Alternatively you could store a numerator and a denominator as bigintegers, which would then allow you arbitrarily precise fractional values (but beware – fractional values tend to get very big very quickly).