Configure raspberry pi wifi by writing to micro SD card - raspberry-pi

I have a raspberry pi but no external keyboard, mouse or ethernet cable to set it up - but I do have micro-sd card reader. Is there a way for me to just write my wireless internet config straight to the micro-sd card so the raspberry pi will be able to connect to the wifi, and then allow me to ssh in?
The micro-sd card already has Raspbian installed on it.

Put the card in a drive and mount it.
Go to the partition called boot.
Create an empty file called ssh just using:
touch ssh # Works in Linux/macOS
type NUL >> ssh # Works in Windows
Create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf with your WiFi settings - be very sure that Windows hasn't added any .txt extension:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Once it works, and you can ssh successfully into the Raspberry Pi, be sure to run:
sudo raspi-config
and permanently enable ssh for subsequent reboots.


Raspberry Pi SSH Access Denied

I am trying to log into my Raspberry Pi using PuTTY from Windows. However, whenever I try to log into my Raspberry Pi using the default username and password (pi* and raspberry) it says Access Denied.
I have the wpa_supplicant.conf file and ssh file created. This is its first bootup. I am using the latest version of the Raspbian Lite OS.
Recently, the default user setup of Raspbian was significantly changed, rendering most existing online tutorials invalid.
In essence, the default pi user no longer exists, so you have to create it and set its password using either the official Imager tool or by creating a userconf file in the boot partition of your microSD card, which should contain a single line of text: username:hashed-password, replacing username with the name of the user you want (e.g., pi) and hashed-password with the hash of the password you want.
According to the official guide, the easiest way to do this is by running the following in a terminal (Linux or macOS):
echo 'password' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin
Again, you should replace password with the password you want here.
Further reading: An update to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye (2022-04-07)
The default username and password are no longer valid for Raspberry Pi.
If you are trying to log in headlessly (without a monitor and keyboard), you can do it from Raspberry Pi Imager itself.
On selecting the OS in Raspberry Pi Imager, you get an icon of settings in which you can
create a user
setup Wi-Fi
enable SSH
After configuring, you can continue flashing your memory card.
And on first boot you will be good to go.
I have solved this problem. You can easily input your username and password with Raspberry Pi Imager.
add the user you created when flashing the image to the ssh group.
usermod -a -G ssh YourPiUsername

Can't guess default raspberry password

I've been trying to establish ssh connection with my raspberry by adding config files (wpa_supplicant.conf, ssh) to boot section of sd card with raspberry OS. I've done everything right and usually after these steps I could easily connect to my raspberry.
But, now I can't do this.
Whenever I try to log into raspberry using 'pi' as login and 'raspberry' as password, it says that this is incorrect password. I tried reinstalling OS on sd card; however, it didn't help.
I don't have any other opportunities other than connecting to raspberry wirelessly.
I have Raspberry Pi 4B and Raspberry OS 64-bit
It seems that you are using the latest release of raspbian. Developers have made a huge step forward to the security and there is no more default user pi and password raspberry, no need of the wpa_supplicant.conf & ssh files (but they are still work).
For headless setup you can press settings button in the last version of Raspberry Pi Imager and configure User, Wi-Fi, SSH and so on.
Scroll down to the Headless setup chapter
I created a guide with images to do this here:
As per the official raspberry blog at the default username password will no longer be allowed for headless login.
Basically there are two methods
Use the updated raspberry pi imager too from here
manually add userconf file in the boot directory with username:encrypted-password as a single line. to generate encrypted-password string use echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin tested on win 10

How can I get connection with Raspberry without access of its shell?

There are Raspberry Pi 3 model B and MicroSD with NOOBS OS. Unfortunately I have not any display to get a direct access to NOOBS shell. So remote connection could be set via ssh. However my device does not have any IP-address. I read everywhere that the connection options must be set... via shell. But it's impossible for me!
How can I resolve this problem and get remote access to shell (or to desktop even)?
I ran into this a while ago, I started using PiBakery. It will write raspbian to the SD card and add a startup script to connect to the network and enable ssh. This way the first time you boot it up, its ready to go and you can connect via SSH.
When you set it up, it also allows you to set a static IP address so you know exactly where it is when it boots.
Enable SSH by placing a file named 'ssh', without any extension, onto the boot partition of the SD card.
Connect your device to your LAN using a wired connection.
From another computer on the network execute arp -a to view locally connected hosts and get your raspberry pi's IP address.
From there you should be able to SSH into your pi.

Raspberry pi 2 .start wifi on boot

i have just bought a raspberry pi 2 . i manged to set up a headless setup by setting up an ip in the commandline.txt file and then connect to it via putty.
In the /etc/network/interfaces i set up a static ip for the wifi connection along with the connection name and password. and the wifi works fine...
But the problem is the raspberry pi wont connect to wifi unless i connect the ethernet cable and make one ssh connection using putty..
If i boot using wifi only the green light will not turn up and i am not sure if the raspberry is booting or no...but when the ethernet is connected the gren light starts blinking and i can make an ssh connection.
can anyone help me with this.
I've dealt with a lot of pi wifi issues.
Adding "auto wlan0" to /etc/network/interfaces helped, but there were still instances where it didn't start up. I have the edimax ew-7811un usb wifi adapter. Can't remember where I took this script from to give credit.
I have cron running this script ( every five minutes:
keepalive_host='ip to ping here'
ping -q -c1 $keepalive_host >> /dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
ifdown wlan0
rmmod 8192cu
modprobe 8192cu
ifup wlan0
You could repurpose the script and have something like this in crontab
#reboot /bin/sleep 30 ; /path/to/
Which should wait 30 seconds after boot, try to ping the server you specify, if it can: do nothing, if it can't: bring the wifi connection down and then try to bring it back up. I don't think the lines with 8192cu in them are necessary for your purposes unless that driver is also used by your wifi adapter.

Run commands on Raspberry Pi when external HDD is connected

I am using a Raspberry Pi to provide network access to a Western Digital media player that has no network interface. The player if just an external HDD and automatically mounts when it is connected.
The problem is that it's HFS formatted, so to be able to read and write it I have to unmount and then remount it with these commands:
sudo umount /dev/sda2
sudo mount -o force -t hfsplus /dev/sda2 /media/wdhdd/
Which works fine, but I don't want to have to SSH in via terminal to run these manually every time I reconnect the HDD.
Is there anyway to auto run a script when an external USB device is mounted?
Because this has to be done every time this USB device is plugged in, you should edit the procedures done when it is plugged in. You can find out more about this by visiting this explanation