Can REST only be implemented using HTTP or can we also use something else as well? - rest

I understand that REST is an architectural style and REST API's are HTTP requests.
So can REST only be implemented using HTTP or can we also use some others as well?
If yes any examples please.

REST is an architectural style as you mentioned. As such any architecture that conforms to its constraints implements REST in theory.
In practice implementing such a system from scratch is really complicated as it involves a lot of parts which need to conform to a lot of requirements. So I can't name you any alternatives which can be considered REST conform.
Also, if you are using URIs you are not constrained to HTTP, as URIs support a plethora of protocols. All of which should be supported by any client in which the resource identifier is a URI.
It is also important to mention, that most so called "REST APIs" do not conform to the requirements laid out by Mr. Fielding. And I don't mean in a nitpick-y way, I mean they just ignore it almost completely. Anything with OpenAPI/Swagger or just using the global application/json mediatype for example does not conform. (Here are some more easy to spot conflicts with REST)
What I mean is, I couldn't give you a good example of REST conform "API"s based on HTTP either. (Except for the good old browser-server-html stuff).


When HTTP protocol is used, is that become the RESTful architecture? [duplicate]

Lots of websites (e.g. twitter, stackexchange) provide RESTful OPEN APIs based on the HTTP protocol. Can I design a RESTful service based on some other protocol (such as raw TCP)?
The short answer is that a RESTful service does generally imply HTTP, but it's not strictly necessary. The wikipedia entry includes a section on implementations outside the web, though it's pretty brief and really only talks about Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP).
Realistically, to most developers, RESTful services operate over HTTP.
You could surely take inspiration from RESTful protocols on the web and build your own similar protocol over raw TCP, but you may well finding yourself implementing it in the language of HTTP. At that point you may want to ask yourself why you didn't just use HTTP in the first place.
If you look at Roy Fielding's PhD thesis, you'll see that REST is defined in chapter 5, while it's applied to HTTP in chapter 6.
"Representational state transfer" is indeed quite abstract. There's no reason you couldn't apply it to your own adhoc protocol. The aim is to make it stateless, to have safe read methods (that are cacheable), and if possible idempotent write methods.
If you adhere to the true tenants of the architecture where every operation is ignorant of historical operations you could probably drum up something a bit different. Currently the easy Put, get, post and delete operations lend well to http based service calls.

Who decided the usage of the HTTP verbs on the REST architecture

I've been reading Roy Fielding dissertation, but he never defined the specific usage of the HTTP methods! who suggested to use the http verbs in the specific way we use them today in REST architecture?
he never defined the specific usage of the HTTP methods
That's right - Fielding's thesis doesn't define HTTP. It defines the motivation for the architectural constraints that guided the development of the definition of HTTP.
Put another way: the REST architectural style isn't limited to HTTP; you could use those same ideas to build something else. Of course, because HTTP is here today, and inertia is a thing, you'd need to build something a LOT better than HTTP to get everybody to adopt it.
who suggested to use the http verbs in the specific way we use them today in REST architecture?
The earliest work was, as far as I can tell, the brain child of Tim Berners-Lee in 1991. He outlined some of that history.
After that, you should really be looking to the authors of the different standards
RFC 1945
RFC 2068
RFC 2616
For methods defined outside of the HTTP document set, you can look in the IANA method registry for the reference, and track down the authors from there.
are all described with RFC 1945, so credit would go to those authors, and also presumably the other members of the working group prior to May of 1996.

Are RPC frameworks such as Apache Thrift or GRPC or any other RPC framework RESTful?

Just to clarify what I mean by RESTful, it should satisfy the following constraints, taken from here:
Uniform Interface
Layered System
Code on Demand
From my research, I believe that they aren't RESTful, primarily because :
They do not use HTTP verbs.
They do not use HTTP Response Codes.
They does not follow principles of REST connectedness which is based on HATEOAS.
Refer this resource for more information about data above conclusions are based on.
Some resources like these seem to suggest these frameworks can be used/implemented as RESTful.
Please refer to resources you're basing your answer on. This question is intended to clear the misconception about the topic strongly citing official resources.
Are RPC frameworks such as Apache Thrift or GRPC or any other RPC framework RESTful?
Taken in isolation: no.
The definitive reference on REST is Architectural Styles and
the Design of Network-based Software Architectures. Roy Fielding describes the architectural constraints that were developed while working on the web standards (RFC 1945, RFC 2068, RFC 2616, later RFC 7230).
REST is intended for long-lived network-based applications that span multiple organizations (Fielding, 2008)
"The World Wide Web" would be an example of an application built using the REST architectural style.
HTTP methods and status-codes are not themselves a REST constraint. In a REST architecture, the client and server share semantics by exchanging messages, but those aren't required to be HTTP messages. You could replace HTTP with another protocol that conforms to the architectural style, and still have a REST architecture.
Some resources like these seem to suggest these frameworks can be used/implemented as RESTful.
People who understand REST to mean HTTP+JSON are going to reach conclusions that are inconsistent with the web architecture and Fielding's thesis.
In short - HTML does a lot of the heavy lifting in making the web architectural style successful. JSON, in contrast, does not include the semantics of a "link" or a "form" that can be used to communicate to the client which transitions are possible. You need some other semantics on top of JSON to allow the server to communicate to the client which application transitions are possible; either Web Linking or a hypermedia aware dialect of JSON.
As far as can tell, you could use Thrift to create an application that satisfies the REST architectural constraints. But my guess is that it wouldn't be a particularly satisfying experience: Thrift was developed because Facebook needed a system with properties that the Web architecture didn't satisfy.
REST is great for the web. Howver, the stack composed of REST, HTTP and JSON is not optimal for high performances required for internal data transfer. Indeed, the serialization and deserialization of these protocols and formats can be prejudicial for overall speed. -- Leo Schoukroun
URI, HTTP, HTML are easily repurposed, but that flexibility comes with costs. In settings where that flexibility doesn't provide value (for instance, because you are a single organization that controls deployment of the client and the server), then more efficient formats and protocols become more interesting.
It's similar to the trade off that we've made between HTML and JSON -- JSON isn't a useful hypermedia representation; but it's perfectly satisfactory for consumption by the code on demand that has been loaded by our hypermedia representation.
Horses for courses.
REST is by definition not RPC, because the most significant distinction of REST is that it is resource oriented, which RPC is (typically) not.
Furthermore, one should refrain from trying to solve problems that are crying for RPC by inventing some "RPC over REST" solution - Programmers SE is full of these kind of questions.
In fact, such an approach would be upside down: One can implement a REST-based system by means of RPC, but the whole idea why one would want to use REST is on a completely different abstraction plane.
So I'd say the question is (sort of) a category mistake.

If an API only provides POST requests functions, is it RESTful?

I'm not sure I understand correctly the notion of RESTful API. If I understand correctly, such an API should provide functions you can trigger with GET, POST, PUT & DELETE requests. My question is: if an API only provides POST requests functions, is it still RESTful?
You should probably watch this lecture and read this article.
REST a such has nothing to do with how much of available HTTP methods you use. So, the quick answer is: yes, it could be considered "restful" (whatever that actually means).
Buuut ... it most likely - isn't. And it has nothing to do with the abuse of POST calls.
The main indicator for this magical "RESTfulness" has nothing really to do with how you make the HTTP request (methods and pretty URLs are pointless worthless as a determining factor).
What matters is the returned data and whether, by looking at this data, you can learn about other resources and actions, that are related the resource in any given endpoint. It's basically about the discover-ability.
REST is a misused term for some time and the community especially at Stackoverflow doesn't even care about its actual intention, the decoupling of clients from server APIs in a distributed system.
Client and server achieve the decoupling by following certain recommendations like avoiding stateful connections where client state is stored at and managed by the server, using unique identifiers for resources (URIs) and further nice-to-have features like cacheability to reduce the workload both server and clients have to perform. While Fieldings dissertation lists 6 constraints, he later on explained some further rules applications following the REST architectural style have to follow and the benefits the system gains by following these. Among these are:
The API should not depend on any single communication protocol and adhere to and not violate the underlying protocol used. Altough REST is used via HTTP most of the time, it is not restricted to this protocol.
Strong focus on resources and their presentation via media-types.
Clients should not have initial knowledge or assumptions on the available resources or their returned state ("typed" resource) in an API but learn them on the fly via issued requests and analyzed responses. This gives the server the opportunity to move arround or rename resources easily without breaking a client implementation.
So, basically, if you limit yourself only to HTTP you somehow already violate the general idea REST tries to impose.
As #tereško mentioned the Richardson maturity model I want to clarify that this model is rather nonsense in the scope of REST. Even if level 3 is reached it does not mean that this architecture follows REST. And any application that hasn't reached level 3 isn't following this architectural style anyways. Note that an application that only partially follows REST isn't actually following it. It's like either properly or not at all.
In regards to RESTful (the dissertation doesn't contain this term) usually one regards a JSON based API exposed via HTTP as such.
To your actual question:
Based on this quote
... such an API should provide functions you can trigger with GET, POST, PUT & DELETE requests
in terms of REST architectural style I'd say NO as you basically use such an API for RPC calls (a relaxed probably JSON based SOAP if you will), limit yourself to HTTP only and do not use the semantics of the underlying HTTP protocol fully; if you follow the JSON based HTTP API crowd the answer is probably it depends on who you ask as there is no precise definition of the term "RESTful" IMO. I'd say no here as well if you trigger functions rather than resources on the server.
Yes. Restful has some guidelines you should follow. As long as you use HTTP verbs correctly and good practices with regards to URLs naming having only POSTs would be OK. If, on the other hand, a POST request in your application can also delete a record, then I would not call it Restful.

Why REST is an Architectural Style and not an Architecture?

I am working in a RESTful application and when I was reading about REST, I found that REST is an Architectural Style and not an Architecture but I do not understand the reason. Thanks for your answer.
Sorry for my English, it is not my native language.
An architecture is prescriptive, often giving blueprints for solutions, and defining the core building blocks. For instance, "client-server" architecture defines a client, a server, and the roles those two components play.
An architectural style provides a framework for thinking about solutions - in the case of REST, the concept of resources addressable through a URL, a vocabulary for manipulating those resources, statelessness etc.
This is important, because the question "is this a client server architecture" can easily be answered - is there a client, does it connect to the server, are there clear responsibilities for each? The question "is this a RESTful solution" is much harder to answer - it requires you to see if the solution follows the mental model of REST.
REST provides guidelines for designing distributed systems, mainly "hypermedia" systems. This is based on the work of Roy Fielding. To make it clear between the "architectural style" and "architecture" you can think of the "architecture style" as a set of principles to design "concrete architectures" (or concrete implementations). In the case of REST, you can see for example that several concrete implementations were defined, for example java has developed its own implementation of the REST architectural style: JAX-RS ( ,
Hmm, I don't know exaxtly, but I think, it because REST describes only, that should be resources, represented by unique URLs, and actions for them, represented by HTTP-verbs and request data.
But data format, are resources objects or not - decision of developer.
Maybe, even HTTP is not necessary.
I don't know why REST is called an "architectural style". For me, REST is just a protocol for doing synchronous calls (in most cases). In the programs, you still have action based methods (like getAccount, transferAmount, createUser etc.) All these methods can be implemented using REST. Or SOAP. Or some other protocol. And all of them assume some data model.
So, in my view, REST is neither architectural style nor an architecture.