I have modified Burrow charts available at https://github.com/Yolean/kubernetes-kafka/tree/master/linkedin-burrow
Things are working fine.
I have port-forwarded my burrow deployment to localhost:8000
When I hit the API endpoints, I am receiving the correct output.
However the Burrow dashboard API is not coming up.
How to get the UI?
Attaching screenshot for reference
Attaching kubernetes deployment details as well
Create a service object that exposes your deployment:
$ kubectl expose deployment your-deployment --type=LoadBalancer --name=your-service
Check some information about the Service:
$ kubectl get services your-service
The output should be similar to this:
your-service LoadBalancer x.y.a.b c.d.e.f 8080/TCP 10s
If the external IP address is in status, wait a while and execute the same command again.
To get to Burrow UI you need to define IP and add them to host file (on Linux is /etc/hosts)
vi /etc/hosts
your_borrow_external_ip www.preffered-name-of-site.com
vi /etc/hosts www.example.com
Then use the external IP address (LoadBalancer Ingress) to access the your application:
More information you can find here: exposing-application.
I hope it helps.
I have started to read Istio-in-action (by Manning) and Mastering-service-mesh (by Packt) and there are some examples where I cannot 'see' the right output.
I work on my laptop with Ubuntu 20.04 and I use [kind] for my local k8s cluster where I can create 3 or more worker-nodes.
When I deploy some Istio resources (e.g. virtual service) I would like to browse the service-mesh from my Ubuntu browser or from a different client (either a different laptop or cell phone) but it misses something in my 'infrastructure'- is it the external load balancer or some local Ubuntu configuration? Is it mandatory to work with a public cloud provider - GCP/AWS/Azure ; if Yes, which one is the most simple? I have tried with kubectl port-forward but without success.
Other resources are ok (e.g. istioctl dashboard kiali/jaeger/prometheus) even without an ExternalIP.
Could you help me to find a blog or a tutorial/hint/advice about the necessary elements for browsing the k8s/Istio services from the internet?
Thank you in advance!
When installing istio with the istio-ingressgateway enabled a service with that name is created in the istio-system namespace.
❯ kubectl get svc -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <pending> 80:32564:80/TCP,...
When deploying istio to a public cloud provider, that will create a load balancer (like AWS ELB) for you. When the setup is done the EXTERNAL-IP will switch from <pending> to an actual ip, the public ip of the load balancer. You can access your cluster by visiting that ip.
On your local setup you don't have this luxury. But the service still is created. In the PORT(S) column you can see a bunch of ports. That is actually a port mapping. So ports of your node machine are being mapped to that service.
You use this to get the port mapped to http (port 80): For me it would be the 32564. Or you can run this:
kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(#.name=="http2")].nodePort}'
Now just open your browser and use one of your worker's ip to access the cluster by visiting <NODE_IP>:<PORT> (where PORT is the one from above).
See docs
I have run a Hello World application using the below command.
kubectl run hello-world --replicas=2 --labels="run=load-balancer-example" --image=gcr.io/google-samples/node-hello:1.0 --port=8080
Created a service as below
kubectl expose deployment hello-world --type=NodePort --name=example-service
The pods are running
hello-world-68ff65cf7-dn22t 1/1 Running 0 2m20s
hello-world-68ff65cf7-llvjt 1/1 Running 0 2m20s
example-service NodePort 10.XX.XX.XX <none> 8080:32023/TCP 66s
Here, I am able to test it through curl inside the cluster.
curl http://10.XX.XX.XX:8080
Hello Kubernetes!
How can I access this service outside my cluster? (example, through laptop browser)
you shoud try
IP_OF_KUBERNETES can be your master IP your worker IP
when you expose a port in kubernetes .It expose that port in all of your server in cluster.Imagine you have two worker node with IP1 and IP2
and one pode is running in IP1 and in worker2 there is no pods but you can access your pod by
You should be able to access it outside the cluster using NodePort assingned(32023). Please paste following http://<IP>:<Port> in your browser and you will able to access your app:
There are answers already provided, but I felt like this topic needed some consolidation.
This seems to be fairly easy. NodePort actually exposes your application as the name says on the port of each node. So all you have to do is just find the IP address of the Node on which the pod is. You can do it by running:
kubectl get pods -o wide so you can find the IP or name of the node on which the pod is, then just follow what previous answers state: so http://<MASTER/WORKER_IP>:PORT
There is more methods:
You can deploy Ingress Controller and configure Ingress so the application will be reachable through the internet.
You can also use kubectl proxy to expose ClusterIP service outside of the cluster. Like in this example with Dashboard.
Another way is to use LoadBalancer type, which requires underlying cloud infrastructure.
If you are using minikube you can try to run minikube service list to check your exposed services and their IP.
You can access your service using MasterIP or WorkerIP. If you are planning to use it in production or in a more reliable way you should create a service with type LoadBalancer. And use load balancers IP to access it.
If you are using any cloud env, make sure the firewall rules allow incoming traffic.
This will take care of redirecting request to which ever node the pod is running on. Else you will have to manually hit masterIP or workerIP depending on where the pod is running. If the pod gets moved to different node, you will have to change the ip you are hitting
Service Load Balancer
Having trouble getting a wordpress Kubertenes service to listen on my machine so that I can access it with my web browser. It just says "External IP" is pending. I'm using the Kubertenes configuration from Docker Edge v18.06 on Mac, with advanced Kube config enabled (not swarm).
Following this tutorial FROM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=65&v=jWupQjdjLN0
And using .yaml config files from https://github.com/kubernetes/examples/tree/master/mysql-wordpress-pd
MACPRO:mysql-wordpress-pd me$ kubectl get services
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 48m
wordpress LoadBalancer <pending> 80:30875/TCP 19m
wordpress-mysql ClusterIP None <none> 3306/TCP 19m
The commands to get things running, to see for yourself:
kubectl create -f local-volumes.yaml
kubectl create secret generic mysql-pass --from-literal=password=DockerCon
kubectl create -f mysql-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f wordpress-deployment.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
Start admin console to see more detailed config in your web browser:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/master/src/deploy/recommended/kubernetes-dashboard.yaml
kubectl proxy
I'm hoping someone can clarify things for me here. Thank you.
For Docker for Mac, you should use your host's DNS name or IP address to access exposed services. The "external IP" field will never fill in here. (If you were in an environment like AWS or GCP where a LoadBalancer Kubernetes Service creates a cloud-hosted load balancer, the cloud provider integration would provide the load balancer's IP address here, but that doesn't make sense for single-host solutions.)
Note that I've had some trouble figuring out which port is involved; answers to that issue suggest you need to use the service port (80) but you might need to try other things.
For development purposes I try to use Minikube. I want to test how my application will catch an event of exposing a service and assigning an External-IP.
When I exposed a service in Google Container Engine quick start tutorial I could see an event of External IP assignment with:
kubectl get services --watch
I want to achieve the same with Minikube (if possible).
Here is how I try to set things up locally on my OSX development machine:
minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve
minikube addons enable ingress
kubectl run echoserver --image=gcr.io/google_containers/echoserver:1.4 --port=8080
kubectl expose deployment echoserver --type="LoadBalancer"
kubectl get services --watch
I see the following output:
echoserver LoadBalancer <pending> 8080:31384/TCP 11s
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 4m
External-Ip field never gets updated and shows pending phase. Is it possible to achieve external IP assignment with Minikube?
On GKE or AWS installs, the external IP comes from the cloud support that reports back to kube API the address that the created LB was assigned.
To have the same on minikube you'd have to run some kind of an LB controller, ie. haproxy one, but honestly, for minikube it makes little sense, as you have single IP that you know in advance by minikube ip so you can use NodePort with that knowledge. LB solution would require setting some IP rangethat can be mapped to particular nodeports, as this is effectively what LB will do - take traffic from extIP:extPort and proxy it to minikubeIP:NodePort.
Unless your use case prevents you from it, you should consider Ingress as the way of ingesting traffic to your minikube.
If you want to emulate external IP assignment event (like the one you can observe using GKE or AWS), this can be achieved by applying the following patch on your sandbox kubernetes:
kubectl run minikube-lb-patch --replicas=1 --image=elsonrodriguez/minikube-lb-patch:0.1 --namespace=kube-system
I run the CoreOS k8s cluster on Mac OSX, which means it's running inside VirtualBox + Vagrant
I have in my service.yaml file:
type: NodePort
When I type:
kubectl get services
I see:
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP <none>
my-frontend nodes 8000/TCP name=my-app
What is the "nodes" external IP? How do I access my-frontend externally?
In addition to "NodePort" types of services there are some additional ways to be able to interact with kubernetes services from outside of cluster:
Use service type "LoadBalancer". It works only for some cloud providers and will not work for virtualbox, but I think it will be good to know about that feature. Link to the documentation
Use one of the latest features called "ingress". Here is description from manual "An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster services. It can be configured to give services externally-reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate SSL, offer name based virtual hosting etc.". Link to the documentation
If kubernetes is not strict requirements and you can switch to latest openshift origin (which is "kubernetes on steroids") you can use origin feature called "router".
Information about openshift origin.
Information about openshift origin routes
I assume you are using MiniKube for Kubernetes. In such case, to identify your node ip address, use the following command:
.\minikube.exe ip
If the exposed service is of type=Nodeport, to check the exposed port use the following command:
.\kubectl.exe describe service <service-name>
Check for Node port in the result. Also, if you want to have all these details via nice UI, then you can launch the Kubernetes Dashboard present at the following address:
The easiest way to get the host ports is kubectl describe services my-frontend.
The node port will be displayed.
Also you can check the api:
or list all:
Last, you can chose a fixed nodePort in the service.yml
Here is the doc on node addresses: http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/node/#addresses
You can specify the port number of nodePort when you specify the service. If you didn't manually specify a port, system will allocate one for you. You can kubectl get services -o yaml and find the port at spec.ports[*].nodePort, as suggested in the doc here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/docs/user-guide/services.md#type-nodeport
And you can access your front-end at {nodes' external addresses}:{nodePort}
Hope this helps.