How to read Facebook App links from Branch SDK - unity3d

I want to use deep link in my FaceBook ads install campaign.
According to Branch docs:
Unfortunately, we've found that the direct S2S mechanism for retrieving deep links is rather unreliable. We recommend that you have the Facebook Android / iOS SDKs installed so Branch can work directly with them on the client side for the best outcome.
I need to integrate Facebook SDK and then call:
But this method is not exist in Unity Plugin (
Any ideas how to overcome that problem?

We don't have a wrapper for this method call. Please call the code from the Native Android files.


does the Facebook SDK (for iOS) break pre-existing deep links?

I have an iOS app that uses deep linking as part of an out-of-app authentication flow within a web view. Upon authentication, a redirect is made back to the app with the deep link prefix.
Ive installed the Facebook SDK because I wanted to track conversions, but after doing so, it seems to have disabled my deep linking functionality.
Is this expected, and if so, how do I get around it?
I figured out that the SDK will overwrite any of the URL types that you have specified in the project info. So you need to re-add your original deep link(s)

Creating native plugins to implement missing functions of the official Unity Facebook SDK

I want to give the possibility to the players of my game, to publish to their Facebook feed images and videos stored on their device.
The Facebook SDK does not seem to provide this feature through FB.FeedShare. Only already hosted media can be referenced in the mediaSource field.
Several questions have been asked about this subject (1, 2, 3)
However, the Android SDK and iOS SDK does provide it. Isn't the Facebook SDK a simple "abstract layer" wrapping the native SDKs? Why all the native SDK features haven't been implemented?
I know an alternative solution would be to upload the media using the Graph API and reference from the FB.FeedShare function.
EDIT: As mentionned by #misorude, the publish_actions permission has been removed
Is it possible to create the Android and iOS plugins that would call the native functions used to share a media stored on the device of the users?
If so, do you know how is it possible to "reference" the native Facebook SDKs without bundling them into the plugins I will create? (Since they are already in the Unity Facebook SDK in my project).
EDIT: Seems like someone already tried to create a wrapper, but "it didn't play nice"
I am also open to other suggestions. My final goal is to let the user publish a video. I would love to use intents to open the Facebook app, but iOS does not have such feature.
Thanks in advance.

How to start Gameroom login integratoin for Unity games?

I'm trying to integrate our game with Facebook Gameroom. The first step is Login integration.
Seems, the official SDK does not support "Gameroom(windows)" Login.
Where can I find the unity SDK that supported "Gameroom(windows)" Login?
Has anyone integrated with Gameroom before?
I had the same question up until yesterday. I would direct you to this link:
You want to use at least Unity 5.6.2 and use the Facebook Gameroom (Windows Native) build included in Unity. Use the 7.10 SDK (choose it from the dropdown it'll say 'Facebook SDK 7.10.1') on the Build Settings screen.
The link that I gave is needed as once you have the build set up there's a lot of things that you need to do to make it work, and the link will help you through that. (On the page in the documentation, there's a link that will take you to the build and testing page - it's the second set of instructions).
I'm currently in the process of porting over a Mobile game to FB Gameroom, so I am going through it myself. Oh! and you'll want to have the 7.10.0 Facebook SDK (available from Facebook) as a .unitypackage file.
The reason for the unity package version is that you will seriously want the examples directory and scripts so that you can implement facebook's api. Do NOT install the entire package as that will blow everything up, just need the scripts and the scenes.
That should get you started. Also, a tech-tip... if you are using UNITY IAP, it will log into facebook on its own (to set up the codeless IAP stuff). I found that out AFTER I modified the examples to handle the login and initialization of the Facebook API.
Good Luck!!!

What's best solution to use facebook SDK NOW in Xamarin.forms - PCL project?

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms. (PCL project)
I want to use facebook SDK to use
- get my profile. (name, e-mail)
- get my friends list. (their account id)
- posting on my wall.
I searched it and there are many options for that.
And Some solution seems like out of date. (not updated)
using Xamarin.Auth. (Component)
looks like it's not using facebook app to log in that user installed on their phone.
The Outercurve Foundation's Facebook SDK (Component)
many people recommended to use it. but
In rating page, people says that it's out of date and useless now. (because it's not updated and facebook rule's changed)
Facebook SDK by Xamarin from nuGet Package.
Xamarin developer says that there is no FB SDK for PCL project so far.
I'm curious that what is the good way to use facebook SDK?
It must have been being used by many developers who make app with using Xamarin.forms.
Are you guys uses Dependency Service with native SDK?
No 3 is your best option. Correct, there is no Xamarin-Facebook binding library for PCL. However, it's fairly easy to make it happen with dependency injection. Either with the DependencyService or other container.

Phonegap facebook, html5 video, iAds issues

I'm trying to build android+iOS application via phonegap build API. I found that that this api has some limitations, but I want to make sure...
1) Implementation Facebook features to phonegap application is possible only by phonegap plugin, which is not able to add via build API.
2) iAds aren't also supported. I found some plugin which can handle this, but as in first point, it is not possible to add plugins via phonegap build API.
3) Playing video using HTML5 video tag doesn't work if operation system of device doesn't have installed needed codecs. And there is no other way how to be sure that some type of video will be playable on most androis/iOS devices. when I want to build applications via phonegap API, I have to forget to use facebook, iAds and video(on all devices) ?
Thank you.
For your first question: in the case of facebook some facebook plugins exist, you may want to look here: it uses the ChildBrowser plugin..
or here: same thing but with a slightly different approach.
hope it helps...