Magento 2 - Hide/Show custom EAV attribute after if condition - magento2

I created a new EAV attribute using this code :
'type' => 'int',
'default' => null,
'global' => \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\ScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
'visible' => false
this attribute is by default hidden, but I want to visible it after a condition, is there any method to do that?

The visibility of the attribute is set per global or store view, so this should not be possible. However, when you display your attribute, for example on your product view page, you can build in some logic to decide wether it should be displayed or not.
Solution 1
Here's an example I used in a similar way in phtml on product view:
$product = $block->getProduct();
$attribute = $product->getResource()->getAttribute('attribute_code')->getFrontend()->getLabel($product);
echo $_attribute;
You could use this anywhere you want, especially outside of the details tab.
Solution 2
Another way would be to extend the default detail tab and build in your condition. Copy vendor/magento/module-catalog/Block/Product/View/Attributes.php to your module or theme and extend the first if condition (line 83)* in getAddtionalData() to your needs.
if ($attribute->getIsVisibleOnFront() && !in_array($attribute->getAttributeCode(), $excludeAttr))
if (($attribute->getIsVisibleOnFront() || ($attribute->getAttributeCode() == 'information' && '>>>your condition here <<<')) && !in_array($attribute->getAttributeCode(), $excludeAttr))
*I should add that this works for M2 2.2.x. I don't know about 2.3


Customize select option on subpanel in SuiteCrm

I wanted to know if there's a way to customize the select option from the subpanel men in Suitecrm.
All one-to-many relationships for a module's subpanel are to be removed whereas for many to many need to rename it to "Associate Module 1 to Module 2 ".
Can I achieve this and this is to be done for all modules.
To remove buttons:
Assume that Target module and Lead module has one to many Relationshipship. Now Leads will be shown under the Traget Record Detailview. So if we want to remove selection and creation of Lead from Subpanel of Lead. Then we can hide this two buttons from following code:
Find The relation ship file in
Remove Commented code as commented in this relationship code as Below,
And then Repair and Rebuild.
$layout_defs[“Prospects”][“subpanel_setup”][‘prospects_leads_1’] = array (
‘order’ => 100,
‘module’ => ‘Leads’,
‘subpanel_name’ => ‘default’,
‘sort_order’ => ‘asc’,
‘sort_by’ => ‘id’,
‘get_subpanel_data’ => ‘prospects_leads_1’,
‘top_buttons’ =>
array (
0 =>
array (
‘widget_class’ => ‘SubPanelTopButtonQuickCreate’,
1 =>
array (
‘widget_class’ => ‘SubPanelTopSelectButton’,
‘mode’ => ‘MultiSelect’,
moreover, you can check labelvalue and then change label in language file accordingly.
To Rename button at system level:
Place following language label in custom/include/language/en_us.lang.php
$GLOBALS['app_strings']['LBL_SELECT_BUTTON_LABEL'] = 'your label';
This will change the label for all but if you want to change it via some logic then see file: include\generic\SugarWidgets\SugarWidgetSubPanelTopSelectButton.php, it has public function getDisplayName() where you can add some logic to change that label in a specific condition. Hopefully, you will write that logic your own. Also, you can return empty html in those cases where you don't need button.

How to create floating point validation with two decimals in Yii2?

I have tried creating a validation for a field which stores unit price of a product, I come across validation showing how to check for integer, but I can't found one for floating point number something with a format like 2032.95 in YII2. Thanks in advance.
After Abilay instructions I tried
but it shows error in console.
I think, redefining of numberPattern of NumberValidator class will help in your case.
If you use AJAX Validator on your form:
In Model:
[['quantity','round_off'], 'number',
'numberPattern' => '/^\d+(.\d{1,2})?$/'],
In View:
Ensure that you enabled AJAX Validation when created form
$form = ActiveForm::begin([
'id' => 'my-form',
'enableAjaxValidation' => true,
and change field to default input
$form->field($model, 'quantity')
In Controller:
Include files:
use yii\web\Response;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
Past this code at the beginning of action, after
$model is loaded or created
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return ActiveForm::validate($model);

laravel 4 form helpers - including additional attributes

Within Laravel 4 I can create a select box in a form with this helper:
Form::select('name', $data)
where $data represents an array of the select options.
However I want to now add an extra attribute of 'Required' to help with form validation on the client side.
I can do this if I use normal php and markup but I'd like to use the laravel helper if I can.
I've tried adding:
Form::select('name', $data, array('required'=>'required'))
This doesn't appear to add anything to the final mark up. I've tried the following but this doesn't work either:
Form::select('name', $data, array('required'))
Is there an easy way of doing this or accept that I should revert to another method without a helper
If you check the FormBuilder class the select field is declared as
public function select($name, $list = array(), $selected = null, $options = array())
So what you are passing is the third parameter which should be the default selected option from the list.
In order to achieve what you need you have to pass the array of $options as the fourth parameter (if you don't have default selection just leave the third parameter null)
Form::select('name', $data, null, array('required'=>'required'))

ZF2 refresh input filter after dynamicly adding elements to form

I have a form that triggers on event in __construct method to load some items from another modules . So far so good , a field set is loaded from the other module and added to the form and in the request->getPost() I have the data for the elements inside the fieldset , but the $form->getData() doesn't have the data for the fieldset.
I am calling $form->getInputFilter() before adding this fieldsets to the form and it seems that calling the $form->getInputFilter() dosn't creates the filters for the newly added elements . so how can i create inputfilters for the dynamic events without recreating the hole filters again ?
Or should i just delay calling $form->getInputFilter() untill all of the elemnts have been added to the form ?
I also added some elements to the form later what was ignored by the input filter.
My solution is most likely not exactly the best one, but as you haven't received any other answers yet, here's what I did:
I added
use Zend\InputFilter\Factory as InputFactory;
in the class where I'm validating the form data and then used
$factory = new InputFactory();
'name' => 'title_str',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array(
array('name' => 'Int'),
#Afterdark017 that works and also i think it is possible to reset the filters.
protected function resetFilters(){
$this->filter = null;
$this->hasAddedInputFilterDefaults = false;
but i have not tested this yet.

Zend Avoid submit button value in GET parameters in url

I have a form, created with Zend_Form, with method = GET used for searching records with elements as below:
user name [input type="text" name="uname"]
[input type="submit" value="Search" name="search"]
After form is submitted all the GET parameters along with submit button value are appearing in the url.
How to avoid submit button value appearing in the url? is custom routing the solution ?
When you create your element, you can simply remove the name attribute that was automatically set at creation
$submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('search')->setAttrib('name', '');
Or inside a Zend_Form
// Input element
$submit = $this->createElement('submit', 'search')->setAttrib('name', '');
// Or Button element
$submit = $this->createElement('button', 'search')->setAttribs(array
'name' => '', 'type' => 'submit',
When a form gets submitted, all of its elements with their names and values become a part of a GET / POST - query.
So, if you don't want an element to appear in your GET - query, all you need to do is to create this element without a name. That's probably not the best approach, but since we're talking about the 'submit' element, I guess it doesn't matter that much.
Looking at Zend_View_Helper_FormSubmit helper, you can see that it's creating the 'submit' element and setting its name. So, the possible solution would be to create your own view helper and use it for rendering the 'submit' element instead of the default helper.
You can set a custom helper with
$element->setAttribs( array('helper' => 'My_Helper_FormSubmit') );
Then build your own form element class and remove the name attribute from the element with preg_replace. The beauty of it is, it will not interfere with the other decorators.
So the something like this:
class My_Button extends Zend_Form_Element_Submit
public function render()
return preg_replace('/(<input.*?)( name="[^"]*")([^>]*>)/', "$1$3", parent::render(), 1);
You can remove name attribute for submit button in javascript.
jQuery example:
In the controller that represents the form's action, redirect to another (or the same controller) only including the relevant params.
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
if isset($params['search'])
return $this->_helper->Redirector->setGotoSimple('thisAction', null, null, $params);
handle form here
This is basically the same idea as Post/Redirect/Get except that you want to modify the request (by unsetting a parameter) in between the different stages, instead of doing something persistent (the images on that Wiki-page shows inserting data into a database).
If I were you, I would leave it in. IMO it's not worth an extra request to the webserver.