How to fix error caused by userconfig probably by sails? - sails.js

Im following this tutorial to set up a simple nodejs in docker with the help of sails. So far so good, but I keep getting this one error that it cant start the app because it misses a hook('userconfig'). I cant post the image due to a reputation below 10, so here is the link to it.
The versions i use are:
sails: 1.1.0
sails-mongo: 6.5.0


Grid view not displaying in Airflow 2.4.2

We've just upgraded from Airflow 2.2.4 to 2.4.2, which we deploy via k8s and Helm, using the base apache-airflow==2.4.2 Docker image with some other Python packages installed with pip. Part of Airflow 2.4.2 upgrade replaces Tree View with Grid View in the web UI. When we go to Grid View, we see the following:
The marked up output is your generic Airflow error:
Something bad has happened.
Airflow is used by many users, and it is very likely that others had
similar problems and you can easily find a solution to your problem.
Consider following these steps:
gather the relevant information (detailed logs with errors,
reproduction steps, details of your deployment)
find similar issues using:
GitHub Discussions
GitHub Issues
Stack Overflow
the usual search engine you use on a daily basis
if you run Airflow on a Managed Service, consider opening an issue
using the service support channels
if you tried and have difficulty with diagnosing and fixing the
problem yourself, consider creating a bug report.
Make sure however, to include all relevant details and results of your investigation so far.
Python version: 3.9.15 Airflow version: 2.4.2 Node:
{{deprecated by author}}
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error! > Please contact server admin.
Looking in our web logs only yields the following text:
[[34m2022-12-15 01:31:52,943[0m] {[[0m1741} ERROR[0m - Exception on /object/grid_data [GET][0m
I can't find any other instance online of another Airflow user experiencing this problem, despite searching for hours.
What could be the problem here? It appears to be an internal Airflow UI issue, so may be related to our infrastructure or setup perhaps, but I can't see why.
Also of note, some users had trouble with Grid View when the Operators in their DAGs had a parameters named params. I can rule this out as a cause, as our DAGs and Operators definitely do not have that.
How exactly did you make the update? Did you run helm uninstall airflow and then helm install apache/airflow?
Did you check that run migration job succeed or even if it was executed?
Looks like the issue was to do with dbt-snowflake==1.0.0 being installed as well, and it had some sort of Python package constraint conflict with apache-airflow==2.4.2. Upgrading dbt-snowflake to v1.3.0 solved the issue.

How to find out "System.OutOfMemoryException" on live site

I have .net core 2.2 web application(eCommerce app.). Its throw error System.OutOfMemoryException after few hours when restart site. I have test site for this application but I unable to reproduce this issue at test site. I have run jmeter with 500user but still unable to reproduce this issue at test site.
I am using newRelic but I unable to find out in which code its having problem.
Please let me steps to reproduce this issue or help to solve this issue.

PCFDEV: Pivotal Network returned: 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

This is an informational post about a recent problem I encountered when installing PCFDEV for use in development and testing.
On Ubuntu-16.04 server core, when I was starting PCFDEV as follows ...
cf dev start
... I was getting the error "Pivotal Network returned: 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons".
I was using this within the proper terms and conditions (local development and/or integration testing) and my email and password are correct. Why was I getting this error?
Possible Reasons and/or Solutions:
Make Sure to Download the most recent version of PCFDEV (
Logging into the website with the credentials being used may resolve the issue (
I had exactly the same problem just recently. I logged in at pivotal's network and the issue was resolved.
For me, this problem was caused by an outdated version of PCFDEV I had downloaded a month ago.
Downloading a fresh copy and running the plugin installer will upgrade the plugin to the most recent version. The error went away after this.

xmpp server component error

I am developing a simple xmpp server component,while I have been stucked by a little error for few days.After searching and trying all the solution,nothing gets improved. Some of the solutions did not work at all,others can not express how to fix it exactly.So helpless am I that I decide to ask this question by myself.
I use the Whack and Tinder as the externalcomponent library,everything works fine except this error cause by this code :ExternalComponentManager mgr = new ExternalComponentManager
That is the error :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/xmpp/component/Log
at Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.xmpp.component.Log
The instantiation of the ExternalComponentManager require the log class,which shoule be located in the Tinder library,but the tinder library has no more include this class.So ,how to fix this error ,is anything I have miss ? by the way,I have refrence the SVN of the whack and add all the jar files in my project classpath . I hope someone can help me to solve me ,Thanks.
Please use tinder 1.2.2 version. org.xmpp.component.Log has been removed in tinder 1.2.3 version. I had the same issue and downgraded the tinder jar to 1.2.2 which solved it. The whack jar version used is 1.0.0

ASM library: Version incompatibility between GAE and Spring

I'm currently working on a project based on Spring 3.1.2 which needs to run over GAE.
After researching the logs, I think I know why I'm getting a 500 Internal Server Error whenever I need to interact with the App. The problem I'm facing is related with ASM (
It seems like GAE relies on ASM 4.0, while the project runs fine locally if I use ASM 3.1.
However, I found impossible to make it work when ASM 4.0 :(
I'm completely new to Google App Engine, so ... any tip to solve this issue is welcome! (I've already lost the whole morning finding what the problem was and trying too many different ways to solve it ... but no way).
Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions ;)
I found some information about that, try to upgrade your spring version to 3.2 M2. This version support cgilib 3.0 with asm 4.0!