is it possible to play AppleMusics inside my app? If yes then how can i play this? - swift

I'm beginner to iOS development. I want to play AppleMusic inside my app. please let me know is it possible or not?
If it is possible then please suggest me how can i play this.
I found this Link but i don't know wether it play music with iPhone default player or AVPlayer?

It is possible with music kit. Check out, but the users will need to have an apple music account.


Vibrate to Sound iphone

I am working on the video application. and My phone is on vibration or silent and I play the video then sound of video does not play. But I want to play sound even phone is on silent or vibration. So please let me know is it possible? If yes then How? please provide me sample source code.
IOS doesnt give your app that kind of control.
When the user turned ios to silent all apps are silent.

how to play background music while recording voice?

Now I'm developing iPhone Recorder App.
I can easily record my voice with sample code.
I want to record background music with my voice.
For example,When I click "Record" button,background music plays
Then I sing a song.
In this case,I should record background music with my voice.
But,If I did like that,I can't record anything.
What's wrong?
To do this,what should I do?
Please help me..
I'm not familiar with programming for the iPhone but I can imagine there would be a limitation to what you like to achieve IF you intend to make this work without using headphones/headset. It just might be that the OS wont let you play music and record at the same time because the recording would result in an echo because of the background music.
That said, I'm sure an experienced iPhone programmer is able to tell you exactly how this would work.
Good luck and I hope my suggestion helps you out.
I solved this problem by using OpenAL.
Thanks for all your effet.

Allow User's Music to Play when Application is Running - Cocos2d

I'm not completely sure if this is used with Cocos2d, but I would like to know how I could let the user play their own music from their playlists or if my application could randomly choose a song from their playlist.
Is that possible?
You can check if another music is playing using CDAudioManager singleton. Use the function isOtherAudioPlaying.

How do i allow a user to pick a song from their iPod library?

For my app, an alarm, i'd like the user to be able to pick a song to play from their iPod library. How would i go about implementing this?
Do not know the details, but have you read the iPod Library Access Programming Guide?

How to allow ipod music to play while my app is running?

I'm using SimpleAudioEngine to play my sounds and I was wondering if there is anyway to check if iPod music is playing when the app is launched. If so, I want it to continue playing. I'm starting to think it may be called the simple engine for a reason as it doesn't allow features like this, where AVAudioEngine does...
Thanks :)
You should check out the official Audio Session Programming Guide and make sure that you are setting the correct session category. You will want to pick the category that allows your audio to mix with the iPod audio.