docker-compose volumes are not mounting properly - docker-compose

I have the following docker-compose file
version: '3'
container_name: chatt-friends-api
- .:/usr/src/appDev
- 3000:3000
env_file: docker/web-Dockerfile.env
context: .
dockerfile: docker/web-Dockerfile.yml
with the following directory structure
Now when I run docker-compose up and move into the chatt-friends-api container and navigate into the appDev folder. I see two folders inside which are docker, and node_modules. I have no idea why this is so. For your reference this is what web-Dockerfile.yml looks like. I'm copying the whole src folder here anyway, but was trying to see if the volumes get mounted properly as well.
from node:latest
# Create app directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Install app dependencies
# A wildcard is used to ensure both package.json AND package-lock.json are copied
# where available (npm#5+)
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

I am going to post the answer here in case someone else has the problem. I was primarily using VirtualBox on Windows 8 and this has to do with shared folders. You need to share a folder and map it to a version unix understands.
The answer is explained here quite well
Docker volumes mounting on Windows 8 is not working


Location of bind-mount volume provided in docker-compose file of mongodb

How to see the location of bind-mount volume provided in the docker-compose yml file. I have created an bind-mount to persist the mongodb.
It is working fine i.e. if container is shut, then also the data is present, but I want to know where is this location present in my computer.
version : "3"
image: mongo:latest
container_name: mongocont
- "27017:27017"
- "~/mongo/db:/data/db"
if the container is shut, the data is present
There would be no way for you to know this unless you've already found it stored on the host.
The location is what you've given - ~/mongo/db. Open a terminal and cd to the path
Keep in mind that in Windows, ~ is a special character and is sometimes hidden in the file explorer. If you're using it to get to your User folder, you should prefer using environment variables instead

Running a MongoDB in Docker using Compose

I'm trying to run a database in docker and a python script with it to store MQTT messages. This gave me the idea to use Docker Compose since it sounded logical that both were somewhat connected. The issue I'm having is that the Docker Containers do indeed run, but they do not store anything in the database.
When I run my script locally it does store messages so my hunch is that the Compose File is not correct.
Is this the correct way to compose a python file which stores message in a DB and the database itself (with a .js file for the credentials). Any feedback would be appreciated!
version: '3'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
depends_on: [mongo]
image: mongo:latest
- ${PWD}/mongo-data:/data/db
- ./mongo-init.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/mongo-init.js:ro
- 27018:27018
restart: unless-stopped
The DockerFile im using to build:
# set base image (host OS)
FROM python:3.8-slim
# set the working directory in the container
# copy the dependencies file to the working
COPY requirements.txt .
# install dependencies
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
# copy the content of the local src directory to
the working directory
COPY src/ .
# command to run on container start
CMD [ "python", "./"]
I think this may be due to user permission.
What I did for my docker-compose for docker deployment, is I also mount the passwd file after creating a mongodb user
This worked for me as the most straight forward solution.

Copy files to host from project folder and use them inside my container

I have a docker-compose file to build three different images from 3 different Dockerfiles.
In my project structure, I have some files that I want to copy to a specific folder in my host machine, because those files will be used by one of the containers.
I donĀ“t want those folders to be inside of my container, because anytime I change something on one of the files, I need to build the image again.
Instead of using command line to copy the files from my project to the host machine, how how can it be done automatically when I run docker-compose build?
Unfortunately docker-compose has no such concept as pre- or post-scripts. The simplest way of achieving your goal would be creating a shell script which would copy the files and call docker-compose. If for some reason you are limited to calling docker-compose itself, you can create additional "setup" container to copy the files before starting other containers:
version: "3"
# setup container copies files from the project directory PROJECT_DIR
# to another directory HOST_DIR on the host machine
image: alpine:latest
- ${PROJECT_DIR}:/project
- ${HOST_DIR}:/host
command: >
sh -c "cp -R /project/* /host/"
# service container depends on the setup container and uses files from
# the host machine directory HOST_DIR mounted to CONTAINER_DIR
image: alpine:latest
- setup
command: >
sh -c "ls ${CONTAINER_DIR}"

docker-compose on Windows volume not working

I've been playing with Docker for the past week and think the container idea is very useful, but despite reading everything I can for the past 3 days I can't get the volume mapping to work
get docker-compose to use my existing volume.
Docker Version: 18.03.1-ce
docker-compose version 1.21.1, build 7641a569
I created a volume using the following via a Dockerfile
# Reference SQL image
FROM microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer
# Create directory within SQL container for database files mapped to the volume
VOLUME sqldata:c:/MSSQL
and here it shows:
C:\ProgramData\Docker\volumes>docker volume ls
local sqldata
Now I've tried probably 60+ different "solutions" based on StackOverflow and Docker forums, but none of them work. (Note despite the names below with Azure I am simply trying to get this to run locally, Azure is next hurdle)
version: '3.4'
image: wsManager
container_name: azure-wcf
- "80"
- db
image: dbimage:latest
container_name: azure-db
- \sqldata:/mssql
# - type: volume
# source: sqldata
# target: /mssql
- "1433"
I've added a volumes section but it does not help,
name: sqldata
changed the - \sqldata:/mssql
to every possible slash .. . ~ whatever. Moved the file to yaml file
to C:\ProgramData\Docker\volumes - basically any suggestion that showed in my search results. The dbImage is a SQL Server image that I need to persist the data from but am wondering what the magic is as nothing I've tried works. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
I'm running on Windows 10 Pro build 1803.
Why does this have to be so hard?
Than you to whomever knows how to make this actually work.
The solution is to reference the true path on Windows using the volumes: option as below:
image: sqlimage
container_name: azure-db
- "C:\\ProgramData\\Docker\\volumes\\sqldata:c:\\mssql"
To persist the data I used the following:
- "sa_password=ddsql2017##"
- 'attach_dbs= {"dbName":"MyDb","dbFiles":"C:\\MSSQL\\MyDb.mdf","C:\\MSSQL\\MyDb.ldf"]}]'
Hope this helps someone else as many of the examples I found searching both on SO and elsewhere did not work for me, and in the Docker forums there are a lot of posts saying mounting volumes not work for Windows.
For those who are using Ubunto WSL:
sudo mkdir /c
sudo mount --bind /mnt/c /c
navigate to your project file use new path ( /c/your-project-path and not /mnt/c/your-project-path)
edit your docker-compose.yml and use relative path for volume : ( like ./src instead of c/your-project-path/src)
docker-compose up
I was struggling with a similar problem when trying to mount a volume to a specific path of my Windows machine: basically it didn't work so every time I restarted my Docker instance I lose all my DB data.
I finally found out that it is because Docker for Windows by default cannot interpret Windows path so the flag COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS has to be activated. To do so:
Restart Docker
Go to Settings > Shared Drives > Reset credentials and then select drive and then apply
From the command line, kill the containers (docker container rm -f )
Re-run the containers
Hope it helps
If your windows account credentials has been changed, you also have to reset credentials for shared drives. (Settings > Shared Drives > Reset credentials)
In my case, the password was changed by my company security policy.
Are you sure you really need to map to a certain host directory? If not, my solution is to create a volume beforehand and use it in docker-compose.yaml. I use the same scripts for both windows and linux. That is the beauty of docker.
Here is what I did to start both postgres and mysql: (you can run it in git bash or similiar environment in windows):
docker volume create --name postgres-data -d local
docker volume create --name mysql-data -d local
docker-compose up -d
version: '3'
image: postgres:latest
POSTGRES_DB: datasource
- 5432:5432
- postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
image: mysql:latest
MYSQL_USER: 'mysql'
- 3306:3306
- mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql
external: true
external: true
By default it looks that after installing Docker on Windows, sharing of drivers is disabled - so you won't be able to use volumes(that are stored on disks)
Enabling such sharing, through: Docker in tray - right click - Settings, helped to me, volumes started working fine.
Docker on Windows is having strange behavior as Windows has limitations with credentials and also with the virtual machine that Docker is using(Hyper-V , VirtualBox - depending on your Docker version and setup).
Basically, you are correct to map a folder in
section in your service:
The path is
version: '3.4'
image: dbimage:latest
container_name: azure-db
- c:/Temp/sqldata:/mssql
Important is that you do not need to explicitly create volume in volumes section, but the docker-compose up will create it(the same is for docker run).
Strange thing is that it will never show up in
docker volume ls
but it will be usable with the same files inside windows directory and inside container path /mssql
You can test it with:
docker run --rm -v c:/Temp/sqldata:/data alpine ls /data
docker run --rm -v c:/Temp:/data alpine ls /data
If it Disappear, probably it lost the credentials and Reset it via Docker->Settings->Shared Drives->Reset credentials.
I hope it was clear and covered all the aspects for you.
Launch Docker from your windows taskbar
Click on Settings icon on top
Click Resources
Click File Sharing
Click on (+) sign and add path of local folder in which you want to map the container volume.
It worked for me.

How to store MongoDB data with docker-compose

I have this docker-compose:
version: "2"
build: .
- "3007:3007"
- mongo
image: mongo
- /data/mongodb/db:/data/db
- "27017:27017"
The volumes, /data/mongodb/db:/data/db, is the first part (/data/mongodb/db) where the data is stored inside the image and the second part (/data/db) where it's stored locally?
It works on production (ubuntu) but when i run it on my dev-machine (mac) I get:
ERROR: for mongo Cannot start service mongo: error while creating mount source path '/data/mongodb/db': mkdir /data/mongodb: permission denied
Even if I run it as sudo. I've added the /data directory in the "File Sharing"-section in the docker-program on the mac.
Is the idea to use the same docker-compose on both production and development? How do I solve this issue?
Actually it's the other way around (HOST:CONTAINER), /data/mongodb/db is on your host machine and /data/db is in the container.
You have added the /data in the shared folders of your dev machine but you haven't created /data/mongodb/db, that's why you get a permission denied error. Docker doesn't have the rights to create folders.
I get the impression you need to learn a little bit more about the fundamentals of Docker to fully understand what you are doing. There are a lot of potential pitfalls running Docker in production, and my recommendation is to learn the basics really well so you know how to handle them.
Here is what the documentation says about volumes:
[...] specify a path on the host machine (HOST:CONTAINER)
So you have it the wrong way around. The first part is the past on the host, e.g. your local machine, and the second is where the volume is mounted within the container.
Regarding your last question, have a look at this article: Using Compose in production.
Since Docker-Compose syntax version 3.2, you can use a long syntax of the volume property to specify the type of volume. This allows you to create a "Bind" volume, which effectively links a folder from a container to a folder in your host.
Here is an example :
version : "3.2"
container_name: mongo
image: mongo
- type: bind
source: /data
target: /data/db
- "42421:27017"
source is the folder in your host and target the folder in your container
More information avaliable here :