How to display win panel once the item left equal to zero? - unity3d

I want to display win panel in the game once itemLeft = 0. But still cant figure out how and what is the error about. Below shows my getScore coding:-
public GameObject scoretext;
public GameObject itemlefttext;
public GameObject finalScore;
public static float score = 0;
public GameObject winPanel;
private void Start()
scoretext.GetComponent<Text>().text = "0";
private void Update()
itemlefttext.GetComponent<Text>().text = "" + GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("draggableobject").Length;
if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("draggableobject").Length == 0)
public void setscore(float scoretoadd)
score += scoretoadd;
scoretext.GetComponent<Text>().text = score.ToString("F0");
finalScore.GetComponent<Text>().text = score.ToString("F0");

There are many ways to implement this.
With your current code structure:
private void Update()
itemlefttext.GetComponent<Text>().text = ""+GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("draggableobject").Length;
//itemLeftTxt = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Text").GetComponent<Text>();
itemLeftTxt.text = gameObject.GetComponent<Text>().text;
if (itemLeftTxt.text == "0")
Minor Improvement:
private void Update()
itemlefttext.GetComponent<Text>().text = "" + GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("draggableobject").Length;
//itemLeftTxt = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Text").GetComponent<Text>();
itemLeftTxt.text = gameObject.GetComponent<Text>().text;
if (GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("draggableobject").Length == 0)
If those draggable objects are not spawned on runtime then you can create a public variable and assign a reference to them through the inspector OR
New way:
public GameObject[] DraggableObjects;
Add this to the start function:
DraggableObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("draggableobject");
itemLeftTxt = gameObject.GetComponent<Text>();
You can delete extra line of codes:
Final Update function:
private void Update()
itemlefttext.text = "" + DraggableObjects.Length;
if (DraggableObjects.Length == 0)
Final Start Function:
private void Start()
DraggableObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("draggableobject");
itemLeftTxt = GetComponent<Text>();
PS: Calling Gameobject.FindGameObjectsWithTag inside the update would be heavy on processor. Let me know if it helps.


I have a problem programming with unity to paste the image of footsteps on the ground when the player moves

public class FootPaint : MonoBehaviour
#region --- helpers --
public enum enumFoot
public GameObject LeftPrefab;
public GameObject RightPrefab;
public float FootprintSpacer = 1.0f;
private Vector3 LastFootprint;
private enumFoot WhichFoot;
public GameObject[] intdexPos;
private void Start()
LastFootprint = this.transform.position;
private void Update()
public void FootPaints()
if (CheckPaintItem.instance.isPaint == true && == "PlayerSeek")
float DistanceSinceLastFootprint = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, LastFootprint);
if (DistanceSinceLastFootprint >= FootprintSpacer)
LastFootprint = this.transform.position;
if (WhichFoot == enumFoot.Left)
WhichFoot = enumFoot.Right;
else if (WhichFoot == enumFoot.Right)
WhichFoot = enumFoot.Left;
LastFootprint = new Vector3(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y + 1f, this.transform.position.z);
public void SpawnFootDecal(GameObject prefab)
int index = Random.Range(0, intdexPos.Length);
//where the ray hits the ground we will place a footprint
GameObject decal = Instantiate(prefab);
decal.transform.position = intdexPos[index].transform.position;
decal.transform.Rotate(Vector3.forward, intdexPos[index].transform.eulerAngles.y);
//turn the footprint to match the direction the player is facing
public class CheckPaintItem : MonoBehaviour
public static CheckPaintItem instance;
#region boolPaint
public bool isPaint = false;
public bool isPaintYellow = false;
public bool isPaintRed = false;
public bool isPaintBlue = false;
public bool isPaintGreen = false;
private float currentMoveSpeed;
private void Awake()
instance = this;
private void Start()
currentMoveSpeed = 2.5f;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "PaintsYellow")
isPaint = true;
isPaintYellow = true;
else if (other.gameObject.tag == "PaintsRed")
isPaint = true;
isPaintRed = true;
else if (other.gameObject.tag == "PaintsBlue")
isPaint = true;
isPaintBlue = true;
else if (other.gameObject.tag == "PaintsGreen")
isPaint = true;
isPaintGreen = true;
isPaint = false;
isPaintYellow = false;
isPaintRed = false;
isPaintBlue = false;
isPaintGreen = false;
if (other.gameObject.tag == "PaintsGlue")
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Speed")
IEnumerator changeMoveSpeedSlow()
PlayerController.instance._moveSpeed = PlayerController.instance._moveSpeed / 2 + 0.2f;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f);
PlayerController.instance._moveSpeed = currentMoveSpeed;
IEnumerator changeMoveSpeedFast()
PlayerController.instance._moveSpeed = PlayerController.instance._moveSpeed + 1f;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5f);
PlayerController.instance._moveSpeed = currentMoveSpeed;
IEnumerator timePaint()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(15f);
isPaint = false;
I want to code the game "hide and seek", but I had a problem when the character stepped into a puddle of paint.
My game has 1 character finding and 5 moving AIs, I want whether the AI or the player steps into the puddle, it will leave footprints. But I have problem with above scripts tag, I add script tag with all characters.
So one character walks in, all the other characters show their footsteps. I don't know if my direction is correct. If anyone wants to understand more about the game I'm coding, you can go to youtube and type hide and seek and it will come out.
Thank you.
It seems to me, that the problem lies within CheckPaintItem.instance.isPaint. I don't know what that script is exactly, but it's probably a singleton pattern as there is an instance call. If that's the case, then you're checking if any CheckPaintItem is true globally as it's fields are pretty much static. So make changes to CheckPaintItem or show us what it does exactly.

Handling different functions calls using New Input System

I'm new to Unity New Input System, I have recently migrated my project from the old input system to the new input system but I'm facing some difficulties using it.
I have a class called InputManager that manages all the input actions for my game, and another class called PlayerInteractions that holds all the player's interactions, such as picking up objects, opening and closing drawers/doors and so on.
playerInteraction class was working perfectly using the old input system, but when I changed it to the new input system I couldn't handle the function calls properly so it didn't work completely. I managed to make picking up objects work but the opening/closing part didn't work because for that I'm calling another function from a class called InteractiveObjects that is attached to all objects that can be opened/closed such as door/drawers...
and it was hard for me to handle these function calls since I'm not good enough at the New Input System.
Here is a snippet of the PlayerInteractions Class
private InteractiveObjects interactiveObjects;
bool PickingUp, Open;
void Update()
raycastPos = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, 0));
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.SphereCast(raycastPos, sphereCastRadius, mainCamera.transform.forward, out hit, maxDistance, 1 << interactableLayerIndex))
lookObject = hit.collider.transform.gameObject;
if (PickingUp)
if (currentlyPickedUpObject == null)
if (lookObject != null)
PickingUp = false;
if (hit.transform)
interactiveObjects = hit.transform.GetComponent<InteractiveObjects>();
lookObject = null;
interactiveObjects = null;
if (Open)
if (interactiveObjects)
Open = false;
public void OnPickingUp()
PickingUp = true;
public void OnOpen()
Open = true;
This part from above:
if (Open)
if (interactiveObjects)
was like this:
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
if (interactiveObjects)
and the InteractiveObject class was something like this:
public void PerformAction()
if (aSource)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
if (isOpen)
iTweenArgs["position"] = closedPosition;
iTweenArgs["rotation"] = closedPosition;
iTweenArgs["position"] = openPosition;
iTweenArgs["rotation"] = openPosition;
isOpen = !isOpen;
case MovementType.Slide:
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTweenArgs);
case MovementType.Rotate:
iTween.RotateTo(gameObject, iTweenArgs);
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) was changed to if (Open).
Here is the full IneractiveObject class after the change:
public class InteractiveObjects : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private Vector3 openPosition, closedPosition;
[SerializeField] private float animationTime;
[SerializeField] private bool isOpen = false;
[SerializeField] private MovementType movementType;
bool Open;
private enum MovementType { Slide, Rotate };
private Hashtable iTweenArgs;
private AudioSource aSource;
void Start()
iTweenArgs = iTween.Hash();
iTweenArgs.Add("position", openPosition);
iTweenArgs.Add("time", animationTime);
iTweenArgs.Add("islocal", true);
aSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
public void PerformAction()
if (aSource)
if (Open)
if (isOpen)
iTweenArgs["position"] = closedPosition;
iTweenArgs["rotation"] = closedPosition;
iTweenArgs["position"] = openPosition;
iTweenArgs["rotation"] = openPosition;
isOpen = !isOpen;
switch (movementType)
case MovementType.Slide:
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTweenArgs);
case MovementType.Rotate:
iTween.RotateTo(gameObject, iTweenArgs);
Open = false;
public void OnOpen()
Open = true;
Here is my Input Action:
InputManager class:
public class InputManager : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] Movement movement;
[SerializeField] PlayerInteractions playerInteractions;
[SerializeField] MouseLook mouseLook;
PlayerControls controls;
PlayerControls.GroundMovementActions groundMovement;
Vector2 horizontalInput;
Vector2 mouseInput;
private void Awake()
controls = new PlayerControls();
groundMovement = controls.GroundMovement;
// groundMovement.[action].performed += context => do something
groundMovement.HorizontalMovement.performed += ctx => horizontalInput = ctx.ReadValue<Vector2>();
groundMovement.Jump.performed += _ => movement.OnJumpPressed();
groundMovement.Running.performed += _ => movement.OnRunning();
groundMovement.PickingUp.performed += _ => playerInteractions.OnPickingUp();
groundMovement.MouseX.performed += ctx => mouseInput.x = ctx.ReadValue<float>();
groundMovement.MouseY.performed += ctx => mouseInput.y = ctx.ReadValue<float>();
groundMovement.Open.performed += _ => playerInteractions.OnOpen();
private void Update()
private void OnEnable()
private void OnDestroy()
So the InputManager class is calling a function from playerInteractions which is also calling a function from InteractiveObjects for opening/closing feature. that didn't work for me but I don't know how to fix this. please help.
The solution is here, you no longer need Open Boolean and you can call the function directly through the new input system. for this job; Enter only the contents of if on OnOpen.
public void OnOpen()
if (isOpen)
iTweenArgs["position"] = closedPosition;
iTweenArgs["rotation"] = closedPosition;
iTweenArgs["position"] = openPosition;
iTweenArgs["rotation"] = openPosition;
isOpen = !isOpen;
case MovementType.Slide:
iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTweenArgs);
case MovementType.Rotate:
iTween.RotateTo(gameObject, iTweenArgs);
This not only simplifies the structure of the code. Rather, it prevents the if condition from being repeated in the update. Now run OnOpen as you set it by pressing the B key:
controls.GroundMovement.Open.performed += _ => playerInteraction.OnOpen();
How do conditions work continuously?
There are several ways to build functions that work continuously. This is an example that works by defining Func<bool> in the target object script:
public class PlayerInteraction : MonoBehaviour
public Func<bool> IsPressingOpen;
public void Update()
if (IsPressingOpen())
// do something...
And it is enough to set the function according to the result of key pressing:
playerInteraction.IsPressingOpen = () => controls.GroundMovement.Open.IsPressed();
Hope this answer is comprehensive and practical.

Using unity without Bolt

I am new to Unity, but not to C#, so I would love to avoid using Bolt. I don't mind spending the extra time making sure that my animations are correct.
I am trying to get a gun to shoot (the animation part [aka recoil])
As you probably can see that there are no parameters (in the first image). In the parameter box (where it says list is empty in the animator window), I clicked on the '+' to create a new parameter trigger (called it "M1911SHOOT")
However it does resolve the Parameter does not exist error message but nothing happens afterwards
Here is my code
public class M1911 : Weapons
private const string IDLE = "M1911IDLE";
private const string BASIC = "M1911SHOOT";
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
weaponName = "Weapon";
damage = 15;
heavyDamage = 35;
weight = 5;
staminaCost = 5;
range = 3.5f;
atkDelay = .7f;
public class Weapons : MonoBehaviour
protected enum WEAPONTYPE
protected string weaponName;
protected int damage;
protected int heavyDamage;
protected int weight;
protected int staminaCost;
protected float range;
protected WEAPONTYPE type;
protected bool isAtking;
protected float atkDelay;
protected string BASICATKANIM;
protected string HEAVYATKANIM;
protected string IDLEANIM;
protected string CURRENTANIMATION;
private Animator _animator;
protected void Init()
_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
isAtking = false;
public int Attack()
if (!isAtking)
isAtking = true;
return damage;
return 0;
void AttackComplete()
isAtking = false;
public void ChangeAnimation(string newAnimationState)
if(newAnimationState == CURRENTANIMATION)
if (isAtking)
CURRENTANIMATION = newAnimationState;
Invoke("AttackComplete", atkDelay);
_animator.SetBool(BASICATKANIM, true);
_animator.SetBool(IDLEANIM, false);
CURRENTANIMATION = newAnimationState;
public class Player : CharacterAttributes
public Weapons weapon;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
void Move()
//Movement stuff
void Attack()
Wrong method in Weapon.cs
instead of
_animator.SetBool(IDLEANIM, false);
I wanted to play an animation, not play around with the parameters for the animator

Item in ScrollView is not seen in Scene, but it shows in hierarchy

I am trying to display a list, generated dinamically. I created a prefab with the things I need in it (a TextView, 3 TMP_InputFields and 2 Buttons.)
To manage the different list items, I created a script (SkillManager, since the items represents skill the player can choose), which I attached to the prefab.
Then, I add every item (currently I am adding only one for testing purposes) to a List, iterate that list, and add the prefab to the Content of a ScrollView:
for(int i = 0; i < listaSkills.Count; i++)
GameObject listItem = Instantiate(SkillPrefab) as GameObject;
listItem.GetComponent<SkillManager>().skill = listaSkills[i];
//listItem.transform.SetParent(SkillsContent.transform, false);
listItem.transform.parent = SkillsContent.transform;
When I run this, no item is seen in the ScrollView, but I can see the SkillItem added to the hierarchy:
If I move to Scene tab after playing, I see a square with red lines crossing it:
Why is my item not displaying? Why the red cross? How can I populate my ScrollView?
This is the code of SkillManager, the script added to SkillPrefab:
public class SkillManager : MonoBehaviour
public TMP_InputField toSpend;
public TMP_InputField rangos;
public TMP_InputField modificadores;
public TMP_InputField total;
public Button plusButton;
public Button minusButton;
public TMP_Text nombre;
public Skill skill;
private int modificador;
private int pointsToSpend;
private int totalPoints;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
total.text = "0";
modificadores.text = "0";
if (toSpend != null)
toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = GetSkillPoints();
totalPoints = int.Parse(total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text);
pointsToSpend = int.Parse(toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text);
GameObject GameObjectToSpend = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("tospend");
toSpend = GameObjectToSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>();
if (toSpend == null)
print("Sigue siendo nulo");
toSpend.text= GetSkillPoints();
//totalPoints = int.Parse(total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text);
totalPoints = int.Parse(total.text);
pointsToSpend = int.Parse(toSpend.text);
if (skill != null)
modificador = GetModificador(skill);
string sModificador = modificadores.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
int iModificador = int.Parse(sModificador);
modificadores.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = iModificador.ToString();
if (plusButton != null)
private string GetSkillPoints()
return "1";
public void MinusButtonClicked()
string ranks = rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
int ranksInt = int.Parse(ranks);
if (ranksInt > 0)
int newRank = ranksInt - 1;
pointsToSpend += 1;
rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = newRank.ToString();
toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = pointsToSpend.ToString();
total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = (newRank + modificador).ToString();
skill.Puntos = newRank;
public void PlusButtonClicked()
string ranks=rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
int ranksInt = int.Parse(ranks);
Character character = Almacen.instance.Character;
int level = character.CharacterLevel;
if (ranksInt < level && pointsToSpend > 0)
int newRank = ranksInt + 1;
rangos.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = newRank.ToString();
pointsToSpend -= 1;
toSpend.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = pointsToSpend.ToString();
total.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text = (newRank + modificador).ToString();
skill.Puntos = newRank;
private int GetModificador(Skill skill)
int retorno=0;
if (skill.Clasea)
retorno += 3;
retorno += 0;
retorno += GetModificadorCaracteristica();
return retorno;
private int GetModificadorCaracteristica()
Utils utils = new Utils();
int retorno = 0;
int characteristic=0;
switch (skill.Caracteristica)
case "Fue":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveStr;
case "Des":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveDex;
case "Con":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveCon;
case "Int":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveInt;
case "Sab":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveWis;
case "Car":
characteristic = Almacen.instance.Character.EffectiveCha;
retorno = utils.GetCharModifier(characteristic);
return retorno;
it looks like you instantiate the object as a GameObject. but this will not be seen in the canvas because it isn't a UI component. you may want to add a sprite or image to the component and instantiate that into the Canvas. it will look something like this:
public class SkillPrefab
//put all your variables here!!!
public Sprite skillSprite;
public class YourClassName : MonoBehaviour
public List<SkillPrefab> skills = new List<SkillPrefab>();
private void Update()
Sprite listItem = Instantiate(skills[0].skillSprite); //the index is the skill you want to spawn in the list.
this does take into account that you have made your skills into a list of skills that you can acces.

How can I check FindGameObjectsWithTag during runtime?

I'm having troubles with my enemy NavMeshAgent AI, First it searches for GameObjects tagged with "Defenses", then I set the first destination based in how close the defense is by my enemy, when the defense is destroyed, the array value is increased by one and it changes the destination to the next defense.
My problem is, my player can create (Instance) new defenses during the game, when all my defenses are destroyed, my enemy turns crazy, so, i need a way to add those new defenses to my array, below is my enemy script.
public class NavMeshEnemy : MonoBehaviour
[Header("References", order = 0)]
[SerializeField] NavMeshAgent enemyAgent;
[SerializeField] GameObject[] destinations;
[SerializeField] float distanceObjects;
[SerializeField] int arrayElements = 0;
void Awake()
enemyAgent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
destinations = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Defenses");
void Start()
destinations = destinations.OrderBy((d) => (d.transform.position - this.transform.position).sqrMagnitude).ToArray();
void Update()
distanceObjects = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, destinations[arrayElements].transform.position);
enemyAgent.destination = destinations[arrayElements].transform.position;
void CheckArray()
if (destinations[arrayElements].gameObject.activeInHierarchy == false)
if (arrayElements < destinations.Length - 1)
enemyAgent.destination = destinations[arrayElements].transform.position;
arrayElements = 0;
Thank you for reading! :)
I would rather implement a component on your prefab with a static list like e.g.
public class NavMeshDestination : MonoBehaviour
public static HashSet<Transform> existingDestinations = new HashSet<Transform>();
private void Awake()
if(!existingDestinations.Contains(this)) existingDestinations.Add(this);
private void OnDestroy()
if(existingDestinations.Contains(this)) existingDestinations.Remove(this);
And then don't even go by tag but simply do
public class NavMeshEnemy : MonoBehaviour
[Header("References", order = 0)]
[SerializeField] NavMeshAgent enemyAgent;
[SerializeField] float distanceObjects;
[SerializeField] int arrayElements = 0;
void Awake()
if(!enemyAgent) enemyAgent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
void Update()
destinations = NavMeshDestination.existingDestinations.OrderBy(d => (d.transform.position - this.transform.position).sqrMagnitude).ToArray();
distanceObjects = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, destinations[arrayElements].transform.position);
enemyAgent.destination = destinations[arrayElements].transform.position;
void CheckArray()
if (destinations[arrayElements].gameObject.activeInHierarchy == false)
if (arrayElements < destinations.Length - 1)
enemyAgent.destination = destinos[arrayElements].transform.position;
arrayElements = 0;
Note however that this still won't fix your issues with no available destination. So you probably should stop the execution if the array is empty like
if(NavMeshDestination.existingDestinations.Count == 0)
// Stop the enemyAgent