Kubernetes - validate deployments - kubernetes

I have a namespace namespace - which has ~10-15 deployments.
Creating a big yaml file, and apply it on a "deploy".
How do i validate, wait, watch, block, until all deployments have been rolledout ?
currently i am thinking of:
get list of deployments
foreach deployment - make api call to get status
once all deployments are "green" - end process, signaling deployment/ship is done.
what are the status'es of deployments, is there already a similar tool that can do it? https://github.com/Shopify/kubernetes-deploy is kind of what i am searching for, but it forces a yml structure and so on.
what would be the best approach?

Set a readiness probe and use kubectl rollout status deployment <deployment_name> to see the deployment rollout status

You'd better use Helm for managing deployments. Helm allows you to create reusable templates that can be applied to more than one environment. Read more here: https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/#getting-started-with-a-chart-template
You can create one big chart for all your services or you can create separate Helm charts for each your service.
Helm also allows you to run tests after deployment is done. Read more here: https://helm.sh/docs/developing_charts/#a-breakdown-of-the-helm-test-hooks

You probably want to use kubectl wait https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#wait
It lets you wait for a specific condition of a specific object
In your case:
kubectl -n namespace \
wait --for=condition=Available --timeout=32s \

use --dry-run option in the apply/create command to check the syntax.


Kubernetes apply to get to desired state

I feel like I have a terrible knowledge gap when it comes to managing the resource states within Kubernetes.
Suppose I have 2 deployments in my cluster, foo1 and foo2. They are both defined in separate yaml files, foo1.yaml and foo2.yaml that are both inside a my-dir directory and have been applied with kubectl apply -f my-dir/
Now I want to make a third deployment, but also delete my second deployment. I know that I can do this in 2 steps:
Make another foo3.yaml file inside the directory and then do kubectl apply -f my-dir/foo3.yaml
Run kubectl delete -f my-dir/foo2.yaml to get rid of the second deployment.
My question is, can I do this in one shot by keeping the "desired state" in my directory. i.e. Is there any way that I can delete foo2.yaml, create a new foo3.yaml and then just do kubectl apply -f my-dir/ to let kubernetes handle the deletion of the removed resource file as well? What am I missing here?
The best and easiest way is to use some DevOps tools like jenkins, ansible or terraform for managing your deployments. If you don’t want to use external tools there is a python library for managing kubernetes. You can fetch the details of your kubernetes resources, deployments, pods etc., using this library you can also manage your kubernetes cluster. Similarly if you want to remove the deployment files you just need to add a few more lines for deleting the file.

How to check if k8s deployment is passed/failed manually?

I'm trying to understand what does kubectl rollout status <deployment name> do.
I'm using k8s-node-api, and from this thread (https://github.com/kubernetes-client/javascript/issues/536), the maintainer suggest using k8s-watch api to watch for changes in the deployment, but I'm not sure what to check.
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
My questions are probably ambiguous because I'm new to k8s.
Any guidance will be great!
I can't use Kubectl - I'm writing a code that does that based on what kubectl does.
As we have discussed in comment section I have mentioned that to check any object and processes in Kubernetes you have to use kubectl - see: kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview.
Take a look how to execute proper command to gain required information - kubectl-rollout.
If you want to check how rollout process looks from backgroud look at the source code - src-code-rollout-kubernetes.
Pay attention on that if you are using node-api:
The node-api group was migrated to a built-in API in the > k8s.io/api repo with the v1.14
release. This repo is no longer maintained, and no longer synced
with core kubernetes as of the v1.18 release.
I often use 2 following command for check out deployment status
kubectl describe deployment <your-deployment-name>
kubectl get deployment <your-deployment-name> -oyaml
The first will show you some events about process of schedule a deployment.
The second is more detailed. It contains all of your deployment's resource info as yaml format.
Is that enough for your need ?
After digging through k8s source code, I was able to implement this logic by my self in Node.js:
How to make sure the new deployment succeed?
How to make the the new deployment failed?
Basically, I'm subscribing to events about a specific deplyoment (AFTER chancing something in it, for example, the image).
Is it safe to assume that if the spec/containers/0/image changes to something different than what I'm expecting, it means there is a new deployment and I should stop watching?
Yes. But https://github.com/stavalfi/era-ci/blob/master/packages/steps/src/k8s/utils.ts#L62 will help also to idenfity that there is a new deployment going on and the yours is no longer the "latest-deployment".
For More Info
I wrote an answer about how deployment works under the hood: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66092577/806963

What is the recommended alternative to kubectl '--generator' option?

One of the points in the kubectl best practices section in Kubernetes Docs state below:
Pin to a specific generator version, such as kubectl run
But then a little down in the doc, we get to learn that except for Pod, the use of --generator option is deprecated and that it would be removed in future versions.
Why is this being done? Doesn't generator make life easier in creating a template file for resource definition of deployment, service, and other resources? What alternative is the kubernetes team suggesting? This isn't there in the docs :(
kubectl create is the recommended alternative if you want to use more than just a pod (like deployment).
https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/conventions/#generators says:
Note: kubectl run --generator except for run-pod/v1 is deprecated in v1.12.
This pull request has the reason why generators (except run-pod/v1) were deprecated:
The direction is that we want to move away from kubectl run because it's over bloated and complicated for both users and developers. We want to mimic docker run with kubectl run so that it only creates a pod, and if you're interested in other resources kubectl create is the intended replacement.
For deployment you can try
kubectl create deployment hello-node --image=gcr.io/hello-minikube-zero-install/hello-node
Note: kubectl run --generator except for run-pod/v1 is deprecated in v1.12.

Openshift deployment validation - QA

wanted to know if there's any tool that can validate an openshift deployment. Let's say you have a deploy configuration file with different features (secrets, routes, services, environment variables, etc) and I want to validate after the deployment has finished and the POD/s is/are created in Openshift, that all those things are there as requested on the file. Like a tool for QA.
Readiness probe are there which can execute http requests on the pod to confirm its availability. Also it can execute commands to confirm desired resources are available within the container.
Readiness probe
There is a particular flag --dry-run in Kubernetes for resource creation which performs basic syntax verification and template object schema validation without real object implementation, therefore you can do the test for all underlying objects defined in the deployment manifest file.
I think it is also feasible to achieve through OpenShift client:
$ oc create -f deployment-app.yaml --dry-run
$ oc apply -f deployment-app.yaml --dry-run
You can find some useful OpenShift client commands in Developer CLI Operations documentation page.
For one time validation, you can create a Job (OpenShift) with Init Container (OpenShift) that ensures that all deployment process is done, and then run test/shell script with sequence of kubectl/curl/other commands to ensure that every piece of deployment are in place and in desired state.
For continuous validation, you can create a CronJob (OpenShift) that will periodically create a test Job and report the result somewhere.
This answer can help you to create all that stuff.

kubernetes - kubectl run vs create and apply

I'm just getting started with kubernetes and setting up a cluster on AWS using kops. In many of the examples I read (and try), there will be commands like:
kubectl run my-app --image=mycompany/myapp:latest --replicas=1 --port=8080
kubectl expose deployment my=app --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
This seems to do several things behind the scenes, and I can view the manifest files created using kubectl edit deployment, and so forth However, i see many examples where people are creating the manifest files by hand, and using commands like kubectl create -f or kubectl apply -f
Am I correct in assuming that both approaches accomplish the same goals, but that by creating the manifest files yourself, you have a finer grain of control?
Would I then have to be creating Service, ReplicationController, and Pod specs myself?
Lastly, if you create the manifest files yourself, how do people generally structure their projects as far as storing these files? Are they simply in a directory alongside the project they are deploying?
The fundamental question is how to apply all of the K8s objects into the k8s cluster. There are several ways to do this job.
Using Generators (Run, Expose)
Using Imperative way (Create)
Using Declarative way (Apply)
All of the above ways have a different purpose and simplicity. For instance, If you want to check quickly whether the container is working as you desired then you might use Generators .
If you want to version control the k8s object then it's better to use declarative way which helps us to determine the accuracy of data in k8s objects.
Deployment, ReplicaSet and Pods are different layers which solve different problems.All of these concepts provide flexibility to k8s.
Pods: It makes sure that related containers are together and provide efficiency.
ReplicaSet: It makes sure that k8s cluster has desirable replicas of the pods
Deployment: It makes sure that you can have different version of Pods and provide the capability to rollback to the previous version
Lastly, It depends on use case how you want to use these concepts or methodology. It's not about which is good or which is bad.
There is a little more nuance to the difference between apply and create than what is already mentioned here. Kubectl create can be used imperatively on the command line or declaratively against a manifest file.
Kubectl apply is used declaratively against a manifest file. You can't use kubectl apply imperatively.
One key difference is when you already have an object and you want to update something. Even if you used a manifest file with kubectl create, you will get an error when you use kubectl create again to update the same resource. But, if you use kubectl apply, you will not get an error. It will update the resource without any issues.
So, the convention is to use kubectl apply to create AND update resources, kubectl create is used to create resources, and kubectl run is used to create a pod with a specific image, namespace, etc. for experimentation and testing with the --dry-run=client option.