Cannot name database in RDS management console - rds

I'm creating an RDS postgreSQL 10.6 instance and when I name it the name does not save.
I can add a database name when creating the instance:
But after it's created the name doesn't seem to be saved :
Note DB name is blank. RDS bug or am I missing something?

Although I didn't find the reason why my custom name does not apply, the default database name is postgres so now I can connect with my client


Database name in an AWS Arora Postgres Serverless cluster

I have created a new Arora Serverless PostgreSQL cluster and I am trying to use the Query Editor.
What do I enter in the Database Name text field? Where do I find the name of the database? Is it the same are the cluster name?
Note: I have enables the Data API when I created the DB
Creation of database is an optional setting when you create your Aurora serverless:
If you haven't done that you have to create your db using traditional way.
This is the name of the database within the cluster, not any hostname or individual node. The target hosts are specified in Database instance or cluster label.
When you created your database cluster you could optionally specify a database that would be created on the host. This default database is viewable from within the console interface. Otherwise if you created the target database after the cluster launched, specify that database name instead.

Creating a new Postgres Scheme for Offer-Ready in Azure Cloud - "Non empty schema"

I tried to build an Offer-Ready Docker container on Azure Cloud. Although I created a new (blank) table in PostgreSQL, I got this strange error message.
javax.servlet.ServletException: org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder$1: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Found non-empty schema(s) "public" without schema history table! Use baseline() or set baselineOnMigrate to true to initialize the schema history table.
I double-checked the database, there is no table in schema "public". I didn't have that problem on AWS. Has anybody an idea what is different on Azure?
I had the same experience once.
The PostgreSQL database on Azure seemed empty (\dt returned no results),
But Flyway claimed the database was not empty (and therefore would not apply the migration scripts, for fear of interfering with whatever was already there).
Here is what I did was:
Create a new schema within the database e.g. myschema
Delete the default schema called public
Add the parameter currentSchema=myschema to the JDBC URL
And then it worked. I never got to find out what the root cause of this problem was.
EDIT: This link might provide more information on what objects are in the "public" schema by default on Azure PostgreSQL:

AWS Postgres DB "does not exist" when connecting with PG

I can't seem to connect to my DB instance in AWS. I'm using the pg package and following the examples from the website is not working.
A search for "aws postgres database does not exist" really isn't returning anything helpful. Going through the open/closed issues on the PG github isnt helpful either.
Running $nc <RDS endpoint> <port number> returns a success message so it's definitely there. Every value placed in the Client config is copy/pasted from my DB instance.
I'm starting to wonder if the databases have a different name than what it shows in the "Instances" section of RDS on AWS?
const client = new Client({
host : '<<RDS ENDPOINT>>',
database : '<<RDS NAME>>', // maybe this isnt the real name?
user : '<<username>>',
password : '<<password>>',
port : <<port>>
.then(data => {
.catch(err => {
I ran into this issue as well. It looks like the DB Instance Name and the actual DB name are two different things and even when you add a name when you create your DB, it defaults to 'postgres'. When I put in the name of my DB it gave me the same error. However, when I just put in 'postgres' it worked fine. Try that and see if it works for you.
The initial configuration of RDS instances is quite messy, since the parameter "database name" is only the name of the instance, not the proper name of the database. If you want AWS to create a database at the moment you create the db instance, you have to select "Additional configuration" and explicitly add a parameter called "Initial database name". Check the screenshot I attach here.
Try adding postgres as dbname. It worked for me!
After connecting with postgres as db name, you can type \l to list all database on that PSQL cluster, that will return a bunch of default dbs and also the one you created (the name) so you can connect to it
I ran into the same issue after creating a DB instance on AWS RDS. I wanted to test the connection of my database using PostBird, and I used my actual DB instance name but it could not work.
But I used "postgres in field of DB_name and it worked. That means that my default username was posgres and db_name was also "posgres.
I hope it will help you too.
Try this if the above answer does not work.
Remove the:5439/lab ending so that the Host value ends with: .com

How can I change the "Database Name" in AWS RDS for Postgresql?

I wanted to create a replicate of my production database for staging and created the staging DB instance from a production snapshot. However, this new instance still has the Database Name: "production-database". I was able to rename the database on PSQl to "staging-databse," but this is not reflected in the AWS Console. I'm afraid that future developers will be very confused, and was wonderign how to rename the "Database Name" on AWS?
Don't use the default database option. All it does is create a custom-named database by default. There may be uses for it, but I never use it, because it seems to serve no purpose at all other than to specify what the database that's created by default (when the instance is first created) will be named.
Database Name
If you want to specify a database name for the default database, type a name for your database of up to 63 alpha-numeric characters. If you do not provide a name, the default "postgres" database is created.
I assume this is intended to be a convenience for new RDS users, but to me, it seems unnecessary. It has no apparent impact on ongoing operation of the instance, which can, of course, have multiple independent databases on it.
This apparently can't subsequently be changed, so it's more of an annoyance than anything. I always leave this blank.
Not immediately obvious - when creating a new db expand the Additional Configuration card to create an initial db name
I created a new free tier instance for small scale testing and this is the DB name I see in my configuration:
I looked everywhere, but could not figure out what my database name is or how to create an initial database. Turns out the database name is postgres. It's also worth noting that I kept the default username, so in this case the username and database name are the same. If you changed the default username and postgres isn't working, maybe try using your username as your database name.

Rename the Amazon RDS master username

Changing the password is easily done through the console. Is there any way to change the master username after creation on RDS for PostgreSQL? If so, how?
You can't change username. You can check the following links that describe how to change master password and if Amazon adds the ability to change username you will find there:
Try to find at AWS CLI for RDS:
modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier <value> --master-user-password (string)
--master-user-password (string)
The new password for the DB instance master user. Can be any printable
ASCII character except "/", """, or "#".
Changing this parameter does not result in an outage and the change is
asynchronously applied as soon as possible. Between the time of the
request and the completion of the request, the MasterUserPassword
element exists in the PendingModifiedValues element of the operation
response. Default: Uses existing setting
Constraints: Must be 8 to 41 alphanumeric characters (MySQL, MariaDB,
and Amazon Aurora), 8 to 30 alphanumeric characters (Oracle), or 8 to
128 alphanumeric characters (SQL Server).
The Amazon RDS Command Line Interface (CLI) has been deprecated. Instead, use the AWS CLI for RDS.
Via the AWS Management Console, choose the instance you need to reset the password for, click ‘Modify’ then choose a new master password.
you don’t want to use the AWS Console, you can use the
rds-modify-db-instance command (as per Amazon’s documentation for RDS)
to reset it directly, given the AWS command line tools:
rds-modify-db-instance instance-name --master-user-password
No. As of April 2019 one cannot reset the 'master username'.
You cannot do it directly. However you can use the database migration service from AWS:
Essentially you define the current database instance as your source and the new database with the correct username as your target of the migration.
This way you migrate the data from one to another database instance. As such you can change all properties including the username.
This approach has some drawbacks:
You need to configure the migration. Which takes a bit of time.
The data is migrated. This may lead unexpected behavior since not everything is eventually migrated (e.g. views etc.)
It depends how you setup everything you may experience a downtime.
Though this may not be ideal for every use-case, I did find a workaround that allows for changing the username of the master user of an AWS RDS DB.
I am using PgAdmin4 with PostgreSQL 14 at the time of writing this answer.
Login with the master user you want to change the name of
Create a new user with the following privileges and membership
Privileges and Membership
Can login - yes
Superuser - no (not possible with a managed AWS RDS DB instance, if you need complete superuser access DO NOT use a managed AWS RDS DB)
Create roles - yes
Create databases - yes
Inherit rights from the parent roles - yes
Can initiate streaming replication and backups - no (again, not possible directly without superuser permission)
Be sure to note the password used, as you will need to access this new account at least 1 time to complete the name change
Register a server with the credentials created in step 2. Disconnect from the server but do NOT remove it! Connect to the new server created
Expand Login/Group Roles and click on the master user whom you are changing the name
Click the edit icon, edit the name, and save.
Right click the server with the master username, select Properties
Update the name under the General tab if desired
Update the username under the Connection tab to whatever you changed the master username above
Save and reconnect to the server with the master user
You have successfully updated the master user's name on a managed AWS RDS DB instance, proud of you!
As #tdubs's answer states, it is possible to change the master username for a Postgres DB instance in AWS RDS. Whether it is advisable – probably not.
Here are the SQL commands you need to issue:
Create a temporary user with the CREATEROLE privilege (while being logged in with the old master user)
CREATE ROLE temp_master PASSWORD '<temporary password>' LOGIN CREATEROLE;
Now connect to the database with the temp_master user
ALTER ROLE "<old_master_username>" RENAME TO "<new_master_username>";
-- NOTICE: MD5 password cleared because of role rename
ALTER ROLE "<new_master_username>" PASSWORD '<new password>';
Now connect to the database with the <new_master_username> user in order to clean up the temporary role
DROP ROLE temp_master;
And you're done!
AWS RDS does not know that the master username has been changed, so it will keep displaying the old one and assumes that is still the master username.
This means that if you use the AWS CLI or website to update the master password, it will have no effect.
And when connecting to the database with psql you'll see:
WARNING: role "<old_master_username>" does not exist