Delete command is not working for NSTextField - swift

I have a textfield to which I need to listen to tab key, so that when ever the user press tab from that text field I can move the focus to next text field. I have implemented the below code to perform that operation.
func control(_ control: NSControl, textView: NSTextView, doCommandBy commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool {
if (commandSelector == #selector(insertTab)) {
if control == firstTextField {
return true
My problem is that as I have implemented this code, delete key is not doing what it suppose to do(removing last character from the text field's text). Am I missing something here?
I am new to Mac development so excuse me if this question has been asked already somewhere.

I found the solution to my own problem. It turns out to be a simple mistake. I am not sure about how exactly this method works and how the return value affect the nature of the text field as I am new to Mac development, but it seems that the default return value should be false. Any insights to this behaviour are welcome.


Passing keyboard events from NSTextView to another

I have NSTextView which pops up a NSPopOver that contains another NSTextView. In some cases, I'd like to pass the keyboard events (arrow keys, mostly) from the "top" text view to the bottom one.
I have overridden keyDown on the topmost text view and tried various ways of forwarding the keyboard event to the view below.
Just calling bottomTextView.keyDown(with: event) doesn't do anything. The closest I've gotten is using window.sendEvent(event).
override func keyDown(with event: NSEvent) {
if (NSLocationInRange(Int(event.keyCode), NSMakeRange(123, 4)) &&
self.string.count == 0 && event.modifierFlags.contains(.shift)) {
// Pass the event through somehow
super.keyDown(with: event)
Through trial and error, I found one way which actually did pass on the events: calling the methods twice.
// Make the bottom text field first responder
// Send the keydown event to window
However, this causes strange issues, such as the topmost text view getting a one-byte string as its contents.
Is there a correct way to actually forward any key events from a text view to another, or is it even possible?

How to Implement accessibilityCustomActions for VoiceOver on Mac?

I have a button that responds to various mouse clicks (regular click, right click, control+click, option+click, command+click...) to show different popup menus. Since it would be annoying for VoiceOver users to use actual physical mouse, I would like to map those to different VoiceOver actions.
However, I'm not getting the results I expected. Could someone help me to understand better what I'm missing? Here is what I discovered so far.
If I subclass NSButton and override the following functions, they work fine. Except there's one odd thing. If I press vo+command+space to bring up the list of available actions, VoiceOver says Action 1 instead of Show Menu.
override func accessibilityPerformPress() -> Bool {
return true
override func accessibilityPerformShowAlternateUI() -> Bool {
print("Show Alternate UI")
return true
override func accessibilityPerformShowMenu() -> Bool {
print("Show Menu")
return true
In the same NSButton subclass, if I also override accessibilityCustomActions function, "Do Something" never comes up in the list of available actions when I press vo+command+space.
override func accessibilityCustomActions() -> [NSAccessibilityCustomAction]? {
let custom = NSAccessibilityCustomAction(name: "Do Something", target: self, selector: #selector(doSomething))
return [custom]
#objc func doSomething() -> Bool {
print("Done something.")
return true
If I subclass NSView instead of NSButton, and override the same functions from #1, everything works fine. Unlike first case, even VoiceOver correctly says "Show Menu" for the action from accessibilityPerformShowMenu instead of "Action 1".
in the same NSView subclass, if I override accessibilityCustomActions along with accessibilityPerformPress, accessibilityPerformShowMenu, or accessibilityPerformShowAlternateUI, "Do Something" doesn't come up in the action list.
However, "Do Something" does come up in the action list if I just override accessibilityCustomActions by itself without accessibilityPerformPress, accessibilityPerformShowMenu, and accessibilityPerformShowAlternateUI.
I tried creating another action with the name "Press" that does the same thing when pressing vo+space, and including in the return value of accessibilityCustomActions. However, Vo+space did not trigger the action. Instead, I had to press vo+command+space, and then select "Press". I guess the action just has the name "Press", but it's not actually connected to vo+space. I'm not sure how I can actually make that particular custom action to respond to vo+space.
I would appreciate if someone could help me to implement accessibilityCustomActions as well as accessibilityPerformPress, accessibilityPerformShowMenu, and accessibilityPerformShowAlternateUI together into NSButton.
Thanks so much!
The problem is that you are overriding these AX methods on the NSButton, not the NSButtonCell. For nearly everything to do with accessibility in NSControls, you will want to deal with the NSCell in question. If you use the custom action code you've written above and stick it in a subclass of NSButtonCell used by your button, then it will work.

How to have a subject in RxSwift push values to itself without creating an infinite loop

I have a UITableView, which I want to put into an editing state if certain conditions are met. The primary way to toggling edit is through an edit button.
So the view elements I have are
let tableView = UITableView()
let editButton = UIButton()
And whether the tableView should be in editing mode is fed from:
let editing = BehaviorSubject(value: false)
Which will be hooked up to the tableView using something like:
editing.subscribeNext { isEditing in
tableView.setEditing(isEditing, animated: true)
When the edit button is tapped, I want that to push a new value to editing, that is the negation of the most recent value sent to editing. The most recently value may have been set by a tap on editButton, or it may have come from somewhere else.
I don't understand how to combine the stream for the button press with the stream for editing in such a way that allows this without an infinite loop e.g.
Obervable.combineLatest(editButton.rx_tap.asObservable(), editing) { _, isEditing in
I'm aware that the tableView has an editing property, but I don't want to rely on that as I am looking for a more general solution that I can re-use elsewhere. I'm also not looking to track the value of isEditing in an instance var, or even as a Variable(), as I am looking for a stateless, stream based solution (if this is at all possible).
Thank you!
With some help from the RxSwift GitHub issues forum I've now worked it out :). The key was withLatestFrom. I've included an example of this below in case it will help anyone else. editButton is the primary way to trigger editing mode on or off, and I've included an event sent via tableView.rx_itemSelected as an additional input example (in this case, I want editing to end any time an item is selected).
let isEditing = BehaviorSubject(value: false)
let tableView = UITableView()
let editButton = UIButton()
.map { _ in false }
.map { !$0 }
isEditing.subscribeNext { editing in
tableView.setEditing(editing, animated: true)
Note: This solution sends .Next(false) to isEditing every time an item is selected, even if the table isn't currently in editing mode. If you feel this is a bad thing, and want to filter rx_itemSelected to only send .Next(false) if the table is actually in editing mode, you could probably do this using a combination of withLatestFrom and filter.
What if you define editing as a Variable instead of a BehaviourSubject. A Variable cannot error out which makes sense in this case. The declaration would look like this:
let editing = Variable(value: false)
You could subscribe to a button tap and change the value of editing to the negated current one:
editButton.rx_tap.asObservable().subscribeNext { editing.value = !editing.value }
With changing the value property of editing this method is called
editing.subscribeNext { isEditing in
tableView.setEditing(isEditing, animated: true)
All of this is not tested, but might lead you in the right direction for the right solution.

Clicking keyboard 'Next' key using UIAutomation

I have a search field in my app and I have set the return key type of the keyboard for this field to UIReturnKeyNext. I am attempting to write a UIAutomation test that clicks the Next button on the keyboard using the following line:
This call is failing because the key with name 'next' is not being found. I have done a dump of all of the elements in my app using:
This reveals that there is indeed a key in the keyboard with name 'next', but somehow my attempt to retrieve it as show above still fails. I can however retrieve other keys (like the key for the letter 'u') using this method. Is there a known issue here or am I doing something wrong?
I've tried other variations with no luck:
Here is a screen capture of the elements in my UIAKeyboard:
If you just want to click it, and you know the keyboard has "next" as "Return key" (defined in your nib), then you can use this:
Jelle's approach worked for me. But I also found an alternative way if anybody needed it.
Where you can create XCUIApplication() as a singleton on each UI Test session. The thing about this approach is you can now distinguish between return and done and other variants and even check for their existence.
You can go extra and do something like following:
extension UIReturnKeyType {
public var title: String {
switch self {
case .next:
return "Next"
case .default:
return "return"
case .continue:
return "Continue"
case .done:
return "Done"
case .emergencyCall:
return "Emergency call"
case .go:
return "Go"
case .join:
return "Join"
case .route:
return "Route"
case .yahoo, .google, .search:
return "Search"
case .send:
return "Send"
extension XCUIElement {
func tap(button: UIReturnKeyType) {
And you can use it like:
let usernameTextField = XCUIApplication().textFields["username"]
usernameTextField.tap(button: .next)
I dont't have an example to test, but as the "Next" button is an UIAButton, and not an UIAKey you could try :
If it doesn't work, you can also try
The following works for me:
UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow().keyboard().buttons().firstWi‌​thPredicate("name contains[c] 'next'");
For me, keyboard does not fall under mainWindow() in the View Hierarchy. It is at the same level as mainWindow() when you logElementTree() from top level. So, what you want to do is:
This worked for me when I was trying to press the "Search" button on keyboard.

Change UITextField behavior

What is the best way to disable UITextField's 'return' keyboard key if input area does not contain any text? UITextField with enablesReturnKeyAutomatically property set to YES enables return key even if there are only spaces entered, but I'd like it to enable return key only when the text is not empty. any suggestions?
I don't know how you'd override the text input trait behaviour, but you could use the text field delegate method textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString: to prevent the user being able to enter spaces into an otherwise blank string. This would prevent any whitespace text being added, so the return key should not be enabled.
If you're not bothered about the return key actually being enabled, you could use textFieldShouldReturn:, again one of the text field delegate methods.
I would do something like the following
Create an extension to String and add a trim method (it will become handy in other scenarios too that's why I suggest an extension.
public func trim() -> String {
return stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
Make your class a delegate of UITextFieldDelegate and add the following fuction
func textFieldDidChange(textField: UITextField) {
textField.text = textField.text.trim()
Set the delegate of your UITextField to self.