What benefit does JWT provide? - jwt

I have implemented JWT based security in a test Core Web API REST project, it is working fine but I am not sure that I see the benefit of this. The web says JWT is good because it's lightweight and can be used to verify that the source of data but in my implementation:
The client first provides a username and password to authenticate
If user + pwd is ok the a token is returned and every subsequent call to the api uses that jwt token (instead of the username and password) to authenticate.
This is fine but why not just use the username + password on every call to the api (and skip the complication of managing the token)?
In fact in my case there's additional complications because I now have to factor in an expiry date (of the token) that resides outside of my system.
Can someone explain what I'm missing here?

One of the main benefits and motivations for using JWT is that it allows your server side application to push all session state information outside of the application. That is, in a theoretical limit, a JWT implementation is actually stateless.
To directly answer your question, we can compare the workflows for what happens when username/password is submitted in every request versus submitting a JWT.
First, a JWT contains a claims section, which is typically written by the issuer of the token, i.e. the server side application. One of the fields is called exp, and contains the expiry time of the token. One property of JWT is that it is not possible for the user to tamper with them. This is enforced via a checksum, which would change if any part of the JWT changes. Taken together, this means that the user cannot alter the expiry time (or any other claim), and the server can implicitly trust this time. When the user submits a request with a JWT, in theory all the server has to do is just check exp to see if the token still be valid. That is, the session state actually lives outside the application, at least in theory.
In contrast, when the user submits a username/password each time, the server has no way of knowing what to do just based on that information. Rather, the server has to maintain the session state itself, and this can be costly both in terms of memory and performance.
In practice, JWT is never completely stateless, but, using a good implementation, it is usually possible to get the memory footprint very small, requiring only a bit of space in a cache (e.g. Redis or a similar tool).


Is my mongodb the right place to store my refresh tokens?

I am trying to implement a JWT Token/RefreshToken Auth Backend server.
There is a lot of resources out there, and it has been really helpful, but somehow nothings tell me how/where to save my refresh tokens.
I am working so far with a mongo db to store the information of my app. Is it safe to store my refresh token in the same db? Is there any more secured, or more performant solution I am not seeing?
Ideally, you should not even have to store your access or refresh tokens in any database. One of the main motivations behind the JWT pattern was to eliminate the need to persist session state in the server. Instead, the session state is maintained in the JWT tokens themselves. To better understand this, let's examine the simplest sequence of events when the server receives an incoming access token.
When the server receives an incoming access token, the first thing it will do is to check the claims section of that token. One of the claims, typically called exp, contains the token expiry date. Any access attempt in the server which uses an expired token will be rejected. The server also can ensure that the incoming JWT has not been tampered with by computing the checksum. Any token whose expiry or other claims have been doctored would fail the checksum test.
The main point here is that ideally a JWT acts as a standalone passport of sorts. There should not be a need to store it in a database for comparison or lookup. Sometimes, there might be a need to blacklist certain JWT. In this case, the need might arise to store them on the server. But here we would still not use a database, but rather a lightweight cache with really fast access times. And, we would only be storing a very small number of blacklisted JWT, so the server would still remain largely stateless.

Does Using Opaque Access Tokens Make My Server Stateful?

I am trying to understand statelessness in restful APIs in the context of authentication. Here's the scenario:
The user logs in.
The server verifies the username and the password, and generates an opaque access token. It caches some information related to this token - for example, the expiration time, the userId, whether this token was explicitly invalidated before it expired, etc.
The token is sent to the client, and the client sends it with every future request.
List item
Fielding's dissertation defines statelessness as:
"...such that each request from client to server must contain all of the information necessary to understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server. Session state is therefore kept entirely on the client."
In my example, the client is sending the token with every request, so the first condition is satisfied. However, my server has a context associated with this session that is stored in the sessions cache.
Does this make my application stateful?
If yes, then is it that true statelessness be achieved only if we are using JWTs? I am pondering upon this as JWTs are quite new, so how were architects building truly stateless services before they were invented?
That's right. If you you maintaining the session you are keeping the state in server which makes the application hard to scale. True stateless applications can be scaled out and any server should be able to handle the request.
JWT is popular way to avoid sessions and everything is encapsulated inside the token for any server to auth/Authorize the request and help us achieve stateless application, they come with their own challenges however OpenID connect is the new way for Auth/Authorization.
Before jwt to make application stateless we used to keep session in DB (or Shared Cache) , and any server would like to check the session would have to contact DB.
Hope that Helps!
Briefly: No, such usage of token does not make your application stateful.
Detailed: When we talk about stateless/stateful, we consider usually only the data that affect business logic. Business logic does not usually depend on authentication data. For example, a user sends a request that contains all data needed to place some order. Normally creating an order does not depend on when this user has logged in, on his user ID, etc.

REST-Definition - Is a System not a RESTful System once it provides user authorization?

I've started reading a bit about RESTful Systems and got to this paper. It says on page 7-8 there are the following restrictions for RESTful Systems:
It must be a client-server system
It has to be stateless—there should be no need for the service to keep users' sessions; in other words, each request should be
independent of others RESTful Architectures
It has to support a caching system—the network infrastructure should support cache at different levels
It has to be uniformly accessible—each resource must have a unique address and a valid point of access
It has to be layered—it must support scalability
It should provide code on demand—although this is an optional constraint, applications can be extendable at runtime by allowing the
downloading of code on demand, for example, Java Applets
Now there is point 2 that says that there should be no need for keeping the user's session. That means for me, that every application that provides a login-system is no RESTful System (per definition) because I need to keep e.g. a user-token for authenticating at the API as a user that is allowed to access this resource.
Yet, I cannot inmagine that every RESTful System does not support any security standards like e.g. authorization. Did I missunderstand that or is any system supporting authorization not a RESTful System.
Authentication does not require a stateful API.
As a straw-man example, consider an application which has:
A configuration file containing a hard-coded username and password.
A request format which includes the username and password in every request.
Logic which runs whenever a request is received, and compares the request against the configuration file.
This system could run on an entirely read-only system, never storing any state at all; and yet, clearly, it has authentication.
If we move the username and password to a database, the application is still stateless - it only ever needs to read that database, not write to it. Similarly, we can transmit a hash of the password plus a nonce rather than the plaintext password, support multiple users with different permissions, etc, and we have not introduced statefulness.
If you introduce a token system such as OAuth, where the user requests a token once, and uses it for subsequent requests instead of sending their full credentials, you are potentially introducing state - storing the valid token and checking it on each request. This isn't necessarily true, however - you can generate a self-contained token which the user can use to prove who they are for a fixed length of time, using cryptographic signatures to stop it being forged, rather than having to check it in a central database; this is how JWT (JSON Web Token) works. Importantly, this is not a session token - the user should be free to perform a series of requests with the same token, or a series of new tokens, without affecting the results.
The important point is that the behaviour of the request should depend only on that request. A stateful API would be saying "product #1 will mean something different depending on which session token you provide"; or "you must call request X before request Y, and we will track whether you have done so using your session token". In a stateless API, you would say "you must provide a valid product ID to request Y, how you get it is up to you, but probably you will get it by calling request X".

Is "logout" useless on a REST API?

Considering that, by definition, a REST API is stateless: is the "logout" operation useless?
I mean, I'm creating a REST API using encrypted JWT. Each token has an expiration time of, let's say, 60 minutes. If I save on a database table the last tokens generated by the API, the "logout" would be done deleting them from the table of valid tokens. But, if I do that, I understand that the API will cease to be stateless, right?
So, I understand that I shouldn't do that. The only solution that I'm thinking is make the JWT expiration time shorter, to 5 minutes, don't implement a "logout" operation and just let the tokens expire.
Is this the correct approach?
I mean, I'm creating a REST API using encrypted JWT
The JSON Web Token (JWT) tokens encodes all the data about the grant into the token itself. The most important advantage of this approach is that you do not need a backend store for token storage at all. One disadvantage is that you can't easily revoke an access token, so they normally are granted with short expiry and the revocation is handled at the refresh token. Another disadvantage is that the tokens can get quite large if you are storing a lot of user credential information in them. So if:
If I save on a database table the last tokens generated by the API,
the "logout" would be done deleting them from the table of valid
Then you would lose the most important advantage of using JWT and also, still have all those disadvantages, which seems unreasonable to me.
So, I understand that I shouldn't do that. The only solution that I'm
thinking is make the JWT expiration time shorter, to 5 minutes, don't
implement a "logout" operation and just let the tokens expire.
Is this the correct approach?
In my opinion, if you're planning to use JWT, YES! it's better to rely on the token expiration. For more details on this approach you can check this question out.
Is “logout” useless on a REST API?
Regardless of the fact that you're using JWT and similar to any other decent questions on computer science, the answer would be It Depends. The most important advantage of Statelessness is that your API would be more scalable. If you choose this path, probably, every request on your API should be authenticated, since you may need to search a backend store for the given token or decode a JWT token. So, in this case you may have some performance cost on a single node but in a big picture, you would still have the scalability. I guess what i'm trying to say is, if you do not need that scalability, you're better off to choose a Stateful approach. Otherwise, pure REST principles is the way to go.
Automatic token expiry is a separate concern from an explicit "log out" mechanism and, as such, they are both perfectly valid actions regardless of whether your API is ReSTful or not.
When a user logs out they are making a conscious decision to invalidate their access token - for example, if they're using a public computer or borrowing someone else's device temporarily.
Automated expiry is used to ensure that the user must revalidate, in some fashion, on a regular basis. This is good for server-side security.
Access tokens are not about sharing session state between client and server - it's entirely possible to implement an access token system without shared state and the token itself doesn't implement session state, it's only used to verify that the user is who they claim to be. As such, access tokens are not really anything to do with the statefulness of the API.
I think it depends on the behavior that you want for your application, and how secure you need it to be. Do you really need to invalidate the token?
For instance, you could just remove your token from your frontend (browser or app). In theory, it is the only place that stores that particular token. If the token is compromised, it will still be valid until it expires, though.
If you really need to invalidate it server side, a common approach would be to create a blacklist with the token, and clear the expired entries from time to time.
But what if you need your application to accept just one token for each user, like in a bank app that you can only be logged in one device at time? For that purpose the blacklist won't do the job, so you will need to store a single token for each user and check if the passed token is the same. At logout, you would just clear that unique entry. Or you may just use sessions.
So, it is not useless, It just depends on your application.
I would argue that your API is already stateful just by the sheer fact that you have a token around. I also wouldn't get too hung up on REST purity, meaning that everything has to be stateless come hell or high water.
Put simply, if your application requires login, then you need a way to logout. You can't implement a short expiry because that's just going to be a really annoying experience to consumers of the API. And you can't just have no logout at all, because thats a potential security flaw.
I have a similar REST API that I support and I implemented a logout endpoint that is a DELETE call. It simply deletes the token information on the server side and clears any type of authentication for the logged in user.
No, a logout is not useless in a REST API. In fact, for APIs that require authentication, it is more or less a necessity.
With a short expiration time on the token I would think for most applications deleting the token from the client on logout would be a good solution. Anything more would rely on the server and no longer be stateless.
The good solution here would be to delete the token from the user.
So typically when you log in, you will get back a token from the server and store it in localStorage or sessionStorage (depending on the user wanting to be logged in after closing the tab) in the browser, and then send the token from there in the headers with any request that you make to your api.
Then if the user logs out, you don't even contact the api (you don't make any requests to your server), you just clear the sessionStorage or localStorage, use the command localStorage.clear() or sessionStorage.clear() , and then if the user will want to send more requests, he'll have to login again in order to get another token.
One drawback to this approach is, that if a virus, for example gets the token from the local or session Storage before the user logs out then, it will still be able to send requests as you, as the token will still be valid.
One solution to that would be to create a token blacklist in the database, and store the token there if the user logs out, until the token expiration time. However, every time the user would request something, the database would have to be consulted to check if his token is blacklisted, lengthening the process, and making your API stateful.
You can generate a new token that it already expired i.e. expiration is 1sec. and pass it to the user. Any upcoming request will be invalid. This is not optimal solution though..

Restricting REST API results based on the user

I am building a messaging application using BackboneJS which naturally persists using a REST interface.
The issue I'm having is that I don't know how to restrict what data a user can pull back from the API. For instance a call to /messages would, at the moment, return messages for ALL users. I would like that resource to only return messages belonging to the current user.
Searching online seems to indicate that oAuth2 is the best way to solve this issue but all the tutorials talk about been redirected to another place to confirm access and retrieve an access token.
Given that my users will have already logged into the message application and that the REST API is actually part of the same application I don't like the idea of asking the users to confirm that my own app can access my own API.
Is there a better way?
oAuth2 is probably your best bet -- you definitely don't want to roll your own security. However, the flavor of oAuth2 you are thinking of is probably not what you want.
oAuth2 has four different flavors, known as authorization grant types:
Authorization code: This is the type you are thinking about. It is often called three-legged oAuth, because there are three actors in the token granting process (app, resource owner, and user). The app asks the user whether it is ok for the resource owner to give specific type(s) of access to the resource. It is a rather complex process that allows the validation of user credentials without allowing the app access to them. This is not necessary in your case, since you are both the app and resource owner.
Client credentials: This is a method for authorizing a client application with the server. It does not use user credentials at all. If you completely trust your client application (all client applications) to correctly protect user data and not expose other user's data to the user using the app, or you are providing only non-user data via the API (for example, map data or catalog data), you might be able to use this fairly simple type of oAuth2. However, if you want to be vigilant in protecting user data (and not allow apps to get to the data without the user providing credentials), you might not use this one.
Resource owner password credentials: The username and password of the user is passed via https to your backend server, which authenticates and authorizes access by providing an access token. The access token can then be passed with each call, and it remains valid for accessing the backend until a configurable time period has elapsed. This means that someone intercepting the token could only use it successfully for a limited amount of time (some number of minutes, generally). The interceptor would not know the username and password of the user. In addition, you can supply the app with a refresh token, which can be used to get a new access token once it has expired (until the refresh token expires -- usually with a significantly longer expiration date). Since the credentials are not passed across the wire often (and must only be passed encrypted), this is often the best solution for protecting user credentials and not requiring the user to pass them in often (good user experience). Implementation is much simpler than for the authorization code grant type.
Implicit: This is the least secure method -- no credentials are validated server side at all. This is usually used for client side scripting languages where credentials cannot be stored safely. If you are worried about security at all, avoid this type if possible.
So, check out OAuth 2.0, and look for the resource owner password credentials grant type.