Saving Image captured from camera into gallery - flutter

I got my image by using Camera plugin in flutter. But that is saving somewhere, so i could not access the image outside. I want to save it to my gallery. Thanks in advance.


Cartoonise image in Flutter

it is possible so please send the code
Cartoonise image in Flutter
Allow users to upload an image from camera or photo gallery. Convert this image into a cartoon version of the same image. Show cartoon version to the user.
if it is possible so please resolve the my issue or give me refernce

How to save photo taken by flutter camera app to gallery? NB: I want to use camera app created by flutter

I am a beginner to Flutter, and I managed to create a flutter camera app with lot of reference from many sites. But now I am struggling to save the image to phone gallery. I don't want to use image picker for that purpose and I tried gallery saver package as well. Nothing is working. Please help me with the issue??

Corona SDK. Save an image that is bigger than the screen

When saving a photo in Corona SDK. Regardless of the method used it seems no to be possible to capture any offscreen contents. For instance a 500x500 image displayed on a 320x480 device would be cropped at 320x480 when saved with
Is there a workaround for this? Is it possible to.
Save offscreen content?
Save or use an image directly from the device photo library?
Thanks for your help.
I don't think there is a way to capture offscreen content using Corona. Maybe there is a workaround to your whole problem if you give us more details.
Have you looked at the function. With this you can load images from the photo library or the camera. It has option to either show the image directly on the screen or just save it to the sandbox.

Is it possible to add caption to an image using phonegap?

I'm trying to understand if phonegap can be used for local image manipulation. I'm looking to add a caption to an image from the camera roll and save the modified copy back in the camera roll. For example I might have a picture of a cat in phone. I want to open it, add some lolcats style text and save the modified copy in the camera roll.
Is it possible to achieve this in phonegap?
You can use HTML5 Canvas to update the images and save it locally in your application space. However saving the image to the phone album is not straight forward. You may need to look at the below post to get the proper solution.
How Can I Save An Image To An iPhone Photo Gallery Using PhoneGap?
This post will help you open the album image to canvas
CameraRoll image to canvas using Phonegap

Open Camera, now add UIImage from Saved Phot Albums or Photo Liberary

I am currently working on interior Decoration Iphone Application, That needs Camera. So when camera is open I want to get UIImage from SavedPhotoAlbums/Photo Library, then want to show it on Camera while Camera is Still open in Background... Any Suggestion and Help. Thanks
You can nOt Open Photo Library while Camera is open, Because Camera + Photo Album/Library comes under Class UIImagePicker. So if one is already running you cannot open another.
If you want to do That?
Save Objects that are already there on Camera with Their Frame and Close Camera.
Open Photo Album/Library, Pick an Image from Library, Open Camera again and show Saved Objects + Selected Image on Camera.
any Query or Suggestion? You are Welcome