Is there a way to remove the Push Notification Pop Up confirmation message in Fastlane screenshots? - swift

I'm creating snapshots using Fastlane. As my application uses "Push Notifications", when the app is launched it always displays to the user the pop up that requests the authorization to send this kind of messages. There is a method that is called in the AppDelegate UIApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications(), this method is the one that "shows" the pop up to the user.
I have tried something like:
#if !DEBUG
I also tried to set a Global variable but it hasn't been possible to find a place where to set this variable, because it never works
I always get the same behavior.
I would expect that the first time I run the test in the simulator, it does not display the message.

I found an easy way to avoid this screenshot.
Before the screenshot is taken, I simply press the button "Allow"
let systemAlerts = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "").alerts
if systemAlerts.buttons["Allow"].exists {
Simple an easy :)


SwiftUI - How to know if a new app window has been opened after clicking the X button (Mac)?

I know there are functions in the AppDelegate like applicationDidFinishLaunching, but I haven't found a way to know when the app has been reopened after closing it (without quitting it) using the X button.
I'm trying to know which function (if any) is going to help me with that.
I'm trying to corroborate which one works by printing something, for example:
In applicationDidFinishLaunching I use print("App Launched").
In applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed I use print("Last Window Closed")
So I need one that theoretically prints App Reopened.
I've tried so many, including:
But none of them have work for me.
Thanks in advance.
I think the callback you're looking for is NSApplicaitonDelegate.applicationShouldHandleReopen(_:hasVisibleWindows:)
These events are sent whenever the Finder reactivates an already running application because someone double-clicked it again or used the dock to activate it.

print not working in Swift 3 extensions

I'm new at Swift 3 and I try to make a print("Test") in a Widget extension.
I tried the same code in ViewController.swift and It works ok. I don't know why it works there but it doesn't on TodayViewController.swift. I can't access to objects too.
func loadData() {
let query = PFQuery(className: "Noticias")
query.whereKey("titulo", equalTo:"Es Navidad")
query.findObjectsInBackground(block: { (objects : [PFObject]?, error: Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
// The find succeeded.
print("Successfully retrieved \(objects!.count) scores.")
// Do something with the found objects
if let objects = objects {
for object in objects {
} else {
// Log details of the failure
print("bad day homie")
I attach I picture to see it clearly. If I try to print on the file marked as Work, it works. But if I try it on the file marked ad NO, it doesn't.
It is extremely difficult to retrieve print messages from an extension. The problem is that it's an extension! It isn't running in your app, so it doesn't arrive at your console. Sometimes I find you can solve this problem by switching the debugged process in the Debug Bar at the top of the debug area (at the bottom of the screen, not shown in your screen shot), but at other times this doesn't work.
I'll illustrate a possible technique that seems to be pretty reliable. Look at this screen shot:
"Expand" is an action extension. But my containing app is called "bk2ch13...". So how will I ever manage to pause at the breakpoint shown at the right, which is in the action extension? This is what I do.
First, with the screen as shown above, I build and run my containing app.
Then, I switch the target to the action extension:
Now I build and run again. But now I am trying to run an action extension, which you can't do, so Xcode asks me what app to run:
So I choose "bk2ch13...". So now we are running my host app again, but we are debugging the extension. So I use my host app to exercise the extension, and sure enough, we pause at the breakpoints and print statements arrive into the console.
Note, in that screen shot, how the debug bar clearly shows that we are talking to the extension, not the host app.

Check a web page periodically in background

I need to check periodically a web page.
My idea is to set a local notification periodically, for example every 20 minutes. When notification leaves, device should load the web page, check a condition and if the condition is true, device should rang, otherwise nothing.
Is this technically possible to do? How can I load a web page while app isn't running?
My sketch of code was like this:
func check () {
pageCode = // find a way to load the page
let delayTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, Int64(NSEC_PER_MSEC * 100))
dispatch_after(delayTime, dispatch_get_main_queue()){
let readCode = self.pageCode.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].outerHTML")
if letturaCodice?.containsString("Some text") == true {
Not possible using UILocalNotification, you could do it with a remote notification though.
Apple has a guide here: See - "Using Push Notifications to Initiate a Download"
A remote notification platform I've used before is called OneSignal, it's completely free and allows you to schedule notifications.
Doesn't answer question about ringing, not sure about that bit sorry!
Option 1:
You could build the app to use background app refresh function that you could cause an alert if lets say you do not get an http status code of 200.
If you use this option you could build in the function to have a custom tone to play that you build into the app.
Option 2:
Use a server side script todo the checking and have it fire off a push notification. This method would depend on phone settings as to how the notification would function.
You can try to use Grand Central Dispatch to run a background process and inside it add notification observer.
UPD: Like this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
() -> Void in
// catch notifications here

NSApplication keyWindow is nil during applicationDidFinishLaunching

Starting with a blank OS X application project, I add the following code to applicationDidFinishLaunching.
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
let app = NSApplication.sharedApplication()
guard let window = app.keyWindow else {
fatalError("No keyWindow\n")
At launch I hit the error case because my local window variable is nil. Yet when I show the contents of the app variable, I see a valid value for _keyWindow. Also notice that the blank GUI Window is being displayed on the screen next to the stack dump.
Why does the keyWindow: NSWindow? property return nil in this case?
NSApplication's keyWindow property will be nil whenever the app is not active, since no window is focused for keyboard events. You can't rely on it being active when it finished launching because the user may have activated some other app between when they launched your and when it finished launching, and Cocoa is designed to not steal focus.
To some extent, you may be seeing that happen more when launching from Xcode because app activation is a bit strange in that case. But, still, you must not write your applicationDidFinishLaunching() method to assume that your app is active.
What you're seeing in terms of the app's _keyWindow instance variable is, of course, an implementation detail. One can't be certain about what it signifies and you definitely should not rely on it. However, I believe it's basically the app's "latent" key window. It's the window that will be made key again when the app is activated (unless it is activated by clicking on another of its windows).

iPhone: Stopping a Program from Running in the Background

Right now, I have an application with a single map view. What should I do to stop the app from retrieving new location updates once I hit the home button. My goal is to make that arrow next to the battery symbol disappear when on the main menu page. The app will launch again when the user brings it back to the foreground. This is what I have so far, but it's not working.
- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
What you have should work (in fact, I have used it once for debugging purposes).
However, you should not do that, despite the fact that it works. Simply set the UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend key in the Info.plist file of your application to true.